HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION - FOOTNOTESPREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() The Aethenaeum of September 25, 1875. In this article we find a curious anecdote which we admit, not without some reserve. It serves as a support to the considerations which follow. The writer of the article relates that he once heard a discussion between M. Merle and Professor Ranke respecting certain features in the lives of his favorite heroes. The former defended them at all points; while the German historian, with his skeptical temperament, seemed to take a malicious pleasure in bringing forward their weaknesses. At the close of the discussion M. Merle exclaimed with some impatience—‘But I know them better than anyone, those men of the sixteenth century. I have lived with them. I am a man of their time.’ ‘That explains everything,’ replied Professor Ranke, ‘I could not believe when reading your books that you were a man of the nineteenth century.’ As our own age differs so greatly in every respect from the age of the Reformation it must be counted a very fortunate circumstance that a man of the sixteenth century has arisen to depict for us that great epoch, ft2Journal de Geneve, 30 April-1 May. Vol. 6. p. 412. ‘Purgationem objecimus.’—Calv. Opp. tom. 10. p. 107. ‘Nos iniquiseime in suspicionera adductos.’—Ibid. ‘Cujus libelli latinitate donandi occasionem praebuit Petrus Caroli, Sorbonae Parisiensis doctor atque prior... Is igitur iniquis contra Farellum Viretum et Calvinum sparsis rumoribus, tandem eo prorupit ut palam illos viros, collegas et doctrina et moribus praestantissimos haereseos accusaret, arianismi scilicet et sabellianismi, aliarumque talium pravitatum. Nulla alia tunc publica exstabant fidei ecclesiae Genevensis monumenta praeter illam (Farelli) quam diximus confessionem et Calvini catechismum quae tamen utpote Gallici conscripta, ceteris Helveticis ecclesiis fere incognita erant. Calvinus itaque suum catechismum et Farelli confessionem latine loquentes fecit ut omnibus istis fratribus fidel doctrinam a se huc usque Genevae traditram et falso haereseos accusatam hac versione declararet.’ Le Christianisme au, dixneuvieme Siecle, of February 18, 1876. La Litterature française, depuis la formation de la langue jusqu’ a nos jours, by Lieutenant-Colonel Staaf. The first edition bears the date of 1870. The fifth (1873) is now before us. Revue theologique, Montauban, October 1875. Roset, Chron. MS., book 4. ch. 37, 42. Registers of the Council for the day—Gautier. Roset, Chron. MS., book 4. ch. 45. ‘Nec tamen id eo spectat, ut auferatur jus illud vobis a Deo collatum (ut et suis omnibus), ut examini subjiciantur pastores omnes.’ Calv. Opp . 10. p. 352. ‘Neque auctor velim esse tyrannidis ullius in Ecclesiam invehendae.’— Calv. Opp. 10. p. 353. See Reg. for the days mentioned. Roset. Roget, 1. p. 191. Gaberel, Pieces justficatives. ‘Biduo tanta animi perplexitate aestuasse ut vix dimidia exparte apud me essem.’ Calvin to Farel, Oct. 21, 1540. Opp. 11. p. 90. ‘Locum illum velut mihi fatalem reformido.’—Ibid. p. 91. ‘Malim vitam centies exponere, quam eam deserendo prodere.’—Ibid . p. 92. Calvin Lettres françaises, 1. p. 30. Calvin, Lettres françaises , 1. p. 32. Opp . 11. p. 94. Calvin to Farel, Nov. 13. Opp. 11. p. 114. Calvin, Comment. on John 12:25 (1553.) ‘Adhibui statim fratrum consilium, aliquid agitatum est.’—Calv. Opp . 11. p. 114. ‘Obtestatus sum, quibus potui modis, ne me respicerent.’—Ibid. ‘Quam plus lacrymarum efflueret quam verborum.’—Ibid. ‘Ut secessum quaerere coactus fuerim.’—Calv. Opp, 11. p. 114. ‘Modo ne quis ventus istinc flaverit.’—Ibid. Calvin’s Lettres françaises , 1. p. 33. Ibid. 1. pp. 30, 34, 37. See Letter, Opp. 11. p. 132. History of the Reformation. First Series, vol. 2. book 7. ch. 8. Roset, Chron. MS. book 4. ch. 47. ‘Sed qui sumus pro tanto populo?’—Bernard. Calv. Opp. 11. p. 148. ‘Populum in lacrymis effusum videns.’—Ibid. Clamant omnes: Calvinum probum et doctum virum Christi ministrum volumus.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 148. Ibid. p. 86. ‘Duces Luneburgici Calvinum et me nominaverunt ut suo nomine in colloquio adessemus.’—Sturmius, Antip . 4. p. 25. Preface to the Psalms , p. 9. ‘In ea disputatione qua Passaviensem decanum Calvinus percelluerat, territum a Calvino primo Argentinensi congressu.’—Sturmius, Antip . 4. 21. ‘Ut soliti sumus quoties una fuimus.’—Calv. Opp. Amst. 9. p. 174. ‘ Wsper o]nov ejn sfhki>aiv ’—Calv. Epp. edit. 1575, p. 109. ‘Pietas vero angelis et toti mundo testata.’—Ibid . p. 67. ‘Utinam, utinam moriar in hoe sinu!’—Calvinus contra Heshusium. Calvin on John 16:33. Badius to Th. de Beze.—Calv. Opp. 5.p. 48 of the Preface. Magnifico celebrem Christi cantate triumphum Carmine. Io Paean caetera turba canat.—Epinicion. Calv. Opp. 5. p. 425. This song of victory consists of 124 lines. Only a few fragments have been published. The poem was translated into French meter by Conrad Badius of Paris, and of this version we have cited two lines. Lettres françaises , 1. p. 37. Calvin’s letter to Farel, Strasburg, Feb. 19, 1541.—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 156. Calvin’s Letter to Bernard. Ulm, March 1, 1541.—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 166. Letter to Farel.—Ibid. p. 170. ‘Nullum esse locum sub coelo quem magis reformidem... Jam nescio qui factum sit ut animo incipiam esse inclinatiore ad capessenda ejus gubernacula.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 167. ‘In illis (literis) enim Periclis tonitrua mihi audire videbar.’—Cl. Feraeus to Farel. Calv. Opp. 11. p. 171. See Calvin’s letter to Farel, March 29.—Calv. Opp. 11p. 175, and his letter to Richebourg, ibid. p. 188. ‘Minime idoneus mihi ad tales actiones videor, quidquid alii judicent.’—To Farel, Strasburg, Feb. 19, 1541. Calv. Opp. 11. p. 156. ‘Nondum meretur mundus ista bestia liberari.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 217. ‘Contarinus sine sanguine subigere nos cupit, Mutinensis totus est sanguinarius et bellum subinde in ore habet.’—To Farel, March 29. Ibid. p. 176. ‘Er hasste ihn.’—Kampschulte, J. Calvin , 1. p. 334. ‘Philippus et Bucerus formulas de transsubstantiatione composuerunt ambiguas et fucosas.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 217. Calv. Opp. 5. p. 52. In his annotations Calvin veils himself under name of Eusebius Pamphilus. ‘Quae pontificii conventicula his viginti annis aut amplius ad opprimendum evangelium habuerunt,’ etc.—Calv. Opp . 5. p. 472. March 1541. A summary of the cardinal’s discourse is given in Sleidan’s Hist. of the Reform. 2. book 13. p. 207. Edit. of the Hague, 1767. Calvin’s reply is in the Opp. 5. p. 461. It is omitted in the previous collection of his works. ‘Everso sublatoque episcopali munere, sub ejus nomine tyrannidem prorsus antichristianam stabilire.’—Calv. Opp. 5. p. 472. ‘Si qui autem alia requirant, hos nec protestantes inter suos deputabunt.’—Ibid . p. 475. ‘Caeterarum observationum ecclesiis sua relinquenda est libertas.’— Calv. Opp. 5. p. 477. ‘Nihil itaque a protestantibus exsistit, cur difficile nedum impossibile sit solidam et piam ecclesiarum concordiam restituere.’—Calv. Opp . 5. p. 478. ft62a ‘Catholici protestantes.’ Calvin evidently denotes by this phrase the Protestants who like himself, wish for one universal church, one in faith, in charity, and in hope, although it may have diversities in church government and in forms of worship. The conception of such a church is a grand one. ‘Totum etiam orbem ad consortium verae et unicae religionis Christi permoveri.’—Calv. Opp. 5. 481. There is a whole body of Catholic literature devoted to the description of the immorality of Romish ecclesiastics; works of a grave character, satirical and humoristic works, etc. See the De ruina ecclesiae of Nic. de Clemengis, rector of the university of Paris, who calls the ecclesiastics Porci Epicurei. Bebel, Triumphus Veneris. Theobald, Conquestus in Concil. Const., says—‘acerdotes non solum tabernas sed etiam lupanaria intrare: puellas, maritatas atque noviciales, corrumpere; episcopos eodem vitio laborare.’ ‘Esset magnum monstrum in corpore Christi.’—Calv. Opp. 5. p. 480. Isaiah 8:9,10. Calv. Opp . 5. p. 499. ‘Donec uti uno incendio Germaniam viderint conflagrare.’—Ibid. p. 408. Calvin on 1 Timothy 1:17. This was noticed, by the editors of Calvin’s works. See vol. 5. Prolegomena ,p. 53, 1866. ‘Hoc Farnesii consilium... ubi mensibus aliquot post emanasset, Johannes Calvinus excusum typis commentario vestivit’ (p. 55.) ‘Crede mihi, in ejusmodi actionibus opus est fortibus animis qui alios confirment.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 216. ‘Si essemus dimidio Christo contenti, facile transigeremus.’—Ibid. p. 217. Calv. Opp . 5.p. 654, Acts of Ratisbon. It is thought that the notes in which these remarks and others occur are Calvin’s because they are found in his French edition of the Acts, and not in the Latin and German editions. Internal evidence confirms this supposition, for his style and his mind are in them. Calv. Opp . 5. pp. 658, 659. Ibid. p. 663. Calv. Opp . 5. p. 671. We are glad to see Calvin’s moderation acknowledged by Kampschulte, J. Calvin , 1. p. 341. Calv. Opp . 5. pp. 680-684. ‘Occasionem praeterire nolui; sic elapsus sum.’—Calvin to Farel, July 1541.—Opp. 11. p. 252. Calvin to Viret, Strasburg, 25th July, and 13th August, 1541. Opp . 11. pp. 259, 262. ft78a Chron. MS. de Roset, book 4. ch. 18. Registers of the Council. Gautier. Roget, Peuple de Geneve , 1. p. 304. ‘Non ignoratis in quos tumultus et horrida scandala ab eo quo pii ministri nostri, magna quidem injuria, tumultu et conspiratione potius quam judicii ordine, ab urbe nostra injuste profligati fuertunt.’— Archives of Geneva. Gautier, Hist. MS., p. 474. Calv. Opp. 11. p. 227. ‘Unde ingentem piorum et proborum virorum turbam ad gemitum et lacrimas adegerunt.’—Ibid. ‘Per eos rejecti qui propriam sectabantur concupiscentiam, potius quam Dei voluntatem.’—Ibid. ‘Posteaquam factiosorum seditiosorumque hominume arte et machinationibus.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 222. ‘Nihil praeter molestias, inimicitias, lites, contentiones, dissolutiones, seditiones, factiones et homicidia.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 222. ‘Cum hic velut ostium Galliae, Italiaeque simus.’—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 122. The syndics were—J. A. Curtet, A. Baudiere, Pernet-Desfosses, and Domaine d’Arlod.—Calv. Opp. 11. p. 152. Roget, Peuple de Geneve , 1. p. 320. Calv. Opp. 11. pp. 184, 186, 234. Calvin to Farel, March 1, 1541. ‘Sane me vehementer conturbarunt ac consternarunt tua fulgura...Ignosce qaeso imprudentiae meae.... Spero te veniam daturum.’—Opp. 11. p. 170. Calvin, Henry , 1. p. 395. Calvin on Acts, 4:5. ‘Cor meum velut mactatum Domino in sacrificium offero.’—Calvin to Farel, Oct. or Nov. 1540. Opp . 11. p. 100. ‘Animum vincturn et constrictum subigo in obedientiam Dei.’—Ibid. A seal of Calvin’s bears this motto, and the emblem is a hand presenting a heart to heaven. Preface des Psaumes, p. 9. Beze-Colladon, Vie de Calvin, p. 47. Calv. Opp. 11. pp. 97, 267, 271, 273. Roget, Peuple de Geneve, p. 309. Ruchat, 5. pp. 164-167. Calvin to the lords of Geneva, Lettres françaises , 1. p. 38. To the lords of Neuchatel, ibid. pp. 39-43. Calv. Opp. 11. pp. 275, 293. Registers of the Council for the day. Registers of the Council, August 29 and September 9. De la Maison de Calvin , by Th. Heyer. Memoires d’Archeologie , 9. pp. 394, 403. Preface des Psaumes , p. 8. Summa cum universi populi ac senatus imprimis singulare Dei erga se beneficium serio tunc agnoscentis congratulatione .’—Beza, Vita Calvini, p. 7. Beze-Colladon, Vie de Calvin, p. 47. ‘So durchzog er jetzt im Triumph . . Er hielt, unter dem Jubel der Bevolkerung seinen feierlichen Einzug in Genf . . richtete an die versammelte Menge Wort ,’ etc.—Kampschulte, J. Calvin , 1. p. 381. These flights of imagination are astonishing in a writer like Kampschulte. M. Roget, with reference to a passage of Henry, rejects as we do the idea of outward demonstrations.—Peuple de Geneve , 1. p. 312. Heyer, Mem. d’Archeologie , 9. pp. 396-398, 405-406. The house of the abbe de Bonmont, in which Calvin first lived, is that in the Rue des Chanoines, which, as rebuilt in 1708 by the syndic Buisson, now bears the number 13, and belongs to M. Adrien Naville, president several times of the Societe Evangelique and the Evangelical Alliance. Th p. 281. Goulaz was succeeded by Balard.—Calvin to Farel, Sep. 16, 1541. Opp. 11.
