ftg1 Went to God between the hours of eight and nine o’clock in the evening of Saturday 27th May. ftg2 Conferences de Geneve en 1861, 1. pp. 390, 391, ftg4 See Book 2. ch. 21, 22, 26, 31, 33. ftg6 ‘Those children of the gods, the Bourbons, unite their fruitful races.’ ftg7 French Republic after 1848. ftg8 Dr. Pusey, Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury. ftg9 ‘Adimere libertatem religionis, interdicere optionem divinitatis,’ etc. Tertullianus, Apol. cap. 24. ftg10 Athanasius, Hist. Arian. Section 3. ftg11 ‘Quis autem optabilior ad to nuncius adferri poterat, aut nos ipsi quod felicius optare poteramus principium pontificatus tui, quam ut primis illis mensibus tetram illam caliginem, quasi exorto sole, discussam cerneremus?’ — Mureti Orat. 22. ftg12 ‘Cum promitterem mihi omnia tranquilla, aderat foribus quod minime sperabam.’ — Letter to Francis Daniel. ftg13 Calvin, Harmonie Evangelique. ftg14 Calvin, Lettres Francaises, published by Jules Bonnet, 1. p. 349. ftg15 ‘In agrum Santonicum demigrans.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. ftg16 ‘Conclavi quodam in Tilii aedibus, plus quatuor librorum, tam impressorum quam manuscriptorum, millibus instructo.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 248. ftg17 See Vol. 2. book 2. ch. 20. ftg18 Corresp. de Calvin et de Du Tillet, published by M. Crottet, p. 30. ftg19 ‘Nunquam minus solum esse quam quum solus esset.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 247. ftg20 Calvin, Institutes, bk. 1. ch. 17. ftg21 ‘Et pro ea quam nosti desidia, nonnihil studendo proficere.’ — Berne MSS. vol. 450, Calvin to Fr. Daniel. Doxopolis. ftg22 ‘Si id temporis quod vel exilio, vel secessui destinatum est, tanto in otio transigere datur, praeclare mecum agi existimabo.’ — Ibid. ftg23 ‘Nidus, mihi, in tranquillo componebatur praeter opinionem.’ — Ibid. ftg24 ‘Sane inertissimi hominis ignaviam acuere posset patroni mei humanitas.’ — Berne MSS. vol. 459, Calvin to F. Daniel. Doxopolis. ftg25 ‘Mihi conandum est, scrioque contendendum.’ — Ibid. ftg26 ‘Tam somni quam cibi om ino oblitus.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2 :p. 247. ftg27 ‘Debere nobis in promptu esse fidei confessionem ut eam proferamus quoties opus est.’ — Calvin, Opp. 5. pars 4ta, p. 34. ftg28 ‘In hac ofticina Vuleani… telam exorsus ad capiendos simplicium animos… Alcoranum vel Talmud.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 246, and French edition, liv. 7. ch. 9. ftg29 Opusc. Franc. de Calvin, p. 3. This letter is not in the Latin edition. ftg30 ‘Vim duntaxat vitam esse, aiunt, quae ex spiritu arteriae aut pulmonum agitatione ducitur.’ — Psychvpannychia, Op. Lat. p. 1. ftg31 Opusc, Franc. p. 2, Preface. ftg32 Opusc. Franc. p. 12. Opusc. Lat. p. 5. ftg33 Revelation 6:11, Revelation 7:9. ftg34 ‘O spiritus dormitorii! Quid vobis sunt stolae albae? Pulvinaria scilicet in quibus ad somnum decubent?’ Opusc. Lat. pp. 10,11,15. ftg35 Montaigne, Essais, liv. 1. ch. 27. ftg36 Correspondance de Calvin avec Du Tillet, pp. 29, 34, 48. ftg37 Calvin, Psaumes, ch. 104. ftg38 Drelincourt, Defense du Ca’vinisme, p. 40; Crottet, Chron. protest. p. 96. ftg39 Perroniana. ftg40 ‘Ut erat omnibus qui litteras amabaut carus.’ — Flor. Remond, HiSt. Heres. 2. 246. ftg41 ‘Sornettes, plaisantes rencontres, railleries, brocards, et toutes niaiseries, lesquelles s’en vont en fumee.’ ftg42 ‘Neque enim sum immemor quantum me meliorem reddideris.’ — De la Place to Calvin. Geneva MSS. ftg43 ‘In arce quadam, non procul ab oppido Engolismensi sita.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 247. ftg44 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. (French ed. liv. 7. p. 389; Lat. ed. liv. 7. p. 251.) ftg45 Calvini Opp. Ephes. 6. ftg46 ‘Ibi Institutiones suas Calvinus depromebat quantum quoque die scripsisset ipsis recitans.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 247. ftg47 ‘Theologiae suae mysteria revelabat atque explicabat.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 247. ftg48 ‘Complures auctoritatis viros in suam sententiam pertraxit.’ — Ibid. ftg49 ‘Butevillani prior lutheranorum papa postea cognominatus.’ — Ibid. ftg50 ‘Du Perron, in the Perroniana, mentions several of Calvin’s letters preserved by the Du Tillets. ftg51 ‘Amico euidam cujus rogatu breves quasdam admonitiones Christianas scripsit.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini, Lat. p. 4; French, p. 15. Bayle (sub voce Calvin ) thinks that Du Tiller was the friend of whom Beza speaks; Perhaps it was Chaillou. ftg52 ‘Semel atque iterum in aede S. Petri obivit.’ — Flor. Remond, HiSt. Heres. 2. p. 251, etc. Crottet, Chron. protest. p. 97. ftg53 Varillas, Hist. des Revolutions Religieuses, 2. p. 459. ftg54 Brantome, Capitaines illustres, p. 235. ftg55 Olhagaray, Hist. de Foix, etc. p. 505. ftg56 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 8. ch. 2. ftg57 Sainte Marthe, Oraison funebre de la Reine de Navarre. ftg58 MSS. fol. 2. Schmidt, p. 131. ftg59 MSS. fol. 89 a , 177 b . — Ibid. pp. 145, 157. ftg60 Calvini Opp. James 3:17. ftg61 ‘Ecclesia in pristinam puritatem restituenda propositum ei aperuit, inquiens nihil omnino sani in catholica superesse ecclesia.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 272. ftg62 ‘Non destruendam sed fulciendam.’ — Ibid. ftg63 ‘Vetus illud aedificium planissime esse dejiciendum, et novum instruendum.’ — Ibid. ftg64 ‘Ejusdem ruinis sepultum.’ — Ibid. ftg65 Bayle. Dictionnaire critique, sub voce. ftg66 ‘Eruditione, pietate, animi generositate nobilissimus.’ — Bezae Icones. ftg67 ‘Ut vix illorum manus cruentas effugerit.’ — Bezae Icones. ftg68 ‘Futurum augurant.’ Beza, Vita Calvini. ftg69 ‘Insigne instrumentum.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. ftg70 ‘Coelestis in Gallia instaurandi regni.’ — Ibid. ftg71 ‘Ne perfervidum hoc ingenium omnia misceret atque everteret.’ — Flor. Remond, 2. p. 272. ftg72 Freer’s Life of Maguerite, 2. p. 120. ftg73 ‘Redarguer librement ceux qui s’accouplant avec les infideles, leur tenaient compagnie en idolatrie externe.’ — Calvin, Comm. in 2 ad Cor., cap. 7. ftg74 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. lib. 7. cap. 3. ftg75 MS. de la Biblioth. imper., No. 7021, fol. 146. Schmidt, Roussel, p. 151. ftg76 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. lib. 8. cap. 12. ftg77 Brantome, Memoires. De Coste, Reines illustres. Matthieu. Hist. de Francois I. ftg78 This drama, which we have been forced to abridge, will be found in the Marguerites de la Marguerite, tom. 1. pp. 148-206. ftg79 Marguerite d’Angouleme, par le comte de la Ferriere-Percy, pp. 9, ftg80 In translating the extracts for this poem, no attempt has been made to give a polish to the verses, which was not found in the original. ftg81 Petit enfant, ne veuillez epargner Moi tres-petit… car, soit pour vous baigner, Ou pour chauffer vos draps en votre lit, A vous servir je prendrai grand delit (delice.) ftg82 ‘Qui pro primo esset.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 3. ftg83 Il y aura quelque fente ou crevasse. ftg84 C’est assez au talon. ftg85 Madame, au moins, son petit bout d’orteil Pour le baiser. ftg86 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 3. ftg87 Je suis a lui de l’un a l’autre bout. ftg88 Plus nous souffrons, plus notre joie redouble ; De vos plaisirs ne donnons pas un double. * *The double was the sixth part of a sou. ftg89 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 3. ftg90 Lettres francaises de Calvin, 1. p. 119. ftg91 ‘Tilius haustis animo Calvini opinionibus.’ — Flor. Remond, HiSt. Heres. 2. ftg92 ‘Miro desiderio eos videndi incensus, qui catholicae ecclesiae bellum indixerant.’ — Ibid. ftg93 See M. Cousin’s excellent edition. ftg94 Varillas, Hist. des Rev. rel., 2. p. 473. ftg95 ‘Riotes et cavillations… arguments cornus et surprises subtiles… comme s’il etait un bailleur de sornettes ordinaires… au lieu de s’entortiller dans des contestations superflues… il mettait en avant ce qui est ferme.’ ftg96 ‘Magnae existimationis vir, praesertim apud regis matrem.’ — Flor Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 251. ftg97 Flor. Remond, Hist. des Heresies (ed. fr.), p. 890. ftg98 P. de Farnace, Brief Recueil de la Vie de Messire P. de la Place, p. sqq. Bayle’s Dict. Hist. sub voce ‘De la Place.’ ftg99 Calvin, Lettres Francaises, 1. pp. 70-71 ftg100 Calvin on James, 4:17. ftg101 P. de Farnace, Brief Recueil, p. 11 sqq. ftg102 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 11. Remond exaggerates Calvin’s opinion about Luther and Zwingle. ftg103 ‘Inter sylvas Aeademi quaerere verum.’ — Horace. ftg104 ‘In horto illo primum calvinisticum celebratum fuit concilium in Gallia.’ — Flor Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 252. ftg105 De Farnace, Vie de la Place, p. 11. ftg106 La grotte de Calvin. See Crottet, Chronique protestante, p. 105; and A. Lievre, Hist. du Protestantisme du Poitou, 1. p. 23. ftg107 In locis secretis frequenter convenerunt.’ — Flor. Remond, HiSt. Heres. 2. p. 253. Remond declares that he had spared no pains to trace out all Calvin’s career in France. ‘In conquirendis variis quae eo pertinent documentis, nulli labori peperci.’ This has not prevented him from occasionally seasoning his narrative with abuse and calumny. ftg108 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 11. ftg109 ‘Precem magna vehementia et devotione.’ — Ibid. 2. p. 252. ftg110 ‘Per pagos etiam et villas.’ — Ibid. 2. p. 253. ftg111 ‘Quod sicut simiae hominum opera perperam, ita hi sacram coenam imitantur.’ — Calvini Opusc. lat. p. 123. ftg112 ‘Histrionicam actionem appello quod ineptiae gestusque histrionici illic visuntur.’ — Ibid. ftg113 ‘Monstrato Bibliorum codice, dixisse: Haec est missa mea.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 261. ftg114 ‘Ecce enim hic legem tuam.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 261. ftg115 ‘In locis illis secretis prima calvinistica coena celebrata fuit.’ — Ibid. p. 253. ftg116 ‘Non ipse solum explicabat, sed aliorum sontentias requirebat.’ — Ibid. ftg117 Theodore de Beze, Hist. des Eglises ref . 1. p. 63. ftg118 Lievre, Hist. des Protestants du Poitou, 1. p. 38. ftg119 ‘Hic Calvino in ecclesiae navi suae perversa dogmata praedicare permisit.’ — Gallia christiana in loco. See also Lievre, p. 38. ftg120 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. p. 919. ftg121 Ibid. ftg122 This family has reckoned, even to our own days, men decided for the Gospel. The interview of Armand-Louis dc St. George, Count of Marsay, with Voltaire, in his chateau of Changins, near Geneva, is well known. Appointed British resident in that city in 1717, he acquired the rights of citizenship (France Protestante, under Saint George ). The present head of the family, Count Alexander de St. George, for many years president of the Evangelical Society of Geneva, took an active part in the liberation of the Madiai and in other christian works. ftg123 ‘Calvinus interim, ferrum sibi in igne esse intelligens.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 253. ftg124 ‘Ut miseris papistis oculos aperiendi provinciam suscepcrint.’ — Ibid. ftg125 Calvin, Harmonie evangelique. ftg126 ‘Manducationem quae a viro illo Dei tradita erat celebrabat.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. p. 252. ftg127 Ibid. lib. 7. cap. 12. ftg128 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 7. cap. 12. ftg129 Ibid. cap. 11. ftg130 Ibid. ftg131 Ibid. ftg132 Ibid., lib. 7. cap. 11. ftg133 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. lib. 7. cap. 11. ftg134 Crespin, Martyrol. A. Lievre, Hist. des Protest. du Poitou. ftg135 Calvin a l’Eglise de Poitiers, Lettres Francaises, tom. 2. p. 12. See also Lievre, Hist. des Prot. du Poitou, tom. 1. p. 33. ftg136 Calvin aux fideles de Poitiers, Lettres Francaises , 1. p. 433. ftg137 ‘Rasis capitibus sicut sacerdotis Isidis atque Serapidis.’ — Hieron. 13. in Ezech. cap. 44. ftg138 ‘Optimis et splendidis sacerdotiis, se protinus abdicat.’ — Calvini Opusc. lat. p. 90. ftg139 Lettre de Ste Marthe a Calvin, found by Jules Bonnet in the library at Gotha (MSS. no. 404). ftg140 Desmay, Vie de Calvin heresiarque, pp. 48, 49. Levasseur, Annales de Noyon, pp. 1161, 1168. Drelincourt, p. 171. We possess a deed by which Calvin sells to one of the king’s mounted sergeants his field of the Tuilerie for the sum of 10 livres tournois. ftg141 Melioris theologiae professor eximius.’ — Strasburg MS. (June 20, 1534.) ftg142 ‘Etiam rex ipse, cujus animus erga meliores litteras in dies magis ac magis augetur.’ — Ibid. ftg143 ‘Pulchre inclinabat regnum Papae in Gallia. Ad Christum multi adspirabant.’ — Ibid. ftg144 ‘S’y etait fait place deja fort large, jusqu’a presque se dire maitresse, memement de Paris.’ — Fontaine, Hist. cath. de notre Temps, (Paris) p. 188. ftg145 ‘Magnum vitae periculum.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. ftg146 See Vol. 2. of this History, bk. 2. chap. 32. ftg147 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 107 verso. ftg148 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 112 verso. ftg149 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113. ftg150 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113 verso. ftg151 Ibid. p. 113. ftg152 Tiraboschi, Lettere italiane, 7. p. 315. ftg153 Palearii Op . lib. 1. ep. 17. ftg154 ‘Per ejuscemodi homines, saepe Deus aliquid facit, qui quum quantum possunt tantum velint, magno solent esse exemplo.’ — Strasburg MS. Schmidt, G. Roussel, p. 220. ftg155 ‘Utinam animus esset nunc in manibus atque in calamo.’ — Ibid. ftg156 Calvin, in I. Epist. ad Thessal. ftg157 See below, chap. 11. ftg158 Th. de Beze, Dict. Ecclesiastes p. 11. France protestante, art. Amyot. ftg159 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113. ftg160 Calvin contre les Libertins. Opusc. franc. p. 652; Obusc. lat. p. 510. ftg161 Opusc. franc. p. 664; Opusc. lat. p. 520. ftg162 Opusc. franc. p. 666; ibid. p. 523. ‘Unicum esse spiritum Dei qui sit et vivat in omnibus creaturis.’ ftg163 ‘Nullam homini voluntatem tribuunt, ac si esset lapis.’ — Obusc. lat. p. 669. ftg164 Luth. Ep. 3. p. 62. ftg165 ‘Cest ty , c’est my , c’est Dieu; car ce que ty ou my faisons, c’est Dieu qui le fait.’ ftg166 Opusc. franc. p. 662; Opusc. lat. p. 518. ftg167 Calvin, Matthew 22:29. ftg168 ‘Deum latronem, furem, scortatorem.’ — Opusc. lat. p. 530. ftg169 ‘Nigrum in album commutare.’ — Ibid. ftg170 Opusc. franc. p. 663; Opusc. lat. p. 519. ftg171 ‘Scriptura nasus cereus fiat, aut instar pila, sursum deorsumque agitetur.’ — Opusc. lat. p. 519; Opusc. franc. p. 663. ftg172 ‘Se gloriam Dei videre.’ — Opusc. franc. p. 688; Opusc. lat. p. 547. ftg173 ‘Tanquam porci in hara stertere.’ — Opusc. lat. p. 541; Opusc. franc. p. 688. ftg174 Opusc. lat. p. 501. ‘Praestabilius sit leoni quam vulpeculae similem esse.’ ftg175 ‘Ut quemadmodum sacerdotes et monachi cantillando, sic ipsi garriendo vitam quaererent.’ — Opusc. franc. p. 652; Opusc. lat. p. 511. ftg176 ‘Adversus fanaticam et furiosam sectam libertinorum, qui se spirituales vocant, instructio,’ etc. — Opusc. lat. p. 506. ftg177 Theod. de Beze, Hist. Ecclesiastes 1. p. 9. ftg178 ‘In Serveto multae notae fanatici spiritus.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 660. ftg179 ‘Bone Deus! quales tragoedias excitabit haec quaestio ad posteros.’ — Ib. p. 630. ftg180 ‘Perdat Dominus omnes ecclesiae tyrannos! Amen.’ — Christ. Restitutio. ftg181 ‘Declarat Christum esse Deum, non natura sed specie, non per naturam sed per gratiam.’ — De Trinitatis Erroribus, 1531, fol. 12. ftg182 Luther, Ep. 4. p. 423. ftg183 Trechsel, Protestant. Anti-trinit. 1. p. 100. ftg184 ‘Pro suggestu pronuntiavit dignum esse qui avulsis visceribus discerperetur.’ — Calvin, Ep. et Resp. p. 154. ftg185 ‘Obtuli meam operam ad eum sanandum.’ — Calvin, Op. 8. p. 511. ftg186 ‘Nec per me stetisse quominus resipiscenti manum pii omnes porrigerent.’ — Ibid. ftg187 ‘Diutius quidem sed frustra expectavit.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. ftg188 Trechsel, Die protestant. Anti-trinit. 1. p. 110. ftg189 ‘Qua ruina immortalitatem suam perdiderit.’ — Opusc. lat. p. 19. ftg190 Calvinus Libertino (Fabri). Neuchatel MSS. ftg191 ‘Nonnullos bonos viros.’ — Opusc. lat. Psychopan. Lectoribus. ftg192 Johannes von Muller. ftg193 For Calvin’s influence on the French language see my History of the Reformation, vol. 3. bk. 12. ch. 15. ftg194 ‘Quaedam paulo acrius atque etiam asperius dicta quae aures quorundam delicatulas radere fortasse possent.’ — Calvinus Libertino. ftg195 Calvin, Psaumes, 128. ftg196 ‘Relicta patria, Germaniam concessi, ut in obscuro aliquo angulo abditus, quiete denegata fruerer.’ — Praef. in Psalm. ftg197 Varillas, Hist. des Revelation rel. 2. p. 490. ftg198 Beza, Vita Calvini . ftg199 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 3. Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 8. ch. 5. ftg200 Ruchat, Hist. Ref. Suisse, tom. 3. p. 182, after a MS. journal of Jean le Comte. ftg202 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 111. ftg203 Ibid. ftg204 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. liv. 7. chap. 5. In the Latin edition we read: ‘Famoso libello a Farello, ut creditur, composito.’ — p. 228. ftg205 This is the date given in the Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 440. Fontaine, in his Histoire Catholique gives the 18th October. ftg206 Calvin, passim. ftg207 ‘Sursum Dominus est.’ — Aug. Ep. ad Dardanum. ftg208 ‘Secundum humanam substantiam dereliquerat terram cum ascendisset in coelum.’ — Fulg. ad Thrasimundum, lib. 2. ftg209 Michelet, Hist. de France ; the volume entitled ‘La Reforme.’ ftg210 ‘Per universam fere Galliam nocte in omnibus angulis affixerunt manibus.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 855. ftg211 ‘Perturbatus hac re populus, territae multorum cogitationes, concitati magistratus.’ — Ibid. p. 856. ftg212 ‘Qua quidem in re, nihil differunt a meretricibus.’ — See the writing. In pontificios mercatores et caupones. — Gerdes, 4. p. 108. ftg213 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 112 verso. ftg214 Journal, d’un Bourgeios de Paris, published by Lalanne, p. 449. ftg215 Fontaine, Hist. Catholique. ftg216 ‘Anto regis conclave.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 856. ftg217 Crespin’s Martyrologie. ftg218 Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 449. ftg219 Fontaine, Hist. Cath. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 452. ftg220 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 112 verso. ftg221 Crespin, Martyrol. folio 112 verso. ftg222 ‘Quidam mature sibi consulentes aufugerunt.’ — Corp. Ref. 2 p. 856. ftg223 Qui ad se ea pericula spectare non putabant, qui non contaminati erant eo scelere, hi etiam in partem poenarum veniunt.’ — Ibid. ftg224 Theod. de Beze, Hist. Eccles. p. 10. ftg225 Theod. de Beze, Hist. Eccles. p. 10. ftg226 Journal d’un Bourgeois, p. 44. ftg227 Crespin, Martyrol. fol, 112. ftg228 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113. ftg229 ‘Delatores et quadruplatores publice comparantur.’ — Sturm to Melanchthon, Corp. Ref. 2. p. 856. ftg230 Florimond Remond. ftg231 Flor. Remon. Hist. Heres. 7. ch. 5. ftg232 Varillas. ftg233 ‘The one, because they are wicked and evil-doers; the others because they gratify the wicked.’ — Le Misanthrope. ftg234 MSS. Bibl. imp. F. Supplement, No. 133. ftg235 Lettres de la Reine de Navarre, 1. p. 299. ftg236 ‘Beda conjectus est in carcerem accusatus criminis laesae majestatis.’ — Cop to Bucer, 5th April, 1535. ftg237 France Protestante, art. Marguerite. Freer, Life of Marguerite d’Angouleme, 2. p. 142. ftg238 Journal d’un Bourgeois , p. 444. ftg239 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 43. ftg240 Journal d’un Bourgeois, p. 445. ftg241 Crespin, Martyrol fol. 113 verso. ftg242 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113 verso. ftg243 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 130. This manuscript, published by M. Guiffrey in 1860, has described several new facts. ftg244 Chronique du Roi Francois I. pp. 130-132. ftg245 The breeches-preacher; comp. Italian brache. ftg246 The list of those who were noted by the officers of justice as having fled from Paris, of which the Bourgeois de Paris speaks in his Journal, p. 446, is given mere completely in the Chronique de Francois I., pp. 130-132. ftg247 ‘Gerardus Rufus… decreto regio absolutus.’ — Cop to Bucer, Strasburg MS. ftg248 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 113. ftg249 ‘Quam avido novitatis ingenio essent Galli.’ — Flor. Remond, HiSt. Heres. 2. p. 229. ftg250 These are temporary altars set up in the streets, and at which the procession of the Corpus Christi halts ‘to repose the Holy Sacrament.’ ftg251 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 114. ftg252 1 Kings 18:27. ftg253 Calvin, Opusc. franc, pp. 750-751. ftg254 Calvin, Opusc. franc. p. 745. ftg255 Ibid. pp. 727 and 736, ftg256 Ibid. pp. 736, 742. ftg257 Ibid. p. 734. ftg259 Garnier, Hist. de France, 24 :p. 556. ftg260 ‘Innumera denique plebis multitudine.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 229. See also the Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris ; Fontaine, Hist. Catholique ; Maimbourg, Hist. du Calvinisme ; and the Chronique de Francois I. ftg261 The Chronique de Francois I. p. 121, mentions among the ambassadors those of the emperor, of the King of England, of Venice, and of other princes, lordships, cities; marquises, counts, and barons of Germany, Italy and elsewhere. ftg262 This speech of which Theodore Beza and Mezeray speak in their histories is found in the Chronique de Francois I., published by Guiffrey in 1860, and the Registers of the Hotel de Ville quite bear out the Chronique. ftg263 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 125. ftg264 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 126. ftg265 Garnier, Hist. de France, 24. p. 540. ftg266 ‘They shall perish, but thou shalt endure’ — ‘His enemies will I cloth with shame.’ — ‘They shall look on him whom they pierced.’ ftg267 ‘France flourishes above all nations.’ ftg268 Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 447. ftg269 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113 verso. ftg270 ‘Ad machinam alligati et in altum sublati, deinde in ignem e sublimi dimissi, et rursum adducti.’ — Sleidanus, fol. 136. ftg271 ‘Carnifice demum abscindente funem, in subjectam flammam corruebant.’ — Sleidanus, fol. 136. ftg272 L. P. Daniel, Hist. de France, 5. p. 654. ftg273 ‘The Emperor issues edicts, the King punishes.’ — Ribier, Lettres d’Elat, 1. p. 358. ftg274 Clement Marot, Epitre au Roi. ftg275 Isambert, Anciennes Lois, 12. p. 402. ftg276 This circular will be found in the Bulletin de la Societe de l’Histoire du Protestantisme francais, 1. p. 328. ftg277 Sismondi, Hist. des Francais, 16. p. 455. See also Garnier, Raederer, etc. ftg278 Journal d’ un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 451. ftg279 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 114. ftg280 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 113 verso et fol. 114. ftg281 Chronique du Roi Francois I. p. 129. ftg282 Mezeray; Hist. de France, ad ann, 1535. ftg283 ‘Gallorum ardorem erga catholicam religionem in glaciem abiturum fuisse.