The Tale
Of The Magic Rock Apes
Okay, now sit down now, boys and girls - it's
story time! Shhhh.... Once upon a time, billions of years ago, there was
nothing. Suddenly, magically, the nothing exploded into something. That
something is called hydrogen. Can you say "hydrogen?" I knew you
could. This hydrogen eventually cooled down enough to condense into solid rock.
It was magic rock. Inert and lifeless, but still magical. And then, magically,
water formed in the sky above the rock. The waters rained on the rock for, oh,
let's say billions of years. Some of the rock broke down into minerals, and
these minerals washed into a pool of water. Then one day some of these minerals
magically formed into a kind of goo in the pool of water. Can you say
"goo?" I knew you could. Well do you know what happened then? That's
right! The goo magically became ALIVE. So anyway, this bit of magic goo
magically found something to eat. Then, magically, it found another bit of
magic goo to marry, and they had a whole bunch of magical little goos.
Eventually - millions of years later - some of this goo grew up into all the
plants and animals in the world around us. If it's alive, it came from that
first bit of magic goo! Well, more time went on. Finally some of this goo
magically evolved - can you say "evolved?" I knew you could - some of
this goo magically evolved upwards and upwards, growing ever more advanced,
bigger, stronger, smarter, until it became a kind of magical hairless ape with
thumbs. And do you know who those apes are? That's right! They're YOU and ME!
We are the magic rock apes! And you know what else? Someday we'll evolve enough
that we'll become the God we all know doesn't exist. Now take a nap.
DuYaWana Help? Many people wonder how they can help our ministry reach more souls for Christ. Without our begging or pleading...[Read more] |
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