The Ica
In 1571 the Spanish conquistadors were exploring what is now Ica, Peru when
they discovered rocks with strange creatures carved on them. They had never
seen animals like this so they sent some to the King of Spain. He also
had never seen such creatures.
Dr. Cabrera, a medical doctor from Lima devoted much of his life (he died in
2001) to collecting and studying these stones. On them you will see
people doing brain and heart surgery as well as every known dinosaur clearly
depicted. Several hundred of them show humans and dinosaurs together.
Skeptics have tried to portray them as being carved by local peasants for
profit. One peasant was even interviewed on TV “admitting” he carved
them. What the interview did not show was that there were police officers
waiting behind the camera to arrest him and put him in jail (a very bad place
to go in Peru!) if he admitted he was selling Peruvian national
treasures. When he tried to carve one on TV to show how he did it, the
work looked like a child’s work and it was obvious he was not the one carving
the actual Ica stones. Also the oxidized coating of “desert varnish” on
the stones clearly proves they are several hundred to several thousand years
old. Textiles and pottery from the same area also depict man with
Dr. Dennis Swift of Beverton, OR spent many hours in Peru with Dr. Cabrera
analyzing the stones. Dr. Carl Baugh, 254-897-3200, www.creationevidence.org,
Dr. Don Patton, 972-279-5325, www.bible.ca/tracks and Antoine Ouellette
450-359-4405 have also devoted much study to this topic. See also, www.wexclub.comfor
a similar find of dinosaurs with man in Mexico.
I have been told that there are only about 20 of these Ica stones in the united
States. Our museum in Pensacola has one of the largest known collections
with (3) three!
Dinosaurs (formerly called dragons) have always lived with man. God told
us (Ex. 20:11 and Genesis 1) that He made everything in six days.
For more information on dinosaurs living with man and the few that are still
alive please see our videotape #3 of our seminar series or get our book Claws
Jaws and Dinosaurs from www.drdino.com.
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