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 230. ftg284 ‘In turbulentissimis maximeque periculosis tempestatibus.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 855. ftg285 The meaning of the Latin is not very clear: ‘Et tragicis exclamationibus.’ ftg286 ‘Cuilibet simul et testi et accusatori in hac causa esse licet.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 856. ftg287 ‘Serpunt quotidie latius pericula.’ — Ibid. ftg288 ‘Qui aliquando libere quod cogitant audebunt dicere.’ — Corp. Ref. 2. p. 857. ftg289 ‘Per gloriam et ignominiam… per diabolos et angelos.’ — Lutheri Epp. 4. p. 603. ftg290 Rex Galliae ad principes protestantium. We have only the German translation of this letter. Corp. Ref. 2. p. 834. ftg291 Schmidt, Jean Sturm, ch. 3. ftg292 Calvin to Bucer, 150 et. 1541. ftg293 ‘Matthias qui solus adhuc populum habet.’ Bucerus Blauerero, 18th Jan. 1534. ftg294 Roehrich, Reform in Elsass, 1. p. 133. ftg295 Christliche Verantwortung. ftg296 Calvini Opp. ftg297 Fueslin, Beitrage, p. 196. Lehr, Maith. Zell, p. 67. ftg298 ‘Quae furit sese amando. — Etsi amat (ut nos omnes) sua impensius.’ See Roehrich, Mittheilungen, 3. p. 132. ftg299 Gunaicocratou>menov . — Bucerus Blaurero, 16 Nov. 1533. ftg300 ‘Ad opera uxor eum detrudit.’ — Bucerus Blaurero, Jan. ftg301 Letter to Farel, dated Strasburg, May 19, 1539. ftg302 Letter to Bucer, October 15, 1541. ftg303 Calvin to Du Tillet, Lettres Francaises, 1. pp. 4, 54. See also the Correspondence published for the first time by M. Crottet, p. 25. ftg304 Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 272. ftg305 Calvin, Lettres Francaises, 1. p. 272. ftg306 ‘Quiete diu negata fruerer.’ — Calvin, Praef. in Psalm. ftg307 ‘Cum Calvinus a Bucero ad Erasmum adductus esset.’ — Flor Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 251. ftg308 ‘In causam ecclesiae tranquillandae.’ — Paulus papa Erasmo; Erasmi Ep. p. 1539. ftg309 ‘Ad novos errores ex multorum animis abscindendos.’ — Ibid. ftg310 ‘De intricatis aliquot religionis capitibus sermonem cum ipso contulit.’ — Flor. Remond, Hist. Heres. 2. p. 251. ftg311 ‘Nec ulla superest medendi spes, nisi Christus ipse vertat animos.’ — Erasmi Op. fth1 I see a great pestilence rising in the Church against the Church. — Flor Remond, Hist. Heres, 2 :p. 251. ‘Ad Bucerum Calvinum demonstrans dixisse fertur.’ — Ibid. fth2 Whose praise is censure and his censure praise. fth3 Ut in obscuro aliquo angulo abditus.’ — (Calv. Praef. in Psalm. ) fth4 ‘Mignarden; et folatrent.’ fth5 Calvinus, in Timoth. I. ch. 2. fth6 ‘Catherina Petita lectissima matrona sanctitate singularis ingenii mirifice captus.’ — Ramus, Basilea, 1571. See also the Life of Peter Ramus, by Mr. Ch. Waddington, who was the first to direct attention to this interesting passage, p. 194. fth7 Tum Calvini hospita saepc ac jucunde mihi narravtt.’ — Ramus, Basilea, 1571. fth8 ‘Lumen Galliae, lumen christianae per orbem terrarum ecclesiae.’ — Ibid. fth9 ‘Cum incognitus Basileae laterem.’ — Calv. Praef. in Psalm. fth10 ‘It flows and shall flow on for ever.’ — Horace, Ep ., bk. I. Ep. 2. fth11 Calvin, in Matthew 4:1. fth12 ‘Pudore pene immodico.’ — Erasmi Ep . p. 1464. fth13 ‘Solis radiantis splendor caeterorum siderum lumen obscurat.’ — Bezae Icones. fth14 Calvin, Dedicace de l’Epitre aux Romains. fth15 ‘Sese hebraicis litteris dedit.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. fth16 ‘Jam mihi a nescio quo sermo injectus.’ — Calvin to Libertet. fth17 Tantum abest ut tuo judicio offensus fuerim.’ — Ibid. fth18 Neque enim ea est mea morositas.’ — Ibid. fth19 It would seem that the only copy extant is that in the library of Neuchatel. fth20 Calvin, Actes, 8:2. fth21 Calvin, Preface des Psaumes. fth22 Calvin, Actes, 7 :59. fth23 Mezeray, Hist. de France, 2:p. 981. The chambres ardentes were tribunals that pronounced the penalty of the stake against heresy. fth24 ‘Grave passim apud Germanos odium ignes illi excitaverunt.’ — Calvin in Psalm. fth25 Calvin, Preface aux Psaumes. fth26 Letters of Calvin to Myconius, March 14, and April 17, 1542. fth27 See my History of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, books 8:and 9. fth28 Vie de Thomas Plater, published by M. E. Fiek, Doctor of Laws. fth29 Vie de Thomas Plater, published by E. rick. fth30 ‘Videbis quid amicitiae sit remansurum cum papa et papisticis.’ — Myconius ad Bullingerum, March 1534. fth31 ‘Cum draconi non aliter est congrediendum, nisi ut penitus occidatur.’ — Ibid, in post. epist. fth32 Du Tillet to Calvin, September 7, 1538. fth33 ‘Turbulentos homines qui totum ordinem politicum convellerent.’ — Calvin in Psalm. See also Beza, Hist. eccles., p. 14., and Vie de Calvin, p. 19. fth34 Calvin, Preface des Psaumes. fth36 Prejace des Psaumes. fth37 Catenae Patrum.’ fth38 Institution, liv. 1: ch. 1, 2, 3, 4. fth39 Instilution, liv. 1:ch. 6:and 7. fth40 Ibid. liv. 1:ch. i.; liv. 2:ch. 2: and 3: fth41 Ibid. liv. 2:ch. 16: and 17. fth42 Institution, liv. 3. ch. 2; liv. 2: ch. 12, 19, 20; liv. 13: ch. 3, 4, 5. fth43 Institution, liv. 2:ch. 3; liv. 3. ch. 21, 22, 23. fth44 Institution, liv, 1:ch. 17, fth45 Ibid. liv. in. ch. 6. fth46 Institution, liv. 4:ch. 1. fth47 ‘Hic tanti luminis faces primum incensae, etc.’ — Ramus, Basilea, 1571. fth48 The successive additions are easily seen in the first volume of Calvin’s Works just published in Brunswick by three Strasburg divines, MM. Baum, Cunitz, and Reuss. We there find the different editions of the Institutes, and the passages peculiar to each are printed in larger type. We refer to the Synopsis in six columns of the editions of 1536-1539-154 3/5-15 50/54-1559, etc. In its first form the Institutes consisted of six chapters only; in the last, of eighty, divided into four books. Our selections have been made from the complete edition. fth49 M. Nisard. fth50 Dedication of the Institutes. fth51 Crespin, Martyrol. fol. 116. fth52 Drion, Hist. Chron. i.p. 25. fth53 Jeremiah 2:13. fth54 See the Dedicatory Epistle at the beginning of all the editions of the Institutes. fth55 Vie de Thomas Plater, ecrite par luimeme, p. 110. fth56 Autobiography of Felix Plater, son of Thomas. fth57 Decimo Calendas Septembris. — Latin edition, at the head of the Institutes. fth58 ‘Magnum meretriciBabylonicae vulnus illatum.’ — Beza, Vita Calvini. fth59 Preface des Psaumes. fth60 Varillas, Hist. des Heresies, 2: p. 994. fth61 Matthew 10:34. fth62 Calvin in loco fth63 Bonivard, Chronique de Geneve, passim. fth64 2 Timothy 2:5. fth65 Michelet, Hist. de France au seizime siecle. — La Reforrne, pp. 483, 484, 518. fth66 Aneillon, Vic de Farel, ch. 11. fth67 Revelation 6:2. fth68 Hist. of the Reformation of the sixteenth Century, vol. 4, bk. 15, ch. 4, 7, 8, and 9. fth69 Hist. of the Reformation, vol. 4:bk. 15: ch. 9: fth70 Choupard MS. fth71 See the manusoript Memoires du Sire de Pierrefleur, grand banneret d’Orbe, p. 2, published by M. Verdeil in 1856. fth72 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 13. fth73 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 24-28. fth74 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 16. fth75 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 17. fth76 Men. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 19. fth77 Ibid. p. 20. fth78 Ibid. p. 19. fth79 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 21, 22. fth80 ‘Negat dixisse.’ — Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 24-28. fth81 Ibid. pp. 21-32. fth82 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 35. fth83 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 35. fth84 Sommaire, etc., par G. Farel, p. 191. We give Farel’s exact expressions on the subjects handled by Juliani, just as they are found in his writings, without being able to say that they were precisely those he employed on this occasion. fth85 Sommaire, etc ., par G. Farel, p. 125. fth86 Farel, Sommaire, pp. 96, 191, 210. fth87 Farel, Sommaire, p. 154. fth88 ‘Quanta sit messis, quis populi ardor in Evangelium, paucis nemo expresserit. Sed paucitatem operariorum deflere cogimur.’ — Farellus Zuinglio, Orba, anno 1531. Ep. 2:p. 648. fth89 ‘Moy qui suis nay, et ay este des mon enfance nourry au milieu de vous.’ — Ep. de Viret aux nobles et bourgeois d’Orbe, p. 13. fth90 These districts have been admirably described in a recent work — Horizons prochains. fth91 Disputations Chrestiennes, par Pierre Viret, Genieve, 1544. Preface. fth92 Ibid. Preface. fth93 Disputations Chrestiennes. Preface. fth94Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 87. fth95Disputations Chrestiennes. Preface. fth96 ‘Arcem illam superstitionis et idolatriae, et Satanae propugnacula. Viret, De verbi Dei ministerio, Senatui Lausan. Ep. fth97 Disp. Chrest, p. 9. fth98 Ibid. pp. 195 — 6. fth99 Ibid. Preface. fth100 Viret: Du vrai ministere de la vraye Eglise de Jesus Christ. Preface. fth101 Theod. de Beze. fth102 Viret: Du vray ministere, pp. 47, 57. fth103 ‘Fuit corpusculo imbecillo, moribus suavis.’ — Melchior Adam, Vitae erudit. fth104 ‘Oris praecipue facundia excellens, ut homines etiam religioni minus addictos, faciles tamen auditores habuerit, cure omnes ab ejus ore penderent.’ — Ibid. fth105 Du combat des hommes contre leur propre salut, pp. 7 — 8. fth106 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 133 — 134. fth107 Un ris d’hotellier. fth108 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 263. fth109 Ibid., p. 41. fth110 We are indebted to the catholic Pierrefleur for these particulars. Memoires, p. 44. fth111 Calvin, Op. S. Jacques, 4.18. fth112 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 41-42, 50-51. fth113 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 52-53. fth114 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 56. fth115 ‘Vicerunt nostri octodecim suffragiis.’ — Viret to Calvin, 11th August, 1554. See also Pierrefleur, p. 297. fth116 ‘Fratres qui huc venerunt in messem missi sunt.’ — Farellus Andronico, Jan. 27, 1531. Choupard MSS. fth117 ‘Quam difficiles eradicatu supersunt tadices, antequam novale jaciendo semini sit idoneum.’ — Farellus Andronico, Jan. 27, 1531. Choupard MSS. fth118 ‘Aureos montes polliceri nolo. — Ibid. fth119 Matthew 23:23. fth120 ‘Sine vanis controversiis vel aqum vel panis ant censuum aut decimarum, in quibus pars Christianismum putat.’ — Farellus Andronico, Choupard MSS. fth121 Non est quod otium expectes sed negotiam.’ — Farellus Andronico, Feb. 12, 1531. fth122 ‘Labores plurimi.’ — Farellus Andronico, Feb. 12, 1531. fth123 ‘Sed in ipso pugnae aestu, robustos ac plenis viribus hostes alacer aggrediaris, collocata in Deum fiducia, cujus est victoria sicut et pugna; non enim nos pugnamus, sed Dominus.’ — Farellus Andronico, Jan. 27, 1531. Choupard MSS. fth124 ‘Pugnam fervere, cum hostibus consertas manus jungere, victoriam suis impartire, sed non citra sudorem.’ — Farellus Andronico, April 1531. Choupard MSS. fth125 ‘In medios hostes prosilire, jacula vibrare, hostes hinc inde prosternere ac dissipare.’ — Ibid. fth126 ‘Nec tantopere curandum quid uxor velit et poseat, sed quae Deus ipse petat et jubeat.’ — Farellus Andronico, April 1531. Choupard MSS. fth127 Warlike musical instruments. fth128 Chronique de Neuchatel. Chant de bataille, par un Lucernois. Muller, Hist. de la Confed. Suisse. fth129 Chroniqueur, p. 112. fth130 ‘Duraechet gebalgets, verschmaeht... Gott gelaestert.’ — Berne to the bailiff of Grandson, June 7. fth131 Sommairc, etc. p. 181. fth132 The Choupad MS. gives the sentence of Berne under the date of 17th June 1531. fth133 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 167. fth134 Choupard MSS. Stettler MSS. Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur. fth135 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, p. 74. Ruchat, in.p. 45. fth136 Mem. du Sire de Pierrefleur, pp. 82-85. Choupard MSS. Ruchat 3, p. 47. fth137 YFroment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 2. fth138 Leger, Hist. des Eglises Vaudoises p. 3. fth139 ‘Que Christ es la nostra vita, e verita, e paqs, e justitia, e pastor.’ Confession de Foi des Vaudois. fth140 ‘Enayma lo fum vai derant lo fuoc.’ — L’Antichrist. fth141 ‘Priva lo poble de Pespiritual e sacramental manjament.’ — L’Antichrist. fth142 El eyre, e persee, e acaisonna, roba e mortifica li membre de Christ.’ — Ibid. fth143 Lo Segnor Jesus occi aquest felon’ — Ibid. fth144 Letter from Oecolampadius, 13. Oct., 1530. fth145 Anno 1170. fth146 ‘Suis omnibus venditis, officium apostolarum usurpavit.’ — Stephanus de Barbone, a dominican monk of Lyons, in 1225. fth147 ‘Aliqui enim dicunt quod duraverit a tempore Sylvestri, aliqui a tempore apostolorum.’ — Reinerius, 1250, contra Waldenses, ch. 4. fth148 Scultet, 2:p. 294. Ruchat, 2:p. 320. fth149 Latin paper of the barbes, 15th question. Ruchat, 2:p. 324. fth150 Nisi per spiritum sanctum reparemur, nihil vel velimus vel agamus boni,’ — OEcolampadii Confessio, art. 1. fth151 See the histories of Leger, Perrin, Muston, Monastier, etc. fth152 Ancillon. fth153 Choupard MSS. Leger, 2me partie, p. 7, etc. Monastier, 1:pp. 167, 201. Kirchhofer, Farel’s Leben, p. 153. fth154 Letter of 26 July 1532. Choupard MSS. fth155 Gilles, p. 40. Monastier, 1: p. 201. We learn from the Apologie du translateur at the beginning of Olivetan’s Bible (1535) that Olivetan did not go into the valleys as some have believed; bespeaks of two deputies only under the pseudonyms of Hilerme Cusemeth (Guillaume Farel) and Antoine Almeutes (aJlmeuthJv , salter, Saunier). As for the third, whom he calls Cephas Chlorotes, if he addressed the Apologie to him also, it was not because he had been to Angrogne, but because he had joined the other two in asking him to undertake that edition of the Bible. This Cephas Chlorotes is evidently Peter Viret (clwrov , virens). fth156 ‘Las festas et has vigilias de li sanet, e l’aiga laqual dison benieta, etc.’ fth157 Leger, Confession de Foi des Vaudois, p. 23, verso; Traite de l’Antichrist, p. 75. fth158 Leger, Brieve Confenion de Foi (1532), p. 95. fth159 Leger, Brieve Confession, p. 95, verso. fth160 Ibid. fth161 Gilles, History of the Churches of Piedmont, p. 30. fth162 Leger, Hist. des Eglises Vaudoises. p. 35. Ezra 10; Nehemiah 9:10. fth163 This Brieve Confession is in the library of the University of Cambridge. Leger, p. 95; Muston, Hist. des Vaudois, etc. fth164 Ben ha mile cent anez compli entierament; line 6. fth165 See the researches into the Cambridge MSS. and the German works of Dieckhoff and Zezschwitz. The latter author is of opinion that the Waldeasian Catechism, the Antichrist, and other writings, belong to the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the sixteenth century. Catechisms of the Waldensea and Bohemian Brethren (in German), Erlangen, 1863. fth166 Olivetan’s Bible: Apologie du translateur. fth167 “Ma l’Escriptura di, e nos creire o deven.” — Nobla Leycon, 1. 19. “Regarde l’Eseriptura del fin commenczamente.” — Ib. 1. 