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1. The Old Testament Bible has 17 Historical, 5 Poetical, & 17 Prophetic
books in it.
2. The 17 Historical books are:
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 Kings
2 Kings
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
3. The 5 Poetical books are:
Song of Solomon
4. The 17 Prophetic books are:
5. The New Testament has 4 Gospels, Acts, 21 Epistles, & Revelation
in it.
6. The 4 Gospels are:
7. The 21 Epistles are:
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy
2 Timothy
1 Peter
2 Peter
1 John
2 John
3 John
8. The Hebrew Old Testament includes the same books as our English Old
Testament, but in a different order.
9. The Hebrew Old Testament also had some of its books combined to
become one book, that is why there is 24 instead of 39 in the Hebrew Old
10. The Bible contains 1189 chapters.
11. The Old Tesament has 929 chapters and the New Testament 260.
12. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, and the shortest is
Psalm 117.
13. Psalm 117 is the middle chapter of the Bible.
14. The longest verse is Esther 8:9, and the shortest is John
15. Old Testament Sequence of Events:
Adam..................................about 4000 B.C.
The Flood.............................about 2400 B.C.
Abraham...............................about 2000 B.C.
Jacob.................................about 1900 B.C.
Joseph................................about 1800 B.C.
Moses.................................about 1400 B.C.
The Exodus............................about 1400 B.C.
Ruth..................................about 1150 B.C.
Samuel................................about 1100 B.C.
Saul..................................about 1053 B.C.
David.................................about 1013 B.C.
Solomon...............................about 973 B.C.
Division of the Kingdom(1 Kings 12)...about 933 B.C.
Galilee Captivity.....................about 734 B.C.
Captivity of Israel...................about 721 B.C.
Judah Conquered by Babylon............about 606 B.C.
Jehoiachin's Captivity................about 597 B.C.
Destruction of Jerusalem..............about 586 B.C.
Return from Captivity.................about 536 B.C.
Temple Rebuilt........................about 520 B.C.
Esther becomes Queen of Persia........about 478 B.C.
Ezra Goes to Jerusalem................about 457 B.C.
Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall............about 444 B.C.
16. Alphabetic writing began before 1500 B.C.
17. Three basic writing styles through history are Pictographic,
Cuneform, and Alphabetic.
18. The traditional viewpoint is that Moses wrote the Pentateuch. From
studying the background history of the Bible, I think it is safe to say
this is correct.
19. The Garden of Eden was located near the top of the Persian Gulf.
20. Many cultures include a story similar to the Creation and the
World-Wide Flood mentioned in the Bible.
21. Twelve Bible prophecies of cities have been fulfilled partially or
completely. [The ones that haven't been completely fulfilled will be in
the future.]
22. The stages of development of the New Testament Canon:
Irenaeus quoted all of our New Testament minus the books Hebrews, 2
Peter, & 3 John within his work Against Heresies. (ca. A.D.
Within the Muratorian Canon the New Testament was listed minus
Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, & 3 John. (ca. A.D. 170-210)
Eusebius quoted all of our New Testament within his work
Ecclesiastical History. (ca. A.D. 260-340)
Athanasius quoted all of our New Testament within his thirty-ninth
Paschal Letter. (ca. A.D. 367)
The List of the Canon was closed by the Council of Carthage. (A.D.
23. The apocryphal books are 1 Esdras, Judith, Tobit, 1 Maccabees, 2
Maccabees, 3 Maccabees, 4 Maccabees, Odes, Wisdom, Sirach, Psalms of
Solomon, Baruch, & Letter of Jeremiah.
24. Between 300 B.C. and A.D. 700 biblical text was written into nine
various languages.
25. Various passages which relate Jesus to the Old Testament ~ Matt.
4:4, Matt. 5:17, Luke 24:27, John 5:39, John 5:46, & John 10:35.
26. Various passages which speak of Jesus Christ as a Diety ~ John 1:1,
John 20:28, Rom. 9:5, Phil. 2:11, & Col. 1:16.
27. Various passages which speak of Jesus Christ's humanity ~ John
1:14, Luke 2:7, Luke 2:40, Luke 8:23, John 4:6, & Heb. 4:15.
