Revelation: Four Views
Thomas Nelson / 1997 / Hardcover
Author: Steven Gregg

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Product Description
Explore the four traditional interpretations of the Book of Revelation in this in-depth, verse-by-verse overview. "Revelation: Four Views" is a comprehensice, even-handed resource that offers a clear, fair presentation of the four most important interpretations of the book, allowing you to evaluate and decide for yourself which view is most convincing. The easy to read format is arranged to encourage thoughtful comparison and evaluation along with the study of the book of Revelation itself. Careful, unbiased summaries of the views of over 50 commentaries and commentators put you in touch with outstanding representatives of each view from throughout much of church history.
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Product Details
Format: Hardcover Number of Pages: 608 Vendor: Thomas Nelson Publication Date: 1997
| Dimensions: 9.50 X 6.75 X 1.75 (inches) ISBN: 0840721285 ISBN-13: 9780840721280 Availability: In Stock
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