in Education
A 1996 poll revealed the surprising
news that over 50% of Americans feared their government; perhaps this is the
fulfillment of a warning by Thomas Jefferson. “When all government, domestic
and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the
center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one
government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government
from which we have separated.”
From the beginning of America’s colonies
until nearly 1837, education in America was purchased through private schools
of choice. The churches provided free schools to all who would come. Horace
Mann, a Harvard elite, believed his mission was to remove educational control
from the communities and the people - delivering control to the state.
One of the NEA’s founders Zalman
Richards, at the Union’s 1858 convention, condemned private education with
scorn. He asserted that private schools were degrading to the teaching
profession. By 1885 some in the NEA were espousing that both property and
children belong not to the people, but to the state. By 1905 the American
government was spending nearly 22% of all public funds on public education.
“Remember” the tenth plank of the Communist Manifesto: “Free education for all
children in public schools [and] combination of education with industrial
John Dewey, father of modern education, in
1933 coauthored the Humanist Manifesto I. The manifesto confidently asserts
that: 1. Man evolved by chance, 2. Man created god, 3. Man is his own
4. There are no absolutes, 5. All men should be exposed to diverse “realistic”
viewpoints –including profanity, immorality and perversion,
6. ALL forms of sexual expression are acceptable, 7. Government ownership or
control of the entire economy, 8. Global Citizenship, replaces self- determination
and nationalism, and 9. No existence beyond the grave - no heaven or hell.
The United Nations education program was
approved in 1946 at the first United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) General Conference. One of the first items on
its agenda was the creation of ‘A Study Of Education For International
Understanding in the primary and secondary schools and in institutions of
higher learning of Member States, to be conducted by the Member States with the
assistance of the UNESCO Secretariat’. Each nation was required to conduct a
study of how textbooks treated the subject of international agencies and world
The National Education Association in 1954
published a book [in compliance with UNESCO] to instruct educators in the
proper methods of teaching children about the benefits of world government. It
had specific chapters dealing with each benefit and one chapter on how to
develop world-minded teachers. The issue of altering world history through
educational textbooks was so important that two chapters were dedicated
entirely to that subject.
The “Soviet Education Programs;
Foundations, Curriculums, Teacher Preparation” was published in 1960 by the U.S
Department of Health, Education and Welfare. This document was the blueprint
for the School-To-Work restructuring that would take place in America. In 1961,
Rep. John M. Ashbrook tried to alert Congress as to the U.S. adoption of a
soviet approach to education by citing a HEW document called “A Federal
Educational Agency for the Future”. Ashbrook called the new education program
“a blueprint for complete domination and direction of our schools from
Washington.” Remember Thomas Jefferson’s warning?
Two major federal initiatives were developed in
1965 with funding from the “Elementary and Secondary Education Act” which was
passed in that same year. One was the Behavioral Science Teacher Educational
Program; the other was a government publication “Pacesetters In Innovation” - -
a 584-page catalogue of behavior modification programs to be used by America’s
schools. No, not 584 pages of educational programs, but 584 pages filled with
behavior modification programs. In summary, the intent was to create future
Americans who would accept the United Nations and the concept of a global
nation and one world government.
If schools really taught American history
and government, people would know that in 1970 Congress recognized that the
federal government had limited authority in education. In an amended General
Education Provisions Act clearly stated a “Prohibition against Federal Control
of Education”: forbidding the federal government from exercising any
“direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of
instruction, administration or personnel of any education institution, school,
or school system, or over the selection of library resources, textbooks, or
other printed or published instructional materials by any educational
institution or school system.” In case you are wondering, this law is still
valid! The government and educational elite get around this law by a loophole,
which allows federal funding of “research and development”. All 790
federally mandated programs are using America’s children as research projects.
Do the words guinea pigs come to anyone’s mind?
Catherine Barrett, then president of the
National Education Association (1976), gave a speech in which she said, “First,
we will help all of our people understand that school is a concept and not a
place. We will not confuse “schooling” with education. The school will be the
community, the community the school.” This reflects the Communist view of
education and lifetime control of the masses. Barrett continued, “We will need
to recognized that so-called ‘basic skills’ which currently represent nearly
the total effort in elementary schools, will be taught in one quarter of the
present school day. The remaining time will be devoted to what is truly
fundamental and basic -- time for academic inquiry, time for students to
develop their own interests, time for a dialogue between students and teachers
– more then a dispenser of information, the teacher will be a conveyor of
values, a philosopher [in secular humanism]. Students will learn to write love
letters and lab notes.”
In the 1980’s, the DOE (Department of
Education) changed the character of public schools from ‘teaching’ to ‘
workforce training’, the Soviet poly-technical system. This was done through a
DOE work called “Course Goals Collection”, fourteen volumes of 15,000 goals
covering every major subject taught in public schools. 70,000 copies were
distributed to approximately 16,000 school districts then in existence. This is
how Outcome-based education made its way into the schools of America. OBE’s
purpose is to change attitudes, values and beliefs.
During the 1990’s we were given Goals 2000
and School-to-Work programs that transformed our schools, which through one
generation will transform America. School-To-Work was put in place not by
legislation, but by executive orders of state Governors. Charlotte Iserbyt in
her book “The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America” describes this
transformation as “the internationalization of education with the
exchanges of data systems, curricula, methods, etc., all essential for the
implementation of the international socialist management and control system
being put into place right now.”
In his last term, President Clinton issued
an Executive Order calling for all American schools to adopt “international
education”. International education is defined in detail in the U.N. World
Declaration On Education For All 1990. It is School-To-Work for the world. The
March-April 2000 issue of Foreign Affairs, written by officials in the
Clinton administration, states that the new Federal system of education is
based on standards developed by “international agreements”. The U.N.
World Conference On Education For All, states that the ultimate goal of
education is “to work for international peace and solidarity in an
interdependent world.” That folks, is the beginning of the New One World Order.
The official title of the Nazi party was
“The National Socialist Workers Party Of Germany”. The Nazi’s called themselves
“The Children of the New Age of World Order”. Those who challenged the Nazi’s
power were branded “conservative reactionaries” or worse yet, Christians were
condemned as “right wing fanatics”. History teaches us that if we do not learn
the lessons of the past we are doomed to repeat those
Joseph R. Larson
Chairman: Restoring America
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