Is man
evolving bigger and smarter?
evolution theory teaches that man has been improving over the last 3 million
years. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Both history and scripture
indicate that before the flood in the days of Noah people were much bigger and
smarter than the average person is today. The Bible says they were living to be
more than 900 years old. I show some of the evidence for giant humans on my
video tape #2. As for smarter, you could learn a lot in 900 years! Plus, Adam
came from the hand of God fully programmed with language capacity and the
ability to classify or sort items quickly (he named all the animals in one
day). Adam was around for over half of the time from the creation to the flood,
so his great knowledge could be spread throughout the world.
In the last 400 years there has
been a great increase in accumulated technology. This is not the same as wisdom
or intelligence. We can have a computer because thousands of men before have
invented various parts and ideas that can be put together. There is no evidence
that modern man is smarter than ancient man. I think the opposite is true. Many
of the ancient structures indicate greater intelligence in solving problems in
a low-tech age. (See seminar 7 for examples.)
As for man getting bigger, there
has been an increase in average size over the last few hundred years in
industrialized countries due to improved diet, sanitation, medicine, etc but
this is not to be confused with evolution. Also the trend in bigger people is
not proof of long-term growth patterns. If man today is say 8 inches taller
than average man during the American Revolution 200 years ago it, obviously,
would not prove that man was 80 inches shorter 2000 years ago or 800 inches
shorter 20,000 years ago! Every age has seen both tall people and smart people.
There is no evidence that modern man is any better.
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