Product Description
CDN IRL500 InstaRead Deep Fry Turkey Thermometer: Kitchen & Dining. The protective sheath for the thermometer features a pocket clip and loop to conveniently hold the probe. Popular in Southern cooking for decades, deep-fried whole turkey is gaining a national audience. When cooked properly its delicious, juicy, and has no greasy taste. Each fry kettle has its own instructions, but generally for best results the oil should first be heated to between 375 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and after the bird is added, maintained at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. With its adjustable stainless-steel clip, this 12-inch-long thermometer is ideal for attaching to any size vat or kettle to monitor oil temperature. Large and easy-to-read, the 2-inch dial registers temperatures ranging from 100 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and can be left in after cooking is complete to ensure the oil has completely cooled. A 14-pound bird usually cooks in approximately 45 minutes. Since a large amount of hot oil is required, turkeys and other poultry should always be deep-fried outdoors.
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds