| *New, 4, Off-white, Light Beige, Chandelier, Or, Candle Lights, Clip-on, Lamp Shades, For, Candelabra Bulbs, New, Heavy Duty, Light Tan, Lamp Shade, With, Doubled, Fabric, Cord, with A, White Lining, For, Updating Your Home, Light, Shade, Is 3 inch Across Top X 5 inch At Bottom X 4 inch Tall, High Quality, Light Shades, At Below, Wholesale, Prices, Upc609722847025: Arts, Crafts & Sewing Rank: Manufacturer:

Price:27.99 Retail: 59.99 Model:
(everyday Super Saver Pricing) In Stock.
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Product Description
*New, 4, Off-white, Light Beige, Chandelier, Or, Candle Lights, Clip-on, Lamp Shades, For, Candelabra Bulbs, New, Heavy Duty, Light Tan, Lamp Shade, With, Doubled, Fabric, Cord, with A, White Lining, For, Updating Your Home, Light, Shade, Is 3 inch Across Top X 5 inch At Bottom X 4 inch Tall, High Quality, Light Shades, At Below, Wholesale, Prices, Upc609722847025: Arts, Crafts & Sewing. *New, 4, Off-white, Light Beige, Chandelier, Or, Candle Lights, Clip-on, Lamp Shades, For, Candelabra Bulbs, New, Heavy Duty, Light Tan, Lamp Shade, With, Doubled, Fabric, Cord, with A, White Lining, For, Updating Your Home, Light, Shade, Is 3 inch Across Top X 5 inch At Bottom X 4 inch Tall, High Quality, Light Shades, At Below, Wholesale, Prices, Upc609722847025.
Shipping Weight: 8 pounds