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How did the Kangaroos get to Australia?


FAQ How did the kangaroos get across 1800 miles of ocean to get to the ark and then back to Australia?  This question was sent to me by a scoffer who thinks we all came from a rock 4.6 billion years ago.  As is the case with most questions scoffers raise, there are several flaws in their logic.

1.They assume Noah’s ark landed in the same place it was built.  During a one year flood the ark could have floated around the world several times.  I think it was built in Pensacola, Florida and landed in Turkey!  Ha!
2.They assume the shapes of the continents and distribution of animals in the pre-flood world was the same as it is today.  There is no possible way to tell what the pre-flood world looked like.  If most of the water that is now in the oceans was under the crust of the earth (Ps. 24:1; 136:6) or in a canopy overhead (Gen 1:6-7; II Pt. 3:3-6) before the flood, then there would be much more land mass and much smaller oceans.  BTW. There are not “1800 miles of ocean” between Turkey and Australia today.  Check any modern map.
3.They assume the ocean depth and subsequent coastlines and continent size after the flood was the same as it is now.  Obviously the ice caps were huge at sometime in the past.  Trapping this much ice at the poles greatly lowers the ocean levels exposing the continental shelves which creates land bridges just about everywhere.  Check any map of the sea floor between Australia and the mainland and you will see that it is not very deep. Lowering the oceans just 100 feet or less than 1% of the current ocean average depth, would easily create huge land bridges all over the world.  Much more on this on video #6.  Plus, kangaroos can swim very well.
4.They assume that the distribution of kangaroos after the flood only includes Australia.  Many types of animal bones are found in places where they no longer live.  I believe kangaroos lived all over the world before the flood and after the flood they spread out over the world but competition got too bad or the climate was not suitable so they died out or moved on seeking better land and ended up 4400 years later only surviving in Australia.  

To let such a minor question about Kangaroos cause one to turn from the scripture and accept the idea that we all came from a rock via evolution over billions of years does not seem smart to me.  Thanks for the question though.


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