PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() BOOK 11 CONTINUED See the Latin Edition, 1559, p. 708. Ed. 1563, p. 1470. Ed. 1570, p. 2032. Ed. 1576, p. 1752. Ed. 1583, p. 1859. Ed. 1597, p. 1688. Ed. 1684, volume 3 p. 531. —ED. These, and many other interesting particulars relating to Cranmer, are introduced from the first edition of the Acts and Monuments; page 1470. See also the Latin edition, Basil, 1559, page 708, where his birth is recorded on July 2d, 1489. —ED. Afterwards called Magdalen College. —ED. “Cressy.” “A name,” says Fuller, “utterly extinct in that town (where God hath fixed my present habitation) long before the memory of any alive. But, consulting ‘Weaver’s Funeral Monuments of Waltham Church’ (more truly than neatly by him composed), I find therein this epitaph: ‘Here lyeth Jon and Jone Cressy, On whose soulys Jesu hav mercy. Amen.’” See Fuller’s Church History, book 5 page 179. —ED. Of this Campeius, and discourse of his legacy, read before. [volume 5 p. 48. —ED.] Dr. Stephen Gardiner was secretary to king Henry VIII at this time. —\parED. Note the glorious head of Dr. Stephen Gardiner. Mark this you papists, which so rashly judge the king’s divorce and the pope’s overthrow to have sprung of light causes Henry Cornelius Agrippa, of the family of Nettesheim, was born in 1486. As he was a man of an inconstant disposition, he was never fixed in any settled employment, being occupied. sometimes in the wars, and sometimes in delivering lectures in divinity. His treatise “De Vanitate Scientiarum.” — a dissertation in which he undertakes to prove that there is nothing more pernicious to man’s salvation than the arts and sciences — excited much enmity against him. After a chequered and unsettled life, he died at Grenoble in 1535. See Dupin, cent. 16, book p. 401. Bayle has noticed the facts which connect his name with Cranmer’s history in his “Dictionary,” article “Agrippa,” Note O. —\parED. August 23, 1532. —ED. March 20, 1533. —ED. See the First Edition, 1563; pp. 1471-1473.—ED. Here was craft in handling. Of this coming of the lord Cromwell and the two dukes to the archbishop read before, [volume 5 p. 265. —ED.] “Meed,” reward or merit. —ED. For a correction of some modern misrepresentations as to Cranmer’s behavior in this matter, the reader is referred to Mr. Todd’s Historical and Critical Introduction to “A Defence of the true and catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament,” etc. by Thomas Cranmer. (London, 1825.) Pp. 76-82. —ED. This secretary was master Ralph Morice, witness and drawer of this story. The archbishop married his second wife at Nuremburg. See the First Edition (1563), p 1473. —ED. “Manet alta mente repostum judicium Paridis, spretaeque injuria matris” — Virg. Aeneid. This Dr. Thornton, afterwards the bishop of Dover, was a cruel and wicked persecutor. The bishop was Dr. Heath, and bishop after of York. Rather eighteen days: see volume 7 p. 518.—ED. See the First Edition (1563), pp. 1475 (misprinted 1471), 1478.—ED. The words of the king, when Cranmer departed with the king’s signet: “Go thy ways! if thou deceive me, I will never trust bald-pate again while I live.” The sentences following, distinguished by asterisks, are inserted from the First Edition, p 1480. —ED. “Memor esto unde excideris, et age poenitentiam, et prima opera fac. Sin minus.” Revelation “Extra ecelesiam non est salus.” “Quia in inferno nulla est redemptio.” “Memor esto unde excideris.” Cypr. lib. 1 Epist. 6. Apud Tertul. de Praescript. cap. 37. —ED. That is, “Repent, and do thy first works.” “Qui convertere fecerit peccatorem ab errore vitae suae, salvam faciet animam suam a morte, et operiet multitudinem peccatorum suorum.” [Vide Erasmi paraphr.] “Illic trepidaverunt ubi non erat timor.” “Secundum duritiam cordis thesaurizas tibi iram in die irae” “Extra ecclesiam non est salus.” “Hujus temporibus (Gregorii III. 731) Alphonsus a populo Saracenorum imperium execrante rex Hispaniarum eligitur: de quo hoc memoratu dignissimum est, quod Recaredi cath. regis successor esse, atque catholicus rex cognominari voluerit.” Labbe Concilia, tom. 6.col. 1467. —ED. See Edition 1563, pp. 1480,1481.—ED. “Dyscolo,” i.e. o Spalatinus. Jonas was born in 1493, and died in 1555, seven years after the publication of his catechism. A detailed account of his life is given in Gerdes’ “Introduct. in Hist. Evangelii, saec. 16: passim per Europam renovati” (Groningae, 1744) p. 247; and in Melchior Adam; “Vitae Germ. Theolog.” (Haidelbergae, 1628) p. 258. More particulars respecting the translation, which Cranmer appears rather to have superintended than executed entirely himself, will be found in the excellent preface to “A short Instruction into Christian Religion, being a Catechism set forth by Archbishop Cranmer,” etc., Oxford, at the Univ. Press, 1829. —ED. King Henry was not supreme head but only of his own realm. The pope will be universal head over all. See Edition 1570, in loc. —ED. “Perditio tua super te Israel; tantummodo in me salvatio tua,” ait Dominus per prophetam. “ Haereticum hominem post unum aut alterum conventum devita, sciens quod hujusmodi perversus est et delinquit, quum sit proprio judicio condemnatus.” Orig. in Apologia Pamphili. “Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, injuste egimus, iniquitatem fecimus.” “Delicta juventutis meae, et ignorantias meas ne memineris Domine.” “Salvator quum pro se et Petro dad jubebat didrachma, pro omnibus ipsum dari censuit a39 , ipsum enim constituit caput eorum.” St. Aug. in 75 quest. Veteris et Novi Testamenti.” “Bibite ex eo omnes.” “Et biberunt ex eo omnes.” “Ite praedicate evangelium omni nationi, baptizantes in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.” “Si ego lavi pedes vestros Dominus et magister, et vos debetis alter alterius lavare pedes.” “Exemplum dedi vobis.” “Accepi a Domino quod et tradidi vobis. Dominus noster qua nocte tradebatur,” etc. “A suffocato et sanguine.” “Diem Sabbati.” Bellarmine, Rivet, and Oudin, agree that this tract is supposititious. Pivet. Crit. Sac. lib. 2 cap. 15. —ED. See volume 2 p. 196. —ED. “Notum est illud, quod alibi ex Helmoldi Chronico Slavorum, lib. 1 cap. 81, citavimus, quod Friderico Imperatori contigit, cui obviam eunti Hadriano Papae IV, strepamque de equo descendenti tenenti, non solum succensuit Pontifex, sed etiam, ad temnpus, imperialem coronam denegavit, quod sinistram tenuerat stapedem, cure dextram debuisset. Quem errorera excusavit imperator, quod talibus ministeriis non esset assuetus.” Rivet. “Jesuits Vap.” cap. 28, Section 2. The other citation, to which Rivet alludes, is in paragraph 29 of this same chapter, from which we learn that the pope’s temporary groom was — the emperor Frederic Barbarossa. Helmoldus died in 1170. His Chronicle was first published at Francfort, in 1556. See also “Jewel’s Defence of the Apology,” pt. 4 chapter 7, div. 3. —ED. See Note (2) volume 7 p. 57l. —ED. “Contra Petrum, contra Paulum, contra Vetus et Novum Testamentum,” and that he, “plenitudine potestatis, tantum potest quantum Deus.” [Abundance of quotations confirmatory of this assertion will be found in bishop Jewel’s “Defence of the Apology,” pt. 3 chapter 1 div. 2, p. 313, Edition 1611. —ED.] See Edition 1563, p. 1483; from whence also the following letter of Cranmer’s to queen Mary is introduced, headed originally by Foxe, “Not before in print.” A copy is given in “Coverdale’s Letters of the Martyrs,” printed originally in 1564. See the reprint of this latter work, page 1. London, 1837. —ED. Because there was offense taken at this word, supreme head, it was declared in the queen’s style to be supreme governor. De Puteo. —ED. S. Mariae in Vita. —ED. Note with what justice and sincereity this catholic church doth proceed. Letters of protection and defense. a48 All the process, though with some slight variation, will be found, accompanied by illustrative annotation, in the “Pontificale Romanum; nunc primum commentariis illustratum, auct. Jos. Catalano (Romae, 1740),” volume 3 pp. 146-164. Among other Editions one was printed at Venice in 1520, and another at Rome in 1595; these two have afforded the means of correcting a few trifling errors in the Forms of Degradation following. —ED. “Cultellus, aut vitrum,” is the reading in the Edition of 1595. —ED. The secular state is ignominious, and disdained by the proud clergy! The introductory sentences throughout are abridged by Foxe; but the following is too characteristic to be so dismissed. “Tum pontifex degradator efficaciter, et ex corde, omni instantia, pro miserrimo illo derelicto intercedit apud judicem saecularem, ut citra mortis periculum vel mutilationis contra degradatum sententiam moderetur, dicens: ‘Domine judex,’” etc. Pontilicali. Ven. 1520, p. 203. —ED. It is happy this bishop had so much manners yet, to call him gentleman. This Farmer had lost all his hinds for receiving a priest in the Tower in king Henry’s time. John de Villa Garcia was a Dominican, a pupil of Carranza, and his companion during his travels in Germany, England, and Flanders. He was one of the greatest theologians of his age, according to Llorente; and so remarkable were his powers, and the successful exercise of them in the confutation of heresy, during his stay in England, that, according to another authority, the Protestants, “ad incitas redacti, insidias ejus vitae saepius struxerint, et ne in apertam vim prorumperent, nonnisi stipatoribus regiis comitatus prodibat in lucem,” — a very likely circumstance of course, to occur in the days of queen Mary! Villa Garcia was however, notwithstanding this his eminent catholicity, placed in the Inquisition, after his return from England, in 1559, upon suspicion of holding heretical sentiments, and his intimacy with Carranza. Being at length released, he resumed the office of teaching in Valladolid, and died there in 1564. — “Scriptores Ordinis Praedicat.” (Lutet. Paris, 1721,) tom. 2 p. 187; see also Llorente’s “Hist. of the Inquisition in Spain.” (Lond. 1826,)p. 316. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 149. —ED. Strype observes, “There were several recanting writings, to which Cranmer subscribed one after another: for after the unhappy bishop, by over-persuasion, wrote one paper with his subscription set to it,” etc. “that would not serve, but another was required as explanatory of that.” “Nor could he escape so, but still a fourth and a fifth paper of recantation was demanded,” — “and lastly a sixth,” etc. On the morning of Cranmer’s martyrdom, the friars brought him yet a seventh declaration to subscribe, which he rejected with firmness, and made that declaration and prayer given at pages 87 and 88. Notwithstanding which, Bonner had the audacity to print this last recantation, with the other six as though the archbishop had really subscribed to it also. They bore this title: “All the Submissions and Recantations of Thomas Cranmer, late Archbishop of Canterbury, truly set forth in Latin and English, agreeable to the Originals, and subscribed with his own hand. Visum et examinatum per reverendum patrem et dominure, D. Edmundum Episcop. London.” See Strype’s Memorials under Mary, chapter 30: See more in the Revelation 2. Soames, upon Cranmer’s Recantation. Mr. Southey differs from Strype, and says, in his “Book of the Church,” vol 2 p. 220, “The probability is that Cranmer signed all equivocal Recantation, and that the other papers, five in number,” etc. “were fabricated by Bonner’s direction.” —ED. If Cole gave this judgment upon Cranmer when he had repented, what judgment is then to be given of Cole, who always perdured in error, and never yet repented. If all heretics in England should be burned where should Dr. Cole have been ere now? Lex non aequalitatais sed iniquitatis. “Hodie meturn eris in Paradiso.” “Dominus fidelis est, non sinet vos tentari ultra quam ferre potestis.” Corinthians 10. But that rejoicing lasted not long. [See p. 88. —ED.] See Edition 1263, p 1503. —ED. “Saturday being the seventh,” is the reading in Coverdale’s “Letters of the Martyrs.” and in the First Edition of Foxe, p. 1485, and is undoubtedly the true one. In some later editions of Foxe it has been altered to “Wednesday, being the twelfth;” but the 12th of September, 1555, fell on a Thursday, and was the day on which Cranmer, as he says just below, was brought before Brooks at St. Mary’s. See “Prccessus contra Cranmerum, in Strype;” Cranm. addend, p. 1073, Oxf. 1812; Wordsworth, Eccles. Biogr. volume 3 p. 570. Jenkyns, in Cranmer’s Works, volume 1 p. 363. —ED. “Constitutiones contra canones et decreta praesulum Romanorum vel bonos mores, nullius sunt momenti.” Decreti pars 1 dist. 10. Section4. “Constitutiones.” —ED. “Excommunieamns onmes haereticos utriusque sexus quoeunque norainc censeantur, et fautores, et receptores, et defensores eorum; nec non et qui de caetero servari fecerint statuta edita et consuetudines introduetas contra ecclesiae libertatem, nisi ea de capitularibus suis intra duos menses post hujusmodi publicationem sententiae fecerint amoveri. Item, exeommunicamus statutarios, et scriptores statutorum ipsorum, necnon potestates, consules, rectores, et consiliarios locorum, ubi de caetero hujusmodi statuta et consuetudines editae fuerint vel servatae; necnon et illos qui secundum ea praesumpserint judicare, vel in publicam formam scribere judicala.” Extrav. de Sententia excommunicationis. “Noverit.” [In the “Decret. Gregorii 9,” lib. 5 tit. 39. cap. 49. p. 276, Corpus Juris Canon. Edit. Paris, 1687, this excommunication will be found. Mark this well. Note how the papists and protestants both agreed in Windsor, the service of the church to he in the mother tongue. Auno 1549. “Jubemus ut omnes Episcopi pariter et presbyteri non tacito modo, sed clara voce, quae a fideli populo exaudiatur, sacram oblationem et preces in sacro baptismate adhibitas colebrent, quo majori exinde devotione in depromendis Domini Dei laudibus audientium animi afficiantur. Ita enim et Divus Paulus docet, in Epistola ad Corinth. Si solummodo benedicat spiritus, quomodo is qui privati locum tenet, dicet ad gratiarum actionem tuam, Amen? quandoquidem quid dicas non videt a54 . Tu quidem pulchre. gratias agis, alter autem non aedificatur.” [Novell. cxxxvii. Section 6.] Note the saying of Gregory. Joseph Stephens, a Spaniard who emigrated to Rome and lived there, and was much engaged in the ceremonials of the papal court, wrote “De adoratione Pontificum, pealum osculatione, gestatione, et coronatione;” Romae, 1579, and Colonira, 1580. From this Rivet has made selections to show the accepted doctrine at Rome upon such points, and to refute, or rather expose its arrogancy. Rivet. Jesuira vapulans, sive castig. not. in Balsac, cap. 28; Antonio Biblioth. Hisp. Nova, tom. 1 p. 820. —ED. Note this conclusion. Mark the errors of the papists in their doztrine of the sacrament. “Qua mensura mensi fueritis, eadem remetietur vobis.” The letter in Latin is inserted from the First Edition (1563), p. 1492. —ED. This Constantius was Stephen Gardiner, as constant indeed as a weather-cock: who thus named himself, writing against this good archbishop. Many profess God “ad ignem exclusive,” that is, in words and outward profession: but few stick to him “ad ignem inclusive,” that is, in deed, and in suffering for his sake, “Gaudete in Domino semper, et iterum gaudete et exultate.” These martyrs were sent up by the lord Riche, by master Tyrrel and others. These five martyrs were Drakes, Thomas and Richard Spurge, Cavel, and Ambrose. “Spiritus meus qui est in te,” etc. See Appendix. —ED. Bonner went away from W. Tyms, belike not able to make his part good. Syrach 13. How can corruption be referred to accidents, when, by all philosophy, generation and corruption belong only to the predicament of substance? A note for them which shrank away, having cure. In the pope’s service there is no edifying: what fables be in it, the Lord knoweth. Ft125 Ex Regist. Ft126 See Edition 1563 page 1515; also Harleian MSS. Cat. Vol. 1. No. 416. — ED. Ft127 These words within brackets, are not in the MS. remaining in the Harleian Collection. — ED. Ft128 In the Harleian copy of this prayer, the quotation from Job breaks off here, with an et caetera. Several of the other texts, also, are not fully given there. — ED. Ft129 “The greedy and unsatiable tyranny of the most cruel papists, and, rather, bloody horseleeches I mean Bonner and his complices.” See Edit. 1563, p. 1519. — ED. Ft130 The simple ignorance of these women had more need to be instructed, than they to be burned. Ft131 See Edition 1563, p. 1518. — ED. Ft132 See Edition 1563, p. 1518. — ED. Ft133 “In odorem bonae fragrantiae.” Ft134 That is, “a persecutor.” Ft135 See vol. 6, p. 654, of this Edition. — ED. Ft136 Ex testimo. Ioan. Lond. Ft137 Witnessed by the faithful report of Suffolk-men. Ft138 This date, June 6th, confirms and is confirmed by a letter of John Careless to II. Adlington, which will he found infra, p. 187. It appears on that page, that Careless expected Adlington and his companions to be condemned the following Friday, and we find, at p. 155, that they were actually condemned on Saturday, June 13th. The same letter, at p. 188, says: “Our sweet brethren, Thomas Haftand and John Oswald died at Lewes in Sussex, to the great rejoicing of the children of God that were in those parts. And I hear say, that they were dissolved from this earthly tabernacle at Lewes on Saturday last , and were condemned but the Wednesday before.” That Saturday would be June 6th, and so confirms the accuracy of Foxe’s text in this place. We may add, that Nicolas’s Tables prove June 6th to have fallen on a Saturday in 1556. The beginning of September following twenty-two confessors were marched up from Colchester to London, and were met at Stratford-lebow by companies of good men, who came to comfort and strengthen them, and attended them all the way to Fulham, where the crowd numbered above a thousand. See infra, p. 303. — ED. Ft139 Ex Registro. [There is a further notice respecting Thomas Read, infra, p. 380 — ED.] Ft140 Henry Adlington. The letter infra, p. 187, addressed to this faithful confessor by John Careless, must have been written within the next two or three days after this examination. Careless states that he had that same day received a letter from Adlington. — ED. Ft141 Query Bardfield (Great and Little). — ED. Ft142 Ex Registro. Ft143 A Dispensation of Cardinal Pole, Legate de Latere; for William Adams, Thomas Freeman and William Stonard, that were condemned as heretics. Reginaldus — miseratione divina, tituli sanctae Mariae in Cosinedin. sanctae Romanae ecclesiae presbyter cardinalis, Polus [nuncupatus], archiepiscopus Cantuariensis, sanctissimi domini nostri papae et sedis apostolicae ad serenissimos Philippurn et Mariam, Angliae reges, et universurn Angliae regnum de latere legatus, — dilectis nobis in Christo, Guilhelmo Adams, Thomae Freeman et Guilhelmo Stonnarde laicis, Londoniensis seu alterius dioecesis, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Ex parte vestra nobis nuper oblata peticio confinebat, quod, licet vos in varias haereses et errores, a puritate fidei catholicae manifeste deviantes, lapsi, et super ipsis per ordinarium vestrum inquisiti, ac deinde convicti et confessi, per diffinitivam sententiam damnati, et potestati seculari digna animadversione puniendi derelicti fueritis, nihilominus vos postea a nonnullis catholicis piis et doctis viris de veritate instructi errores vestros cognovistis, eosque voce et scriptis damnastis, ac de illis ab intimis doluistis, nobisque propterea humillime supplicari fecistis, ut ab excommunicationis, aliisque sententiis, censuris, et poenis, per vos propterea incursis, et haeresis crimine, vos et unumquemque vestrum absolvere, et ecelesiae catholicae unitati restituere, de benignitate apostolica dignaremur. Nos igitur, de vera et sincera vestra poenitentia per fide dignas personas plene informati, ac attendentes quod adse redeuntibus gremium non claudit ecclesia, et nonnullis allis iustis et rationalibus causis moti, auctoritate apostolica nobis hae in nostra legatione concessa, et qua fungimur in hae parte, tenore praesentium vos et unumquemque vestrum, ab excommunicationis, et quibusvis sententiis, censuris, et poenis, in vos et unumquemque vestrum quavis haereticae pravitatis occasione, a jure vel ab