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    8:1 [] Gnwstopoioumen de eiV esaV, adelfoi, thn carin tou Qeou thn dedomenhn eiV taV ekklhsiaV thV MakedoniaV,

    8:2 oti h perisseia thV caraV autwn, enw edokimazon megalhn qliyin, kai h baqeia ptwceia autwn anedeixan ek perissou ton plouton thV eleuqerothtoV autwn×

    8:3 dioti uphrxan kata dunamin, marturw touto, kai uper dunamin autoproairetoi,

    8:4 parakalounteV hmaV meta pollhV paraklhsewV na decqwmen thn carin kai thn koinwnian thV diakoniaV thV eiV touV agiouV,

    8:5 kai ouci monon kaqwV hlpisamen, all' eautouV edwkan prwton eiV ton Kurion kai eiV hmaV dia qelhmatoV tou Qeou,

    8:6 wste parekalesamen ton Titon, kaqwV hrcisen, outw kai na teleiwsh proV esaV kai thn carin tauthn.

    8:7 [] KaqwV loipon perisseuete en panti, en pistei kai logw kai gnwsei kai pash spoudh kai thV proV hmaV agaphV saV, outw spoudasate na perisseushte kai en tauth th cariti.

    8:8 Den legw touto kat' epitaghn, alla dia na dokimasw dia thV spoudhV twn allwn kai thn gnhsiothta thV agaphV saV×

    8:9 dioti exeurete thn carin tou Kuriou hmwn Ihsou Cristou, oti plousioV wn eptwceuse dia saV, dia na plouthshte seiV me thn ptwceian ekeinou.

    8:10 Kai eiV touto gnwmhn didw× dioti touto sumferei eiV esaV, oitineV hrcisate apo perusin ouci monon to na kamhte, alla kai to na qelhte×

    8:11 twra de teleiwsate kai to na kamhte, wste kaqwV uphrxen h proqumia tou qelein, outw na uparch kai to teleiwsai af' osa ecete.

    8:12 Dioti ean prouparch h proqumia, einai tiV euprosdektoV kaq' osa ecei, ouci kaq' osa den ecei.

    8:13 Epeidh den qelw na hnai eiV allouV anesiV, eiV esaV de stenocwria

    8:14 alla na geinh en isothti, wste en tw paronti kairw to perisseuma saV na anaplhrwsh thn sterhsin ekeinwn, dia na crhsimeush kai to perisseuma ekeinwn eiV thn sterhsin saV, wste na geinh isothV,

    8:15 kaqwV einai gegrammenon× OstiV eice sunaxei polu den elambane pleioteron, kai ostiV oligon den elambanen oligwteron.

    8:16 [] CariV de eiV ton Qeon ton didonta eiV thn kardian tou Titou thn authn spoudhn dia saV,

    8:17 dioti thn men protrophn edecqh, proqumoteroV de wn anecwrhse proV esaV autoproairetoV.

    8:18 Epemyamen de met' autou ton adelfon, tou opoiou o en tw euaggeliw epainoV ginetai kata pasaV taV ekklhsiaV×

    8:19 kai ouci monon touto, alla kai eyhfisqh upo twn ekklhsiwn sunodoiporoV hmwn meta thV dwreaV tauthV thV diakonoumenhV uf' hmwn proV thn doxan autou tou Kuriou kai proV endeixin thV proqumiaV saV×

    8:20 foboumenoi touto, mh prosayh tiV eiV hmaV mwmon en th afqonia tauth th diakonoumenh uf' hmwn,

    8:21 pronoounteV ta kala ouci monon enwpion tou Kuriou, alla kai enwpion twn anqrwpwn.

    8:22 Epemyamen de met' autwn ton adelfon hmwn, ton opoion pollakiV edokimasamen en polloiV oti einai proqumoV, twra de polu proqumoteroV dia thn pollhn pepoiqhsin thn proV esaV.

    8:23 Oson men peri Titou, einai koinwnoV emou kai eiV esaV sunergoV× oson de peri twn adelfwn hmwn, einai apostoloi twn ekklhsiwn, doxa Cristou.

    8:24 Thn endeixin loipon thV agaphV saV kai thV kauchsewV hmwn thn opoian ecomen dia saV, deixate proV autouV kai enwpion twn ekklhsiwn.


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