p. 281. ‘Mit fast kriechender Unterwurfigkeit . . sich so tief vor ihm erniedrigte.’—Kampschulte, J Calvin , 1.
p. 385. ‘Sein Herrscherrecht uber Genf . . ein von Gott selbst erklarter Glaubenssatz,’—Ibid. The Genevese florin was rather more than half a franc in value. The salary of the reformer was therefore about 250 francs. But taking account the higher value of money at that period, it may be reckoned this sum would be equivalent at the present time to about 4.000 francs (160l .). This is the estimate of M. Franklin, of the Mazarin Library, and we think it is accurate. Registers of the day. Gautier, Hist. MS., 481. ‘Totus in eo erat ut et Viretum . . et Farellum collegas p. 9. Calvin to Farel, Geneva, September 16, 1541. Opp. 11.p. < > Calvin speaks thus with reference to Farel’s despondency. Comment on 2 Corinthians 7:1; Genesis 17:1. ‘Calvin fuhlte sich fast nur noch als Werkzeug in der Hand Gottes,...ohne jedes personliche Zuthun.’—Kampschulte, J. Calvin , 1. 306. Roset, Chron. MS., book 4. chap. 53. Registers of October 20, 1541. Calvin on Ephesians, Ephesians 4:15. Calvin to Bucer, October 15, 1541. Opp. 11.
p. 299. Calvin to Bucer, Oct. 15, 1541.—Opp. 11.
p. 299. In a letter to some anonymous correspondent Calvin speaks of about twenty days. ‘Intra viginti dies formulam composuimus.’ This passage cannot invalidate the other account, and is not far from agreeing with it. Registers of September 28. ft118a Calvin to Bucer, October 15, 1541. Registers of September 29. Registers, October 25 and 27; November 9 and 20, 1541; and January 2, 1542. Roset, Chron. MS. book 4. ch. 50. Beza, Vita Calvini,
p. 8. Gautier, book 6.
p. 485. Calv. Opp. 10.p. 15; 11.
p. 379. Calv. Opp. 10. 15-30. Scheme of ecclesiastical ordinances. This introduction (p. 16) is found at the head of the ordinances in the Registers of the Venerable Company of Pastors, to which they were officially communicated. Memoir sent to the Council of Constance. See also Pici Mirandulae ad Leonemp. M. de Reformandis Moribus. Institution de la Religion Chretienne, book 3. ch. 6. Calvin on John 15:4,5. Ordonnances ecclesiatiques .—Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 17. Ibid. Ibid. Pascal. Ordonnances.— Calv. Opp. 10. pp. 19, 20. Proverbs 22:6. Ordonnances .—Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 28. Ibid. Racine.—Athalie. Ordonnances.— Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 23. Ibid.
p. 24. Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 27. Ibid. pp. 27 and 28. See, for these quotations, Institution chretienne, book 4. ch. 3, sect. 15. Ordonnances .—Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 17. Ordonnances .—Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 18. ft139a Ordonnances.— Calv. Opp. 10. pp. 31, 32. Ibid.
p. 21. Ibid. pp. 21, 22. Ordonnances.— Calv. Opp. 10. pp. 22, 23. Ibid. 10.
p. 22. Ordonnances .—Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 17. Calvin on Matthew 24:14. Ordonnances, Calv. 10. pp. 20, 21. (The article of the Ordinances appears to say five, not six .) ‘On work-days, in addition to the two customary preachings, there shall be preaching at St. Peter’s three times a week, to wit, on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, before it begins at the other places.’—Editor. ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there, am I in the midst of them.’—Matthew 18:20. Ordonnances .—Calv. Opp. > pp. 25, 26. Ibid .
p. 22. Ordonnances.— Calv. Opp. 10.
p. 20. Ibid .
p. 30. Introduction aux extraits des registres du consistoire de Geneve, 1541- 1814, by M. the Syndic Auguste Cramer. These autograph notes have not been printed. Registers of the Council of December 27, 1542. Roset, Chron. MS. de Geneve, book 4. chap. 61. In the middle ages the name of Jesus took an h (Jhesus or Jehesus). It was represented by the letters J H S, with a mark of abbreviation above them. These three letters were subsequently considered to be the initials of the formula\par JESUS HOMINUM SALVATOR.—Blavignac; Armorial Genevois, Memoires d’Archeologie, vol. 6.
p. 176. Roget, L’Eglise et l’Etat, Geneva, 1867,
p. 7. Cramer, Introduction aux extraits des registres du consistoire. Geneva, 1853,
p. 5. Calv. Opp . 10.p. 21, note 4. Ordonnances, etc. Calv. Opp. 10. pp. 16, 17, 21, 22, 30. Registers of the Council, November 9, 1541. ‘Alternis hebdomadibus totis concionabatur.’—Beza, Vita Calvini,
p. 8. Calvin’s letter to Myconius, Geneva, March 14, 1542. Calv. Opp . 11.
p. 337. Ordonnances, edit. of 1561. Beze-Colladon, Vie française de Calvin, pp. 55, 56. ‘Multos ex Gallia et Italia.’—Beza, Vita Calvini ,
p. 9. Ordonnances .—Calvin, Opp. 10.
p. 17. Sayous, Etudes sur les ecrivains de la reformation , p. 173. The title-page of the volume on Deuteronomy states—‘Taken down faithfully and verbatim as M. Jean Calvin publicly preached them.’ Kampschulte, Joh. Calvin , 1.
p. 406. Vingt-deux Sermons de M. Jean Calvin sur le Psaume cxix. Geneva: by François Estienne, for Estienne Anastase, 1562,
p. 38. Vingt-deux Sermons, etc.—Second Sermon, pp. 26, 27. Ibid. Second Sermon, pp. 41, 42. Ibid. Third Sermon, pp. 52, 53, 61, 62. Vingt-deux Sermons , etc.—Eighteenth Sermon,
p. 308. Vingt-deux Sermons, etc.—Twentieth Sermon, pp. 405, 406. Ibid. Twenty-second Sermon, pp. 452, 453. Sermons de J. Calvin sur les Epitres de saint Paul a Timothee et a Tite, 1561,p. 67, etc. ft173a Sainte-Beuve, Port-Royal, 3.
p. 403. Institution Chretienne, book 3. ch. 23. § 8. Ibid. Institution Chretienne, ch. 21, § 1, 2. Calvin d’apres Calvin, published by the Evangelical Alliance of Geneva for the third Jubilee of May 27, 1564,
p. 28. Cramer, Extraits (autograph) des registres du Consistoire. Lettres francaises , 1.
p. 188. Cramer, Extraits (autograph) des registres du Consistoire. Cramer, Extraits des registres du Consistoire. ft181a Bonivard had to appear before the consistory for having one evening, at the lodging of Jean Hugonier, while waiting for supper, played at dice for a quart of wine with Clement Marot.—Roget, Peuple de Geneve , 2.
p. 20. Cramer, Extraits des registres du Consistoire. Ibid. Calvin on Matthew 18:6, 10. ft184a Cramer, Extraits des registres du Consistoire. Calvin to Myconius, March 14, 1542.—‘Poteram quum veni magno plausu exagitare hostes nostros, et plenis velis invehi in totam illam nationem quae nos laeserat.’—Opp . 11.
p. 378. Jac. Bernard, H. de la Mare, Aime Champereau.—Opp. 11.
p. 364. ‘Nostra mansuetudine et patientia efficimus.’—Opp. 11.
p. 378. ‘Quam placido humanoque ingenio sit Viretus.’—Ibid. ‘Machen dadurch auf den Leser einen oft geradezu unangenehmen Eindruck.’—Kampschulte, J. Calvin , 1.
p. 390. It is this same historian who does justice to Calvin as above mentioned; and it may be said that the passage in which the sentence occurs makes the most agreeable impression of any in his book. ‘Meine Milde und Geduld,’ Kampschulte makes Calvin say, as if he were referring to himself alone. It is no doubt an oversight on the part of the historian. To Bucer, Letter of October 15, 1541. To Myconius Letter of March 14, 1542.—Opp. 11. pp. 299, 377. Letter to Myconius of April 17, 1542.—Calv. Opp. 11.
p. 384. Geneve ecclesiastique, ou Livre des spectables pasteurs et professeurs,
p. 6. Calvin to Viret, July 1542.—Opp. 11.
p. 420. Vie française de Calvin
p. 54. Roget, Peuple de Geneve , 2. pp. 40, 46. Grenus, Fragments Historiques ,
p. 8. Calvin to Farel.—Opp . 11.
p. 408. ‘Vidi et mann tetigi salutare illud...’—Calv. Opp. 11.
p. 409. ‘Novo prorsus spiritu tune donatum,’—Ibid. Calvin to Viret, July 1542.—Opp . 11.