23. fth168 Gilles, Leger, Muston, Monastier. fth169 Vol. 2. fth170 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 6. Choupard and Roset, MSS. fth171 We have found among the archives at Turin (No. 49, bundle 12) the Memoire de M. de Bellegarde au sujet de l’audience qu’il a eue de S.M. Imperiale touchant les differends que S.A. avait avec ceux de Geneve. This manuscript of about 25 pages has supplied us with the particulars in the text. fth172 The name is illegible in the manuscript, but it looks like Conmes. fth173 Is the Reformation or union with Switzerland meant here? probably both of them. fth174 MS. Memoir of Bellegarde, Turin Archives. fth175 Turin Archives, No. 19, bundle 12. fth176 Ibid. 12th category, bundle 3. fth177 Ibid. 12th category, bundle 4. The handwriting is almost as illegible as that of Bellegarde’s memoir. fth178 Turin Archives. fth179 Letter dated the eve of Pentecost. fth180 Dated 1st July. fth181 Vol. 2. book III. chap. 15: pp. 615 — 634. fth182 Turin Archives. fth183 In a document at Basle under the latter date, the late (feu) Besancon Hugues is mentioned. Galiffe, Hugues, p. 459. fth184 Novas quasdam opiniones et sectas apud vos pullularecoepisse’ — Turin Archives. We found this letter, which appears to have been hitherto unknown, in the national archives at Turin. Geneva, bundle 12, No. 47. fth185 Tour percee. The sign of this inn was in existence until recently; there was a hole in the tower. fth186 Olivetan’s Bible, Apologie du translaleur ; fth186A Ibid. fth187 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 3. fth188 ‘Pererebuit rumor de Farelli adventu.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 43. fth189 ‘Sacrificulorum flagellum.’ — Ibid. fth190 La Soeur J. de Jussie, le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 46. Choupard MSS.; Reset MSS. liv III. ch. 1. fth191 Froment, Gestes, p. 4. Galiffe, Notices genealogiques, etc. fth192 ‘Cives multi non inviti, etsi nonnullos, non tam pietatis cura, quam Romanae tyrannidis odium movebat.’ — MS. of Benedict Turretini, entitled Initium .et progressus Reformationis quae facte est Geneva, in the Borne Library, MS. Hist. Helv. 5 :p. 125. fth193 Hist. de la Ref. de Geneve, MS. of Badollet, regent of the college of Geneva in the seventeenth century. Berne library, Hist. Helv. 5: p. 125. fth194 Froment, Gestes, p. 5. Gautier MS. Spon I. p. 467. Roser and Choupard MSS. fth195 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 3. fth196 La Soeur de Jussie, le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 46. fth197 Choupard MS fth198 Froment, Gestes, p. 4. fth199 Ibid. Choupard MS. fth200 Calvin. fth201 Choupard MS. fth202 Ruchat, III. p. 177. fth203 ‘Se non seditionis tubam sed veritatis praeconem esse.’ÑSpanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 43. fth204 Choupard MS. Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 43. fth205 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 4. fth206 ‘Supercilio adducto.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 44. fth207 ‘Si disputetur, totum ministerium nostrum destructur.’ ‘Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 5. This is differently reported: Froment and Choupard give ministerium ; Roset and Spanheim mysterium. I have preferred the former as the better reading. fth208 Choupard MS. La Soeur J. de Jussie, le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 47. fth209 Mem. d’Archeologiede la Soc. d’Hist, de Geneve ; 10 p. 108. fth210 ‘Ce sont des cagnes, ce qui vent dire (adds Froment) ce sont des chiens.’ fth211 La Soeur de Jussie, le Levain de Calvinisme, p. 47. fth212 Calvin, Harmonic evangelique, I. p. 757. fth213 Froment, Gestes, p. 5. Choupard MS. fth214 Froment, Gestes, p. 6. Choupard MS. Choupard gives some features that are not found in Froment. fth215 He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? He is guilty ofdeath. — Matthew 26:65,66. fth216 Froment, Gestes, p. 7. ‘In Rhodanum, in Rhodanum! unum hunc Lutherum necari praestat.’ — Turretin MS. in the Berne library. fth217 ‘Sputis madidatus et pugnis eontritus.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restituta. Froment, Gestes, pp. 5-7. Choupard and Roset, MSS. etc. fth218 Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 17. fth219 Ictus tamen divina bonitate aversus, Deo servum suum certo periculo eripiente.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 43. Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 3. Roset MS. liv. 3. ch. 1. fth220 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 48. fth221 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc., pp. 47, 48. fth222 The raging winds rush through the hollow wound, And dance aloft in air, and skim along the ground ; The cables crack, the sailors’ fearful cries Ascend. DRYDEN. fth223 “Pour le transpercer au travers du corps.” — La Soeur de Jussie, p. 48. fth224 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 10. fth225 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 10, 11. The Choupard MS. (p. 490) mentioned Anthony Boive, also from Dauphiny, as Farel’s companion. Did both Anthonys accompany the reformer? It is very probable. (See the Hist. of the Rerformation, vol. 4. book 15. ch. 11.) fth226 Olivetan’s Bible: Apologie du translateur. fth227 Ibid. fth228 Ibid. fth229 Olivetan’s Bible: Apologiesdu translateur. fth230 ‘Ab Yvoniaco a coena solvimus, et Viviacum venimus pransum, ubi de Christo locuti sumus.’ — Adam to Farel from the Valleys,5. Nov. 1532, Choupard MS. The letter from which we take these particulars has escaped notice until now. fth231 ‘Ut si monerent invicem quemadmodum fratres et verbi veritatis ministros.’ — Adam to Farel from the Valleys,5. November, Choupard MS. fth232 ‘Nullum erat cubiculum.’ — lbid. fth233 ‘Verum uxor garrula et durae cervicis, pietate vacans, coepit minari marito de discessu.’ — Ibid. fth234 ‘Furibunda abivit.’ — Adam to Farel, Choupard MS. fth235 ‘Ne divortii causa essemus.’ — Choupard MS. fth236 ‘Properamus ad Alpes.’ — Ibid. fth237 ‘Quo maerore in pede Alpium me colera tam crudeliter invasit’ — Ibid. fth238 ‘Gratia illius, qui quum videtur nos ducit ad inferos et reducit.’ — Ibid. fth239 ‘At crumenae nostrae linteria coeperunt laborare tam aspere, ut nihil prorsus in illorum corpore remanserit.’ — Choupard MS. fth240 ‘Veniunt a locis distantibus a nobis itinere duorum dierum.’ — Ibid. fth241 ‘Ad typographum dati sunt quingenti aurei.’ — Choupard MS. fth242 ‘Gladiis omnes ejusdem factionis praeter consuetudinem cincti.’ — Fabri to Farel, Choupard MS. The particulars, which we extract from this letter, were unknown until now. fth243 ‘Illi plusquam insani recta irruerunt in nos gladiis evaginatis.’ — Ibid. fth244 ‘Lupina rabie oviculos aggrediuntur mortem minantes.’ — Fabri to Farel, Choupard MS. fth245 ‘Optimus pater qui pro nobis potenter adco pugnavit.’ — Ibid. fth246 ‘Accincti ad arma toto spectarunt die si Neocomenses proficiscerentur. — Ibid. fth247 Requete de MM. les gouverneurs de Bale a MM. les maitres bourgeois de Neuchatel. — Choupard MS. fth248 ‘Tete huc comme un brigand.’ — Requete de MM. les gouverneurs de Bale etc. — Choupard MS. fth249 Choupard MSS. fth250 Chambrier, Hist. de Neuchatel, p. 229. fth251 ‘Obscuritatem nominis praesidio futuram, Deum itineri ducem et coepto patronum,’ — Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p.47. fti1 Froment, Gestes de Genve, p. 12. fti2 Baddiet MS. in Berne library, Hist. Helv. fti3 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 13. fti4 Froment, Gestes de Genve p. 13. fti5 ‘Cum jam pedem ex urbe efferet, nescio qua vi humana majore, se vel reluctantem revocari sensit’ — Spanheim, Geneva rest, p. 47; Froment, Gestes, p. 13. fti6 The sign of the Golden Cross is still on the house, but it was not an inn, as some assert. fti7 Froment, Gestes, p. 14. fti8 Froment, Gestes, p. 14. fti9 Ibid. fti11 Froment, Gestes, p. 14. fti12 Ibid. fti13 ‘Nous verrons ce que c’est qu’il dit.’ — Froment, Gestes, p. 14. fti14 ‘A viris et foeminis certatina ad Fromentium itum.