28. A Table of Weights:
gerah = 1/20 shekel = 1/50 ounce = 0.6 gram
bekah = 1/2 shekel = 1/5 ounce = 5.7 grams
pim = 2/3 shekel = 1/3 ounce = 7.6 grams
shekel = 2 bekahs = 2/5 ounce = 11.5 grams
litra = 30 shekels = 12 ounces = 400 grams
talent = 3000 shekels = 75-88 pounds = 34-40 kilograms
29. A Table of Lengths:
Handbreadth = 1/3 span = 3 inches = 8 centimeters
Span = 1/2 cubits = 9 inches = 23 centimeters
Cubit/Pechys = 2 spans = 18 inches = 0.5 meter
Fathom = 4 cubits = 2 yards = 2 meters
Kalamos = 6 cubits = 3 yards = 3 meters
Stadion = 400 cubits = 1/8 mile = 185 meters
Milion = 8 stadia = 1620 yards = 1.5 kilometer
30. Table of Dry Measures:
Xestes = 1/2 cab = 1 1/6 pints = 0.5 liter
Cab = 1/18 ephah = 1 quart = 1 liter
Choinix = 1/18 ephah = 1 quart = 1 liter
Omer = 1/10 ephah = 2 quarts = 2 liters
Seah/Saton = 1/3 ephah = 7 quarts = 7.3 liters
Modios = 4 omers = 1/4 bushel = 9 liters
Ephah = 10 omers = 3/5 bushel = 22 liters
Lethek = 5 ephahs = 3 bushels = 110 liters
Cor[Homer] = 10 ephahs = 6 bushels = 220/525 liters
31. Table of Liquid Measures:
Log = 1/72 bath = 1/3 quart = 0.3 liter
Xestes = 1/8 hin = 1 1/6 pints = 0.5 liter
Hin = 1/6 bath = 4 quarts = 4 liters
Bath = 6 hins = 6 gallons = 22 liters
Metretes = 10 hins = 10 gallons = 39 liters
Cor = 10 baths = 60 gallons = 220 liters
32. The various translations of the Bible made between A.D. 700 & A.D.
700-1000 Only parts of the Bible translated into "Old English"
1380 John Wycliffe translated the Bible from Latin to Middle English.
1100-1500 Nicholas of Hereford made a translation for Middle English
speaking people.
1100-1500 John Purvey revised Nicholas's translation.
1525/6 William Tymdale translated part of the Bible from Greek.
1535 Miles Coverdale published the Bible in English from Tyndale's
work, Greek, Hebrew, & other sources.
1537 Matthew's Bible by John Rogers. Recieved royal sanction of King
Henry VIII.
1539 The Great Bible by Coverdale. It was a revision of Matthew's
1560 The Geneva Bible was produced by Protestant scholars in Geneva.
1568 The Bishop's Bible was a revision of the Great Bible.
1582 & 1609 Rheims/Douai Translation was the Roman Catholic
translation from the Latin Vulgate of the Old and New Testaments.
1611 The King James Version(or Authorized Version) was translated by a
number of Bible scholars.
1885 The Revised Version was a revision of the Authorized Version.
1901 The American Standard Version is an American Revision of the
Authorized Version.
1903 The New Testament in Modern Speech was a translation produced by
R.T. Weymouth.
1924 A New Translation of the Bible was translated by James Moffatt.
1927 Centenary Translation of the New Testament was a translation
produced by the missionary Helen B. Montgomery.
1937 Williams New Testament was a translated by Charles B. Williams.
1938 The Bible:An American Translation was produced by E.J. Goodspeed
and J.M. Powis Smith.
1952 The Revised Standard Version was a revision of the American
Standard Version and the King James Version.
1955 The Holy Bible was translated by Ronald Knox.
1958 The New Testament in Modern English was translated by J.B.
1965 The Amplified Bible was translated by the Lockman Foundation.
1966 The Jerusalem Bible was originally translated in French by Roman
Catholic scholars.
1969 The New Berkeley (Modern Language) Bible was a revision of the
Berkeley Version of 1959 by Gerrit Verkuyl.
1970 The New English Bible was translated by certain people of
Britain's major churches and Bible societies.
1970 The New American Bible was translated by Roman Catholic scholars.
1971 The New American Standard Bible was a revision of the American
Standard Version by the Lockman Foundation.
1976 The Good News Bible(Today's English Version) was translated by
the American Bible Society.
1979 The New International Version was translated by evangelical
1982 The New King James Version was a modernization of the King James
1987 The New Century Version was an update of the International
Children's Bible.
1989 The New Revised Standard Version an update of the Revised
Standard Version.
1989 The Revised English Bible is a British committee's update of the
New English Bible.
1991 The Contemporary English Version(New Testament) was produced by
the American Bible Society.
33. Names of God from the Hebrew/Aramaic Old Testament:
Adonai/ Ps. 2:4/ Lord, Master
El-Berith/ Judg 9:46/ God of the Covenant
El Elyon/ Gen 14:18-20/ Most High God
El Olam/ Gen 21:33/ The Eternal God
El Shaddai/ Gen 17:1-2/ All Powerful God
Qedosh Yisra'el/ Isa 1:4/ The Holy One of Israel
Shapat/ Gen 18:25/ Judge/Ruler
Yahweh-jereh/ Gen 22:14/ Yahweh Provides
Yahweh-seba'ot/ 1 Sam 1:3/ Yahweh of Armies
Yahweh-shalom/ Judg 6:24/ Yahweh is Peace
Yahweh-tsidkenu/ Jer 23:6/ Yahweh Our Righteousness
Attiq yomin/ Dan 7:9/ Ancient of Days
Lllaya/ Dan 7:25/ Most High
34. The Ten Plagues of Egypt:
Water to Blood - The waters of the Nile turned to blood.
