number of fossils in certain areas of the world is enormous. How could earth
have supported all those creatures at the same time?
question shows a common false assumption that many people make. They assume the
earth today is the same as it has always been. Today's earth is 70% under
water. There are scriptural and scientific indications that the pre-flood world
had greater air pressure, higher percentages of oxygen and carbon dioxide, much
more land (above sea level), less water (on the earth's surface), and a canopy
of water to filter out the harmful effects of the sun. This would cause there
to be many times more plants and animals on the earth than there are today. The
added air pressure would diffuse more gasses into the water and support a much
greater fish population. Aquatic plant life per cubic mile would multiply also.
II Peter 3 tells us that the scoffers in the last days will be willingly
ignorant of how God created the heavens and the earth. They would also be
ignorant of the flood. These two great events must be considered before making
any statements about the conditions on earth today. Only about 3% of the earth
today is habitable for man. The rest is under water, ice, deserts, mountains,
etc. If the earth before the flood were for example, 70% habitable, it could
have supported a huge population. "O that thou hadst hearkened to my
commandments! Then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the
waves of the sea." - Isaiah 48:18.
The vast amount and world-wide
distribution of fossils shows the flood was global and that God hates sin
enough to judge the entire world. See videos #2 and #6 of our Seminar Series
for much more on this topic.
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