| Whirlpool 4378411 Inline Water Filter: Home Improvement Rank: Manufacturer:Whirlpool

Price:12.92 Retail: Model:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
Whirlpool 4378411 Inline Water Filter: Home Improvement. The in-line refrigerator water filter can be placed in many convenient locations like under the sink or behind the refrigerator. This in-line refrigerator water filter is an excellent way to have fresh, clean, filtered water and ice in any refrigerator with an automatic ice maker or water dispenser.
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds
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Product Reviews
Technical Details - Used on all Whirlpool and Kenmore brands refrigerators with filter access in back
- Replaces filter 4378411
- Universal inline charcoal-style ice and water filter includes easy-to-install, push-on connectors and instructions
- Reduces six contaminants including lead, mercury, particulates, benzene, toxaphene, chlorine bad taste and odor
- Replace filter ever six months
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