Frogs - Frogs infested the land of Egypt.
Gnats - Small stinging insects infested in the land of Egypt.
Flies - Swarms of flies, possibly a biting variety, infested the land
of Egypt.
Plague on the Cattle - A serious disease, possibly anthrax, infested
the cattle belonging to Egyptians.
Boils - A skin disease infected the Egyptians.
Hail - A storm that destroyed the grain fields of Egypt by spared the
land of Goshen inhabited by the Israelites.
Locusts - An infestation of locusts stripped the land of Egypt of
plant life.
Darkness - A deep darkness covered the land of Egypt for three days.
Death of the Firstborn - The firstborn of every Egyptian family
35. The Sacrificial System was comprised of five different offerings.
They are:
The Burnt Offering ~ Lev 1;6:8-13
The Grain Offering ~ Lev 2;6:14-23
The Fellowship Offering ~ Lev 3;7:11-36
The Sin Offering ~ Lev 4:1-5:13;6:24-30;12:6-8
The Guilt Offering ~ Lev 5:14-6:7;7:1-6;14:12-18
36. The Jewish Feasts and Festivals are:
Passover ~ March/April
Feast of Unleavened Bread ~ March/April
Feast of Weeks, or Harvest(Pentecost) ~ May/June
Feast of Trumpets(Rosh Hashanah) ~ September/October
Day of Atonement(Yom Kippur) ~ September/October
Feast of Booths, or Tabernacles ~ September/October
Feast of Dedication(Hanukkah) ~
Feast of Purim, or Esther ~ February/March
37. The Judges of the Old Testament are:
Othniel ~ Judg 1:12-13;3:7-11
Ehud ~ Judg 3:12-30
Shamgar ~ Judg 3:31
Deborah ~ Judg 4-5
Gideon ~ Judg 6-8
Tola ~ Judg 10:1-2
Jair ~ Judg 10:3-5
Jephthah ~ Judg 11:1-12:7
Ibzan ~ Judg 12:8-10
Elon ~ Judg 12:11-12
Abdon ~ Judg 12:13-15
Samson ~ Judg 13-16
Samuel ~ 1 & 2 Samuel
38. The Musical Instruments of the Old Testament are:
Percussion: bagpipe, bells, cymbals, sistrum, & tambourine.
String: harp, harplike instrument, lyre, & zither.
Wind: double pipe, horn, cornet, pipe, reed, ram's horn,
trumpet, & vertical flute.
39. The Israelites returned from exile three times. They are:
1. 538 B.C. Ezra 1-6 Leaders ~ Zerubbabel & Jeshua
2. 458 B.C. Ezra 7-10 Leader ~ Ezra
3. 444 B.C. Nehemiah 1-13 Leader ~ Nehemiah
40. Types of Biblical Prayers:
Confession = Ps 51/ Luke 18:10-24
Praise = 1 Chr 29:10-13/ Luke 1:46-55
Thanksgiving = Ps 105:1-7/ 1 Thess 5:16-18
Petition = Gen 24:12-14/ Acts 1:24-26
Intercession = Exod 32:11-13/ Phil 1:9-11
Commitment = 1 Kgs 8:56-61/ Acts 4:24-30
Forgiveness = Dan 9:4-19/ Acts 7:60
Confidence = Ps 23/ Luke 2:29-32
Benediction = Num 6:24-26/ Jude 24
41. The Characteristics of God Presented in Psalms are:
Anger / 5:6; 6:1; 27:9; 30:5; 73:20; etc.
Avenger / 9:12; 24:5; 26:1; 53:5; 58:6; etc.
Creator / 8:3; 22:9; 24:2; 78:69; 86:9; etc.
Deliverer(Savior) / 7:1,10; 9:14; 24:5; etc.
Faithful / 40:10; 54:5; 91:4; 92:2; 94:14; etc.
Forgiving / 25:11; 32:5; 65:3; 78:38; 79:9; etc.
Glory / 8:1; 24:7; 26:8; 29:1l; 63:2; etc.
Good / 13:6; 25:7; 27:13; 31:19; 34:8; etc.
Gracious / 67:1; 86:15; 103:8; 111:4; etc.
Healer / 6:2; 30:2; 103:3; 107:20; & 147:3
Holy / 16:10; 19:1; 20:6; 22:3; 29:2; 30:4; etc.
