29:1 [] Kai ekinhsen o Iakwb kai uphgen eiV thn ghn twn katoikwn thV anatolhV.
29:2 Kai eide, kai idou, frear en th pediadi kai idou, ekei tria poimnia probatwn anapauomena plhsion autou, dioti ek tou freatoV ekeinon epotizon ta poimnia× liqoV de megaV hto epi to stomion tou freatoV.
29:3 Kai ote sunhgonto ekei panta ta poimnia, apekulion ton liqon apo tou stomiou tou freatoV, kai epotizon ta poimnia× epeita eqeton palin ton liqon epi to stomion tou freatoV eiV ton topon autou.
29:4 Kai eipe proV autouV o Iakwb, Adelfoi, poqen eisqe; Oi de eipon, Ek thV Carran eimeqa.
29:5 Kai eipe proV autouV, Gnwrizete Laban ton uion tou Nacwr; oi de eipon, Gnwrizomen.
29:6 Kai eipe proV autouV, Ugiainei; Oi de eipon, Ugiainei× kai idou, Rachl h qugathr autou ercetai meta twn probatwn.
29:7 Kai eipen, Idou, menei akomh hmera pollh, den einai wra na surqwsi ta kthnh× potisate ta probata kai upagete na boskhshte auta.
29:8 Oi de eipon, Den dunameqa, ewsou sunacqwsi panta ta poimnia, kai na apokuliswsi ton liqon apo tou stomiou tou freatoV× tote potizomen ta probata.
29:9 [] Kai enw akomh elalei proV autouV, hlqen h Rachl meta twn probatwn tou patroV authV× dioti auth eboske.
29:10 Kai wV eiden o Iakwb thn Rachl, qugatera tou Laban tou adelfou thV mhtroV autou, kai ta probata tou Laban tou adelfou thV mhtroV autou, eplhsiasen o Iakwb kai apekulise ton liqon apo tou stomiou tou freatoV, kai epotise ta probata tou Laban, tou adelfou thV mhtroV autou.
29:11 Kai efilhsen o Iakwb thn Rachl kai uywsaV thn fwnhn autou eklause.
29:12 Kai aphggeilen o Iakwb proV thn Rachl, oti einai adelfoV tou patroV authV, kai oti einai uioV thV RebekkaV× kai ekeinh dramousa aphggeile touto eiV ton patera authV.
29:13 Kai wV hkousen o Laban to onoma tou Iakwb tou uiou thV adelfhV autou, edramen eiV sunanthsin autou× kai enagkalisqeiV auton, efilhsen auton kai eferen auton eiV thn oikian autou× kai dihghqh o Iakwb proV ton Laban panta ta genomena.
29:14 Kai eipe proV auton o Laban, Bebaia ostoun mou kai sarx mou eisai. Kai katwkhse met' autou ena mhna.
29:15 [] Kai eipen o Laban proV ton Iakwb, Epeidh eisai adelfoV mou, dia touto qeleiV me douleuei dwrean; eipe moi, tiV qelei eisqai o misqoV sou;
29:16 Eice de Laban duo qugateraV× to onoma thV presbuteraV, Leia, kai to onoma thV mikroteraV Rachl.
29:17 Kai thV men LeiaV oi ofqalmoi hsan asqeneiV× h de Rachl hto eueidhV kai wraia thn oyin.
29:18 Kai hgaphsen o Iakwb thn Rachl× kai eipe, Qelw se douleuei epta eth dia thn Rachl, thn qugatera sou thn mikroteran.
29:19 Kai eipen o Laban, Kalhtera na dwsw authn eiV se, para na dwsw authn eiV allon andra× katoikhson met' emou.
29:20 Kai edouleusen o Iakwb dia thn Rachl epta eth× kai efainonto eiV auton wV hmerai oligai, dia thn proV authn agaphn autou.
29:21 Kai eipen o Iakwb proV ton Laban, DoV moi thn gunaika mou, dioti eplhrwqhsan ai hmerai mou, dia na eiselqw proV authn.
29:22 Kai sunhgagen o Laban pantaV touV anqrwpouV tou topou kai ekame sumposion.
29:23 Kai to esperaV, labwn thn Leian thn qugatera autou, eferen authn proV auton× kai eishlqe proV authn.
29:24 Kai edwken o Laban eiV Leian thn qugatera autou, dia qerapainan authV, Zelfan thn qerapainan autou.
29:25 Kai to prwi, idou, auth hto h Leia× kai eipe proV ton Laban, Ti touto to opoion epraxaV eiV eme; den se edouleusa dia thn Rachl; kai dia ti me hpathsaV;
29:26 Kai eipen o Laban, Den ginetai outwV en tw topw hmwn, na didwtai h mikrotera pro thV presbuteraV×
29:27 ekplhrwson thn ebdomada tauthV, kai qelw soi dwsei kai authn, anti thV ergasiaV thn opoian qeleiV kamei eiV eme akomh alla epta eth.
29:28 Kai ekamen o Iakwb outw kai exeplhrwse thn ebdomada authV× kai edwken eiV auton thn Rachl thn qugatera autou eiV gunaika.
29:29 Kai edwken o Laban eiV Rachl thn qugatera autou, dia qerapainan authV, Ballan thn qerapainan autou.
29:30 Kai eishlqen o Iakwb kai proV thn Rachl× kai hgaphse thn Rachl perissoteron para thn Leian× kai edouleusen auton akomh alla epta eth.
29:31 [] Kai idwn o KurioV oti emiseito h Leia, hnoixe thn mhtran authV× h de Rachl hto steira.
29:32 Kai sunelaben h Leia kai egennhsen uion kai ekalese to onoma autou Roubhn× dioti eipen, Eide bebaia o KurioV thn tapeinwsin mou× twra loipon qelei me agaphsei o anhr mou.
29:33 Kai sunelabe palin kai egennhsen uion× kai eipen, Epeidh hkousen o KurioV oti misoumai, dia touto moi edwken akomh kai touton× kai ekalese to onoma autou Sumewn.
29:34 Kai sunelaben akomh kai egennhsen uion× kai eipe, Twra tauthn thn foran o anhr mou qelei enwqh met' emou, dioti egennhsa eiV auton treiV uiouV× dia touto wnomasen auton Leui.
29:35 Kai sunelabe palin kai egennhsen uion× kai eipe, Tauthn thn foran qelw doxologhsei ton Kurion× dia touto ekalese to onoma autou Ioudan× kai epause na genna.