See Creation Seminar 4 for much
more information on this topic.
Students are taught the layers of rock are
different ages. These pictures prove that many layers were deposited all at
the same time, very possibly in the worldwide flood at Noah's time.

"In Germany, France, the British Isles, Nova Scotia, California, and
several eastern states, fossils that extend through several layers of
sedimentary rock have been found."

"Polystrate tree passing through sedimentary rock suggesting rapid
depostion. Joggins, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada,
1910, Neg. 15092."

"Vertical trees in the Coal Measures sandstone, St.-Etienne, France.

DuYaWana Help? Many people wonder how they can help our ministry reach more souls for Christ. Without our begging or pleading...[Read more] |
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