homine, etiam per sententiam diffinitivam (legitimis desuper prius formatis processibus), specialiter et expresse latis vel promulgatis, etsi per plures annos in eis insordueritis, in utroque conscientiae suae et contentioso foro, plenarie (ita ut super hujusmodi criminibus, peccatis, et excessibus, etiam de quibus ut praefertur inquisiti, convicti, et condemnati estis, nullo mode puniri, inquietari, seu molestari possitis) absolvimus et liberamus, ac ecclesiae unitati et aliorum Christi, fidelium censortio aggregamus, ac omnem inhabilitatis et infamiae maculam, ex praemissis circa vos quomodolibet insurgentem, penitus et omnino tollimus et abolemus, vosque in pristinum, et eum in quo ante praemissa quomodolibet eratis, statum restituimus, reponimus, et redintegramus; praemissis, ac regula de insordescentibus edita ac quibusvia allis constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, caesterisqne contrariis non obstantibus quibuscunque. Volumus autem ut omnen earn poenitentiam et alia pro praemissis, per nos seu alium vel alios a nobis ad hoc diligendos, vobis et cuilibet vestrum injungenda, quae vos subituro expresse professi estis et promisistis, cum effectu adimplere onmino teneamini: alioqui praesente vobis nullatenus suffragentur. Datum in palatio regio, apud sanctum Jacoburn prope Westmonasterium, anno a nativitate Domini millesimo, quingentesimo, quinquagesimo sexto, quinto nona Julii, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo parris et domini nostri, domini Pauli, divina providentia papae 4, anno 2. 155 a68 Re. Cardinalis Polus, M. Antonius Faits, secretarius Legatus. D. Lampsonus. (See edition 1563, page 1525 — ED.) Ft144 Thirteen of these were martyrs, as is before said. Ft145 Note the catholic charity of this prelate. Ft146 Ex testimonio quorundam Suffolcensium. Ft147 “Et hujus rei, si Dee placet, probationem sumunt a gruibus et apibus, quae sibi ducem unum semper eligunt, non plures.” a74 Calvin. Institut. lib. 4. 6. Section 8. — ED. Ft148 It is a pity that popish prelates cannot lie. Ft149 Catholic prelates are obsequious to higher powers so long as they make for their dignity, but when they do otherwise, then they excommunicate them. Ft150 The portions of this examination distinguished with asterisks, are extracted from the First Edition of the Acts and Monuments; pp. and 1534. — ED. Ft151 See infra. — ED. Ft152 This passage is not to be defended; far from it. The circumstances of the case, however, should not be lost sight of. The “consideration” hinted at, is evidently the risk of bringing into trouble those who had contributed to his necessities, including the keeper of the prison. And it is in reference to their kindly interposition on his behalf, that Careless praises God for his “providence.” — ED. a81 Ft153 This is a wrong faith of predestination, believing to be elected in respect of good works. Ft154 See Edition 1563, p. 1534. — ED. Ft155 See vol. 7. p. 691, of this edition. — ED. Ft156 This comfort received of master Philpot, read in master Philpot’s Letter. Ft157 “Slorried,” bedaubed. — ED. Ft158 A play upon the word “angel,” a silver coin. — ED. Ft159 Note how comfortably the Lord worketh in his prisoned saints. Ft160 Here is a true mark of a faithful christian, forsaking wife and children for Christ’s sake. Ft161 Of the martyrdom of this Tyms read before. Ft162 The martyrdom of Drake read before. Ft163 The martyrdom of Cavel, Ambrose, and both the Spurges, read before. Ft164 “Immarcessible,” never-fading — ED. Ft165 Of Green and Whittle read before. Ft166 Of Joan Warne read before. Ft167 He meaneth Elizabeth Foster. Ft168 See the Second Edition, in loc. — ED. Ft169 Of Thomas Harland and Jolm Oswald, read before [p. 151]. Ft170 Such mourners should we be continually, with this and others, God’s dear children; and blessed be they that so mourn. Ft171 In Coverdale’s “Letters of the Martyrs,” she is called “Jane Glascock.” — ED. Ft172 This was a note of poesy written in Mrs. Glascock’s book by John Careless. Ft173 This counsel was, that he should marry: notwithstanding certain lets whereby Satan sought to hinder his marriage. Ft174 Note, that both these departed in quiet peace, the one in 1565, the other in 1568. Ft175 For this letter, and the prayer following, see Edition 1563, pp. 1538, 1539. — ED. Ft176 See “Letters of the Martyrs,” Edit. 1837, p. 506. — ED. “Misterye or craft.” Ed. 1563. —ED. For these and the words following, in asterisks, see Edition 1563, p. 1510. —ED. Behold the obstinacy of the papists, who, knowing the truth, will not yield. The first edition of this celebrated work appeared in 1536 a87 (if not earlier), under the title “Christianae Religionis Institutio, totam fere pictaris summam, etc. complectens — Autore Joh. Calvino;” 8vo. Basil; bearing, it will be observed, the author’s name without any concealment, but in the enlarged edition, tol. Argent. 1539, “Autore Alcuino sometimes takes the place of the former designation. All the earlier impressions are very rare, and it was considered (about a century back) a privilege to have merely seen one of them. See a long and interesting disquisition upon the subject in “Gerdesii Scrinium Antiq. sive miscellanea Groningana Nova,” tom. 2 p. 451; and “Bibliotheca Eccles. Friburgensis,” volume 6 p. 748. —ED. Behold his earnestness, now he is turned to the truth. By these “measures” he meaneth a certain ceremony of the college, which was this: that in the ‘Confiteor’ time at even-song, the whole company of the choir (who were there, to the number of a hundred) standing up. and turning their faces first to the high altar, should then turn them to the president, and from the president to the high altar again: and so, after turning and returning three times together, the president should say, “Misereatur,” which done every man was to place himself again in his stall. “Propino tibi, juvenis erudite.” “Non agnosco nomen, domine.” “Oleum corum non demulcet, sed frangit caput meum.” [Psalm 141. S.] “He writ a poem, entitled, ‘Epicedium’ (for he was a man of florid learning) against one Morwin, who had made verses in praise of the bishop of Winchester, deceased.” See Strype, Memorials under Mary, chapter 46 —ED. “The father shall be divided against the son, the mother against,” etc. Luke 12. Foxe does not allude here to his. First Edition, as Strype has erroneously supposed, but to the Second Edition of the Acts and Monuments, published in 1570. The statements so offensive to Thackham were also repeated in the Third Edition, printed six years subsequent to the second, but they were suppressed in the edition of 1583, for the reasons above alleged by Foxe. Thack ham’s “reply in writing,” to which Foxe alludes, is extant in the Harleian MSS. (No. 425. art. 10;) it is entitled “An Answere to a Slaunder untruly reported by Mr. Foxe, in a certain boke intytuled the Seconde Volume of the Ecclesiasticall Hystorye, conteynynge the Acts and Monuments of Martyres; wyche was broughte unto hym (and as yt maye be supposed) by some uncharytable and malycyous slaanderer agaynst Thomas Thackham, mynister; whereby yt maye well appere unto the gentle reader, bothe how touche the wryter off that hystorye hathe bene abused and howe wrongfullye the sayed Thackham hathe bene slaundered. From Northampton the 30th off January, the yere of ouer salvation 15 — :” (probably 1570, the year when Foxe’s Second Edition was published). This answer of Thackham is followed by a “Reply to an indiscrete Answer made by Thomas Thackham, sometime of Reading, against the Story of Julius Palmer, martyr, 1571;” the latter MS, appears to have lost about one or two leaves, at the end. This dispute has been noticed by Strype (Memorials under Mary, chapter 46); of Thackham he says, his “credit went but little way, being a scandalous man, and one that shrunk back from religion in queen Mary’s days,” etc. “And those circumstances, concerning Palmer, which Thackham would so confidently prove to be false, were, upon examination of the woman and hostler” (that is, the landlord) “that lived at the Cardinal’s Hat, and others at Reading, attested and avowed to be true. And thus for the credit of Foxe’s history.” Strype, having more fully discussed the matter, thus concludes: “I have been too long upon this matter. But I have done it for the vindication of Mr. Foxe’s excellent history, and for the further clearing of the informations which he received and believed, so as to induce him to commit them into his book. Upon inquiries made at Reading, and examination of matters relating to Palmer’s business and Thackham’s book, it appeared, that he was defective of. truth, and Foxe’s account for the main true.” See also Perry’s Letter in vindication of Foxe: “Memorials,” volume 3 part 1 page 584. —ED. The following is the statement here made by Foxe in the Second and Third Editions of the Acts and Monuments. “After this he was brought before the mayor, and there, by the procurement of a false brother, one Thomas Thackham (which had then obtained the preferment of the school for him and his assigns), he had divers grievous and enormous crimes laid to his charge. For this Thackham (fearing lest Palmer, by the virtue of his former patent, would remove him from teaching the school), taking on him the office of an accuser, had suborned three false witnesses, to wit, Cox, Cately, and Downer; which men, under the name of brethren, had been conversant with Palmer, and robbed his study, as is aforesaid. These burdened him with no less than treason, sedition, surmised murder, and adultery.” — For the reasons above assigned, Foxe amended and corrected these statements respecting Thackham. —ED. Note the worshipful proofs of the quarreling papists. “Qui spiritum Christi non habet, hic non est ejus.” “The Holy Ghost shall teach you in that hour what you shall answer.” Luke 12. A marvel to the papists, that young men should have the gift of the Holy Ghost. “Quicunque invocaverit nomen Domini, salvus erit?” “Qui edit et bibit corpus Domini indigne<, reus exit judicii.” Ft196 “Qui manducat hunc panem,” etc. Children dying before they come to baptism are saved: of this it followeth not; ergo, children that are brought ought