p. 420. ‘Et spes in posterum amplius affulget si mihi reliquatur Viretus.’— Calv. Opp . 11. pp. 322, 377. Cramer, Extraits des registres du Consistoire. Calvin on Matthew 5:9. Ezekiel 3:9. Works of Zwinglius, 6. pp. 340, 427. Institution Chretienne, book 2. ch. 3, 4. We set forth several of these examples in a discourse delivered September 6, 1861, in the church of St. Peter, Geneva, at the general conferences of the Evangelical Alliance. Dedication of the Commentary on the Epistle of Titus. ‘Ne decem quidem maria ad eam rem trajicere pigeat.’ Calv. Epp. to Cranmer; edit. 1575,
p. 100. ‘Quanquam nec parentum rusticorum quippe conditio, nec rei familiaris inopia permitterent ut ad litterarum studia applicaret animum.’ — Gerdesius, Annales Reformationis , iii.
p. 355. ‘In studia propensionem ab infantia vehementem.’ — Ibid . Brondlund, Memoria J . Tausani . Munter, Kirchengeschichte von Danemark , 1,p. ‘Adiret universitatem excepts sola atque unica Witebergensi.’ — Gerdesius, Annal . Reform . 3,
p. 356. Munter, 3,
p. 74. ‘Nugarum et ineptiarum.’ — Ibid . Gerdesius Annal . Reform . 3,
p. 356. Munter, 3,
p. 74. Olivarus, Hist . de Vita P . Eliae carmel . — Gerdesius , Ann . 3,
p. 329. Gamst, De Petro Parvo Rosaefontano . He was called in Danish, instead of Parvus , Litle, which was converted into Lille , the name by which he is best known. — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 341. See the documents collected by Gram, Om Kong Christiern den Anderns forehafte Reformation . Mallet, Hist . du Danemark , tom. 3. Suaningius, Christianuss II . Mallet, Hist . du Danemark , vol. iii. Raumer, Geschichte Europas , 2,
p. 100. Pontoppidan, Kitchenhist . book 6, ch. 3. Munter, 3,
p. 12. [On the author’s manuscript appears this note: ‘Add some details from the documents .’ This intention was not carried out. The details are wanting. —EDITOR.] Suaningius, Vita Christierni II . Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 342. ‘Ex jussu principis vocatus huc venit.’ — Matriculation-Book of the Faculty of Theology of Copenhagen. Scultetus, Hist . Litt . Reform , 1,
p. 33. ‘Ut ludibrio sannisque exceptus fuerit.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 343. ‘Omnibus conviviis et symposiis adhibitus, de rebus levissimis ridiculisque conciones habuit. . . ita ut Martinum ipsum adesse vulgo esset persuasum.’ — Huitfeld, Chron . Dan . 2,
p. 1152. Suaningius, Vita Christierni II . Documents of Gram.
p. 2. Resen, Lutherus triumphans , ad an. 1521. ‘Rex Daniae etiam persequitur Papistas, mandato dato universitati suae ne mea damnarent.’ — Luther, Epp .1,
p. 570. (De Wetto.) ‘Archiepiscopum vero equitantem viginti juvenes cum equis prosequantur.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 347. Schlegel, Geschichte der oldemb . Konige in Danemark , 1,
p. 107. Munter: Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 48. Suaningius, Christianus II . ‘Mense Octobri inscriptus est in matriculam academiae ad theologicae facultatis professionem.’ — Resen, Lutherus triumphans , ad an. 1521. Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 356. Munter, Kirchengeschichte ,
p. 79. Mallet, 3,
p. 420. Munter, .Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 82. Raumer, 2,
p. 116. Mallet, 3,
p. 595. Raumer, Geschichte Europas , 2,
p. 142. ‘Christiernus Lutherum diu concionantem audit.’ — Scultetus, Ann . 1,
p. 52. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 84. Spalatin, Leben Friedrichs des Weisen ,
p. 137. ‘Magna fide excessit accepta coena Domini.’ — Luther, Opp . 2,
p. 93. (De Wette.) Seckendorf, Hist . des Lutherthums , pp. 600, 722. Schlegel, Geschichte des Oldenburgischen Stammes , 1,
p. 53. ‘Ut doctrina evangelica per Lutheri quosdam discipulos Cimbrorum animis instillaretur indulserat.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 353. Munter, Kirchengeschichte von Danemark und Norwegen , 3, pp. 101, 145. ‘Propriae virtutis vestrae memores qua Lutheranam haeresin ferro et gladio persequendam semper duxistis.’ — Raynaldi, Ann . 1525, No. 29. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 115. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 592. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 565. Michelsen’s Preface. See Henderson’s ‘Dissertation on Mikkelsen’s Translation.’ Danische Bibliothek, 1,
p. 120. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3, pp. 128-144. Gerdesius, 3, pp. 356-352. Olivarii Vita Pauli Eliae ,
p. 169. Munter, 3,
p. 142. Munter, 3, pp. 560, 585, 599. M. Mallet, Histoire de Danemark , 4,
p. 27. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 169. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 360. ‘Quantum huc usque a vera salutis via deflexerant monstrando.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 357. ‘Virium humanarum defectum, omniumque bonorum operum indigentiam monstrans.’ — Gerdesius, Ann .
p. 357. ‘Occaecatos pontificia superstitione superiores totos in se armaret.’ — Ibid . and Dan . Bibl ., 1,
p. 5. Luther, Opp . 22, (Walch) von der Beruf,p. 2378 et seq. Gerdesius, 3,
p. 358. Schlegel, Geschichte des Oldenburgischen Stammes , 1,
p. 148. Munter, 3,
p. 101. Munter, 3,
p. 161. Gerdesius, 3, Monum .,
p. 202. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 171. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 354. Gerdesius (3,p. 626) calls him — Nicolaus Martini cognomine Tondebinder; and says in a note, — Claus Martensen dictus Vascularius. Munter, 3,
p. 190. Munter, 3,
p. 191. Danske Magazin , ch. 3,p. 236, et seq. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 222. Gerdesius, 3,
p. 411. Munter, 3,
p. 503. Rabbek, De ecclesiae Danicae hymnariis . ‘Latronum speluncam, desperatorum et apostatarum asylum.’ — Schibbyische Chronik . Munter, 3, pp. 226, 255. Danske Magazin , 5,p. 289, 312. Gerdesius, 3, Monum . pp. 204, 206. Pontoppidanus, Ann . Eccles . Dan . 2, pp. 808, 817. Munter, 3,
p. 195. ‘Nisi ut spectetur non hominum sed Christi negotium.’ — Erasmi, Epp . 1, 19. Munter, 3,
p. 196. ‘Religionem tam Lutheranam quam Pontificiam libere permittendam esse.’ — Pontoppidanus, Reform .
p. 172. Gerdesius, 3,
p. 364. Tertullian adds, ‘Religio sponte suscipi debet .’ ‘Manibus pedibusque agebant.’ — Gerdesius, 3,
p. 364. Munter, Reformationsgeschichte , 3,
p. 205. Pontoppidanus, Reform ,
p. 175. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 365. Munter, 3, pp. 209, 211. Munter, 3,
p. 230. Historia ejectionis monachorum e Dania , in Pontoppidanus, Ann . 2,
p. 821. ‘Her haffive . . Klawemaal. En rett christelig Fadzon, etc. — Wiborg, 1528. Munter, 3,
p. 233. Munter, 3,
p. 250. Munter, 3, pp. 255, 256, 273. ‘Si quidem religio vera debuerit esse antiquissima.’ — Gerdesius, iii.
p. 372. ‘Veritatis antehac obscuratae atque detectae majori cum perspicuitate, soliditate et eloquentia inculcarentur.’ — Gerdesius, 3,
p. 372. G. Sadolin’s Bericht vom Reichstage in Kopenhagen , 1530. ‘At vero hi erant ante victoriam triumphi.’ — Gerdesius, 3,
p. 375. ‘Aristotelicos doctores, magistros et monachos.’ — Ibid ,
p. 376. Danske Magazin , 1,p. Munter, 3,
p. 297. Gerdesius, vi.
p. 376. Munter, 3,
p. 299. ‘Nullis interpretationibus, additamentis et commentis humanis corrupta.’ The confession of faith was drawn up in Danish, but we quote from the Latin translation made in the seventeenth century by Pontanus. This document appears to us too important to be entirely omitted. — Gerdesius, 3. Monum .
p. 247. Munter, 3,
p. 308. The fourth article relates to the Trinity; the fifth to the incarnation and birth of the Son of God. ‘Debiti solutionem, expiationem et satisfactionem pro peccatis nostris omnibus.’ ‘Maledicit iis quibus Deus benedicit, rejicit eos quos Deus recipit.’ ‘Diaboli dogma est.’ ‘In qua ejus corpus editur ac sanguis ejus potatur in certum pignus.’ “Veri episcopi sive presbyteri, quae voces sunt prorsus synonymae.’ — (Art. 36.) Woldike, Confessio Hafniensis . Muhlius, De Reformatione in Cimbria ,
p. 140. Gerdesius, 3. Monumenta ,
p. 232. Hominem liberum arbitrium non habere, et ea quae in mundo fiunt ita fieri ut aliter fieri non possint.’ — Gerdesius, 3. Monum .
p. 232. Apologia concionatorum Evangelicorum . — Ibid .
p. 234. The reference is doubtless to pagan Russians, Mongols, etc. — Munter, 3,
p. 325. ‘Sacrilego principe non solum connivente, verum etiam instigante...debacchati sunt concionatores Lutherani.’ — Chron . Schibbyenbs . Munter, 3,
p. 330. Danske Magazin , 1,
p. 94. Ft299 Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 332. Calvin. ‘Stupidis, indoctis et profanis. . . qui fabulas hominum inventiones, monaehorum somnia et hypocriticas anilesque nugas et gerras populo Christiano pro more papistarum proponunt.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 383. ‘Abet von dem was einige von ihnen selbst sind, davon sprechen wir jetzt nicht.’ — Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 334. Danske Magazin , 1,
p. 95. Misopogon ,
p. 363. Munter, 3,
p. 336. ‘Et quantis in tenebris hactenus delituissent perspicerent.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 386. Munter, 3, pp. 355, 364. Jacobi, Historia ejectionis monachorum , MS. quoted in Munter, 3, 357. Munter, 3, pp. 369-370. Raynald, ann . 1530, No. 58. Munter, 3,
p. 86. Raumer, 2,
p. 144. ‘Adverso numine et certantibus contra ventis,’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 390. Geijer, Schwedensgeschichte , 2,
p. 81. Opzlo, the former capital of Norway, burnt in 1624, forms at this day the most ancient part of Christiania. Raumer, 2,
p. 146. Mallet 6,
p. 116. ‘Epist. Christ. II. ad Regem Fredericum.’ — Huitfeld, Danische Chronik ,
p. 1378. Schybbiense Chronicon ,
p. 589. Holberg, 2,
p. 261. Mallet, 6,p. 117, etc. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 82. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 390. Mallet, Histoire du Danemark , 6,
p. 125. Schlegel,
p. 133. Luther, Epp . 4,p. 403 (de Wette). ‘Lugentibus omnibus bonis qui gravissimam in morte regis optimi jacturam faciebant.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 391. Huitfeld, .Dan .- Chronik ,
p. 1393. Charles Frederick, duke of Holstein-Gottorp, married Anna Petrowna, daughter of Peter the Great, and her son, Charles Peter Ulric, was chosen by the empress Elizabeth, his aunt, to succeed her. He ascended the throne in 1762, under the name of Peter III., and had for his wife the famous Catherine II. The emperors descended from this prince are Paul I., Alexander I., Nicholas I., and Alexander II. The author appears to have written deux ans , but owing to the rather hieroglyphic character of his handwriting, we can almost as well read dix as deux . Raumer (ii.p. 148) says: — “Johann erst zwolf jahre alt,” child of twelve years: but this must be a mistake, because Frederick reigned from 1523 to 1533, and John was born after the accession of his father. See alsop. 242 infra. (Editor.) ‘Ut religio evangelica . . opprimeretur et vetus illa restitueretur sacrorum pontificiorum ratio.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 391. ‘Invecti graviter in ministros novae religionis.’ — Ibid .
