How do
you explain the formation of fine strata layers called varves, such as those in
the Green River formation in Wyoming, which contains 20 million fine layers
which represent 1 year each? Doesn’t this prove the earth is more than 6,000
years old?
many questions posed by evolutionists, one has a built-in faulty assumption.
This question assumes that each of these layers is annual, and this is,
obviously, not the case. Numerous experiments have been done on the formation.
You can take a section of Green River formation and grind it to powder, drop it
into moving water and it will resort itself into many fine layers. It has been
shown that the layers are not annual at all. There are places in this formation
where over 1500 layers are found in some areas and only 1000 in others, all
between the same two ash layers called "event horizons." See Creation
Magazine June-Aug. 1997. This subject is dealt with in great detail at the
Institute for Creation Research (619) 448-0900, or you can contact their web
page at