not to be baptized. Ft198 The Lord bless every good man and woman from such wicked spirits. Ft199 “Minever,” a skin with specks of black. —ED. See volume 7 p. 596, note 7. —ED. Ex Testimon. Petri Moonaei. Bishop Hopton preferreth twenty men committing adultery, before one woman transgressing the pope’s ordinances! Testified and recorded by Peter Moon. See Dicey’s “History of Guernsey,” p. 48; also Heylin’s “Survey of Jersey and Guernsey; London, 1658. —ED. “Wretched Papists,” Edit. 1563, p. 1541. —ED. The Sentence . — Anno Domini millesimo, quingentesimo, quinquagesimo sexto, die vero 13 mensis Julii, apud ecclesiam divi Petri in Portu, maris insula promotor. [?magistratibus insulae promotoribus,] per nos dominum decanum inquisitio facta fuit de fide catholica, et super sacramenta ecclesiastica, videlicet super sacramentum baptismi, confirmationis, poenitentiae, ordinis, matrimonii, eucharistiae, et extremae unctionis, necnon super ceremonias ecclesiae, ac de veneratione et honoratione beatae Mariae et sanctorum, et de missa et ejus efficacia, et de ceremoniis ecclesiae, videlicet Katherinae Cawches, ejusdemque duarum filiarum Guilleminae et Perotinae nuncupatarum, et harum tam conjunctim quam separatim, et via juris. Et quamvis pluries ad veniam petendum, et ad delicta sua cognoscenda hortavimus(Soloecismus catholicus.) et invitavimus, hae quidem praedictas omnino negaverunt et negant, quod locutae fuerunt aliquod verbum inane, inhonestum, ociosum, et vanum contra fidem catholicam, sacramenta ecclesiae, et alias ceremonias ecclesiae. Quapropter auditis negationibus praedictarum, et attestationibus et depositionibus testium per nos visis, consideratis, et bene ponderatis, et per opiniones curatorum et vicariorum ibidem assistentium super easdem Kather. et Perotinam, necnon et Guelleminam, crimine haereticas invenimus et reputamus. Quapropter coram vobis domino Balivo omnino remittimus ut antea remisimus. Thomas le Coll de Mandato, John Alles, Guillielmus Panquet, Petrus Tardise, et Johannes Manatiel. (a) Soloecismus catholicus. See Edition 1563, p. 1544. —ED. Ibid. in the errata, p. 1742. —ED. The supplication was presented the year before the publication of the First Edition of this work; at page 1545 of which, Foxe remarks, “What order therein was taken concerning that wilful and cruel murder, I am not yet certain; but I trust that either man’s law will find out that wicked murder and innocents’ blood, or else, this I know, that God’s high justice and revenging hand will not suffer that guiltless blood, and detestable fact, to escape unrevenged, except greater repentance come.” —ED. Nov. 17, 1558, being the clay of queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne. —ED. Master Harding in his Rejoinder against master Jewel, p. 184. [Published in 1566. —ED.] Master Harding in his Rejoinder, fol. 184, p. 2. [Published in 1557. — Ed.] a97 See volume 2 p. 13. —ED. The lady Jane was thought to be with child at her death. Rejoinder, fol. 185, p. 1. God knoweth what spilling and murdering of infants there is in the world. Agamista, of a[gamov, which signifieth men unmarried, or against marriage. “O cruel papists, that ever such a foul murder upon earth should be committed. The Lord himself will revenge it no doubt to your perpetual shame, although in this world neither the complaint was greatly regarded, nor the cause condignly pondered, nor the cruel murder as yet revenged, etc. Thus these three good and godly women with the poor infant ended their lives, unjustly condemned, and cruelly murdered by the bloody, furious, and fiery papists.” See Edition 1503, page 1544. —ED. Ex Regist. Episc. Lincoln. Although they call you papists, yet they judge you not to death. See volume 7 p. 328. —ED. This suffragan bishop is called “Thornden” by some writers. See Wharton’s Observations on Strype’s Memorials of Cranmer, p. 257. —ED. Note the gross ignorance of this suffragan, Well argued. Because Christ is omnipotent, ergo, there is no bread in the sacrament! No charity in popery to be noted. Either “sour,” from agresta, the juice of unripe grapes; or “rustical,” from agreste. —ED. The letter itself alludes to four. —ED. “Pax,” See Appendix. —ED. Of Joyce Lewes martyr, read hereafter. a111 See his story more fully given in Strype; Memorials under Mary, chap. 39 —ED. BOOK See Edition 1563, p. 1537. Ed. 1570, p.2142. Ed. 1576, p.1862. Ed. 1583, p. 1906. Ed. 1597, p. 1774. Ed. 1684, volume 3 p. 639. —ED. This account is derived from “Historia vera de vitae, obitu, sepultura, accusatione haereseos, condemnatione, exhumatione, combustione, honorificaque tandem restitutione M. Buceri et Fagii, etc.,” Argentinae, 1562; a112 “which was quickly turned into English by Arthur Golding, under the title of ‘A briefe Treatise concerning the Burnynge of Bucer and Phagius at Cambridge,’” etc. 16mo. 1562. See Dibdin’s Typograph. Antiquities, volume 4 p. 500; it will be observed, that Foxe’s extracts begin at p. 113 of the Latin. The papal representation of these transactions may be subjoined to Foxe’s account, without being misplaced in the present times. “Oxonii sepulta fuerat digna Petro Martyre concubina, parthenonis et ipsa desertrix sacrilega, ut the coenobii. Ejus ossa refodi jusserat Maria, et sterquilinio, ut par erat, condi. Nunc aemulo plane sanctitatis et virginitatis in Elizabetha ingenio, fequisita sunt inter sordes sterquilinii publici, quarum foedissima pars erant, et incredibili studio invents, purgata, lota; in thecam eandem reponuntur, in qua S. Friswidae reliquiae colebantur, et cum his adeo confusa, ut nulla unquam possent diligentii secerni; clauditur loculus, et cubitalibus literis hoc epitaphio decoratur, Hic jacet religio cure superstitione; meliori titulo meretrici, haeretici pessimi concubinae, proh nefas! deteriori ancillae Christi, sanctissimae virgini, attributo. Magis pia videri voluit in Cantabrigia, parente altera scientiarum in Anglia. Illic obierant Bucerus et Paulus Phagius, e Germania acciti, ut de celsitate illius cathedrae pestem suam universae Angliae affiarent. Bucerus a Christo et coenobio transfuga, inde Lutheranus, dum res et tempus favit; mox spreto magistro, et Zuinglii totus, et ob earn causam a Luthero pro Juda proditore, et Absalone, notatus et habitus, postmodum ramon denuo Lutheranus. Stirpe tandem Hebraeus, professione Christianus, ex utraque tertium confiavit, ignotum cujusmodi; nisi quod dici de illo potest quod de se Judebat Elizabethae primarius aulicus, qui duarum simul uxorum maritus alteram vocabat Synagogam,Ecclesiam alteram; sic vero sibi utramque junxisse, ut essent tamen invicem disjunctae. Hunc ergo et Phagium, desertorum par execrabile, condigno post funus Maria sepulchro affecerat, nempe ossa comburi, ossium cinerem tradi ventis mandarat. Elizabetha illorum memoriam et nomen (nullae enim ipsorum quas colerot restabant reliquiae) in fastos ad trigesimum Julii retulit. Quo die certatim alii sanctimoniam vitae facinorosissimse in coelum efferre; sapientiam alii, furiosi et docti erroris, scripturae, conciliis, pattibus, universaeque ecclesiae praefracte impudenterque praeferre. Quas in laudum chimaeras it coronamenta nequitiae ingeniorum suorum florem Cantabrigia exhausit. See “Europeae Hist. Soc. Jesu, pars prior, Anglia, ex Italico Daniel Bartoil interp. Lud. Janino (Lugduni, 1671) pp. 30,31. —ED. “Tra’ quali fu< spedito un certo Niccolo Ormanetto, the fu< non guari dopo Vescovo di Padoua, et ultimamente mori in Madrid nunzio di sua Santita alla corte’di Spagna. Il quale come persona di grandissima gravita, e di prudenza singularissima, visito tutti quei Collegi d’Ossonio, e di Cantabrigia, e con grandissimo zelo gli reformo,” etc. See “L’ Historia Ecclesiastes della Rivoluzion d’Inghilterra, da Girol. Pollini,” (in Roma, 1594), lib. 3, cap. 19. —ED. “Datary,” the chief officer of the court of Rome for dispensing benefices. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1537, (XXXx. 1.) —ED. Ibid. —ED. “Inespecially.” Ed. 1563. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1537. —ED. The following is the list as given in the MS. of Corpus Christi College Cambridge, and may supply the name of the commissioner, whom Foxe for some reason was indisposed to mention: “At 9 the commissioners viz. the Vic. D. Segswyeke, Mr. Yale, syr James Dyer, the recorder, Mrs. Chapman, Frank, Rust, and Evered sat at the Hall.” See “A Collection of Documents from the MS. Library of Corpus Christi College Cambridge” edited by John Lamb, D.D.; Load. 1838 p. 198. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1538. —ED. Ibid. —ED. “In especially.” Ibid. —ED. See “Hist. Vera,” etc. his letter is dated from Trinity college, Cambridge, Mar. 15, 1551. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1539. —ED. “Eft,” that is “sometimes.” —ED. Note the ambitious pomp of these papists. Ft247 Here was a foul fault committed, that these men came in without procession: See Appendix. —ED. “In especially.” Ed. 1563, p. 1541. —ED. Edition 1563, p, 1542. —ED. “Greesings,” i.e. the stairs, from “gressus.” —ED. See Edition 1563, pp. 1542,1543. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1543. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1544. —ED. In the “Collection of Documents,” edited by Dr. Lamb (p. 205), the names run “Maptyd, Hutton, Parker:” but the Latin account “Historia de vita, obitu, etc. M. Buceri,” Argentinae, 1562,’ agrees with Foxe, p. 134 verso. —ED. Some remarks upon Ormanet and Dr. Cole occur in the latter part of the “Historia vera” (p. 198): “Fuit in Ormaneto nihil notabile praeter arrogantiam intolerabilem, qua re tam mirifice excellebat, ut ne fingi quidem aut cogitari quicquam posset arrogantius. Fuit Colus eruditione ad suam opinionem eximia, ad aliorum veto mediocri; natura tam insigniter morosa, ut nihil mirum, si nec sacra Biblia quae combusserat, nec Christi fautores quos infestaverat, ei placere potuerint. Is nihil aegrius ferre potuit, quam ut a quoquam vel ipse Cicero, vel Plato legeretur. Hoc cur fetetit plane< nescimus, nisi ideo fortassis, quod ingenioso illo suo paradoxo (inscitiam et ignorantiam rerum verae pietatis et religionis matrem esse) nimium delectaretur.” —ED. See Edition 1653, page 1545. —ED. See Edition 1563, page 1545. —ED. What dissembling is here, in these pope-holy catholics! Ft260 Tyranny covered with the visor of mercy. Ft261 Satan transforming himself into an angel of light. Ft262 O Lord God, as though this were the doing of the university, and not your own! Ft263 The wolf pretendeth to be a lamb. Ft264 As though the cardinal sent you not down, before you came to the university. Ft265 See Edition 1563, p. 1547. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1548. —ED. It is remarkable that. according to the statements of Bart. Carranza, archbishop of Toledo, this was done to exalt the Inquisition! “With the king’s permission (Philip II) I caused the bodies of the greatest heretics of those times to be disinterred, and they were burnt to secure the power of the Inquisition.” See Llorente’s “History of the Inquisition of Spain,” (Lend. 182G,)p. 469. —ED. “Betwyxt 8 and 9 my L. of Lynkolne preched in St. Mary’s, and stood tyll almost 11, setting furthe Bucer’s wyckedness and heretycall doctryn.” Lamb’s “Collection of Documents,” p. 217. —ED. As though in these days of queen Mary had been raised no subsldies at all! Ft270 “Inespecially,” Ed. 1563, p. 1551. —ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1551. —ED. Ibid. —ED. Ibid. —ED. Ibid. pp. 1551,1552. —ED. “Misture,” i.e. missing. —ED. On November 17, 1838, it was determined to erect in Oxford a permanent Memorial of these three revered prelates. —ED. Cronica Job. Naucleri Praepos. Tubing. Coloniae, 1579. Volume Generat. 31. p. 721. —ED. See volume 5 p. 31, of this edition. —ED. See volume 4 p. 474. —ED. Stephen Gardiner of Winchester. Ft281 This was Fande, sometime mayor of the town. Ft282 See Le Piat’s “Collectio Monumentt. Hist. Conc. Trid. illustr.” tom. p. 68. This was to bold, however, merely till a general Council should decide the point. —ED. See “Historia vera,” etc., pp. 197-203. —ED. Ft284 From hence to the end, is omitted by Foxe after the first Edition. See Appendix. — ED. Ft285 What ado is here with the butchers to bring the poor lambs to the shambles! Ft286 See Edition 1563, p. 1566. — ED. Ft287 See Edition 1563, p. 1567. — ED. Ft288 On “Pax,” a170 see note in the Appendix to page 256. — ED. Ft289 If the wicked do eat the body of Christ, they must needs be saved; and if infants eat him not, they must be condemned, by the pope’s doctrine. Ft290 These catholics will not be contented with confessing of Christ only. Ft291 He meaneth against the real presence. Ft292 In the Harleian MSS. No. 416, art. 75, is Roger Hall’s original information to Mr. Foxe, relating to circumstances touching Joan Bradbridge, Edmund Allin, and Thomas Rede [or Read]. — ED. Ft293 Mark, what a holy mass-saying was here; and what a charitable religion is this! Ft294 Anno 5. Reg. Elizab. Ft295 Albeit the positive law of Moses’s judicials do not bind the Gentiles with the same necessity absolutely in every condition, as it did the Jews, to whom it was peculiarly given: yet may the Gentiles borrow out of the same law such things that shall be expedient for their regimen, neither can they borrow any laws better than out of Moses. Ft296 In time of public corruption, and in want of true teachers, it is not forbidden to any man to teach. Ft297 Not by any means, in the exclusive sense here intended: — “Insignis est Augustini super ea re confessio (lib. 6, Section 5. ‘Confess.’), qua sic Deo gratias agit: ‘Persuasisti mihi, [O Domine Deus], non eos flui crederent libris tuis quos tanta in omnibus fere gentibus authoritate fundasti sed [eos] qui non crederent, esse culpandos; nec audiendos esse, si qui forte mihi dicerent, unde scis illos libros unius veri et veracissimi Dei spiritu esse humano generi ministratos? Idipsum enim maxime credendum erat.’ Dubitabat turn si forte quidam reperirentur qui talem moverent quaestionem, quibus nunc plena sunt omnia, Jesuitis annitentibus sacrum hoc Del verbum in heminure animis in contempturn adducere.” Rivet. “Isagoge ad Scrip. sacram,” Cap. 3, Section 6. see “Report of the Discussion at Downside;” London, 1836, p. 57. See also “Augustini Confessionum Libri.” Coloniae 1619, lib. 6. p. 154. The words inclosed in brackets, in the quotation from Augustine, are not in the original. — ED. Ft298 “Wreck their tyme,” Edit. 1563, p. 1371: the subsequent Editions read “wrecke” or “wreake their tine,” i.e. vent their spleen: “tine” means vexation. See Todd’s Johnson. — ED. Ft299 In the Harleian MSS. No.421, art. 52, is the original Confession of John Fishcock, signed by Harpsfield. — ED. Ft300 This Bradbridge’s wife was thought to be with child. Ft301 Roger and Thomas Hall, were two godly brethren of Alice Benden. Ft302 “Facinorous,” wicked or villainous. — ED. Ft303 “Rathe,” early. — ED. Ft304 See Edition 1563, p. 1571. — ED. Ft305 The article of the king and queen is no article of his catholic church. Ft306 And yet he said before that he went not about to seek his blood. Ft307 Christ called it his body: ergo, he made it his body. It followeth not: for a thing may be called, and yet no nature changed. Ft308 They said that Christ called it his body, but they said not that it was his body Ft309 See Edition 1563, p. 1579. — ED. Ft310 “If they did;” that is, if they thought that man was subject to God. — ED. Ft311 “Quid non mortalia pectora cogis, Auri sacra fames?” — Virgil. En. Ft312 This, belike, was his brother. Ft313 The name of this place, so far as we could gather by the copy, was Firle. [Firle in Sussex. — ED.] Ft314 He is no true Christian, that hath not the Spirit of God. Ft315 “He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son,” 1 John 2. “Every spirit that confesseth not that Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God,” 1 John 4. — ED. Ft316 The living God is a point of heresy among the catholics! Ft317 If the living God in heaven do make a heretic, what maketh then the dead god on the altar? Ft318 When Story cannot confute them by learning, he confuteth them by imprisonment. Ft319 No, but if he should say, The sacrament of the altar worshipped might be he, then he were a perfect catholic. ‘The Lord,’ heretical; ‘Our Lord,’ catholic with the papists. Ft320 Fallacia equivoci. He that erreth from the church, which church erreth not in the right faith, his faith cannot be good indeed. Ft321 Woodman’s child, being baptized by the midwife, was brought out of the house by the papists, and confirmed in the church. Ft322 Reading the Scripture letteth no man to walk in his vocation, but rather doth further him. Ft323 A bishop-like dinner, without any talk of Scriptures. Ft324 Those that fear God hang not on man. Ft325 In the Greek text St. Paul calleth it “mysterium.” Ft326 Argumentum. — A thing signified, and a thing signifying, cannot be at one time, in respect of itself, in one subject. Matrimony is a holy thing itself, signified: Ergo, Matrimony cannot be a sacrament signifying a holy thing. Ft327 The hose in a hosier’s stall may be a sign, signifying more hose to be within; but it is not a signifying sign of itself. Neither again is every sign of another thing to be called a sacrament. Ft328 Letters written in the book, speaking properly, be one thing: the Testament and word of God is another thing. And yet, by use of speech, the book of the Testament is called the Testament, as bread and wine be called the body and blood of the Lord. Ft329 Here is a doctrine prejudicial to Christ’s passion to say, that the sacrament of the altar doth pacify the wrath of God. Ft330 The catholics make the sacrament both a sign signifying, and the thing itself signified. Ft331 “Crede et manducasti.” In Joh. Evang. cap. 6. tract. 25, Section 12. — ED. Ft332 Bayley, in his “Etymological Dictionary,” informs us: “This Robin Hood was a famous robber, a183 and storied to be an expert archer in the time of king Richard the first, about the year 1200; his principal haunt was about Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire.”” The number of extravagant tales about this celebrated archer was so great, that his name became proverbial for any improbable story.” Halliwell’s Archaic Dictionary. Two octavo volumes have just been bestowed on Robin Hood and “his meyne” by Mr. Gutch. — ED. Ft333 To do as most men do, and to do as a man ought to do, are two things. Ft334 Buxted, where Woodman’s father dwelt. Ft335 This bishop was Dr. Christopherson. Ft336 Dr. Langdale is too curious an inquisitor. Ft337 Dr. Langdale’s argument: children dying without baptism may be saved: ergo, children have no original sin. Ft338 Answer: The righteousness by Jesus Christ cometh upon all men, not in taking away imperfections of nature, but in not imputing the imperfections of man to damnation. Ft339 We are made free by the death of Christ, not from falling, but from damnation due by the law for our falling. Ft340 Children dying without baptism are not therefore damned, speaking absolutely. Children bear not the offences of their fathers. Ft341 Nay, rather in the faith of their parents. Ft342 Neither is it the faith of the godfathers and godmothers, that sanctifieth the child; but their diligence may help him in seeing him catechized. Ft343 See Edition 1563, page 1594. — ED. Ft344 Dr. Langdale denieth original sin, yet accuseth Woodman of that for which he is culpable himself. Ft345 Dr. Langdale seeketh a knot in a rush. Ft346 The catholics hold that Judas did eat the body of Christ. Argument: — Whosoever eateth the flesh of Christ. hath everlasting life (John 6.) Judas did eat the flesh of Christ: ergo, Judas hath everlasting life. Ft347 Christ speaketh of eating his flesh simply, without any determination of unworthiness: that is. simply whosoever believeth in Christ, he shall be saved, neither is any unworthiness in believing in Christ. Ft348 Note well the working of this man’s charity, to do for a man more at request; than for any compassion of the party. Ft349 Dr. White. — ED. Ft350 The old bishop of Chichester was Dr. Day. Ft351 Untrue. For bishop Bonner delivered him of his own accord at the burning of Philpot, upon other causes. Ft352 This was Dr. Day. Ft353 Note the petty shift of this catholic prelate. Ft354 See how nearly these