p. 392. ‘Ita enim eviluisse antistitum auctoritatem.’ — Ibid .
p. 393. ‘Aliisque poenis atrocioribus in pervicaces animadvertendum.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 393. ‘Magnitudine periculi vehementer sunt turbati.’ — Ibid . ‘Partam ei libertatem rege volente, non nisi rege in contrarium sciscente puto eripi posse.’ — Ibid .
p. 394. ‘Multa antistitum astu erant interpolata.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 394. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 4,
p. 394. Pontoppidan,
p. 263. Danske Magazin , 3,
p. 106. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 4,
p. 399. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 395. ‘Cum Taussanus in pontificiorum oculis sudes esset,’ etc. — lbid . ‘At senatores et reliqui magistratus plebeii Taussani apud antistites supplicium deprecantur.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 2,
p. 397. ‘Plebs forum tumultu ac clamoribus implet; indignari enim et fremere.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 397. ‘Audiebantur voces restitui Taussanum flagitantium,’ — Ibid . ‘Irent igitur pacati domum, et res suas agerent.’ — Ibid .,
p. 398. ‘Inclamant exhibendum Taussanum aut se fores molituros.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 398. ‘Taussani mansuetudo turbidos compescuit,’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 398. Huitfield, Dan . Chronik , 2,p. 1402 et seq . Munter, Kirchengeschicte , 3,p. 406 et seq . Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 398. ‘Edita amissionem vitae et bonorum profitentibus Lutheri doctrinam denunciantia.’ (Chytroei Saxonia , lib. 14,p. 362; Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 408.) Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 411. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3, pp. 414, 415, 429; Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 400. Expostulatio adversus exilii sententiam . — Dialogus missae papisticae extremum spiritum trahentis . — De vigiliis superstitiosis . — Centum et septuaginta quaestiones , etc. etc. — Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 431. Danske Magazin , 3,
p. 72. Mallet, Hist . de Danemark , 4,
p. 201. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 435. Hamelman, Oldenburgische Chronik ,
p. 327. Mallet, Hist . de Danemark , 4,
p. 201. ‘Qui non regem se populo obtrudere volebat, quin potius ab ipso populo ad regnum advocari cupiebat.’ — Gerdesius Ann . 3,
p. 401. Gerdesius, Ann . Mallet, Hist , etc. Geijer, Geschichte Schweden , 2,
p. 87. The white baton distinguished those who were pardoned from those who surrendered at discretion. In the Histoire Uniniverselle of Theodore Agrippa d’Aubigne, 3,p. 35, we read, on occasion of a victory of Lesdiguieres: — ‘Les soldats de Gascogne rendus au baston blanc , ceux de pays a discretion .’ This war is called in Denmark ‘die Grafenfehde ,’ war of the Count; and this name has become a proverbial expression to designate a great calamity. Rerum Danicarum Scriptores , pp. 65-75. IIamelmau, Oldenburgische Chronik , pp. 327-340. Mallet, 4, pp. 242, 323. Histoire Universelle of Theodore Agrippa d’Aubigne. ‘Super laquearia in foedum latibulum conscenderat.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 405. ‘Auf einem Balken unter seinem Dache.’ — Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 449. ‘Antistes Arusiensis (Ore Bilde, the bishop of Aarhuus) castellum ‘Silkeburgicum dedi non patiebatur, quantumvis aeriter Rantzovius id oppugnaret, sed per Johannem Stugium contra vim defendebat.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3, pp. 404-406, where these several arrests are narrated. ‘Cum nobilitate cives ex plebe urbana aeque atque rustica delecti convocabantur.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 406. ‘Ipse exoptasset se in diabolum transformari,’ etc. — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 407. Munter. Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 456. ‘Dissentientes nedum ut vi contra conscientiam adigantur...reddituros ipsos Deo fidei rationem.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 407. See vol. 5,
p. 481. The assembly of May 21, at Geneva. Nye, Danske Magazin , 1,p. 240; in Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 458. ‘Regem coronavit et reginam quasi verus episcopus.’ — Luther, Epp . 5,
p. 87. De’Wette. ‘Taussanus constitutus est episcopus Ripensis, praesente Rege et sex reliquis episcopis.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 412. ‘Ordinatio ecclesiastica,’ etc. — Hafniae, 1537. Chytraei, Saxonia , 15,
p. 379. Grammius, Additam . ad historiam Cragii , 2,
p. 29. Descriptio Norvegiae ,
p. 34. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,p. 515, seq. Vol. III. (First Series), book 10, chap. 6, and this volume. Finni Johannaei, H .E . Islandiae , 2,p. 491, seq. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 533. Danske Magazin 3,
p. 242. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3,
p. 534. Munter, Kirchengeschichte , 3, pp. 542, seq. This psychology of nations is expounded in M. de Rougemont’s Precis d ’ethnographie de statistique et de geographie historique . Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen der dreien Schwedischen Reformatoren ,
p. 26. ·Maltebrun. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen der dreien Schwedischen Reformatoren , pp. 26, 32. Reuterdahl, History of the Church of Sweden (in Swedish), 1866. Anjou, Histoire de la Reformation de Suede , 1850. We regret that we could only partially avail ourselves, in the progress of our labours, of the information contained in the last two works, both of them of considerable importance. Scheffer, De Memorabilibus Suecicae gentis ,
p. 159. Propheties merveilleuses de sainte Brigitte , Lyons, 1536. Reuterdahl, Schinmeier, Anjou, Schroeckh, Theol . Encyclopadie . ‘Evangelicae doctrinae semina per varios mercatores Germanos jam instillata.’ — Gerdesius, Annal . Reform . 3,
p. 285. ‘Stultos quosdam senes . . ut malint barbariem perpetuam regnare.’ . . — Eliae epistola ad Petrum canonicum . Reuterdahl, History of the Church of Sweden , 4,
p. 172. Ziegler’s Erzahlung in Freh. Scr . 3,
p. 149. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibung ,
p. 30. ‘Contentionem scholasticam, magno saepe cum impetu agitatam.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 286. Schinmeier, Die drei Reformatoren , pp. 31, 32. Schinmeier, pp. 32, 33. Celsius, Geschichte Gustavs des Ersten , 1,
p. 208. Schinmeier, pp. 33, 34. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2, pp. 4, 5. Ibid . pp. 5, 6. Schlegel,
p. 105. Clem. Rensel’s Bericht . Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 9. Clem. Rensel’s Bericht . Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 13. Raumer, 2,
p. 120. Skibyense Chron .
p. 570. Olai Chronica ,
p. 348. This building, by ordinance of April 26, 1668, was consecrated as a royal monument. This house has been preserved, with some figures representing Gustavus and other persons, and is shown to strangers. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 13. Near the church of Mora is shown the spot where Gustavus addressed the people. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2, pp. 15-17. Von Troil, Verhandlung zur Reformations-Geschichte Schwedens , iv.
p. 356. Celsius, Leben Gustavs , 1,
p. 139. ‘Veritatis luce ac radiis tactus.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 287. ‘Praesertim contra decreta S. Romani ecclesiae.’ — Brask to the Bishop of Skara, 12th July, 1523. ‘Ut status modernae ecclesiae reducatur ad mendicitatem et statum ecclesiae primitivae.’ — Ibid . ‘Pullulare incipit haeresis illa Lutherana.’ — Brask to the Bishop of Skara, 12th July, 1523. Spegel, Schriftliche Beweise , 16 August, 1540. ‘Palam id prodere velle, res periculo plenissima.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 287. Raynal, Anecdotes de l ’Europe . Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibung ,
p. 40. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 43. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen , pp. 42, 43. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibunqen , pp. 43, 44, 45. ‘Ein junger Mensch, der daruber frohlockte, war vom Pobel zerrissen.’ — Schiumeier, Lebensbeschreibungen ,
p. 49. ‘Ejecerant organa musica, statuas et imagines,’ &c. — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 289. ‘Quum id occasionem praeberet sacrificulis magnam excitandi tempestatem,’ &c. — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 290. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 54. ‘Thierischen Ausschweifungen .’ — Schinmeier,
p. 56. ‘Scortis multifariis.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 291. Een liten Underwisning om Ecktenskapet . — Stockholm, 1528. ‘Quippe quum Novi Testamenti Scripta omnium manibus terrentur,’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 291. ‘Inviti aggrediebantur.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 292. ‘Die Klerisey erschrak.’ — Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibung ,
p. 57. ‘Weit prachtiger und uberflussiger als der Konig selbst.’ — Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibung ,
p. 58. ‘Gustav sprach, zu Pferde sitzend, auf einer der Upsala Hugel.’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 55. ‘Unsere Gnaden trinken Eurer Gnaden zu.’ ‘Deine Gnaden und Unsere Gnaden haben nicht Raum unter einem Dache.’ — Geijer, 3,
p. 55. Schinmeier,
p. 60. ‘Ut tempestatem in se intentam si pote amolirentur.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 292. ‘Cum theologi consuessent eos omnes qui non in omnibus secum conspirarent statim haereseos accusare.’ — Ibid .
p. 293. ‘Eo responso commotior factus archiepiscopus.’ — Ibid . The Abbe Vertot,
p. 61. This disputation is handed down to us in the Acta Colloquii Upsaliensis habiti an. 1526. These Acts are to be found in the Monumenta or Appendix of Vol. 3 of the Ann . of Gerdesius, pp. 153- 181. ‘In constitutionibus Patrum a S. Scriptura dissentientibus etiami nos discedimus ab illis.’ — Gerdesius. Ann . 3, Appendix,
p. 155. ‘Utrum homo salvetur meritis suis an sola gratia Dei?’ — Ibid .
p. 167. ‘Apparitiones indies novae visuntur,’ &c. — Gerdesius, Ann . 3, Appendix,
p. 173. ‘Gaudens fallacibus novitatibus, taedio verbi Dei.’ — Ibid .
p. 174. ‘Ut religiosi lectores possent cognoscere utra pars veritatem detenderet.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 295. Raumer, 2,
p. 125. ‘Non laicis aut plebi.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 299. ‘Romam mittere . . non convincendos, sed ferro et igne comburendos.’ — Ibid . Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibung , pp. 59, 60. ‘Qui gladium et aratrum, bellum et pacem, mortem et vitam in aequo ponunt.’ — Joh. Magnus, Praefatio ad Historiam Gothicam ,p. 11, in Gerdesius:, Ann ., 3,
p. 304. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 58. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 303. Seckendorf, Hist . Luther ,
p. 835. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen , pp. 11-13. ‘Sie entfarbten sich, zeigten ihre Bitterkeit im Gesichte,’ &c. — Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen ,
p. 69. Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 305. Geijer, 2,
p. 60. ‘Omnibus suis exutos videri castellis et arcibus.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 306. ‘Sich im Streite audrer Waffen als einer Wachkerze bedienen. — Geijet, 2,
p. 62. ‘Iisquo qui alieni laboris fructu ad suas voluptates abutebantur.’ Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 307. ‘Non sine quadam animi commotione.’ — Ibid .
