Builder Will Eventually Return
By Bruce Malone
Parables are stories about familiar things that illustrate a deeper meaning.
The following parable has its roots in modern man's search for the origin of
life. In an isolated jungle of South America there lived a primitive tribe of
natives. One day as a member of the tribe was hunting in unknown territory, he
stumbled upon the wreckage of a wrecked airplane. A debate over the origin of
the strange object soon raged - where did this object come from and how did it
get here? The village soon polarized into two opposing viewpoints.
One opinion was that the subject was built by humans (the skeleton of one was
found inside of the object) while others believed the object must have a
natural origin. To believe it was created would acknowledge an intelligence
surpassing their own. Those believing that the airplane was designed and built
by other intelligent humans argued that this was obvious but could not prove
how, why, or when. All attempts to explain how, why, or when which were not
based on a belief in random natural processes, were severely ridiculed. They
soon became silent.
Those believing in the natural origin of the object strengthened his argument
by showing that the same rubber-like substance found in the tires could be
found oozing from trees. Likewise the glass, paint, and fluids in the structure
could be shown to occur naturally. By throwing one of the screws into the air
with just the right spinning motion and catching it in just the right place. It
was agreed amongst themselves that given enough time, the structure could have
built itself (although the exact mechanism was not yet known). Even more
convincing evidence was forthcoming as the deterioration structure was repaired
and the parts rearranged.
A huge project was started to map, catalogue, and understand every piece of the
structure. All of these observations confirmed to them primitive natives that
they had been correct in their understanding of the natural origin of the
object. Those stubborn few that continued to believe other intelligent people
created the object were considered backward and ignorant. They were ignored,
and village schools were organized so that all the children would be taught
only naturalistic scientific explanation. Within several generations there was
no longer any dissension because only the majority opinion was allowed. And the
mystery remained solved… until the builder of the airplane returned.
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