men seek matter against him, whereby to trap him. Ft355 The Bishop’s Argument. — The devil is master in hell. Woodman felt a burning hell in his conscience. Ergo, the devil was Woodman’s master. Answer. — Hell is taken in Scripture two ways; either for the place where damned spirits and souls be tormented for ever out of this life. or else for God’s correction and anguish of the soul in this life, which sometimes is felt so sharp, that it is resembled to hell itself; as where we read, “The Lord bringeth to hell, and bringeth out again,” etc. Tob. 13. “The pains of hell have found me,” etc. Psalm 116. Ft356 A charitable commandment of a catholic prelate under pain of excommunication. No man to say, “God strengthen him.” Ft357 Woodman is made an anabaptist, because he will-not swear before him that is not his ordinary! Ft358 This fat priest is well seen in the Scriptures! Ft359 Read in the first examination of Woodman, page 342 of this volume. Ft360 Refer this story of John Hullier martyr, to that which is before said of him, [page 131 of this volume. — ED.] Ft361 Refer this to Thomas Read martyr, before, [page 151 of this volume. — ED.] Ft362 See Edition 1563, page 1603. -ED. Ft363 See the First Edition, 1563, p. 1605. — ED. Ft364 See Appendix. — ED. Ft365 “Cornwall” in the original. — ED. Ft366 “Gracious-street” in the original. — ED. Ft367 A sound lesson (reason, I should say) to prove heresy. a197 Ft368 After this, the good woman of this house who had succored many, was brought to the bishop's coalhouse. Ft369 “A tucker,” a fuller of cloth. — ED. Ft370 By this means came the good man and good wife of this house into trouble. Ft371 See Livii Historia, lib. 2. cap. 13. — ED. Ft372 See Edition 1563, p. 1607. — ED. Ft373 In the end of August before, he received 23, and sente 22, of them to London prisoners, page 307. Ft374 See Edition 1563, p. 1607. — ED. Ft375 AEneid 1. Ft376 See Edition 1563, p. 1615. — ED Ft377 Note here the ignorance of these catholic men in the Scriptures. Ft378 He meaneth belike Bonner and his fellows. Ft379 See Edition 1563, p. 1625. — ED. Ft380 See Edition 1563, p. 1632. — ED. Ft381 Ex Regist. Ft382 See Appendix — ED Ft383 The chancellor's name was Dunning. Ft384 In the Harleian MSS. No. 421, art. 63, is John Milles's sentence by Gregory Day, bishop of Chichester. — ED. Ft385 In the Harleian MSS. No. 421, art. 55, she is called Anne Tree. — ED. Ft386 See the Harleian MSS., No. 425. Art. 20:This recantation is dated Oct. 07, 1556. — ED. Ft387 These articles, together with his declarations and submissions, etc., appear to be given more at length from the Foxian MSS. by Strype. See Memorials under Mary, chap. 52:— ED. a226 Ft388 See Edition 1563, page 1641. — ED. Ft389 This description of Bonner's proceedings, with the interrogatories following, till the close of the asterisks, is introduced from the First Edition, pp. 1642, 1643 — ED. Ft390 See Edition 1563, p. 1644. — ED. Ft391 He meaneth the canon law. Ft392 See Edition 1563, p. 1645. — ED. Ft393 This startling statement is illustrated and confirmed in Rivet's “Jesuita vapulans, sive castigat, not. in Epist. ad Balsacure,” (Lug. Pat. 1635) cap. 16, from the writings of Claude d'Espence, Mariana the Jesuit, and others. — ED. Ft394 See Edition 1563, p. 1648. In Coverdale's “Letters of the Martyrs,” it is “addressed to the Christian Congregation in London.” — ED. Ft395 These observations, with the following commission of Bonner, are introduced from the First Edition of the Acts and Monuments, pp. 1612, 1613. — ED Ft396 See vol. 7. p. 284. — ED. Ft397 “In the beginning of this year, in the month of April, by virtue of a commission from Bonner, and some warrants also from the council, Dr. Chedsey and Thomas Mourton, the bishop's chaplains, and John Boswell, his secretary, went down to Colchester and Harwich, to examine the heretics in those parts of Essex, and to condemn them to be burnt; for though they burnt so many — so many, that one Dale, a promoter, told Mr. Living, a minister (and in bonds for religion), 'You care not for burning; by God's blood' (as he swore), ' there must be some other means found for you,' — yet many more remained there.” Strype's “Memorials under Mary,” chap. 62, where the proceedings of this commission are, in some measure, detailed. — ED. Ft398 Ed. 1553, p. 1650. Ft399 See Edition 1563, p. 1651. — ED. Ft400 “Beyond the seas.” Ibid. — ED. Ft401 These Informations are introduced from the First Edition of the Acts and Monuments, page 1652, misprinted 1632. — ED. Ft402 Perhaps a misprint for “Bell Alley,” or Bell Court in Walbrook, near Budge Row. — ED. Ft403 The reader’s attention is particularly directed to these interesting narrations of the habits of these poor, persecuted, but zealous Christians. — ED. Ft404 “Or rather scarce having his wits.” Edit, 1563, p. 1654. — ED. Ft405 At these examinations, divers of Roger Holland’s friends and kinsfolks, being men of worship, were present, both of Lancashire and Cheshire. Ft406 Psalm 91. [Vide supra, vol. 2 p. 196 — ED.] Ft407 See vol. 6. p. 600, and note. — ED. Ft408 This was William Tyndale’s translation, published at Hamburgh under the name of “Thomas Matthewes:” the press was corrected by John Rogers. See an account of this Bible in vol. 5 pp. 410-413. — ED. Ft409 This story, exemplifying the credulity of the times in which Foxe lived, is introduced from his First Edition, p. 1670. — ED. Ft410 This stanza is from the First Edition, p 1689. — ED. Ft411 See Hor. Epist. 2. 1.71. — ED. Ft412 See Edition 1563, p. 1690. — ED. Ft413 In the original Editions of the Acts and Monuments is a very spirited engraving of this infliction of bishop Bonner. It pourtrays the bishop, with his robes off, belabouring the object of his displeasure in regular schoolboy undress; the representation of this episcopal feat is denominated “The ryght picture and true counterfeyt of Boner, and his cruelrye in scourgynge of Goddes Saynetes in his orcharde. “— ED Ft414 This similitude holdeth, kata< th Ft415 *Saying Qui potest capere, capiat, ketch that ketch may.* Edit. 1563, p. 1668. Ft416 Dr. Spenser after the death of Dr. Dunning, who died suddenly in Lincolnshire, was chancellor under Bishop Hopton. Ft417 This course of examination reminds us of the stratagems adopted in the Spanish Inquisition, the system of which was being introduced into this country in these times. Consult Eymeric “Directorium Inquisitorum” (Romm 1581), pp. 433-436.; or Puigblanch’s “Inqmsition unmasked” (Lond. 1816), vol. 1. p. 257; and Pegrim Praxis Inquis.” lib. 2 c. 14. — ED. Ft418 If Christ had but one body, and that body was eaten up overnight, what body then was crucified the next day? Ft419 The chancellor, when he could not answer her with reason, sendeth her to prison. Ft420 The 4th of November in 1558 fell on a Friday: so that we must either mail “7th of November,” or “Friday.” — ED. Ft421 His sentence is recorded on the 27th of May, in the Harleian MSS., No. 421, Art. 68. — ED. Ft422 See Appendix. — ED. Ft423 “Vinow” or “vinew.” to grow musty. — ED. Ft424 See Todd’s Johnson’s Dictionary, under Aumbry and Almonry. This term is defined by Carter as “a niche or cupboard by the side of an altar, to contain the utensils belonging thereunto;” but it is evident that a more extended signification must be given to the word. In some of the larger churches the almeries were numerous and of considerable size, answering to what we should now call closets. See” A Glossary of Architecture,” (Lond. 1833.) p. 3, etc. — ED. Ft425 Hereby bishop Bonner may see, that the martyrs died in the same faith, wherein they were baptized by their godfathers and godmothers. Ft426 How the papists play with the Scriptures, as the devil did when he tempted Christ. Ft427 Aug. on Psalm [90. serm. 2 Section 5, Psalm 91. Section 11.] Ft428 “In visceribus Jesu Christi, ut juris rigor mitigetur, atque ut parcatur vitae.” Ft429 Richard White is now vicar of Marlborough in Wiltshire. Ft430 Edit. 1563, p. 1703. — ED. Ft431 This case is mentioned in “Sanetin Inquis. Hispanicae artes aliquot detectae; auct. Rag. Gonsalvio Montano,” Heidelbergae, 1567; Llorente’s “History of the Inquisition of Spain” (Loud. 1826), p. 223; Strype’s Annals, vol. 1, part 1, p. 355-357; Dibdin’s Typograph. Ant. vol. 4. p. 106. — ED. Ft432 The First Edition, 1563, p. 1728. — ED. Ft433 Note the ravening extortion of these inquisitois. Ft434 The Englishman’s name was William Brook. See Appendix, and Llorente’s Hist. Inquis. Lond. 1826, p. 224. — ED. Ft435 See Brandt’s lust. of Reform. in the Low Countries, 1:87, 88 — ED. Ft436 Of this statute read before. [Vol. 3. p. 239. — ED.] Ft437 From Edition 1563, p. 1682. See Appendix. — ED. Ft438 “Of Drapers,” is added in all the Editions after 1565. — ED. Ft439 Edit. 1563, p. 1686. — ED. Ft440 This woman was one Young’s wife. Ft441 Omitted after the Edition of 1576. — ED. Ft442 See the Second Edition, p. 2265; “Ex Epigrammate Ennii apud Ciceronem allusio.” See also Lactant. “Institut.” lib. 1. cap. 18; and Seneca Epist. 108. — ED. Ft443 See Appendix. — ED. Ft444 Note the covetous dealing of these papists. Ft445 If any worse punishment could have been found, it would, it appears, have been inflicted. “Consuetudo haec, ut non alia poena haeretici puniantur quam igne, originem duxit ex Vet. Test. 4. Reg. 23, ubi Ozias jussit ossa haereticorum sacerdotum comburi: — et ex N. Test. verbis scilicet Christi Domini Joan. 15; Si quis in me, etc. Si poena aliqua occurreret combustione atrocior, utique ea esset haereticis imponenda, tum quia hoc modo percitius deletur de memoria hominum haereticus et ejus delictum,” etc. “Carenae tractatus de officio Inquis.” (Lugduni, 1669) pars 3, tit. 13. Section 1. 