Product Description
SLEEP SAFE BED BUG, DUST MITE, and ALLERGEN PROOF Vinyl QUEEN Boxspring ZipCover, Size: Queen 60 inch x 80 inch x 9deep Vinyl ENCASEMENT - compare price: Home & Kitchen. Made and Warranted in America Because we manufacture the encasings in our Georgia plant, we can control quality and offer return privileges on defective or mis-shipped products. Safely Shield your Sleep from: Bed Bug infestation, Dust Mites, Insects, Parasites, and Allergens. - For Years, Eco Living Friendly _ELF BRANDS, has been selling green, natural, non-toxic products that SAFELY eliminate Bed Bugs, Lice, Mites, Dust Mites and many other bugs that cause problems for people and effects personal health and well being. Sleep-Safe is our new line. For best protection, remember to encase all of the pillows, mattresses and box springs on your bed and use ELF for Bugs spray to eliminate bed bugs or dust mites near the bed.
Shipping Weight: 3 pounds