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit, p. 48. fti15 Calvin, passim. fti16 Badollet MS. in Berne library, Hist. Helv. fti17 Froment, Gestes, pp. 14-15 fti18 Council Registers, 31. Dec. 1532. fti19 Froment, Gestes, p. 13. fti20 ‘ And some of them consorted with Paul and Silas, and of the chief women not a few. ’ — Acts 17:4. fti21 Galiffe, Notices Genealogiques, I. p. 446. fti22 ‘Recente verbena tempora vincta, cera virginea pectus munita — Spanheim, Geneva restit, p. 50. fti23 ‘Embabuyne,’ Froment, Gestes, p. 16. fti24 Froment, Gcstes, p. 16; Gautier MS. fti25 Froment Gestes : p. 16. fti26 Calvin on Lydia, Acts 16:14. fti27 Council Registers, 13 and 26 Dec.; Gautier MS. fti28 Froment Gestes, p. 18. fti29 Ibid. fti30 Froment, Gestes, p. 17. fti31 Froment, Gestes, pp. 16-18; Roset, Chron. liv. 10, ch. 2. fti32 Froment, Gestes, p. 17. fti33 Calvin, 1 Corinthians 14:34. fti34 ‘Moderatas ad populum conciones habebat.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit, p. 48. fti35 MS. erroneously ascribed to Bouivard in Berne library, Hist. Helv. V. 12. fti36 He signed his name Mohennos, which was pronounced Moine — the spelling of the public registers. fti37 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain de Calvinisme, p. 49. fti38 Ibid. fti39 Council Registers, ad diem. fti40 ‘Ab invasione per cos coepta.’ — Council Registers of 31 December 1532. fti41 Roset, Chron. liv. 2, ch. 4. fti42 Berne MS. ascribed to Bonivard. fti43 Council Registers. Roset, Chron, liv. 2, ch. 4. fti44 Froment, Gestes, p. 22. fti45 Froment, Gestes, p. 22. fti46 Ibid. fti47 These particulars, this prayer, and the first sermon that followed it have been recorded by Froment himself in his Gestes de Geneve published by M. Revillod, pp. 22-42. fti48 The plague was then pretty frequent at Geneva. fti50 Matthew 23:14; Mark 12:38; Luke 20:40. fti53 ‘Anhelo pulmone, in effusimam vocem laxato.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit, p. 52, fti54 Froment, Gestes, pp. 43, 44. La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc., p. 50. fti55 Council Registers, 2 Jan. 1533; Gautier MS. Roset MS. Chron, liv. 2, ch. 5, La Soeur J. de Jussie, Heresie de Geneve, p. 50. fti56 Council Registers, 2 Jan. 1533; Gautier MS. Roset MS. Chron. liv. ch. 5. La Soeur J. de Jussie, Heresie de Geneve, p. 50. fti57 ‘In Leveti aedes, in ponte quo flumen Rhodani transitur sitas, migrat.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit., p. 50. fti58 Froment, Gestes, p. 4. fti59 Ruchat, 3 p. 186. fti60 Berne MS., ascribed to Bonivard, Hist. helv. 5:12. fti61 Froment, Gestes, p. 47. — ‘Domatim conventus habere.’ — Turretini MS. fti62 ‘In Domonovani Baudichonii aedibus, quae concionum ordinariarum crypta erant,’Spanheim restit, p. 58. fti63 Council Registers, 4th and 26th March. Froment, Gestes, p. 47. fti64 Olivetan’s Bible, Dedication. fti65 Ibid. fti66 ‘Comme l’un des plus petits orteils des humbles pieds du corps de l’eglise.’ — Olivetan’s Bible, Apologie du translateur. fti67 Olivetan’s Bible, Apologie du translateu. fti68 Council Registers, Bellard, 1533. fti69 Saint John 15:4,5. fti70 ‘Wie man Kirchendiener athlen und einsetzen soll.’ — Luth. Opp. lib. 18, p. 433. fti71 Calvin. fti72 Spon, Hist. de Geneve. fti73 It seems clear from Froment’s narrative (p. 48) that the first communion took place before the riots (p. 51), and therefore probably before the middle of March. Spon confirms Froment’s account (1, p. 481). On the other hand Sister Jeanne de Jussie says that a sacrament was celebrated after the first riot, on Holy Saturday, April 10th (Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 61). The only way of reconciling these two statements is to admit (as we have done) two different celebrations (in March and April), and not one only. fti74 ‘Furtivo conventu.’ÑSpanheim, Geneva restit. p. 45. fti75 Froment, Gestes, pp. 48-51. Gautier MS. Spon, Hist. de Geneve 1. p. 481. fti76 Vie de Farel. Choupard MS. fti77 ‘Lutheranos proscindentem.’ — Turretini MS. fti78 Froment, Gestes, p. 49. — Gautier MS. fti79 Council Registers, 29th March, 1533. — Gautier MS. fti80 ‘Violentia qua in Farellum saevitum.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit. p. 57. fti81 Letter from Berne, 20th March, 1583. — MS. Archives of Geneva No. 1090. fti82 Council Registers, 25th March, 1583.ÑGautier MS. fti83 ‘Accendunt clerici plebem sibi obnoxiam.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit, p. 57. fti84 Council Registers, 26th March, 1533. — Gautier MS.; Roet Chron. liv. 2, ch. 9. fti85 The word Reform is applied exclusively to the Franco-Helvetic or Calvinistic portion of the Reformation. fti86 ‘Notre furiis facibusque strenue a clero subditis.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit. fti87 Froment, Gestes, p. 51. fti88 Froment, Gestes, p. 51. fti89 ‘Solenni sacramento.’ — Spanheim, Geneva restit. fti90 Froment, Gestes, p. 50. — Roset MS., Chron. liv. 2 ch. 10 — Gautier MS. fti91 The register has the word ovaille (ovallium), Council Registers, 28th March, 1533. fti92 Roset MS. Chron. liv, 2, ch. 10. — Gauticr MS. Council Register ad diem. La Soeur de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 51. fti93 Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 51. fti94 Galiffe, Notices genealogiques de Geneve, I. p. 80. fti95 La Soeur de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 52. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, pp. 50 — 51. fti96 Froment, Gestes. p. 51. fti97 ‘The standards of the king go forth.’ — Rambach, Anthologie christlicher Gesange, 1, 104. The use Dante made of the first line of this hymn is well known: Vexilia Regis pradeunt Inferni . — Inferno, 34:1. fti98 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain de Calvinisme, p. 53. fti99 Ibid.’ Froment, Gestes, etc., p. 51. fti100 Council Registers, ad diem. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 51. Gautier MS. fti101 ‘La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 51. The number is probably exaggerated. fti102 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 52. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 53. — Roset, MS., liv. 2, ch 8. fti103 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc., p. 53. fti104 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc. p. 57. fti105 Ibid. fti106 Roset MS. Chron . fti107 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc. p. 54. fti108 Froment, Gestes de Geneve p. 54. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 54. — Roset MS., Chron. liv. 2, ch. 10. — Gautier MS. Choupard MS. fti109 Ibid. fti110 La Sour J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc. p. 54. fti111 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, pp. 54, 55. — Gautier MS. fti112 ‘Plebs mota syndicos codera traxit.’ — Turretini manuscript in the library at Berne. fti113 ‘Civis cujusdam domus concursu facto petitur; jam tormenta majora dirigebantur.’ — Turretini MS. fti114 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, pp. 54, 55. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 50. — Gautier MS. fti115 Choupard MS. fti116 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 52. — Council Registers of the 28th March, 1534. — La Sour J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 54. — Gautier MS. fti117 Ibid. fti118 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc. P. 57. fti119 Ibid. fti120 The Three Kings may still be seen carved over the gate of the large house (called Trois Rois) in Bel Air. fti121 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 53. fti122 Choupard MS. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, pp. 52-54. — Gautier MS. fti123 ‘Erumpunt qui convenerant a protestantibus, vim vi repulsaturi.’ — Turretini MS. at Berne. fti124 ‘Clamor, saxa, minae, furor.’ — Turretini MS. fti125 ‘Utrinque ad caedes in proximo.’ — Ibid. fti126 Froment, Gestes, etc., p. 54. fti127 Ibid. fti128 Froment, Gestes, etc., p. 54. fti129 Ibid. p. 55. fti130 Choupard MS. Vie de Farel. fti131 Froment, Gestes, p. 57. fti132 Roset MS. Chron. fti133 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 55. — Council Registers, 28th March 1533. — Roset MS. Chron. liv. 3, ch. 10. fti134 La Soeur J. de Jussic, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 56. — Council Registers of 28th and 29th March. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p, 56. fti135 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 56. fti136 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, pp. 55-56. fti137 Council Registers 29th March. fti138 Council Registers for the 30th March. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 59. — Gautier MS. fti139 Gautier MS. Extracted from the petition presented to Berne by Maisonneuve and Salomon. fti140 Council Registers from 2nd to 11th April. — Gautier MS. — Spon, Hist. Eccl. pp. 490-492. fti141 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 61. fti142 Ibid. p. 60. fti143 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Levain, p. 60. fti144 Ibid. p. 61. fti145 Council Registers of the 2nd and 11th April. Gautuer MS. — Spon, Hist. Eccles. I. pp. 490-492. fti146 Requete de ceux de Geneve. — Council Registers of 11th April, 1533. — Gautier MS. — Spon, Hist. Eccles., p. 491. fti147 Ibid. fti148 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 62. fti149 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, p. 63. fti150 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 55. — Gautier MS fti151 Froment, Gestes, p. 57. fti152 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 57. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 61. fti153 Contemporary MS. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve. p. 58. fti154 Froment, gestes’de Geneve, p. 57. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 61. — Galiffe, Notics genealogiques, I: p. 48. fti155 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, etc., p. 62. fti156 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, pp 61-62. fti157 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, pp. 67-68. fti158 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 58. fti159 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 61. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, pp. 57-58. fti160 ‘Ces chiens prirent la fuite.’ Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 63, Gautier MS. Council Registers of May 11. fti161 ‘Char Dey, o sont tey ces toux Lutherains… Sang Dey, o son tey?’ — Choupard MS. Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 58. fti162 1 Samuel 17. fti163 La Soeur J. de Jussie, p. 63. fti164 Froment, Gestes de Geneve p. 59. fti165 Saint Matthew 26:52. fti166 Choupard MS. — Roset MS. Chron. liv. 2, ch. 16. fti166A Ibid. fti167 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levaine du Calvinisme, p. 63. — Council Registers of the 4th and 23rd May. fti168 Council Registers of 4th and 25th May. fti169 ‘Justa Nemesi gloriosus ille miles foedo ictu,’ &c. — Spanheim, Geneva restituta, p. 60. fti170 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 63, — Council Registers of 4th and 5th May. — Roset MS. Chron. fti171 Council Registers of 4th and 5th May. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, pp. 63-64. — Gautier MS. fti172 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 64. fti173 Ibid. — Council Registers of 2nd July, 1583. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 59. fti174 La Soeur J. de Jussie, p. 65. fti175 Council Registers of 9th May. — La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Loevain du Calvinisme, pp. 64-66. — Gautier MS. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve , p. 59. fti176 Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 66. fti177 Ibid. fti178 Sordet, Memoires d’Archeologie, 2. p. 19. — Council Registers, May 19. — Gautier MS. fti179 Memoires pour les Dioceses de Geneve, etc., par le cure Besson, p. 62. fti180 Council Registers of 21st May, 2nd and 22nd June. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 62. — Gautier MS. fti181 Council Registers of 22nd May, 1533. fti182 ‘Permettre a chacun de suivre les mouvements de sa conscience, en telle sorte que personne ne soit contraint: — Council Registers, 27th May. fti183 ‘Que chacun demeure en sa volonte et en son franc arbitre: — Council Registers, 27th May. fti184 ‘Pedestris benda.’ — Council Registers of 22nd and 30th June. fti185 ‘Valde irritatoria.’ — Council Registers of 22nd and 30th June. fti186 Council Registers of 22nd and 30th June. — Gautier MS. fti187 Memoires du diocese de Geneve, etc., par le cure Besson, p. 63. fti188 Council Registers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd July. — Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 61. — Gautier MS. fti189 La Soeur Jeanne de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 67. — Gautier MS. fti190 Council Registers of 2nd and 3rd July, 1533. — La Soeur J. de Jus. sic, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 67. — Gautier MS. fti191 Council Registers of 3rd. July, 1533. fti192 La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain, p. 68. fti193 ‘Senatus, sua libertate subnixus, jus suum strenue tuetur.’ — Spanheim, Geneva rest., p. 62. fti194 ‘Libertates, franchesiae, immunitates, usus, et consuetudines civitatis Gebennensis.’ — Memoires d’ Archologie de la Soc. d’ Hist. de Geneve, tome 2, p. 312. Council Registers of 4th July, 1533. fti195 ‘Alios interfecerunt, alios truncatis manibus et pedibus demembraverunt; quibusdam vero oculos fodiebant, quibusdam frontes ferro a rdente notabant.’ — Scriptur. gallic, et franc., 8, p. 281. fti196 ‘Ad equi caudam Pedibus alligatus… vir dives et probus.’ — G. de Noviguto, Op. p. 510. fti197 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 61. fti198 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 61. fti199 Vol. 1. fti200 Their names are given by Froment in his Gestes de Geneve, pp. 61- 62. fti201 See Plutarch’s Life of Sylla. Council Registers of 5th July. fti202 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 61. fti203 Council Registers of 5th July. La Soeur J. de Jussie, Le Levain du Calvinisme, p. 64. Froment, Gestes de Geneve, pp. 61, 62. fti204 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 62. fti205 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 62. fti206 Who besides me Can claim the right to die for thee? — Alceste. fti207 Froment, Gestes de Geneve, p. 62. fti208 ‘Et illec en faire a leur plaisir.’ — Ibid. fti209 Council Registers of 6th July, 1538. fti210 Calvin. fti211 Council Registers of 5th July and 6th August, 1533. fti212 Council Registers of 6th and 7th July. fti213 Calvin, Op . Passim. fti214 Council Registers of 6th and 7th July, 1533. Roset MS. liv. 3, ch. 14. Gautier MS. fti215 Council Registers of 8th July, 1533. Gautier MS. fti216 ‘Nisi vocatis sindicis et quatuor civibus dictae civitatis.’ — Memoires d’Archeologie de la Societe d’ Histoire de Geneve, 2, p. fti217 Council Registers of 8th July, 1533 — Roset MS. Chron. liv. 3, ch. 14. Gautier MS. fti218 Ibid. fti219 Council Registers of 9th July, 1533. Roset MS. Chron. liv. 3, ch. 14. Gautier MS. fti220 Ibid. fti221 ‘Cure tota claritas lunae sit a sole, patet quod jurisdictio spiritualis, quae comparatur soli, habet in se formaliter tel virtualiter jurisdictionem temporalem.’ — Goldasti, Monarchia, 2, p. 1461 et seq. fti222 Council Registers of 9th July, 1533. fti223 Council Registers of 9th July, 1533. fti224 Council Register of 12th July, 1533. fti225 Ibid. fti226 Council Registers of 14th July, 1533. fti227 Council Registers of 10th July, 1533. fti229 Calvin. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WORKS OF CALVIN INDEX & SEARCH
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