Jealous / 78:58; & 79:5
Judge / 7:8,11; 9:4,7-8; 50:4,6; 52:5; 75:2,7; etc.
Justice / 7:6; 9:8,16; 11:7; 33:5; 36:6; etc.
King / 5:2; 9:7; 11:4; 44:4; 47:2-9; 66:7; etc.
Living / 18:46; 42:2; & 84:2
Love / 6:4; 21:7; 25:6; 47:4; 48:9; 52:8; 60:5; etc.
Majesty / 8:1; 68:34; 76:4; 93:1; 96:6; 104:1; 111:3; 145:5
Mercy / 4:1; 5:7; 9:13; 26:11; 30:10; 31:9; etc.
Only God / 18:31; 35:10; 73:25; 95:3; 96:4-5; etc.
Perfect / 18:30; 92:15; 115:3; 135:6
Present / 16:11; 22:19; 23:4; 35:22; 38:21; etc.
Protector / 3:3; 5:11; 7:10; 16:5; 33:20; 66:9; etc.
Provider / 67:6; 68:9; 78:23-29; 81:16; 85:12; etc.
Redeemer / 19:14; 25:22; 55:18; 106:10; 107:2; etc.
Refuge, Rock / 7:1; 14:6; 19:14; 27:1; 28:1; etc.
Repent / 7:12; 90:13; & 106:45
Righteousness / 4:1; 11:7; 22:31; 36:6; 50:6; 65:5; 72:1; etc.
Shepherd / 23:1; 28:9; 74:1; 77:20; 78:52; 79:13; etc.
Spirit / 51:11; 104:30; 106:33; 139:7; & 143:10
Universal / 24:1; 50:1,12; 59:13; 65:2,5; 66:4; etc.
Wisdom / 104:24
Wonder Worker / 40:5; 46:8; 65:5; 66:3,5; 68:7; etc.
42. The Prophets in History(9th-5th century B.C.):
Elijah ~ 875-850
Micaiah ~ 856
Elisha ~ 855-800
Jonah ~ 775
Amos ~ 765
Hosea ~ 750
Isaiah ~ 740-698
Micah ~ 735-710
Oded ~ 733
Zephaniah ~ 630
Nahum ~ 625
Habakkuk ~ 625
Jeremiah ~ 626-584
Huldah(the prophetess) ~ 621
Ezekiel ~ 593-571
Joel ~ 588
Obadiah ~ 580
Haggai ~ 520
Zechariah ~ 520-514
Malachi ~ 433
43. Jesus' Ministry as Fulfillment of Scripture in Matthew:
Prophecy ~ Isa 7:14 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 1:18,22-23
Prophecy ~ Mic 5:2 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 2:4-6
Prophecy ~ Hos 11:1 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 2:14-15
Prophecy ~ Isa 11:1 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 2:23
Prophecy ~ Isa 9:1-2 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 4:12-16
Prophecy ~ Isa 53:4 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 8:16-17
Prophecy ~ Isa 42:1-4 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 12:16-21
Prophecy ~ Ps 78:2 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 13:34-35
Prophecy ~ Zech 9:9 / Fulfillment ~ Matt 21:1-5
44. Fifty one parables Jesus spoke are within the New Testament.
45. Most people reject Christ for one or more of the following reasons:
Ignorance - Romans 1:18-23 (often self-imposed), Matthew 22:29
Pride - John 5:40-44
Moral problem - John 3:19,20
46. The Bible was written:
over a 1500 year span.
over 40 generations.
over 40 authors from every walk of life(i.e. ~ kings, peasants,
philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars, etc).
in different places(i.e. ~ wilderness, dungeon, palace, etc).
at different times(i.e. ~ war, peace, etc).
in different moods(i.e. ~ heights of joy, depths of despair, etc).
on three continents(i.e. ~ Asia, Africa, & Europe).
in three languages(i.e. ~ Hebrew, Aramaic, & Greek).
including hundreds of controversial topics which would create
opposing viewpoints when mentioned or discussed, yet it has perfect
47. The approximate amount of Bibles that were published by 1932 is
1,330,213,815 Bibles.
48. The Types of Writing for Scripture are:
Uncial Writing
Minuscule Writing
49. There are now more than 5300 known Greek Manuscripts of the New
50. We have more than 24000 Manuscript copies of portions of the New
Testament in existence today.
Citings ~
Halley, Henry. Halley's Bible Handbook, Grand Rapids:Zondervan
Publishing House.
McDowell, Josh. Evidence That Demands a Verdict, San
Bernardino:Here's Life Publishers.
Gen. Editor: Dockery, David. Holman Bible Handbook, Nashville,
Tennessee:Holman Bible Publishers.
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