p. 308. ‘Es mochte die Axt uns im Genick sitzen.’ — Geijer, 2,
p. 64. ‘In solche Bewegung sprach, dass ihm die Thranen aus den Augen sturzten.’ — Geijer, and Raumer, Geschichte Europas , 2,
p. 131. ‘Cum suis per integrum triduum convivari.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 309. Geijer, 2,
p. 65. Geijer, 2,
p. 65. Raumer, 2,
p. 182. ‘Es fehlte wenig dass die gemeinen Leute seine Fusse kussten.’ — Geijer, 2,
p. 65. Gordesius, Ann ., 3, pp. 311-313. Geijer, 2, pp. 66, 67. ‘Introducentes in solium regni quandoque externos reges.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 313. ‘Rex jam non clam sed palam se doctrinae evangelicae esse addictum profiteri.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 317. Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 312. Raumer, 2,
p. 133. Geijer, 2,
p. 68. Schinmeier,
p. 73. ·Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 318. Schinmeier,
p. 76. ‘Ut de toto reformationis negotio plenius definiretur,’ &c. — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 319. Contra Latomum . ‘Ut voluntas Dei in verbo ejus revelata patefiat auditoribus nostris.’ — Forma Reformationis in consilio Orebrogensi definita . This document is given in the Appendix to Gerdesius 3,
p. 193. ‘Id modeste et primo privatim agant.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 197. ‘Ut inculcent in memoriam facta Christi qui pro nobis passus est et resurrexit.’ — Ibid .
p. 197. Vertot, Revolutions de Suede , 2. ‘Quod solus Sanguis Christi facit.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3, p 196. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 71. Schinmeier,
p. 81. Geijer, 2,
p. 71. Gerdesius, Ann ., 3, pp. 320-323. ‘Qui frater noster fieri voluit ut officium mediatoris praestaret.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 323. Schinmeier. ‘Legimus quod is intellecta veritate evangelica confestim claustro fuerit egressus.’ — Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 324. ‘Mutato habitu mores quoque mutaverint atque vitae genus.’ — Ibid . Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen der drei Reformatoren ,
p. 39. Herzog, Ency ., 14,
p. 76. Ibid . Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 88. ‘Gar zu geneigt seine Person und Regierung zu moistern.’ — Geijer, 2,
p. 89. ‘Daher nahmen seine Feinde, deren Anzahl am Hofe immer starker ward, taglich Gelegenheit zu manchen Erdichtungen und Vergrosserungen, um ihn vollends verhasst zu machen.’ — Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen der drei Reformatoren ,
p. 82. Schinmeier, Lebensbeschreibungen ,
p. 101. Schroeckh, Reform ., 2,
p. 52. Messenius. He wrote in verses of very bad taste: — ‘Es war ein eifriger Katholik, und uberdies noch sehr leichtglaubig.’ — Schinmeier,
p. 20. ‘In allen Acten dieser Zeit findet sich auch nicht ein Schatten davon.’ — Ibid .
p. 81. Geijer, 2,
p. 88. ‘Uns aber setzet kein Ziel im Regiment und in der Religion.’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 91. ‘Dignus omnino pedagogus regii filii.’ — Luther, Epp . 5,
p. 179. De Wette. ‘Per totum regnum, in ecclesiis praesertim cathedralibus, scholae instituantur.’ — Luther, Epp . 5
p. 179. ‘Precor Christum ut per hos multum fructum faciat Christus ipse, qui eos per majestatem tuam vocat et ordinat. Benedicat Pater . . omnibus consiliis et operibus regiae tuae majestatis.’ — Luther, Epp . 5,
p. 179. ·Raumer, Geschichte Europas , 2, pp. 137-141. Geijer. Gerdesius. Gerdesius, Ann ., 3,
p. 326. ‘Doch standen Zeiten bevor, wo Schwedens Kinder gern ihn aus der Erde scharren wurden, wenn sie konnten.’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 144. Geijer, 2,
p. 146. Catherine, daughter of Magnus, duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, died in 1535. Erick was born December 13, 1533. — Ibid . 2,
p. 94. Ibid .
p. 136. Geijer, 2,
p. 138. ‘Praeter insignem artium liberalium et praesertim matheseos ac linguarum exoticarum cognitionem.’ — Messenius, Scondia , 6, Geijer, 2,
p. 149. ’Omnes ii qui manducant Christi carnem et bibunt ejus sanguinem vivent in aeternum.’ — Baazius, Inventarium ecclesiae Sueo- Gothorum , lib. 3, cap. 3,
p. 295. Baazius, Inventarium , lib. 3, cap. 4,
p. 302. O. Celsius, History of Erich, 2,
p. 29. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 163. ‘Er sturzte mit gezucktem Dolch in der Hand in das Gefangnisszimmer Nils Stures.’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 182. ‘Dionysius Beurreus wurde auf Befehl des Wahnsinnigen niedergestochen,’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 184. ‘Er rief dass er nicht Konig ware.’ — Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 184. Geijer, 2,
p. 193. Schinmeier, Die drei Reformatoren in Schweden ,
p. 157. ‘Nam mundus est satis amplus ut odia inter fratres distantia locorum et regionum bene possint sedari.’ — Ericus ad Johannem . Geijer, 2,
p. 194. ‘Sacerdotium et sacrificium.’ — S. Hosii Opera , 2,
p. 338. ‘Insinuat se Pater in amicitiam Germanorum; hi enim faciles sunt.’ — (Feyt, De statu religionis in regno .) Geijer 2,
p. 221. Promptitudinem latini sermonis et elegantiam mirantur, operam omnem promittunt.’ — Geijer, 2,
p. 221. ‘Insinuat se in familiaritatem aliquorum, nunc hunc, nunc illum, dante Deo, ad fidem occulte reducit.’ — Ibid . Geijer, 2,
p. 217. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , pp. 220, 225, 273. Messenius, Scondia . Baazius, &c. See these letters in the work of Baazius, lib. 3, cap. 10, pp. 334-358, 346-351-365. ‘Ego nihil magis in votis habuerim quam ut si quis adhuc in V. M. animo scrupulus resideret, eum, D.j., eximere possem.’ Geijer, 2,
p. 224. ‘Mir Gewalt auf sein Bett legen, und ihn mit Polstern oder grossen Kissen ersticken.’ — (Letter of January 19, 1577). Geijer, 2, pp. 196, 199. ‘Toxicum ignarus in pisonum, ut fertur, jusculo praebitum absorbsit, indeque miseram efflavit animam.’ — Messenius, Scondia , 7,
p. 48. Geijer, 2,
p. 204. Representations made by exiles from the kingdom of Sweden to Henry III. to obtain justice for the assassination committed in the person of Erick, king of Sweden. — Bibl. Roy. M.S. His life, written by Dorigni, was published at Paris in 1712. — Vie du pere A . Possevin , &c. Messenius, Scondia , 7,p. 41; 15,p. 157; 3,
p. 60. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens , 2,
p. 241. Geijer, Geschichte Schwedens, 2, pp. 226, 272, 338. ·Nicolai Bothniensis relation om Upsala concilio. — Geijer, 2,
p. 272. Spalatinus, Relatio de Comitiis August . 1530. Archiep . Strigon . comp . dat . Tyrnaviae ,
p. 96. ‘Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn mir einer Einleitung von Merle d ’Aubigne ,
p. 35. Berlin, 1854. ‘Incredibilem in multis accendit ardorem ad videndum Lutherum.’ — Scultetus, Annal . Ev . Rinovati ,
p. 51. ‘Ex publicis academiae matriculis constat.’ — Ibid . Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 41. Saint-Martin. Paul Janet. Seckendorf, Hist . des Lutherth .,
p. 603. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 45. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 42. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 42. ‘Poena capitis et ablatione omnium bonorum suorum punire dignetur.’ — Hist . Diplomatica ,
p. 3. Jam pridem ediximus ne quis in hoc regno nostro sectam illam auderet amplecti aut approbare.’ This ordinance, hitherto unpublished, may be found in the Hungarian journal Magyar ,
p. 524. — Figyelmezo , Debreczin, 1871. ft526aGeschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 44. Haner, Hist . eccles . Transylvaniae , pp. 147-178. ‘Juvenis bonitate abutebatur.’ — Scultetus, Annales ,
p. 62. Baronius, Annales , anno 1525. ‘Georgium quemdam bibliopolam una cum libris evangelicis exusserunt.’ — Scultetus, Annales ,
p. 62. Luther, Epistolae . Historia Critica Ungariae , 19,
p. 89. ‘Sarei contento che quel regno si perdesse,’ &c. — Relazione del Signor d ’Orio , Dec. 1523. Ranke, .Deutsch . Geschichte , 2,
p. 407. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 45. Broderichus, Clades Mohacziana , apud Schardium,
p. 558. Ranke, 2,
p. 409. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 47. ‘Wobei Todtenblasse sein Angesicht uberzog,’ &c. — Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 47. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 48. These sentences are taken from Luther’s Commentary on Psalms 37,62, 94, and 109. See the Letter and the Commentary, Luther, Opp . Leipsic, vol. 5, pp. 609-640. ‘Herr Jesu Christ, Du wirst mir stehn zur Seiten, Und sehen auf das Ungluck mein, Als ware es dein, Wenn’s wider mich wird streiten.’ Bunsen, Evang . Gesang-und Gebet-Buch ,
p. 290. Rambach, Anthologie , ii.
p. 78. (Rambach supposes the hymn to have been composed for the queen by Luther at the same time as the exposition of the four psahns. — Editor.) Matricula Plebanorum , 24,
p. 463. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 51. See First Series, vol. 4, book 13 chap. 4. Ferdinand’s Mandat. Luther, Opp . 19,
p. 596. Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn , pp. 51-53. ‘Pulsi de regnis Ferdinandi, pauperem Christum in paupertate imitantur.’ — Luther, Epp . 3,
p. 289. ‘Tu vero vir esto fortis, ora et pugna in spiritu et verbo adversum ipsum.’ — Ibid . Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn , pp. 55, 56. Herzog, Ency . 16,
p. 641. Hanner, Hist Eccles .
p. 199. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 59. Timon, Epit . Chronol .
p. 118. It had been voted on the 27th August, 1526, that while awaiting a national council, each state should act in religious matters so as to be responsible to God and to the emperor. De sanctorum dormitione . ‘Propositiones erroneae Matthiae Devay, seu ut ille vocat rudimenta salutis continentes,’ said his adversary, Dr. Szegedy (Vienna, 1635). ‘Faber hortatur ut deficiam a causa habiturum me defectionis praemium.’ — Corp . Ref . 1,
p. 798. ‘Iis solis sunt salutaria qui in fide spirituahter et sacramentaliter haec mysteria percipiunt’ — Devay, Expositio examinis quomodo a Fabro in carcere sit examinatus . Basel, 1537. Revesz, in Herzog’s Encyclopaedia , 19,
p. 407. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 62. ‘Intelligo te magno sumptu scholam constituere et optimarum artium studia excitare.’ — Melanchthon to Count Nadasdy, Corp . Ref . 3,
p. 417. Censurae fratris Gregorii Zegedini , &c. Vien, bey Syngren, 1535. Ribini, Memorabilia Aug . Conf .
p. 38. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 64. ‘Talis hospes, ut Homerus jubet, ajnti< kasignh>tou esse debet.’ — Melanchthon Vito Theodoro. Corp . iii.
p. 416. Em. Revesz., M . B . Devay und die ungarische reformirte Kirche . Herzog’s Ency . 19,
p. 410. ‘Olim Graeci Herculem addiderunt Musis, earumque ducem vocabant.’ — Corp . Ref . 3,
p. 418. Hispaniai vadaszag . This rare and remarkable book narrates the disputation in detail, perhaps giving it an emphasis in favour of the Reformation. See also Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn ,
p. 66. Dr. Burgovzky, Ungarn. Herzog, .Ency, 16
p. 641. ‘Sic nullum tandem haberemus articulum fidei, si judicio rationis nostrae aestimandum fuerit ' — Ribini, Memorabilia,
p. 44. Luther, Epp. Wittenberg, 4 Aug. 1539.—Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 69. ft561Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 70. Revesz, in Herzog’s Ency. 19:
p. 409. Melanchthon, lib. 2:Epp.
