| Trojan 602732 Replacement Quartz Sleeve used in C/Plus, C4/Plus, D Plus, D4/Plus Models: Home Improvement Rank: Manufacturer:Trojan

Price:38.00 Retail: Model:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Trojan 602732 Replacement Quartz Sleeve used in C/Plus, C4/Plus, D Plus, D4/Plus Models: Home Improvement. Each Trojan 602732 quartz sleeve is tested, ensuring that the lamp delivers the appropriate intensity for your Trojan System. Trojan Quartz Sleeve 602732 for UVMax C/C4/D/D4/Plus Systems, 602732 Trojan Quartz Sleeve 602732 for UVMax C/C4/D/D4 Systems Genuine Viqua quartz sleeve for a Trojan UVMax C/C4/D/D4 model systems. The UV Max 602732 Quartz sleeve provides thermal protection for the system UV lamp and protects it from possible water damage. The quartz material used in Trojan UVMax C/C4/D/D4 systems quartz sleeve is a 100% fused silica which lends to the sleeve's high UV light transmittance through the water. You should replace the sleeve if it fouled or is broken.
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
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Technical Details - Replacement Quartz Sleeve
- Sleeves do not come with a lamp
- Comes with 2 replacement O-Rings
- Replace if broken or fouled
- Can be used in the C, C Plus, D, D Plus, C4, C4 Plus, D4, D4 Plus Models
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