Ark was no Little Boat

When "Noah's Ark" is found it will be the greatest archeological
and anthropological discovery of all time. Finding an ancient wooden sea
vessel, large enough to hold two of every basic type of land dwelling animal,
buried high on Mt. Ararat would have the following implications:
- It would confirm that the entire surface of the planet
had been covered by water within the last 6000 years.
- It would confirm the factual basis for the flood legend
which is present in every human culture on the planet.
- It would again confirm the reliability of the early
Biblical record of the human race.
- It would mean that every land animal (including humans)
has descended from the inhabitants of the ark.
- It would take more faith than ever to cling to the
theory that man descended from ape-like creatures.
- The fossils would have to be interpreted as mainly a
result of this flood, not the result of slow accumulation over time.
- The alleged ark is yet to be discovered by a qualified
team of scientists, but many seemingly reliable sources have claimed to
have seen it. For more information on Noah's ark an excellent technical
resource is: Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe.
According to the Biblical text, Noah had 100 years to build the ark which
would have been an unmistakable witness to the impending judgment of God. Jesus
not only referred to this event as a fact of history, but tied his immenent
return to a time when the state of affairs on earth would be similar to those
at the time of Noah (Matthew 24:37-39). If and when the ark is found, there
will once again be an enormous monument pointing toward impending judgment. My
hope when this happens is that those who have not placed their faith in Christ
will wake up and do so because their opportunity may end soon.
The most common question asked about the validity of Noah's ark is,
"How could millions of different animals fit on one small boat?"
- Not every "kind" of animal needed to be on
board. According to the Biblical text, neither insects nor amphibians
would have been taken on board. Only those animals which could not have
survived a year long flood needed to be on board. Furthermore, every minor
variation of animal (species) was not present. Wolves, foxes, coyotes, and
dogs could have come from an original dog kind.
- Making the generous assumption that the average animal
size is as large as a sheep, and between 2 and 7 of each kind of animal
were taken, 50,000 sheep-size animals would have been on board. This would
include every known living and extinct type of mammal, bird, amphibian,
and reptile.
- This was no small boat. Noah and his family had over
100 years to construct a vessel longer than a football field and three stories
high. The total space available was equivalent to 522 railroad stock cars.
A stock car holds 240 sheep so the ark could have held 125,000 animals.
- At most, only 40% of the total space was needed for all
of the animals!(1) The
remainder would be used for food storage.
- The account of Noah's flood is similar to many other
Biblical stories. They make perfect sense if you assume they mean exactly
what they say and take time to study them carefully.
John,"The Biota and Logistics of Noah's Ark", Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference On Creation, 1994.
This Article is from Bruce Malone's book Search
for the Truth.
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