* Деян 27:26,44
* :4 Рим 1:14 1Кор 14:11 Кол 3:11 * Деян 27:3 Лев 19:18,34 Прит 24:11,12 Мат 10:42 Лук 10:30-37 * Рим 2:14,15,27 Евр 13:2 * Ездр 10:9 Иоан 18:18 2Кор 11:27
* Иов 20:16 Ис 30:6; 41:24; 59:5 Мат 3:7; 12:34; 23:33 * :4 Ам 5:19 2Кор 6:9; 11:23
* :2 * :5 Быт 3:1 Ис 13:21,22; 43:20 Соф 2:15 * Лук 13:2,4 Иоан 7:24; 9:1,2 * Быт 4:8-11; 9:5,6; 42:21,22 Числ 35:31-34 Прит 28:17 Ис 26:21 * Мат 23:35; 27:25 Отк 21:8
* Числ 21:6-9 Пс 91:13 Мар 16:18 Лук 10:19 Иоан 3:14,15 Рим 16:20 * Отк 9:3,4
* Деян 12:22; 14:11-13 Мат 21:9; 27:22
* Деян 13:7; 18:12; 23:24 * :2 Мат 10:40,41 Лук 19:6-9
* Мар 1:30,31 * Деян 9:40 1Ki 17:20-22 Иак 5:14-16 * Деян 9:17,18; 19:11,12 Мат 9:18 Мар 6:5; 7:32; 16:18 Лук 4:40; 13:13 * Мат 10:1,8 Лук 9:1-3; 10:8,9 1Кор 12:9,28
* Деян 5:12,15 Мат 4:24 Мар 6:54-56
* Мат 15:5,6 1Фес 2:6 1Тим 5:3,4,17,18 * 2Ki 8:9 Ездр 7:27 Мат 6:31-34; 10:8-10 2Кор 8:2-6; 9:5-11 * Фил 4:11,12,19
* Деян 6:9; 27:6 * Ис 45:20 Иона 1:5,16 1Кор 8:4
* Деян 27:13 * Деян 9:42,43; 19:1; 21:4,7,8 Пс 119:63 Мат 10:11 * Деян 20:6 Быт 7:4; 8:10-12
* Деян 10:25; 21:5 Исх 4:14 Иоан 12:13 Рим 15:24 Гал 4:14 Евр 13:3 * 3Иоан 1:6-8 * Иис_Н 1:6,7,9 1Цар 30:6 Пс 27:14 1Кор 12:21,22 2Кор 2:14; 7:5-7 * 1Фес 3:7
* Деян 2:10; 18:2; 19:21; 23:11 Рим 1:7-15; 15:22-29 Отк 17:9,18 * Деян 27:3,31,43 * Быт 37:36 2Ki 25:8 Иер 40:2 * :30,31; 24:23; 27:3 Быт 39:21-23
* Деян 23:1 *etc: * Деян 24:10-16; 25:8,10 Быт 40:15 * Деян 21:33 *etc: * Деян 23:33
* Деян 22:24,25,30; 24:10,22; 25:7,8; 26:31
* Деян 25:10-12,21,25; 26:32 * Рим 12:19-21 1Пет 2:22,23
* :17; 10:29,33 * Деян 23:6; 24:15 * Деян 26:6,7 * Деян 26:29 Еф 3:1; 4:1; 6:20 Фил 1:13 Кол 4:18 2Тим 1:10; 2:9 * Филим 10:13
* Исх 11:7 Ис 41:11; 50:8; 54:17
* Деян 16:20,21; 17:6,7; 24:5,6,14 Лук 2:34 1Пет 2:12; 3:16; 4:14-16 * Деян 5:17; 15:5; 26:5 1Кор 11:19 *marg:
* Филим 2 1:2 * Деян 17:2,3; 18:4,28; 19:8; 26:22,23 * Деян 26:6,22 Лук 24:26,27,44 * Деян 20:9-11 Иоан 4:34
* Деян 13:48-50; 14:4; 17:4,5; 18:6-8; 19:8,9 Рим 3:3; 11:4-6
* :29 * Мат 15:7 Мар 7:6 2Пет 1:21
* Ис 6:9,10 Иез 12:2 Мат 13:14,15 Мар 4:12 Лук 8:10 Иоан 12:38-40 * Рим 11:8-10 * Втор 29:4 Пс 81:11,12 Ис 29:10,14; 42:19,20; 66:4 Иер 5:21 * Иез 3:6,7; 12:2 Мар 8:17,18 Лук 24:25,45 2Кор 4:4-6
* Деян 2:14; 4:10; 13:38 Иез 36:32 * Пс 98:2,3 Ис 49:6; 52:10 Плач 3:26 Лук 2:30-32; 3:6 * Деян 11:18; 13:46,47; 14:27; 15:14,17; 18:6; 22:21; 26:17,18 * Мат 21:41-43 Рим 3:29,30; 4:11; 11:11; 15:8-16
* :25 Мат 10:34-36 Лук 12:51 Иоан 7:40-53
* :16
* :23; 8:12; 20:25 Мат 4:23 Мар 1:14 Лук 8:1 * Деян 5:42; 23:11 * Деян 4:29,31 Еф 6:19,20 Фил 1:14 Кол 4:3,4 2Тим 4:17 CONCLUDING REMARKS ON THE Деяния Апостолов OF THE APOSTLES. The Acts of the Apostles is a most valuable portion of Divine revelation; and, independently of its universal reception in the Christian church, as an authentic and inspired production, it bears the most satisfactory internal evidence of its authenticity and truth. Luke's long attendance upon Paul, and his having been an eyewitness of many of the facts which he has recorded, independently of his Divine inspiration, render him a most suitable and credible historian; and his medical knowledge, for he is allowed to have been a physician, enabled him both to form a proper judgment of the miraculous cures which were performed by Paul, and to give an authentic and circumstantial detail of them. The plainness and simplicity of the narrative are also strong circumstances in its favor. The history of the Acts is one of the most important parts of the Sacred History, for without it neither the Gospels nor Epistles could have been so clearly understood; but by the aid of it the whole scheme of the Christian revelation is set before us in a clear and easy view.
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