p. 339. ft564Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 71. Johannes Manilius in Collect. i.; .De calamitate afflict,
p. 139. Geschichte der evangelishen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 72. His book was entitled, .Reform der Sachsischen Gemeinde in Siebengurgen, 1547. Herzog, — Ency. 14:p. ‘Cum apud nos sit ipse. adeo boni odoris.’ — Luther’s letter of 31st April, 1544. ‘Certe non a nobis habet sacramentariorum doctrinam.’ — Ibid. ‘Maxime autem invehitur in Devayum, quod ritus quosdam a suis valde diversos doceret exerceretque.’ — Timon, Epitome chronologica rerum .Hungarlcarum. ‘Minden embernek illik ezt megtudni.’ — Herzog, Ency. 19:
p. 410. ‘Hic Calmanchehi spiritu erroris infectus, haeresi postea sacramentariorum magnam partem Ungariae infecit.’ — Revesz, Devay, und die Ungar. reform. KIirche. Herzog .Ency. 19:
p. 411. Ibid. Analecta Scepus. part 2:
p. 234. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 73. Analecta Scepus. part 2:p. 234. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 73. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 74. ‘Tanta in homine fuerat pietas, gravitas et prudenrta administrandae rei ecclesiasticae.’ — Ep. Michaelis Paxi, April 5, 1573, ad Simlerum. Ut magno illi Lathero ac sancto Melanchthoni in magnis regus gerendis profuerit ‘ — Ibid. ‘0rdinis in discendo et docendo ita amans, ut qui maxime.’ — Skarica, Vita Szegedini. ‘Seine an den Volk — mit grosser Begeisterung gerichtete Predigten.’ ‘Id quod conciones ejus, et imprimis quae in publicum evulgatae sunt; sacra hypomnemata, luculentur testantur; quaeque, ut ille do alio, canescent saeclis innumerabilibus.’ — Skarica, Vita Szegedini. ‘Orthodoxae veritatis in illis arianismo, mahometanismo, aliisque (ut de pontificiis nihil dicamus) sectis infestis regionibus propugnator acerrimus.’ — Skarica, V’ita Szegedini. ‘Secundus erat inter eos qui, me puero, corruptelam de Coena emendarunt ac sustulerunt penitus,’ — Ep. Paxi ad Simler. Geschiclde der evangelischen Ungarn,
p. 75. Pascal. These words immediately refer to the struggle of Roman Catholicism against the Port-Royalists; but they are far more true with respect to the Reformation. De Maistre. Gieseler, Kirchengeschichte, in, p, 465. Geschichte der evangelisthen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 77. Ribini, Memorabilia,
p. 67. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn, pp. 75, 76. Guericke, Kirchengeschichte, in.
p. 239. This is doubtless the Apology for the Confession. Sehroeckh, Reform., 2:
p. 734. Ribini, Memorabilia,
p. 66. Gebhardi, Geschichte des Reichs Ungarn. In this place the author wrote on his manuscript as a direction to his amanuensis, ‘ Leave one page blank.’ This lacuna was not filled up. ‘Vestem vulpina pelle subductam.’ — Skarica, Vita Szegedini. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 79. Skarica, Vita Szegedini. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn,
p. 80. Geschichte der evangelischen Kirche in Ungarn, p . 80. Epist. Czigerii ad M. Flacium Illyricum, in Ribini, Memorabilia, 1:
p. 501. Geshichte der ev ngelischen Kirche in Ungarn, pp. 81, 83. Ribini Memorabilia i.p. 78. ‘Crassum quendam Satanam papisticum vehementer obstitisse.’ — Adalb. Wurmloch in Bistriz ad Job. IIess in Breslau. (MS. cited in Gieseler, in.
p. 46.5.) ‘Approbare evangelium, quod doceat unum colendum Deum reprobetque abusum imaginum quas Turcae abominantur.’ — (MS, cited, in Gieseler, in.
p. 465.) ‘Mirurn namque in modum evangelium gloriae Dei sub istis bellicis tumultibus quam latissime vagatur.’ — Joh. Creslingus ad Ambrosium Moibanum. — (MS. in Gieseler, in.
p. 465.) Luther, Werke, xix. p.554. (Walch.) Luther,Epp ., ad Nic. Haussmannum. Luther,Werke, 19:p. 1593. (Walch.) Apologia verae doctrinae eorum qui appellantur Waldenses vel Picardi. (Zurich,1532. Wittenberg, 1538.) ‘Sed liberrimum vestrum sit et omnium judicium.’ — Luther, Epp. 2:
p. 452. Krasinski, Hist. relig. des.peuple Slaves, p.114. Krasinski, Hist. relig. des peoples Slaves, pp. 115, 116. Fischer, Reform in Polen, 1:
p. 44. Schroeckh, .Reform, 2:
p. 671. Hebrews 13:2. Hartknoch, Preussische Kirchenhistorie,
p. 654. ‘See the Syllabus. Hartknoch, Preussische Kirchenhistorie, pp. 565-658. Krasinski, .Hist. relig des peuples Slaves, chap. 6:p. 119. ‘Mira quae in Dantziko operatus est Christus’ — Luther, Epp. ii.
p. 642. ‘Sed statim irem.’ — -Luther, Epp. 2:
p. 642. Luther to the Dantzic Council, May 5, 1525. — .Epp. 2:
p. 656. 2 Corinthians 10:4. Krasinski, Hist. relig. des Peuples S1aves, chap. 6:p. 120. Krasinski, .Hist. relig des .Peuples Slaves, 6:
p. 121. Friese, Kirchengeschichte Polens, ii, p 64. Luther to the Bishop of Samland, April 1525. — .Epp. 2:p. 449. Luther to the Christians of Livonia, April 1523. — .Epp. 2: p, 374. Krasinski, Hist. relig, des peuples Slaves, chap. 14:p. 261. The principal authorities for the life of Alasco are — J. a Lasco, Opera, Amsterdam 1866, passim; Erasmus, Epistolae; Bertram, .HiSt. Crit. Joh. a Lasco. Gerdesius, Annales. Krasinski, .Hist. relig, des peuples Slaves, ch. 7:Bartels, Joh. a Lasko, etc. Lovanii, anno 1523, versatus est, atque cum Alberto Hardenbergio contraxit amicitiam.’ — Gerdesius, .Ann. in.
p. 146. ‘Me per virum illum (Zwinglium) ad sacrarum literarum studia inductum esse.’ — Alasco, Opera, 1:
p. 338. ‘Illure primurn onmium.’ — Ibid. ‘Divino benefieio.’ — Ibid. ‘Ut missa superstitione pontificia ad Evangelium se converteret.’ i — Gerdesius, .Ann. in.
p. 146. It is difficult to fix accurately the times at which Alasco was in the various towns he visited. Gerdesius says that he was at Louvain in 1523. Bartels supposes that he passed to Zurich in the autunm of 1524. Alasco himself states, in his reply to Westphal,Opera, 1:p. 338, that he was at Zurich ante annos quatuor et viginta. This work, printed at Basel by Oporin, bears date, — Anno salutis 1560, mense Matrio. This would fix the removal of Alasco to Zurich in the year 1526. A letter of Erasmus which we shall quote assigns Alasco’s stay at Basel, after Zurich, to 1525. This date seems most worthy to be relied on. Alasco may have been mistaken by a few months. ‘Scio viro illi adscribi, de quibus nunquam videtur cogitasse, imo quorum contraria in ejus monumentis passim habentur.’ — Alasco, Opp. i.
p. 338. ‘Cum per Tiguram in Galliam iter facerem.’ — Ibid. Gerdesius, after relating the visit to Zwinglius, says, ‘ Deinceps vero Basileae moratus.’. — Ann , in.
p. 146. Krasinski, Hist. relig. des peuples Slaves,
p. 132. English edition,
p. 140. The French translation is by M. Gabriel Naville, who was too early taken from his friends. It is preceded by an introduction, written, at the request of the author and the translator, by the author of the History of the Reformation. ‘Erasmus mihi auctor fuit ut animum ad sacra adjicerem; imo vero ille primus me in vera religione instituere coepit.’ — To Bullinger. Alasco Opp. 2:
p. 569. ‘Glareanus,’ i.e. of Glaris. His personal name was Loriti. .De Geographia. Freyburg, 1529. ‘Nunquam possum sine magna animi voluptate meminisse consuetudinis nostrae Basiliensis.’ — Alasco to C. Pellican. App. 2:
p. 583. Moribus est plane niveis: nihil magis aureum aut gemmeum esse potest.’ — Erasmi .Epp. 18: 10. ‘Joanne a Lasco, juvene citra arrogantain erudito, citra supercilium, magno ae felici, sed moribus adeo candidis, amicis, jucundis, ut per ejus amabilem eonsuetudinem paene repubuerim, alioqui jam morborum’ laborum et obtrectatorum taedio marcescens.’ — Ibid. 13. ‘Brevique summus futurus.’ (To Egnatius.) ‘ Brevique ad res maximas evehendus.’ (To Lupsetus.) — Erasmi Epp . 17:11. ‘Cum jussu regis ad magna negotia vocareris.’ — Ibid, 18: 26. Alaso, Opp. ( To Pellicanus) 2:p. 583. ‘Dum illustris a Lasco parat equos conscendere.’ — Erasmi .EplJ. 18: 16. ‘Tam nunc abitu discrucior.’ — Ibid. 15. ‘Sudandum erat ut domum hanc tua magnificentia corruptam ad pristinam frugalitatem revocarem.’ — .lbid. 26. ‘Hic ne musca quidem quae peteret Venetiam.’ — Erasmi Epp. 18: 26. ‘Tempus illud misere mihi toturn periit, in cursitafionibus, bellicls tumultibus et fastu aulico, quod studiis alioquin meis impendere multo felicius potuissem.’ — Alasco, Opp. 2:
p. 583. ‘Affirmaret se nec duxisse uxorem nec doctrinae Evangelii adhaesisse.’ — Alasco, Opp. 2:
p. 548. Sanctiones ecclesiasticae. (Cracow, 1525) Constitutiones syno-doram, etc. ‘Archiepiscopo Gnesnensi et episcopo Cracoviensi.’ — lbid. ‘Volentem et scientem.’ — Juramentum. Alasco, Opp. 2:
p. 548. ‘Quod, si, ut sumus homines,’ &c. Juramentum. — Alasco, Opp. Ii.
p. 548. ‘In omnibus licitis et honestis.’ — Ibid. The text reads ad ea designatis. The author appears to have read it ab ea, sede being understood. — (EDITOR.) Erasmi, Epp. xix 26. Alasco appears to have had some thought of translating some of the works of Erasmus. ft654Ibid. 18. ft655Ibid. 19. 11. To Christopher di Schudlovieta, chancellor of the kingdom. Same letter. ‘Curares ut quicquid novi post Hyperaspistem prodiit ab Erasmo vel Luthero, is consilio tuo mea pecunia emat.’ This letter of Alasco, dated November 17, 1526, is the earliest which has come down to us. — Opp. 2:
p. 547. Bartels, Johannes a Lasco,
p. 8. ‘Ut vel hoc uno amico mihi videar sat beatus.’ — Erasmi, Epp. 19: 5. ‘Fieri non potest ut Christi regno exoriente alicubi Sathanas dormiat, cujus artes et furias,’ etc. — Alasco Opp. 2:
p. 555. ‘Sed peculiari quodam realleo petras contundente prmstandum sane esset.’ — Alaseo, Opp. 2:
p. 557. ‘Si to multa simulare ac dissimulare cogat et tu illi obsequaris, est ne hoc libere reprehendisse?’ — Ibid. ‘Cum is, anno 1536, nominatus jam esset in Hungaria Episcopus Vesprimensis.’ — Gerdesius, Ann . in.
