* Быт 18:13; 41:54-57; 42:5 Еккл 9:1,2 Плач 5:10 Деян 7:11-13
* :4,20; 42:1,2 Прит 15:16; 16:18; 31:16 1Тим 5:8; 6:6-8
* Быт 42:15-20,33,34; 44:23 * Деян 7:34 * :5 2Цар 3:13; 14:24,28,32 Деян 20:25,38
* Быт 42:38; 44:26 Исх 20:12
* Быт 42:38
* :3 *marg: we know. * :3 *marg:
* Быт 42:38; 44:26 Исх 20:12 * Быт 42:2 Втор 33:6 2Ki 7:4,13 Пс 118:17 * Быт 45:19; 50:8,21 Числ 14:31 Ездр 8:21
* Быт 42:37; 44:32,33 1Ki 1:21 Иов 17:3 Пс 122 119:122 Филим 18 1:18,19 * Евр 7:22 * Быт 9:5; 31:39 Иез 3:18,20; 33:6,8 Лук 11:50
* Быт 19:16
* :14 Есф 4:16 Деян 21:14 * Быт 32:13-21; 33:10; 37:25 Втор 33:14 1Цар 9:7; 25:27 1Ki 4:21; 10:25 * 1Ki 15:19 2Ki 8:8; 16:8; 20:12 Пс 68:29; 72:10; 76:11 Прит 17:18 * Прит 18:16; 19:6; 21:14 Иез 27:17 * Быт 37:25 Иер 8:22 Иез 27:15 For an explanation of the words {tzori, nechoth,} and {lot,} here rendered respectively balm, spices, and myrrh, see on ch. 25 37:25. {Devash,} honey, is supposed by some not to have been that produced by bees, but a syrup produced from ripe dates. The Jewish doctors observe, that the word in 2 Ch 5 31:5 signifies dates; and the Arabians, at this day, call the choicest dates preserved with butter, {dabous,} and the honey obtained from them, {dibs,} or {dabs.} {Benanim,} nuts signifies pistachio nuts, the finest thing found in Syria; but, according to the others, a small nut, the produce of a species of the turpentine tree. {Shekaidim} is certainly almonds. * Лев 20:24 * 1Ki 10:15 Песн_П 4:10,14-16; 5:1; 8:14
* Рим 12:17; 13:8 2Кор 8:21 Фил 4:8 1Фес 4:6; 5:21 Евр 13:8 * Быт 42:25,35
* Быт 42:38
* Быт 17:1; 22:14; 32:11-28; 39:21 Ездр 7:27 Неем 1:11 Есф 4:16 Пс 37:5-7 * Пс 85:7; 100:5; 119:41 Прит 1:1; 16:7; 21:1 Ис 49:13 Лук 1:50 * Деян 7:10; 21:14 1Тим 1:2,16 Тит 1:4 2Иоан 1:3 * Есф 4:16 * :11
* :12 Исх 22:4,7 Прит 6:31 * Быт 39:1; 46:3,6 * Быт 37:7; 47:2,7 Мат 2:11 Деян 7:13
* :19; 15:2; 24:2-10; 39:4,5; 44:1 * Быт 21:8; 26:30; 31:54 1Цар 25:11 {Tevoch taivach,} "slay a slaying," or make a great slaughter: let preparations be made for a great feast or entertainment. See a similar form of speech in ch. 54 31:54. * 1Цар 25:11 Прит 9:2
* Быт 42:21,28,35 Суд 13:22 Иов 15:21 Пс 53:5; 73:16 Ис 7:2 * Мат 14:26,27 Мар 6:16 * Втор 22:14,17 Суд 14:4 Иов 30:14 Рим 7:8
* :16,24 2Цар 19:17 Ис 22:15 * Иоан 14:26
* :3,7; 42:3,10,27,35
* Быт 42:27-35 * :12 Рим 12:17; 13:8 Евр 13:5,18 1Пет 2:12; 3:16
* Рим 10:3
* Суд 6:23; 19:20 1Цар 25:6 1Пар 12:18 Ездр 4:17 Лук 10:5; 24:36 * Иоан 14:27; 20:19,21,26 {Caspechem ba ailai,} "your money comes to me:" as I am the steward, the cash for the corn belongs to me. Ye have no occasion to be apprehensive of any evil; the whole transaction is between myself and you; receive therefore the money as a present from "the God of your father," no matter whose hands he employs to convey it. * :14; 42:24,36
* Быт 18:4; 19:2; 24:32 Лук 7:44 Иоан 13:4-17 Бытие.43:25 * :11,16 Бытие.43:26 * :28; 27:29; 37:7-10,19,20; 42:6 Пс 72:9 Рим 14:11 Фил 2:10,11 Бытие.43:27 * Быт 37:14; 41:16 Исх 18:7 Суд 18:15 1Цар 17:22; 25:5 1Пар 18:10 the old. * Быт 42:11,13 Бытие.43:28 * :26; 37:7,9,10 * Исх 18:7 2Цар 1:2; 14:4 1Ki 1:16 2Пар 24:17 Бытие.43:29 * Быт 30:22-24; 35:17,18 * Быт 42:11,13 * Быт 45:8 Иис_Н 7:19 2Пар 29:11 Пс 133:1,2 Мат 9:2,22 Мар 10:24 * 1Тим 1:2 Евр 13:1 * Числ 6:25 Пс 111:4; 112:4 Ис 30:19; 33:2 Мал 1:9 Бытие.43:30 * 1Ki 3:26 Иер 31:20 Ос 11:8 Фил 1:8; 2:1 Кол 3:12 1Иоан 3:17 * Быт 42:24 Иоан 11:33-38 Деян 20:19,31,37 2Тим 1:4 Бытие.43:31 * Быт 45:1 Ис 42:14 Иер 31:16 1Пет 3:10 * :25 Бытие.43:32 * :16; 31:54 The Chaldee Paraphrast renders this clause, "Because the Hebrews eat the cattle which the Egyptians worship." But, as we learn from ver. 16, compared with this verse, that the provision for the entertainment of the Egyptians themselves was animal food, this reason cannot be just. The true reason seems to be that assigned by the LXX., [ :] "For every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians." * Быт 46:34 Исх 8:26 Бытие.43:33 Бытие.43:34 * 2Цар 11:8 Sir John Chardin observes, that "in Persia, Arabia, and the Indies, there are some houses where they place several plates in large salvers, and set one of these before each person, or before two or three, according to the magnificence of each house. The great men of the state are always served by themselves, in the feasts that are made for them; and with great profusion, their part of each kind of provision being always double, treble, or a larger proportion of each kind of meat." * Быт 45:22 1Цар 1:5; 9:22-24 * Прит 31:6 Еккл 9:7; 10:19 Песн_П 5:1 Авв 1:6 Мат 11:19 Иоан 2:10
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