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    29:1 [] En tw dekatw etei tw dekatw mhni, th dwdekath tou mhnoV, egeine logoV Kuriou proV eme, legwn,

    29:2 Uie anqrwpou, sthrixon to proswpon sou epi Faraw ton basilea thV Aiguptou kai profhteuson kat' autou kai kaq' olhV thV Aiguptou×

    29:3 lalhson kai eipe, Outw legei KurioV o QeoV× Idou, egw eimai enantion sou, Faraw basileu Aiguptou, megale drakwn, koitomene en mesw twn potamwn autou× ostiV eipaV, O potamoV mou einai emou kai egw ekamon auton di' emauton.

    29:4 Kai qelw balei agkistra eiV taV siagonaV sou, kai qelw proskollhsei touV icquaV tou potamou sou eiV ta leph sou, kai qelw se anasurei ek mesou twn potamwn sou× kai panteV oi icqueV twn potamwn sou qelousi proskollhqh eiV ta leph sou.

    29:5 Kai qelw se ekriyei en th erhmw, se kai pantaV touV icquaV twn potamwn sou× qeleiV pesei epi proswpon thV pediadoV× den qeleiV sunacqh oude peristalqh× eiV ta qhria thV ghV kai eiV ta peteina tou ouranou se paredwka eiV brwsin×

    29:6 kai panteV oi katoikounteV thn Aigupton qelousi gnwrisei oti egw eimai o KurioV× dioti estaqhsan rabdoV kalaminh eiV ton oikon Israhl.

    29:7 Ote se epiasan me thn ceira, sunetribhV kai etruphsaV olon ton wmon autwn× kai ote esthricqhsan epi se, suneqlasqhV kai sunekamyaV pasaV taV osfuaV autwn.

    29:8 [] Dia touto outw legei KurioV o QeoV× Idou, qelw ferei romfaian epi se kai qelw ekkoyei apo sou anqrwpon kai kthnoV.

    29:9 Kai h gh thV Aiguptou qelei eisqai qamboV kai erhmia× kai qelousi gnwrisei oti egw eimai o KurioV× dioti eipen, O potamoV einai emou kai egw ekamon auton.

    29:10 Dia touto idou, egw eimai enantion sou kai enantion twn potamwn sou× kai qelw kamei thn ghn thV Aiguptou olwV erhmon kai qamboV, apo Migdwl mecri SuhnhV kai mecri twn oriwn thV AiqiopiaV.

    29:11 PouV anqrwpou den qelei dielqei di' authV oude pouV kthnouV qelei dielqei di' authV oude qelei katoikhqh tessarakonta eth.

    29:12 Kai qelw kamei thn ghn thV Aiguptou qamboV, en mesw twn hrhmwmenwn topwn, kai ai poleiV authV en mesw twn polewn twn hrhmwmenwn qelousin eisqai qamboV tessarakonta eth× kai qelw diaspeirei touV AiguptiouV metaxu twn eqnwn kai diaskorpisei autouV eiV touV topouV.

    29:13 Plhn outw legei KurioV o QeoV× En tw telei twn tessarakonta etwn qelw sunaxei touV AiguptiouV ek twn lawn, eiV touV opoiouV hsan dieskorpismenoi×

    29:14 kai qelw epanagagei touV aicmalwtouV thV Aiguptou kai epistreyei autouV eiV thn ghn PaqrwV, eiV thn ghn thV katagwghV autwn× kai qelousin eisqai ekei basileion potapon.

    29:15 Qelei eisqai to potapwteron twn basileiwn× kai den qelei uywqh pleon epi ta eqnh× dioti qelw elattwsei autouV, dia na mh despozwsin epi ta eqnh.

    29:16 Kai den qelei eisqai pleon to qarroV tou oikou Israhl, anamimnhskon thn anomian autwn, apoblepontwn opisw autwn× kai qelousi gnwrisei oti egw eimai KurioV o QeoV.

    29:17 [] Kai en tw eikostw ebdomw etei, tw prwtw mhni, th prwth tou mhnoV, egeine logoV Kuriou proV eme, legwn,

    29:18 Uie anqrwpou, Naboucodonosor o basileuV thV BabulwnoV edouleuse to strateuma autou douleian megalhn kata thV Turou× pasa kefalh efalakrwqh kai paV wmoV exedarqh× misqon omwV dia thn Turon den elaben oute autoV oute to strateuma autou dia thn douleian, thn opoian edouleuse kat' authV×

    29:19 dia touto outw legei KurioV o QeoV× Idou, egw didw thn ghn thV Aiguptou eiV ton Naboucodonosor basilea thV BabulwnoV× kai qelei shkwsei to plhqoV authV kai qelei lehlathsei thn lehlasian authV kai lafuragwghsei ta lafura authV× kai touto qelei eisqai o misqoV eiV to strateuma autou.

    29:20 Edwka eiV auton thn ghn thV Aiguptou dia ton kopon autou, me ton opoion edouleuse kat' authV, epeidh hgwnisqhsan di' eme, legei KurioV o QeoV.

    29:21 En ekeinh th hmera qelw kamei na blasthsh to keraV tou oikou Israhl, kai qelw se kamei na anoixhV stoma en mesw autwn× kai qelousi gnwrisei oti egw eimai o KurioV.


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