Man Made
Saturday, July 28, 2001 12:27 AM
Patented plagues yield misery and money
What do HIV, West Nile Fever, Gulf war syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome,
multiple sclerosis, Wegener's disease, Parkinson's disease, Crohn's colitis,
Type I diabetes, and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
and Alzheimer's have in common? These plagues were all developed as a joint
effort by the money masters and governments of the world under the guise of
biowarfare research. Dr. Leonard Horowitz detailed this in his book and video,
"Emerging Viruses: AIDS, Ebola and Vaccinations". It's worse than we
thought. Much worse. The same folks who give us the diseases are selling us the
treatments. It's a racket and it involves our heads of state.
In laboratories throughout the United States and a certain number in Canada,
including the University of Alberta, the U.S. government provided the
leadership for the development of the AIDS virus for the purpose of population
control. (I personally suspect it's more about resource extraction by the
people who have the gold) After they had it perfected, they sent medical teams
from the Centers for Disease Control to Africa and other mid-eastern countries
where they thought the population was becoming too large. They gave them all a
free vaccination for smallpox, with a 'tainted batch'. Five years after
receiving this smallpox vaccination, 60% of them were suffering from AIDS. They
tried to blame it on a monkey, which is nonsense.
But it doesn't stop there...the money masters aren't done yet, not by a long
shot. It's not even about war, it's about global economic domination, and
spreading disease is only one of the things they're up to.
Anyway, many of the rest of these new plagues are derived from a common
pathogenic mycoplasma. There are 200 species of mycoplasmas. Most are innocuous
and do no harm; only four or five are pathogenic. The Mycoplasma fermentans
(incognitus strain) probably comes from the nucleus of the brucellosis bacteria.
This disease agent is not a bacteria, and not a virus; it is a mutated form of
the brucellosis bacteria (from cows), mutated with a visna virus (from sheep),
from which the mycoplasma is extracted. Dr. Maurice Hilleman, chief virologist
for the pharmaceutical company of Merck, Sharpe and Dohme, stated that this
disease agent is now carried by everybody in North America and possibly most
people throughout the world. You need documented evidence? Check out Special
Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report 8, prepared by National Cancer Institute,
Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July, 1971 and submitted to NIH Annual Report in
May, 1971 and updated July, 1971. www.boydgraves.com has copies from the
US Library of Congress, including a flowchart which clearly shows that the HIV
virus has been DNA-targeted toward ethnic Africans. (another population control
comment) Please see also "West Nile Fever Virus (NYC Encephalitis
Outbreak) sent to Iraq (U.S. Center for Disease Control 5/21/85 (page 275,
Congressional Record, May 25, 1994: "Dual Use Exports to Iraq and their
Impact on the Health of Persian Gulf War Veterans") The CDC West Nile Web
Site is www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid " Dr. Charles Engel who is with
the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, stated at an NIH meeting
on February 7, 2000, "I am now of the view that the probable cause of
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia is the mycoplasma". Check out
these patents: (HTLV I-II-III-IV-V) Patent # 9,208,784. "human
t-lymphotropic type II (HTLV -I/II/III/IV/ & V) Immune suppresive viral
composition", Dr. Robert Gallo & Merck, Sharpe & Dohme Corporation
filed this horrifying patent; U.S. Patent 5,604,093: Human Herpes virus-6
(HHV-6) Isolution and Products (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Health and Human
Services) February 18, 1997; U.S. Patent 5,189,022: underlying viral cause of
CFS (Health and Human Services) U.S. Patent 5,242,820: Pathogenic Mycoplasma
(Mycoplasma fermentans in CFS; Department of Defense) September 7, 1993; U.S.
Patent 5,827,750: JHK Virus in CFIDS (Grossberg retrovirus) National Institutes
of Health Grant RO1-AI-32710. And that's just the beginning. Many more are
likely to surface -- Dr. Horowitz says some 40,000 similar infectants have been
developed. And the so-and-sos that developed them had to work very hard indeed
to make these new diseases, which in part are animal viruses, jump
species to take hold in humans.
This, and other controversial health topics, will be considered at the Common
Cause Medical Research Foundation's 3rd Annual Conference "Where the West
and the Truth Begins" to be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Aug 17,18 and 19,
2001. The Foundation also publishes the Journal of Degenerative Diseases. For
more information, contact Rose Stevens at jstevens@mb.sympatico.ca or www.eaglefoundation.net.
So in a nutshell, that's how we have more than a dozen new plagues. Are we
going to allow them to deploy the rest?
For more information call Duncan Crow at 250-748-6967 or email
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