p. 147. ‘Sed bonus Deus me mihi rursum restituit atque ad veram sui cognitionem, e medio Pharisaismo demum mirabiliter evocavit, Illi gloria!’ — Alasco, Opp. 2:
p. 583. To Pellicanus. Calv. Opp. 5:
p. 279. Calvin. ‘Jam sum hac scriptione fatigatus … cum haec pauca toto hoc die ex intervallis vix etiamnum absolverim.’ — Alasco, Opp . 2:p. 553. ft668Ibid .
p. 552. Bartels, John a Lasco , p.12. Alasco, Opp. ii.
p. 556. ‘Quae tu de pudore, dolore, tristitia atque ea quae, to perpetuo, ut scribis, excarnificat, miseria adfers.’ — Alasco to Hardenberg, 0pp. 2:p. ‘Qui sabbathum in Christo suum sanctificat, non est cur apud homines turbetur.’ — Ibid. The reference is doubtless to the host in the mass. Alasco,Opp. 2:p. ‘Spem magni cujusdam episcopatus, si redirem.’ — Alasco Opp. 2:
p. 588. ‘His jam respondi me nolle esse neque cornutum neque cucullatum apostolum.’ — Ibid. ‘Desiderabatur ultima adhuc lima.’ — Gerdesius, in
p. 148. ‘Audis fulmina,’ etc. — Alasco, Opp. 2: 588. ‘Adversus haec me tutata est divina bonitas. — Ibid. Bartels, Joh. a Lasco,
p. 14. Expectanda nova fulmina ab Aula Brabantia; sed potentior est Deus.’ (Embden, August 31, 1544.) — Ibid. vestiges of the domination of the Pope. The tide as it ebbed had left there images and monks. Some minds placed ‘.. Sed usque ad aras; haec septa transilire non pesse, etiam si deserenda sit onmium amicitia, atque adeo familia in summa inopia et mendicitate relinquenda.’ — Opp. 2.
p. 560. According to the statement of Kuyper, he has reconstructed the letter from citations made oratione obliqua by Emmius, Hist. Fris.
p. 919. ‘Defensio verae doctrinae de Christi incarnatione adversus Mennonem Simonis.’ — ‘Opp. i: pp. 5-60. Bartels, Joh. A Lasco,p. 18. ‘Huic sane debemus omnem Papae et Mahumetis tyrannidem.’ — Alasco, .Epp. Opp. 2: p 657. Wonderboek, 4to. 1542. In quo videlicet nec falli possis nec fallere.’ — Opp. 2.
p. 571. Alasco, Opp. passim. Trechsel, Antitrinitarier, in Herzog 1:pp. 30-35. Bartels: Joh. a Lasco, pp. 18-20. Ger desius, Ann. in.
p. 116. ‘Si dum in alios severi sumus, in vitiis interim ipsi nobis indul-geamus.’ — To Hardenberg, July 28, 1544. — Opp . 2:p. 574. Alasco, Opp.. 2:
p. 575. Gutachten uber die Stellung des Coetus Embden, 1857. Bartels, Joj. a Lasco,
p. 22. Alasco, Opp . 2:
p. 586. To Bullinger, August 31, 1544. ‘Ad eum, ut ad servatorem nostrum omnium ac patrem omnium longe optimum, omnium beneficentissimum longeque omniurn indulgeutissimum, deeurramus.’ — Epitome Docctrinae Ecclesiarum Phrisiae Orientalis. — Opp. i.p. 493. ‘Ut qui paulo frugalius velit vivere, mox pro sectario habeatur. In his culices, si Deo placet, persecuti sumus, et vespas interim et crabrones ipsos alimus: danda est corvis venia.’ The letter is written to Hermann Lenthius, councillor of the Countess Ann. — Alasco, Opp. 2:
p. 597. September 6, 1545. Alasco, Opp. 2: pp. 606, 607. Alasco, Opp. 2: pp. 609, 617. The first letter of Alasco to Calvin is dated from Windsor, December 14, 1548. Among the works of Alasco there are extant only four letters from the Polish reformer to the Genevese. These are of the years 1548, 1551, 1555 and 1557. But Alasco sent some books to Calvin. In the public library of Geneva are preserved two folio volumes, printed at Louvain in 1555, bearing this title : — ‘ Explicatio articulorum venerandae facultatis sacrae theologiae Generalis Studii Lovaniensis.’ — The author of these volumes is Ruard Tapper of Enkhuizen. Below the title of the first volume are the following words, in an elegant handwriting: — ‘Viro sanctissimo. D. Jo. Calvino, Jo, a Lasco mittit.’ ‘Quo tuae me insinuari benevolentiae posse sperarem. A puero non alius mihi vehementior ad studia stimulus faerit quam ut sic proficerem,’ etc. Erasmi Epp. lib. 20:Ep .’ 80. ‘Meditare quibus rationibus lauderm absque invidia tibi pares’ — Ibid. Ep. 81. Letter of the Duchess of Parma, written from Brussels, in the Correspondante de Philippe II., from the archives of Simancas, published by M. Gachard, archivist-general of the kingdom, vol. 1:p. 318. The informations laid against Vigilus are to be found in the Correspondance de Philippe I1., vol. 1:p. 319. Moreri, art. Viglius. ‘Urbes supra trecentas et quinquaginta censenter.’ — Strada, De Bello, 1:
p. 32. Histoire de la Cause de la .Desunion des Pays, by Messer Renom de France, chevalier, vol. 1:chap. 5. For fuller details on the forerunners of the Reformation in the Netherlands, see Hist. of the Reform. First series, vol. 1:book 1:ch. and 8. ‘Est Antverpiae Prior, qui te unice deamat.’ — Erasmus to Luther, Epp. 427, in Gerdesius, Ann. Iii.
p. 18. ’Is omnium paene solus Christum praedicat.’ — Ibid. ‘Curavimus ne in nostra universitate liber publice venderetur.’ — Bulla damnatoria. Luther, Opp. Lat. i.p. 416. ‘Asserentes hujus libri doctrinam vere esse Christianam.’ — Ibid. ‘Miras excitarunt tragaedias.’ — Gerdesius,Ann . in.
p. 19. ‘Nec adhuc vacavit hominis libros evolvere praeter unam et alteram pagellam.’ — Erasmus, .Epp. 317; in Gerdesius, Ann . in.
p. 17. ‘Ego in quotidianis concionibus lapidor a praedicatoribus,’ — Erasmus,Epp . 234. Luther, Opp. lat. i.p. 416. Loscher, in.
p. 850. ‘Obtrectator pertinacissimus.’ — Erasmus, Epp. 562. ‘Pro fide capitis subire periculum.’ — Erasmus, Epp. 562. ‘Ite et praedicate sincere evangelium Christi sicut Lutherus.’ — Gerdesius Ann ,. in. p 22, Seckendorf, lib. i.s. 81. ‘Totus mundus plus credet multis doctis quam uni indocto.’ — Gerdesius,Ann . in.
p. 22. Seckendorf, lib. 1:s. 81,
p. 23. ‘Unus homo Christianus surrexit in quadringentis annis, quem Papa vult occidere. ’ — Ibid. ‘Vocavit nos grues, asinos, bestias, stipites, and-christos.’ — Erasmus, Epp . 314. ‘Etiam si noctis concubuerint cum aliquo scorto.’ — Erasmus .Epp. 314. ‘Ut malum parere Turcae quam horum ferre tyrannidem. ’ — Ibid. .App .
p. 307. ‘Ordonnantie en Staruten van Vlaenderen.’ — Deel, i.p. 88. ‘Capite truncata submersa suspensa, derossa, exusta, aliisque mortis generibus extincta, ultra quinquaginta hominum millia.’ — Scultetus, Ann .
p. 87. ‘Aleander plane maniacus est, vir malus et stultus,’ — Erasmus, Epp. 317. ‘Captivus ducitur Bruxellas, ubi mire divexatus, atque ignis supplicio gravissimo perterrefactus.’ — Gerdesius,Ann. in.
p. 23. ‘Articulos ad abjurandos miserum Jacobum metu mortis cogere veriti non fuerunt.’ — Ibid.
p. 24. ‘Cum ipsi non credant…animum superesse a morte corporis.’ — Erasmus, .Epp .p 587; in Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 24. ‘Praesumitur jam exustus esse.’…Luther, Epp. 2:pp. 76, 80, Ad Langium et ad Hausmannum. — Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 25. ‘Luther, Epp . 2:p. Erasmus, Epp. 669, in Gerdesius, Ann . in.
p. 27. Lettar of Grapheus to the Archbishop of Palermo, chancellor of the court of Brabant. — Brandt Hist. der Reformatie, i.p. 71. ‘Profecisse atque ad altiora essc euisum.’ — Gerdesius Ann . ill
p. 28. We give only a portion of the remarkable theses of Henry of Zutphen. — Gerdesius, Ann . in. App .
p. 16. ‘Sola quippe folia sunt ficus et occultamenta dedecoris quicquid unquam est ab hominibus morale consutum. ’ — Ibid. ‘Sicut sol excitat foetorem cadavcris.’ — Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 16. ‘Mortis rapina simul et laqueus. Captus in infero quem disrupit.’ — Ibid. ft736‘ Omnem movebat lapidem.’ — Gerdesius, Ann. iii. 29. ‘Ab ejus ore pependerant.’ — Ibid.
p. 30. ‘Ex quo noctu fueram educendus et Bruxellas deducendus.’ — Henrici Epist. Ad Jac. Spreng. Gerdesius, Ann. iii. App. p.13. Vespere dum sol occubuisset.’ — Gerdcsius, Ann. in. App.
p. 13. ‘Aliquot mulierum millia concurrentibus simul viris. ’Ibid. ‘Credo to nosse quomodo mulieres vi Henricum liberarint.’ — Luther.Epp. 2:
p. 265. First series, vol. in. 1. 10:chap. vi. ‘Monasterio expulsi fratres, alii aliis locis captivi.’ — Luther, Epp. 2:
p. 265. De Wette. ‘Monasierium illud solo plane esse aequatum.’ — Cochlaeus. Gerdesius .Ann. 3.
p. 29. First series, vol. 3. book 10:chap. iv. ‘Ut monte parturiente nascatur ridiculus mus.’ — Ep. Fr, Canirmii ad Hedionem, 1522. ‘Tum demum ex improviso aderit ecclesiae suae. ’ — Ibid. Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 55. See also Van Till, Le Long, etc. ‘Similiter sumens eucharistiam pignus sponsi sui, firmiter credere debet Christum jam esse suum.’ — Epistola Christiana per Honium. ‘Causa inaudita in carcerem conjici jusserunt.’ — Gnapheus, Tobias and Lazarus. ‘Regnum illud caeremoniarum et falsorum cultuum non assectari.’ — Ibid. Matthew 7:15. ‘Non ait: Perdite, trucidate jugulate.’ — Disputatio habita. Groaingae, 1529. Gerdesius Ann . in. Epp. pp. 29-60. Matthew 14:14-21. ‘Juvenis quidam Nicolaus in navem littori proximam ascendit et Evangelium…pie explicavit.’ — Scultetus, Ann. sec. 1:p. 192 in Gerdesius, Ann . in.
p. 37. ‘Postero antem die sacco indutas…subito in profluentem projectus est.’ — Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 37. ‘Nos vero eum vobis vendimus et non tradimus.’ — Scultetus, Ann.