7; and this opinion is seconded in the “Aphorismi Inquis. auct. Ant. de Sousa.” (Turnoni, 1633)lib. 3. cap. 6. — ED. Ft446 For these remarks and the two documents following, see the First Edition, pp. 1675-6. — ED. Ft447 This must have been Broke in Norfolk, as this case is placed under “the persecuted in Norfolk,” in p. 1678, Edit. 1563. See Appendix. — ED. Ft448 Edition 1563, p. 1676. — ED Ft449 Cholmley cannot abide spirit and faith. Ft450 Faith cometh of God: Ergo, no untruth ought to be believed! Ft451 Christ is flesh of our flesh, but not in our flesh. Ft452 This man dare not expound the Scripture, yet he dare judge upon heresy. Ft453 The papists dare not assure themselves to have the Holy Ghost. Ft454 So many martyrs have been slain, yet the papists brag as though none will come forth to answer them. Ft455 Fisher, bishop of Rochester. Ft456 But we read not that Christ did draw them into prisons, and condemned them to be burnt that would not come. Ft457 “Persecuting Papists,” Edit, 1553, p. 1695. Ft458 See vol. 7. p. 384. — ED. Ft459 See Appendix. — ED Ft460 Thus she saw eight monarchs, exclusive of the lady Jane in about ninety years. — ED. Ft461 This gentlewoman was a great succorer of the persecuted that came to her house, and specially of good Woodman, whom ye heard of before; and to her he wrote a letter. [See p. 347. — ED.] Ft462 He afterwards died in prison, and was buried on a dunghill. Ft463 “Rood-sollor,” a313 that is the rood-loft, or the chamber (solarlium) where the rood was kept. — ED. Ft464 “Hoc est corpus meum.” Ft465 “Hoc est corpus meum.” Ft466 See Melancthon’s Works, folio, Witebergae, 1601. vol. 2. p. 477. — ED. Ft467 “Obsequium amices, veritas odium parit.” Ft468 “Mail,” a kind of portmanteau — ED. Ft469 “The land’s end,” i.e. the Essex shore. — ED. Ft470 “Achates,” provision. — ED. Ft471 It may be supposed that Samogitia, called, in Polish, Xiestwo Zmudskie, is intended. — ED. Ft472 This Dr. Mallet is now dean of Lincoln. Ft473 See vol. 4 p. 706. — ED. Ft474 See Appendix. a324 — ED. Ft475 More properly spelt “Sandys.” — ED. Ft476 “And they answered Joshua, saying, All that thou commandest us we will do, and whither Soever thou sendest us we will go. According as we hearkened unto Moses in all things, so will we hearken unto thee: only the Lord thy God be with thee, as he was with Moses. Whosoever he be that doth rebel against thy commandment, and will not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death: only be strong and of a good courage.” — ED Ft477 St. Lo, or St. Leo, the captain of the guard. — ED a334 See Appendix. — ED Trinity Sunday, in 1554, fell on May 20th: but see Appendix to this place, and Appendix to vol. 6., note on p. 553. — ED. Ft484 Hollinshead says that, at this time, he was sir John Williams. — ED. Namely at Winge, in Buckinghamshire. — ED At Ricot, in Oxfordshire. — ED *For in the ende she told him plainly they would forsake him.* ED 1563, p. 1714. Ft488 See vol. 7 p. 592. — ED. Of Gardiner it is reported, that in his often discoursing about punishing heretics (as he cakked them), he would say, “We strip the leaves and lop the bows; but unless we strike at the root , that hope of heretics (meaning the lady Elizabeth), we do nothing.” See “ The History of the Life, Bloody Reign, and Death of Queen Mary.” Lond. 1682. — ED This was to the lord of Tame’s house. — ED Ft491 At Winge in Buckinghamshire. — ED. Bloomfield, in his “History of Norfolk,” vol. 3. P. 481, imagines that Foxe had painted sir Henry Bedingfield’s conduct so strongly, because Elizabeth afterwards visited him at Oxburgh in 1578. — ED Ft493 Note the wonderful working of the Lord’s providence in saving of the lady Elizabeth, by the death of Gardiner. Ft494 Laurence Sheriff was the founder of Rugby school. — ED. Thus died this popish princess, “in the heat of whose flames were burnt to ashes five bishops, one and twenty divines, eight gentlemen, eighty-four artificers, an hundred husbandmen, servants, and laborers; twenty-six wives, tewnty widows, nine virgins, two boys, and two infants; one of them whipped to death by Bonner, and the other springing out of the mother’s womb from the stake as she was burned, thrown again into the fire. Sixty-four more were persecuted for their profession of faith: whereof seven were whipped, sixteen perished in prison, twelve were buried in the dunghills. Many lay in captivity, condemned, but were released and saved by the auspicious entrance of peaceable Elizabeth.” See Weaver’s Monuments, page 116 — ED. “Ipsa solum nomen regium fetebat, cseterum omnem regni potestatem Phariseei possidebant.” Josephus de Antiq. lib. 13 [cap. 16. Section 2. — ED.] Ft497 Of the death of Stephen Gardiner read before. “Thornden or Thornton (for he is writ both ways),” etc. Strype’s Mem. under Queen Mary, chap. 15 — ED. See Edition 1563, p. 1706 — ED. See this Volume — ED. The truth of this statement has been denied by the papists. (See Athenae Oxonienses, vol. 1. P. 522.) But, it appears, there were two Grimwoods, one who sued a minister for relating the story from Foxe’s book, and the other to whom alone the narration referred. Strype says (Annals under Queen Elizabeth, cap. 21.), “But what if, after all this, the relation of Grimwood’s judgment was true? I have been assured so from a very careful inquirer (Mr. Roger Morris) after such matters; who told me that he had read it in a very authentic paper, carrying so much evidence with it, that he did not in the least misdoubt it: the judgment indeed not falling upon that Grimwood that sued the minister, but another of the same both christian and surname, as was well known afterwards.” — ED. Of Valerian read before. Note that bishop Tonstall, in queen Mary’s time, was no great bloody persecutor. For when master Russel, a preacher, was before him, and Dr. Himner his chancellor would have had him examined more particularly, the bishop staid him, saying, “Hitherto we have had a good report among our neighbors; I pray you bring not this man’s blood upon my head.” Note that some of these bishops afterward, through the goodness of Queen Elizabeth, were dispersed, and suffered to be kept in their friends’ houses. These words were spoken in the hearing of me, Thomas Jerens of Abingdon. See Volume 3 p. 403. — ED. Volume 4 p. 563. — ED. Yet the rich glutton was better; for he suffered Lazarus to lie at his gates. Note what lewd company doth, in corrupting good natures. Ft510 See vol. 5. p. 601. — ED. Ex Illyrico, de vocabulo Fidei. Ex Epistola Ciaudii Senarclaei ad Bucerum, ante Histor. de morte Diazii [p. 8. — ED.] Note what evil instruction and company do. Ft514 Ex Epistola Claudii Senarclaei ad Bueerura, ante Histor. de morte Diazii [p. 8. — ED.] Ibid. [1546, p. 12. — ED.] Item, Ex “Oratione Pauli Eberi in comitiis Wittembergae habita.” See Pantaleon, “Rerum in Ecclesiastes gestarum,” lib. 7 p. 218, Basilese, 1563. — ED. The title more at length is, “Locorum Communium Collectanea, a Job. Manlio, pleraque ex lectionibus Ph. Melancthonis excerpta; ” in three or four parts; 8ro. Basil. 1563. — ED. Ex Manlio, de Dictis Philip. Melancth. [tom. 2:26.] See vol. 4 p. 491. Ibid. p. 373. — ED Vol. 5 p. 636. — ED. Ex Comment. Sleidan. lib. 23. [tom. 3. P. 386, Edit. Francof. 1786.] Ex Protestatione Concionatorum German. Adversus Coventum Trident. Etc. [p. 79, Ed. 1563.] Ex “Appendice Hist, Joan. Carionis; fol. 250;” rather the reverse of fol. 249. The Chronicles of John Carion were printed at Paris in 1543. The work from which Foxe quotes was printed in English at Nuremberg by John Funcke: it was dedicated to Edward the sixth, and a copy of it is in the British Museum. — ED. Ft525 Shilpad, a kind of shell-fish, fashioned like a toad, with a hard and a bread shell upon his back. Ft526 Volume 4. p. 499. — ED Volume 4. p. 476. — ED Volume 4. p. 508. — ED “Salmesville,” or Salamonis villa, hod. Salmansweyler. — ED. Or rather A.D. 1134; see Playfair’s Georg. Vol. 4. P. 221. — ED. Ft531 Ex Gasparo Bruschio, in Chronologia Monasteriorum Germaniae. Ft532 This truce was between the French king and the emperor; which the pope caused to be broken. Ft533 See Henault, “Chron. De l’hist. de France;” volume 2. P. 581. — ED. Admiral Chatillon, one of the leaders of the Huguenots, murdered at the massacre of St. Bartholomew at Paris, in 1572. — ED. Ft535 Oct. 15th, 1562. — ED. Ft536 Anne de Montmorenci; Nov. 10th, 1567. — ED. Ft537 Jacques d’Albon; in 1562. — ED. Spectatores praesentes, Cutbert Car, Bartholomaeus Bellington, nutae Rienses. Ft539 Johannes Bugenhagius. — ED. See vol. 1 p. 256. Ft541 “Manus vestrae plenae sunt sanguine,” etc. Isaiah 1. “Lavamini, mundi estote,” etc. Ib. “Gnathos,” flattering and decietful men. — ED. Queen Mary died on Thursday, the 17th of November; on the day before, her death was hourly expected, — an event which gave peace and hope to the persecuted flock of Christ. — ED. The bishop of Carlisle and Dr. Sandys, though probably present, took no part in the conference. See Strype on this question. Annals, Volume 1. Chapter 5. — ED. Ft546 “Taceat in Ecclesia.” Ft547 “Per hos enim impletur confirmatio precis, qui respondent Amen.” Ambrosius. See his works; Paris, 1532, volume 1 following 115, col. 2 — ED. “Loquendi omnino nulla est causa, si quodloquimur non intelligunt, propter quos, ut intelligant, loquimur.” De Doctrina Christana, lib. 4. [See his Workd; Paris, 1532, volume 3. Fol. 2, col. 1. — ED.] Ft550 “Die solis urbanornm ac rustieorum coetus fiunt, ubi apostolornm prophetarumque literro, quoacl fieri potest praeleguntur: deinde eessante leetor praepositus verbs facit adhortatoria, ad irnitationem tam honesterum rerum invitans. Post hae consurgimus omnes, et praees offerimus: quibus finiris profertur (ut diximus) panis, vinum et aqua; turn praepositus, quantum poteat, preces offert, et gratiarurn actiones; plebs vero Amen aceinit.” Justinus, Apol. 2. [167.] Ft551 “Caeterum ad objectum in psalmodiis crimen, quo maxime simpliciores terrent calumniatores,” etc. Basilius, Epist. 63. [tom. 3. 311. Section 3. Edit. 1730.] Ft552 See his Works vol. 2 fol. 210. Basil. 1516. — ED. Ft553 “Idem eodem Ioco, in ilia verba, ‘ Si ingrediatur infidelis, aut indoctus,’” etc.1 Ft554 “Quin, et in precibus vide fit quis populum multum simul offerre, turn pro energumenis, turn pro paenitentibus. Communes enim preces et A sacerdote et ab illis fiunt, et omnes dieunt unam orationera, orationera misericordie plenam. Iterum, ubi excluserimus e sacerdotalibus ambifibus eos qui non possunt esse participes sanctae mensEe, alia facienda estoratio, et omnes similitersurgimus, etc?’ [See Chrysost. in Epist. ad 1 Corinthians 2. Horn. 18. Section 3. — ED. Ft555 Cyprian, ser. 6. de or. dominica. Ft556 Aug. in Psalm 18 [serra. 