Creation Science Evangelism

How are diamonds, oil, fossil fuels and natural gas formed?


Coal comes from massive amounts of trees and plant matter that has been changed by tremendous heat and pressure. Oil and natural gas form from fish, reptile, and animal matter under similar heat and pressure conditions. The most logical time for coal, oil and gas to form was during and after the world-wide flood, when enormous amounts of animal and vegetable matter underwent mass burial under the incredible destruction and pressure of the flood waters and the sediments. (See Creation "exnihilo" 12 #2: #30). for article "How fast can oil form."

Diamonds are highly pressurized, pure carbon gems. (Superman used to make them from coal all the time.) Most diamonds appear in "blue ground," in or near the neck of an extinct volcano where magma erupted. The high pressure of volcanic activity could have formed diamonds. Many may have formed when the "fountains of the deep" were broken up or when mountains arose during the last months of the flood" (Psalm 104:6-8.)


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