Baptists and the Amish
By Dr. Kent Hovind
I am, without apology, an independent fundamental Baptist. As a new
Christian, I was raised up spiritually on the preaching of Jack Hyles, John R.
Rice, Bob Gray, Lee Roberson, Bob Jones and Tom Malone. My pastor was
Loren Dawson who operated (and still does) The Gospel Tape Ministry with over
10,000 sermons on tape from all of the great fundamentalists of this century.
Pastor Dawson fed me a steady diet of great sermon tapes for over ten
years. I graduated from Midwestern Baptist College (an independent
Baptist college) in 1974, pastored an independent Baptist Church and started an
independent Baptist Christian school. I have, for 33 years, been an
unwavering, uncompromising fundamentalist. I am deeply concerned,
however, for my fellow fundamentalists. I am much afraid that we will go
the way of the Amish if certain attitudes are not corrected rapidly.
I know that many of the Amish people are saved and love the same God that I
love. I was raised in a Mennonite church as a child. I have spoken
in Amish (and Mennonite) schools. I don’t mean to speak evil of the Amish
people but they serve as a great example of what I fear is happening in our
independent Baptist movement. Please allow me to explain: Several years
ago I was speaking in an independent Baptist Church in the middle of Amish
country in Canada. The pastor arranged for me to speak in an Amish
school. The kids were very well behaved and listened intently as I
spoke. I noticed that some were dressed with black clothes and some had
blue clothing. Some kids had buttons while others had hooks and
loops. I learned that there are over a dozen kinds of Amish and Mennonite
in that area. All are splinter groups off the original church. Some
have electricity, telephones, cars, etc. while others do not.
Here are my observations:
1. Many of the Amish people really are saved and love the
2. Each group uses peer pressure to keep its members in
line. Any member who violates the rules of the group is “shunned”.
This shunning has severe economic and social consequences for the outcast
3. The Amish win few if any outside people to the Lord.
The purity of the group becomes their badge of spirituality. The great
commission is not being fulfilled in the Amish community to any visible
4. They are a gazing stock. People come from miles
around to ‘look at the Amish’ but not to join the Amish. They think they
have fulfilled the command to be a peculiar people.
5. Each group of Amish thinks of themselves as being more
spiritual than the others. Those without a telephone feel like those who
have phones are denying the faith and should be avoided. Adherence to the
group’s rules becomes evidence of spirituality.
6. The issues they split over are non-Biblical.
7. They use guilt by association-shun those who don’t shun
those we shun, if a member is shunned, any who associate with them will be
shunned as well as any who associate with those who associate with the one
being shunned.
8. There seems to be no limit to the number of these “degrees
or levels of separation”.
9. They are fighting the wrong enemy. Satan is the
enemy. Many good people are being wasted for God’s service because they
get discouraged with the petty rules of the herd.
10. Many independent Baptists are just as childish in their
behavior. Many have created petty rules that are several levels removed
from scripture.
11. We would do better to get back to winning souls and
building the believers in the faith.
12. The real enemy is the Devil not other Christians.
13. It is easy to find points to differ on with anyone. Some
points (like the Deity of Christ) are worth breaking fellowship over and some
(like drums in church) are not.
14. We need to learn to eat the meat and spit out the
bones. Take the good and reject the bad.
My ministry on the subject of creation is the foundation of Scripture.
All Christians need a solid foundation in Genesis. After we win the war
over the authority of Genesis, we can continue our fight over other doctrinal
distinctives. Please try to understand. I’m not suggesting that
Christian denominations should forget all their distinctive and unite into a
super church. I’m glad for the differences. I’m just trying to
rebuild our foundation. To those who differ with my policy, I ask for
Christian charity and understanding. I really love the Lord and want to
serve Him.
In Christ,
Dr. Kent Hovind
Creation Science Evangelism
29 Cummings Road
Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 479-DINO (3466)
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