* Быт 22:3 Пс 119:60 Иер 7:13; 25:3; 26:5 Мар 1:35 * Иис_Н 2:1 Числ 25:1 Мих 6:5 Jordan, called by the Arabs El Sharia, takes its rise in Anti-Libanus, about twelve miles north of Caesarea Philippi, now Bannias; and, having run about twelve miles southward, it receives a considerable stream, which is now called the Moiet Hasbeia. About 15 miles farther, it forms the waters of Merom or Semechon, now Houle; and, after running about 28 miles more, it passes through the lake of Gennesaret, and these runs southward till it loses itself in the Dead Sea; its whole course being about 160 miles.
* Иис_Н 1:10,11
* Иис_Н 3:11 Числ 10:33 * Иис_Н 3:6,8,14-17; 4:10; 6:6 Числ 4:15 Втор 31:9,25 2Цар 6:3,13 1Пар 15:11 * Иис_Н 15:12 * Исх 13:21,22 Мат 8:19; 16:24 Отк 14:4
* Исх 3:5; 19:12 Пс 89:7 Евр 12:28,29 * Быт 31:2 Исх 4:10 1Пар 11:2 Ис 30:33
* Иис_Н 7:13 Исх 19:10-15 Лев 10:3; 20:7 Числ 11:8 1Цар 16:5 Иов 1:5 * Иоил 2:16 Иоан 17:19 * Иис_Н 3:13,15 Пс 86:10; 114:1-7
* Иис_Н 3:3 Числ 14:15; 10:33 Мих 2:13 Иоан 14:2,3 Евр 6:20
* Иис_Н 4:14 1Пар 29:25 2Пар 1:1 Иов 7:17 Пс 18:35 Иоан 17:1 Фил 1:20 * Иис_Н 2:9-11 * Иис_Н 1:5,17
* Иис_Н 3:3 1Пар 15:11,12 2Пар 17:8,9; 29:4-11,15,27,30; 30:12; 31:9,10 * Иис_Н 35:2-6 Неем 12:24; 13:22,28 * Иис_Н 3:17 Исх 14:13 Плач 3:26
* Втор 4:1; 12:8
* Числ 15:28-30 1Ki 18:36,37; 22:28 Пс 9:16 Ис 7:14 2Кор 13:2,3 * Втор 5:26 1Цар 17:26 2Ki 19:4 Иер 10:10 Ос 1:10 Мат 16:16 Иоан 6:69 * 1Фес 1:9 Евр 10:31 * Иис_Н 22:31 Исх 17:7 Втор 31:17 Суд 6:12,13 * Иис_Н 21:45 Быт 15:15-15 Исх 3:8; 23:27-30; 33:2 Втор 7:1 Пс 44:2,3
* Иис_Н 3:13 Пс 24:1 Ис 54:5 Иер 10:7 Мих 4:13 Соф 2:11 Зах 4:14; 6:5 * Иис_Н 14:9 * Иис_Н 3:3-6 Ис 3:12
* Иис_Н 4:2,9
* Иис_Н 3:15,16 * Иис_Н 3:11 * Иис_Н 3:16 Исх 15:8 Пс 33:7; 78:13; 114:3-5 Авв 3:15
* Иис_Н 3:3,5; 6:6 Втор 31:26 Иер 3:16 Деян 7:44,45 1Кор 1:24,25 Евр 9:4
* Иис_Н 3:13 Ис 26:6 The ordinary current of the Jordan, near where the Israelites crossed, is said by Maundrell, to be about twenty yards wide, deeper than a man's height, and so rapid, that there is no swimming against it. It has, however, two banks; the first, or inner one, is that of the river it its natural state, and the second, or outer one, about a furlong distant, is that of its overflowings, which it does when the summer's sun has melted the snow on mount Lebanon and Hermon, in the months of March and April. And this was the time which God chose that the Israelites should pass over it; that a miraculous interposition might be necessary; and that, by the miracle, they might be convinced of his omnipotence. * Иис_Н 4:18 1Пар 12:15 Иер 12:5; 49:19 * Иис_Н 5:10-12 Лев 23:10-16 Втор 16:1-9
* Иис_Н 3:13 Пс 29:10; 77:19; 114:3 Мат 8:26,27; 14:24-33 * 1Ki 4:12 * 1Ki 7:46 - the Salt Sea * Иис_Н 15:2 Быт 14:3 Числ 34:3 Втор 3:17 Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptians with great trepidation: but they passed Jordan in the day-time, with previous warning, leisurely, directly opposite to Jericho, and with a triumphant defiance of the Canaanites; this passage into the promised land evidently typifying the believer's passage through death to heaven.
* Иис_Н 3:3-6 * Иис_Н 4:3 2Ki 2:8 * Исх 14:22,29 Пс 66:6 Ис 25:8 Евр 11:29
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