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    9:1 [] Kai ekraxen eiV ta wta mou meta fwnhV megalhV× legwn, AV plhsiaswsin oi tetagmenoi kata thV polewV, ekastoV ecwn to oplon autou thV exoloqreusewV en th ceiri autou.

    9:2 Kai idou, ex andreV hrconto apo thV odou thV uyhloteraV pulhV thV blepoushV proV borran, ekastoV ecwn en th ceiri autou oplon katasuntrimmou× kai en tw mesw autwn eiV anqrwpoV endedumenoV lina me grammatewV kalamarion en th osfui autou× kai eiselqonteV estaqhsan plhsion tou calkinou qusiasthriou.

    9:3 Kai h doxa tou Qeou tou Israhl anebh epanwqen twn ceroubeim, epanwqen twn opoiwn hto, eiV to katwflion tou oikou× kai efwnhse proV ton andra ton endedumenon ta lina, ton econta en th osfui autou to kalamarion tou grammatewV×

    9:4 kai eipe KurioV proV auton, Dielqe dia thV polewV, dia thV Ierousalhm, kai kame shmeion epi twn metwpwn twn andrwn, twn stenazontwn kai bowntwn dia panta ta bdelugmata ta ginomena en mesw authV.

    9:5 [] ProV de touV allouV eipen, akouontoV emou, Dielqete katopin autou dia thV polewV kai pataxate× aV mh feisqh o ofqalmoV saV kai mh elehshte×

    9:6 gerontaV, neouV kai parqenouV kai nhpia kai gunaikaV, foneusate mecriV exaleiyewV× eiV panta omwV anqrwpon ef' ou einai to shmeion mh plhsiashte× kai arcisate apo tou agiasthriou mou. Kai hrcisan apo twn andrwn twn presbuterwn twn emprosqen tou oikou.

    9:7 Kai eipe proV autouV, Mianate ton oikon kai gemisate taV aulaV apo traumatiwn× exelqete. Kai exhlqon kai epataxan en th polei.

    9:8 Enw de outoi epatasson autouV, enapoleifqeiV egw epeson epi proswpon mou kai anebohsa kai eipa, Oimoi, Kurie Qee× su exaleifeiV apan to upoloipon tou Israhl, ekcewn thn orghn sou epi thn Ierousalhm;

    9:9 Kai eipe proV eme, H anomia tou oikou Israhl kai Iouda uperemegalunqh sfodra kai h gh einai plhrhV aimatwn× kai poliV plhrhV diafqoraV× dioti legousin, O KurioV egkatelipe thn ghn, kai, O KurioV den blepei.

    9:10 Kai egw loipon den qelei feisqh o ofqalmoV mou kai den qelw elehsei× kata thV kefalhV autwn qelw antapodwsei taV odouV autwn.

    9:11 Kai idou, o anhr o endedumenoV ta lina, o ecwn en th osfui autou to kalamarion, eferen apokrisin, legwn, Ekamon kaqwV prosetaxaV eiV eme.


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