Product Description
Hydro-Safe MAXVOC-975 Carbon Filter Cartridge (VOC Reduction): Home Improvement. MAXVOC Series cartridges are manufactured using a patented process and are made from a water-washed, coconut-carbon formulation. For use with Hydro-Safe countertop and undercounter units HSCTMW, ACT-C, ADWU-S, ADWU-D, ADWU-D-UV, FMRO4, RO-5M, ZRO-4. Carbon block cartridges for comprehensive drinking water filtration. Reduces: VOC's, Giardia, Entamoeba, Toxoplasma and Cryptosporidium Cysts, Chlorine Taste and Odor, Fine Sediment and Rust Particles. This process and media yields a cartridge with a high removal capacity for chlorine taste and odor, and twice the VOC reduction capacity of regular cartridges.
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds