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    9:1 [] Hto de anhr tiV ek tou Beniamin, onomazomenoV KeiV, uioV tou Abihl, uiou tou Serwr, uiou tou Becwraq, uiou tou Afia, androV Beniamitou, dunatoV en iscui.

    9:2 Eice de outoV uion, onomazomenon Saoul, eklekton kai wraion× kai den uphrce metaxu twn uiwn Israhl anqrwpoV wraioteroV autou× apo twn wmwn autou kai epanw exeicen uper pantoV tou laou.

    9:3 [] Kai ai onoi tou KeiV patroV tou Saoul ecaqhsan× kai eipen o KeiV proV ton Saoul ton uion autou, Labe twra meta sou ena twn uphretwn, kai shkwqeiV upage na zhthshV taV onouV.

    9:4 Kai eperase dia tou orouV Efraim kai eperase dia thV ghV Salisa, alla den eurhkan autaV× kai eperasan dia thV ghV Saaleim, plhn den hsan ekei× kai eperase dia thV ghV Iemini, alla den eurhkan autaV.

    9:5 Ote de hlqon eiV thn ghn Souf, eipen o Saoul proV ton uphrethn autou ton met' autou, Elqe, kai aV epistreywmen, mhpote o pathr mou, afhsaV thn frontida twn onwn, sullogizhtai peri hmwn.

    9:6 O de eipe proV auton, Idou twra, en th polei tauth einai anqrwpoV tou Qeou, kai o anqrwpoV einai endoxoV× pan o, ti eiph ginetai exapantoV× aV upagwmen loipon ekei× iswV fanerwsh eiV hmaV thn odon hmwn, thn opoian prepei na upagwmen.

    9:7 Kai eipen o Saoul proV ton uphrethn autou, All' idou, qelomen upagei, plhn ti qelomen ferei proV ton anqrwpon; dioti o artoV exelipen ek twn aggeiwn hmwn× kai dwron den uparcei na prosferwmen eiV ton anqrwpon tou Qeou× ti ecomen;

    9:8 Kai apokriqeiV palin o uphrethV proV ton Saoul, eipen, Idou, eurisketai en th ceiri mou en tetarton siklou arguriou, to opoion qelw dwsei eiV ton anqrwpon tou Qeou, kai qelei fanerwsei eiV hmaV thn odon hmwn.

    9:9 To palai en tw Israhl, opote tiV uphgaine na erwthsh ton Qeon, elegen outwV× Elqete, kai aV upagwmen ewV eiV ton bleponta× dioti o shmeron profhthV ekaleito to palai o blepwn.

    9:10 Tote eipen o Saoul proV ton uphrethn autou, KaloV o logoV sou× elqe, aV upagwmen. Uphgan loipon eiV thn polin, opou hto o anqrwpoV tou Qeou.

    9:11 [] Kai enw anebainon to anhforon thV polewV, eurhkan korasia exercomena dia na antlhswsin udwr× kai eipon proV auta, Einai entauqa o blepwn;

    9:12 Kai ekeina apekriqhsan proV autouV kai eipon, Einai idou, emprosqen sou× tacunon loipon× dioti shmeron hlqen eiV thn polin, epeidh einai shmeron qusia tou laou epi tou uyhlou topou×

    9:13 euquV otan eiselqhte eiV thn polin, qelete eurei auton, prin anabh eiV ton uyhlon topon dia na fagh× dioti o laoV den trwgei ewsou elqh autoV, epeidh outoV eulogei thn qusian× meta tauta trwgousin oi keklhmenoi twra loipon anabhte× dioti peri thn wran tauthn qelete eurei auton.

    9:14 Kai anebhsan eiV thn polin× kai enw eishrconto eiV thn polin, idou, o Samouhl exhrceto enwpion autwn, dia na anabh eiV ton uyhlon topon.

    9:15 Eice de apokaluyei o KurioV proV ton Samouhl, mian hmeran prin elqh o Saoul, legwn;

    9:16 Aurion peri thn wran tauthn qelw aposteilei proV se anqrwpon ek ghV Beniamin, kai qeleiV crisei auton arconta epi ton laon mou Israhl, kai qelei swsei ton laon mou ek ceiroV twn Filistaiwn× dioti epebleya epi ton laon mou, epeidh h boh autwn hlqen eiV eme.

    9:17 Kai ote o Samouhl eide ton Saoul, o KurioV eipe proV auton, Idou, o anqrwpoV, peri tou opoiou soi eipa× outoV qelei arcei epi ton laon mou.

    9:18 [] Tote eplhsiasen o Saoul proV ton Samouhl eiV thn pulhn kai eipe, Deixon moi, parakalw, pou einai h oikia tou blepontoV.

    9:19 Kai apekriqh o Samouhl proV ton Saoul kai eipen, Egw eimai o blepwn× anaba emprosqen mou eiV ton uyhlon topon× kai qelete fagei shmeron met' emou, kai to prwi qelw se exaposteilei kai panta osa einai en th kardia sou qelw anaggeilei proV se×

    9:20 peri de twn onwn, taV opoiaV ecasaV hdh treiV hmeraV, mh frontize peri autwn, dioti eureqhsan× kai proV tina einai pasa h epiqumia tou Israhl; den einai proV se, kai proV panta ton oikon tou patroV sou;

    9:21 ApokriqeiV de o Saoul eipe, Den eimai egw BeniamithV, ek thV mikroteraV twn fulwn Israhl; kai h oikogeneia mou h elacisth paswn twn oikogeneiwn thV fulhV Beniamin; dia ti loipon laleiV outw proV eme;

    9:22 Kai elaben o Samouhl ton Saoul kai ton uphrethn autou kai eferen autouV eiV to oikhma, kai edwken eiV autouV thn prwthn qesin metaxu twn keklhmenwn, oitineV hsan peripou triakonta andreV.

    9:23 Kai eipen o Samouhl proV ton mageiron, Fere to meridion to opoion soi edwka, peri tou opoion soi eipa, Fulatte touto plhsion sou.

    9:24 Kai uywsen o mageiroV thn plathn kai to ep' authn kai eqesen emprosqen tou Saoul. Kai eipen o Samouhl, Idou, to enapoleifqen× qeV auto emprosqen sou, fage× dioti dia thn wran tauthn efulacqh dia se, ote eipa, Prosekalesa ton laon. Kai efagen o Saoul meta tou Samouhl en th hmera ekeinh.

    9:25 Kai afou katebhsan ek tou uyhlou topou eiV thn polin, sunwmilhsen o Samouhl meta tou Saoul epi tou dwmatoV.

    9:26 Kai eshkwqhsan enwriV× kai peri ta caragmata thV hmeraV, ekalesen o Samouhl ton Saoul onta epi tou dwmatoV, legwn, Shkwqhti, dia na se exaposteilw. Kai eshkwqh o Saoul, kai exhlqon amfoteroi, autoV kai o Samouhl, ewV exw.

    9:27 KaqwV de katebainon eiV to teloV thV polewV, eipen o Samouhl proV ton Saoul, Prostaxon ton uphrethn na perash emprosqen hmwn× kai ekeinoV eperase× su omwV staqhti oligon, kai qelw soi anaggeilei ton logon tou Qeou.


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