p. 210. Erasmus,Epp. 266. Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 40. ‘Ut. omnis compulsae castitatis necessitas tolleretur.’ — Mathaei, Analecta, vol. 1:pp. 192-203. Luther, Epp. Gerdesius, Ann , in.p. 42 and App.
p. 63. Gerdesius, Ann. in.
p. 44. CHAPTER TEN State Papers of Cardinal Granvella, vol. 1,
p. 253. ‘Suppliciis etiam extremis adficiendi.’ — Pontanus, Hist. Gueld. lib. 11, fol. 720. Gerdesius, Ann. 3,
p. 46. Gerdesius, Ann. iii,
p. 46. ‘Fulgore veritatis quae tum renasci coeperat tactus.'—Ibid .
p. 48. Joh. Pistorii Woerdenatis Martyrium e MS. editum a Jac. Revio. Lugd. Batav. 1649.—Scultetus, Ann . ad annos. Gerdesius, Ann . 3, pp. 48, 49. 'Manibus pedibusque egit.'—Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 49. 'Se extra scripturam sacram nil quicquam quod ad salutarem attinet doctrinam fide accipere.' — Gerdesius, Ann . 3,
p. 50. ‘Diuque et multum ab inquisitoribus vexatus.' — Scultetus, Ann. ad annum. * Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 51. “Paratum se quidem Abrahami exemplo filium oppido carum...Deo offerre.' — Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 51. ‘Stupendo quodam et inusitato animi gaudio.' — Gnapheus, HiSt. Pistorii,
p. 163. Revius, Schroeckh, Brandt, Scultetus, ad annum. 'Cadaver ex oculis adstantium disparuisse, secuta constanti fama virum Dei ad coelum translatum esse.' — Schelhorn, Amoenit. Litterar. iv.p. 418, etc. Erasmus, Epp . 757. Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 43. Phrase used by the Rev. Father Flix, in his discourses at Notre Dame, Paris. ‘Per eormn doctrinam fabulis refertam vel mores impurissimos.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 54. Document dated from the Hague, September 27, 1625. — Ibid. Ibid. Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 53. ‘Ejus virtute permulti ad veritatis cognitionem sunt perducti.' — Gerdesius Ann. iii.
p. 56. Dumont, Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens, iv. i.
p. 399. 'Illas rotundas hostiolas.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 62. ‘Nobili cuidam feminae Wendelmutham unice diligenti.' — Ibid .
p. 63. ‘Cur non taces, mea Wendelmutha?' — Ibid. ‘Hunc ego ligneum salvatorem non agnosco.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 63. ‘Propter verbum Dei captus.' — Scultetus, Ann . ad annum. Magna animi fortitudine et fidei magnitudine supplicium sustinuisse traditur.' — Gerdesius Ann. iii.
p. 64. This term is used by Gerdesius and Scultetus in the title of their Annales. CHAPTER 11. Dumont, Corps universel diplomatique, iv. pp. 1, 5. Haraei, Annales Ducum Brabantiae, ii.
p. 582. Gerdesius, Ann. Iii.
p. 65. Brandt, Schook. Pontanus, Hist. Geldr. lib. xi. fol. 762. Sleidan, Scultetus, Rabus, Martyrologium, Gerdesius, Ann . iii. pp. 41, 67. Melchior Adam. ‘Sine mora fidei suae rationem exhibendam esse.' — Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 68. Ephes. vi. 17. 'Illa confessio ingenua certe ac singulari pietate conspicus.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 70. Magno piorum luctu vivus sit combustus.' — Ibid. Brandt. 'Pro quibus non semel, timide licet et verecunde, apud Caesarem intercesserat.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 74. Sarpi, Hist. of the Council of Trent, § lxi. 'Sunt quidam partim cognati mei partim noti partim etiam qui fuerunt discipuli mei.' — Letter kom Crocus to the official of Utrecht, 1531. Foppens, Bibliotheca Belgica, i.
p. 197. Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 76. 'Mense proximo quidam illorum navibus profecturi sunt in partes orientales, ut hic Anmterdami mos est.' — Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 76. Pauli Merulae Descriptio rerum adv. Ang. Merulam gestarum,
p. 108. 'Quum . . imprimis de justificatione ex sola fide doctrinam evangelicam urgeret.' — Gerdesius, Am. iii.
p. 77. ‘Assertiones fidei ad Satanae satellitium.' — Ibid,
p. 78. Sed potquam virtus duris exercita fatis Destituit corpus, spiritus astra tenet.' Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 78. 'Et candentem crucem cauterio inurendam.' — Gerdesius, Ann. iii,
p. 79. ‘Caesar suis fidelibus salutem.' — Edict of 1529. Brandt, i.p. 37. ‘Legatos Caesaris admittere suam in urbem noluerunt.' — Revii, Deventria illustrata, p. 250. Gerdesius Ann . iii. 80. 'Ad Montana Rotfeldii. ' — Histoire des Martyrs, fol. 686. 'Jubilis dicuntur replevisse viam supplicii.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 80. Gerdesius. Brandt, i.p. 40. Brandt, i.
p. 40. ft814Ibid . p.41. Rohrich, Ref. in Elsass, i.
p. 338. Ranke, iii.
p. 367. 'In Transisalania arma bellica apud sectarios quosdam inveniri.' — Gerdesius, Ann , iii.
p. 87. ‘Non papismum solum, sed Lutheri quoque et Zwinglii doctrinam vehementer reprehendebat.' — Ibid,
p. 83. Emmius, Hist. rer. Frisic. lib. lv.
p. 860. 'Se Enochum esse affirmavit,' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 87. ‘Lutherum et pontificem Romanum esse falsos prophetas, Lutherum tamen altero deteriorem.' — Opus restitutionis. Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 83. 'Ululantem potius quam clamantem.' — Emmius, Hist. rerum Frisicarum, lib. lvii. fol. 884. Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 91. Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 92. See Mr. Motley's great work on the Foundation of the United Provinces, part ii. ch. i. It contains an account of the early days of the Reformation in the Netherlands. The Christianity which was propagated in the times of which we are speaking became the principal cause of the great and tragic revolution described by this historian. ‘Confessioni Augustanae paucissimi adherent, sed Calvinismus omnium paene corda occupavit.' — Viglius van Zuichem to Hopper. ‘Sibi pretio oblato ea explicari curarint quae dicta erant.' — Gerdesius, Ann . iii.p. l26. Schoock, De Canon. Ultraj.
p. 461. ‘Frequenter noctis aliquam partem huic curae decidens.' — Erasmus, Epist. lib. xxviii. 23. Gerdesius, Ann . iii.
p. 123. Memoirs ofEnzinas, i.p. 10. 'The Latin text of the memoirs of this Spanish Christian, and the French translation of the 16th century were published by M. Campan, of the Belgian Historical Society, at Brussels in 1862. ‘Pietatis ardore flagrabat. . . quae virtutis ac pietatis velut exemplar semper fuisset habita.' — Ibid, i. pp. 104, 106. ‘Antonia de praecipia pene familia urbis, cujus hospitio aliquando usus est D. Johannes a Lasco.' — Ibid.
p. 102. Ibid., translation of 1558,
p. 10. 'Fillam perelegantem, forma liberali atque aetate integra.' — Ibid ,
p. 112. Memoirs of Enzinas, translation of 1558,
p. 611. Ibid.
p. 463. This passage and others are taken from the pieces justificatives of the trial of the townsmen of Louvain. — See Memoirs of Enzinas, i. pp. 466 467 etc. Memoirs of Enzinas,
p. 466. Campan. Ibid.
p. 469. Ibid. pp. 539, 541. Memoirs of Enzinas, pp. 37, 619. Memoirs of Enzinas, pieces justificatives, i. pp. 324, 325, 331, 409, 419, etc. Ibid.
p. 361. Ibid, pp. 379, 381. Memoirs of Enzinas, i.
p. 487. Memoirs of Enzinas, ii.
p. 249. Ibid. i. pp. 319, 323, 391. Memoirs of Enzinas, i.
p. 14. The author of these Memoirs arrived at Louvain the day after this occurrence. Crespin, Actes des Martyrs, iii.
p. 125. Memoirs of Enzias, i.
p. 15. Memoirs of Enzinas, iii. pp. 17, 18, 26. A general inquiry into the administration of Peter du Fief was afterwards instituted, and in the year following the inquiry he was no longer in office. Crespin, Actes des Martyrs, book iii.
p. 125. Gerdesius, Ann. iii.
p. 144. Memoirs of Enzinas, i. pp. 23-33. ‘Eorum fraudes et scelerata consilia prae ceteris propalare porerat.' — Ibid. i.p. 38. 'Tanquam insatiabiles Harpyiae.' — Ibid. Homo perpusillus barba prominenti, exsanguis, macilentus, dolore atque inedia paene consumptus.' — Memoirs of Enzinas, i.
p. 40. Riderent ac tantum non exsibilarent.' — Ibld, i.p. 46. Lupos occidere ac tracidare debemus.' — Ibid, i.
p. 58. Vidi et audivi multos in eo loco. . qui deposuissent.' — Memoirs of Enzinas, i.p. 68. 'Clamores tristissimi eorum qui in carcere cruciabantur, universam urbem personabant, ut nemo quantumvis barbarum aut efferatum natura finxisset, sine ingenti animi dolore, miserandos illos gemitus et clamores audire potuisset.' — Memoirs of Enzinas, i.
p. 74. 'Et si vos dimitterem non essem amicus Caesaris.' — Memoirs of Enzinas, i.
p. 82. Memoirs of Enzinas, pieces justificatives, Interrogatoires, i. pp. 337- 383. Memoirs of Enzinas, pieces justificatives. Interrogatoires, i.p. 93. 'Plures fuerunt qui horrendis imprecationibus sanguinariam belluam diabolis devoverunt.' — Ibid,
p. 94. Crespin, Actes des Martyrs, book iii.
p. 126. ‘Spectatrix materni sacrificii.' — .Ibid,
p. 112. The old French translation is not accurate in the whole of this passage. The Latin Memoirs say, — ‘In aliquo fortassis angulo, aut certe in domo proxima.' — Ibid. ‘Ita maternam forturtam in anima filiae fixam insedisse.' — Ibid. 'Deum immortalem! quibus lamentationibus, quibus ejulatibus aera complebat.' — Actes des M,artyrs, book iii.
p. 126. 'Ferebatur velut insana per urbem; magna vis lacrymarum ex oculis tanquam ex fonte promanabat; capillos ac faciem dilaniabat.' — Ibid. ft865Memoirs of Enzinas. ii.p. ‘Suarum facultatum Aegidium dominum faciebant.’ — Memoirs of Enzinas, ii.p. ft867Memoirs of Enzinas, ii.p. ‘Unum lectum quem sibi tantum domi reliquum fecerat, ad foeminam parturientem misit, et ipse deinceps in stramine jacuit.’ — Memoirs of Enzinas, ii.
p. 32. ‘Una misericordia Dei (quae fide in Christum apprehenditur) servari nos oportere.’ — Ibid. Ex arcana sua sede.’ — Ibid. ft871Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 35, 37. ft872Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 252-255. ft873Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 256,264. Crespin, Actes des Martyrs,
p. 121. Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 261,273. ft875Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 280,281,285. ‘Nec in tota domo quisquam fuit qui a lacrimis potuerit temperare.’ — Memoirs of Enzinas, ii.
p. 296. ft877Memoirs of Enzinas, ii. pp. 330-353. Ibid. pieces justificatives. Letter to Queen Mary, p. 517. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WORKS OF CALVIN INDEX & SEARCH
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