2 Section 1.] Ft557 Aug. de Magist. Ft558 See “Novellae Constitutiones;” Constit. 137, p. 109. 4to. Basil. 1561. — ED. Ft559 This martyr, burnt at Uxbridge, was master Denley. Ft560 Dr. Heath, formerly archbishop of York. — ED Ft561 To this list might be added, Turberville, Watson, Bourne, and Poole. — ED. Ft562 Brixton Causeway.- ED. Ft563 “Waynrsworth,” Wandsworth. — ED. Ft564 See Strype’s Mere. under Mary, col. 3. part 1, chap. 11. The sermon was preached on the 9th of May, 1541, upon “I am the good Shepherd.” — ED. Ft565 This is probably a mistake: see Appendix. — ED. Ft566 “Maledictus homo qui facit seulptile et confiatile, etc. ponitqae illud in abscondito,” etc. Deuteronomy 27. Ft567 “Ne forte errore deceptus adores ea et colas.” Ft568 “Quia seducet fillus, tuum, ne sequatur me.” Deuteronomy Ft569 Joseph. Antiq. lib. 17, cap. 8, et lib. 18, cap. 5 et 10. Ft570 Euseb. Ecclesiastes Hist. lib. 7, cap. 18. Ft571 JH tw~n eijdw>lwn eu[resiv oujk ajpo< a]gaqou~ ajlla jajpo< kaki>av ge>gone, to< de< th Christianos tunc temporis odisse maxime statuas cum suis ornamentis,” etc. Ft575 Iren. lib. 1. cap. 24. Ft576 “Non est dubium, quin religio nulla sit, ubicunque simulacrum est.” Lib. Divin. Instit. 2. cap. 19. Ft577 “Quum Varro existimaverit castius sine simulacris observari religionem, quis non videt, quantum appropinquaverit veritati?” De Civitate Dei, lib. 4. cap. 31. Ft578 “Plus valent simulacra ad curvandam infelicem animam, quam ad docendam.” [Ser. 2. sect. 6] Ft579 “Quivis puer, imo quaevis bestia, scit non esse Deum quod vident: cur ergo Spiritus Sanctus toties monet cavendum quod omnes sciunt?” Ft580 “Quoniam cum ponuntur in templis, et semel incipiunt adorari a multitudine, statim nascitur sordidissimus affectus erroris.” Ft581 “Annon habetis domos ad edendum ac bibendure? An ecclesiam Dei contemnitis?” Ft582 “Sed non eodem ritu, nec eodem habitu, nec eodem apparatu, quo agitur apud idola.” Ft583 “In honorabili sublimitate.” Ft584 “Eodem ritu, et eodem habitu.” Ft585 “Quum venissem ad villain quae dicitur Anablatha. vidissemque ibi praeteriens lucernam ardentem, et interrogassem quis locus esset, didieissemque esse ecclesiam, et intrassem ut orarem: inveni ibi velum pendens in foribus ejusdem ecclesiae tinctum atque depictum, et habens imaginem quasi Christi vel sancti eujusdam, non enim satis memini cujus fuit. Cum ergo hoc vidissem, in ecclesia Christi contra authoritatem Scripturarum hominis pendere imaginem, scidi illud,” etc. Et paulo post: “Et praecepi in ecclesia Christi istiusmodi vela, quae contra religionem nostrum veniunt, non appendi,” etc. Ft586 Greg. in regist, lib. 7. epist. 109. Ft587 He was a Florentine of the name of Ricci, or, as he denominated himself according to the custom of the times, P. Crinitus. “Scripsit libros de Poetis Lat., qui una cum opere ejus ‘De honesta disciplina’ excudi solet. Basil. 1532. Paris, 1520.” See “Supplementum ad Vossium,” Hamb. 1709, p. 768. He did not excel as a writer in the judgment of Vossius, “De Hist. Lat.” p. 673, edit. 1651. — ED. Ft588 De Honesta Disciplina, et de Poetis Latinis, fol. Paris, 1520. — ED. Ft589 “Petrus Crinitus de Honesta Disciplina, lib. 9. cap. 9. ex libris Augustalibus haec verba transcripsit: ‘Valens et Theodosius Augusti imperatores praefecto praetorio ad hunc modum scripserunt. Quum sit nobis cura diligens in rebus omnibus superni Numinis religionem tueri, signum Salvatoris Christi nemini quidem concedimus coloribus, lapide, aliave materia fingere, insculpere, aut pingere; sed quocunque reperitur loco tolli jubemus, gravissima poena eos mulctando qui contrarium decretis nostris et imperio quicquam tentavcrint.’” [See Justinian’s Cod. 1:8.] Ft590 This occurred in 726; the reflections of the Latin chroniclers upon the circumstance are given in “Goldasti Imperialia Decret. de Cultu Imag.” Francorf. 1608, p. 17. See also Mosheim, cent. 18, part 2. ch. 3, sect. 10. — ED. Ft591 A.D. 754; the arguments and Decrees of the council are included in what was intended for a refutation, “The Acts of the Second Nicene Council in 787;” but the express words, cited by Ridley as a decree, do not appear, though the substance doubtless may. See Labbe, tom. 7. col. 396, 513-529. As the existing accounts of the Nicene council are supposed to have been corrupted, the decrees of the council assembled by Constantine may also have similarly suffered. See “Dallaei de Imaginibus;” Lug. Bat. 1642, p. 419. — ED. Ft592 “Quod primum verum, quod posterius adulterinum.”[adv. Prax. cap. 2.] Ft593 “Placuit in ecclesiis picturas esse non debere, ne quod colitur aut adoratur in parietibus depingatur.” [Can. 36.] Ft594 “Sed neque imperiale est libertatem dicendi negare, neque sacerdotale quod sentiat non dicere.” Item, “In causa vero Dei quem audies, si sacerdotem non audies, cujus majori peccatur periculo? quis tibi verum audebit dicere, si sacerdos non audeat?” Epist. lib. 5. Epist. 29. [See his Works, vol. 3. p 29. Basil. 1516. — ED.] Ft595 The proceedings connected with the degradation of archbishop Cranmer, which follow here in some Editions, will be found at p. 77 of this volume. See Appendix. — ED.) Ft596 All this already is testified before. Ft597 A fuller title of Gardiner’s book is, “A Detection of the Devil’s Sophistrie, wherewith he robbeth the unlearned people of the true byleef, in the most blessed Sacrament of the Aulter:” printed in Aldersgate-strete by John Hereforde, 1546. (Herbert’s Typogr. Antiq. by Dibdin, vol. 3. p. 557.) The passage from Hilary may be seen, and the discussion upon it, in “The Remains of Th. Cranmer;” edited by Jenkyns, (Oxford, 1833) vol. 3. pp. 249-253. — ED. Ft598 This epistle is referred to Note (1) p. 662, vol. 6. — ED. Ft599 See vol. 4. p. 51, of this Edition. — ED Ft600 This Nicholas Underwood dwelleth now at Coton by Nun-Eaton, and Laurence in Nun-Eaton. Ft601 Rather Clarencieux, one of the heralds. — ED. Ft602 “Helme-sheaves,” haum or stubble. — ED. Ft603 Robert Carlin, made chief justice, anno 1559. — ED. Ft604 Sir James Dyer, knt. — ED. Ft605 See Strype’s Annals, III. 1. 54-56. — ED. Ft606 This story, displaying the errors of the Romish system, from the hermit to the prelate, is introduced from the First Edition, pp. 1079, 1681. — ED. Ft607 It is probable that these observations are not original, from the following note of Foxe: “He meaneth the lady Frances, duchess of Suffolk, who, hazarding both life, lands, and so great possessions, fled her country with her husband in cause of her conscience.” — ED. Ft608 The cruel and vile inquisition of the papists here set forth. Ft609 Both of these “benevolent” schemes for effecting a” reaction” in favor of Rome, are more accurately placed under A D. 1571 in the “Memoires de l’estat de France,” vol. 1. fol. 40-58 edit. Meidelbourg, 1578. — ED. Ft610 See “Lettres de saint Pie V. surles affaires religieuses en France, par de Potter,” Bruxelies 1827. — ED. Ft611 Namely Henry, and Margaret of Valois. — ED. Ft612 “Vidame,” the judge who has charge of a French bishop’s temporal jurisdiction. — ED. Ft613 Ex Historia Ric. Dinothi, [De Bello Civili Gallico, etc. Basil, 1582, lib. 5. page 341. — ED. Ft614 Some of these sufferers will be better known by the names of Pierre de la Ramee; le Chape; and De Lomenie. — ED. Ft615 Ibid. Ft616 Commentaria de Statu Galliae, part 4. [fol. 54 verso, edit. 1577. See also Paris’s” Correspondence du Roi Charles IX. et du sieur de Maudelot, Gouverneur de Lyon;” a Paris, 1830. — ED.] Ft617 See Laval’s “Reformation in France,” vol. 3. pt. 1. page 464, — ED. Ft618 These were Philip Strozzi and Baron de la Garde. — ED. Ft619 “Paulo post ilium tumultum rex Carolus mortuus est.” Dinothus, Lib. 5. p. 400. De Bello Civili Gallleo. Basil. 1582. — ED. Ft620 “Profluvio sanguinis ilium laborasse certum est.” Ft621 “Constans fert lama, ilium, dum e variis corpois partibus sanguis emanaret, in lecto saepe voiutatum, inter horribilium blasphemiarum dirastantam sanguinis vim projecisse, ut paucas post horas mortuus fuerit.” Ex Comment. de Star. Galliae, pt, 4. [fol. 139 verso.] DOCUMENT FOOTNOTES Ft622 All near Hadeston. — ED. Ft623 Is he the one mentioned in the “Troubles at Frankfort,” pp. 17, 83, Edit. 1846, in Strype’s Mere. under Mary, ch. 17? — ED. Ft624 An interest. — Halliwell’s Diet. and Nares’ Glossary. — ED. Ft625 See “Troubles at Frankfort,” p. 185. Edit 1846. — ED. Ft626 Thomas Cole. afterwards Archdeacon. See Strype’s Grindall, pp. 52. 103. Edit. 1821. — ED. Ft627 A Romish writer reckons the English exiles at 30,000, “supra triginta millia haereticorum exulare jussi.” — Wadding. Annales Minorurn Contin. tom. 17 p. 250, Romae, 1740. — ED. Ft628 See “Original Letters relative to the English Reformation,” (Parker Soc.) 1847, p. 755. — ED. Ft629 This is a curious intimation. What Edition can be referred to? When was Daye so occupied. — ED. Ft630 From the prefatory pages of Edit. 1563, omitted by oversight in vol. — ED. Ft631 See Fuller’s Ch. Hist. book 1 cent. 4 sect. 18. — ED. Ft632 This was a rather common notion in less “undutiful” times than the present. In the “Liber Festivalis,” for instance, it is remarked: “For many sayntes dayes in ye yore we leven unserved for there be so many that we may not serve echone by hemselfe. For as Jherom saythe, that there ben for eche day in the yere x thousande martyrs, out take the fyrst day of January.” fol. 118. (misprinted 163.) Edit. Paris, 1495. See Fox, vol. 1. p. 394. — ED. Ft633 Hieron. Hedibiae, Quaest. 11; tom. 3. p. 354, edit. 1616. — ED. Ft634 Foxe might well be anxious to anticipate any evil consequences to himself, when a Priest could utter his mind in manner following respecting his Queen: “Sed et digna incesto eodem patre atque fratre (Henry VIII. Edward VI.) incesta simul soror et filia, quae bodie etiam regnat Anglicana Jezebel, quae nec pervenire ad apicem istum putidissima bellua potuisset, nisi mira hypocrisi impretatem suam spirante ac viverite Maria catholica Regina occulere didicisset.” Boucher De justa Henrici fertii abdicatione e Francorum regno, libri 4; Paris. 1589. fol. 193, verso. See Bayle’s Dict.
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