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    8:1 [] Kai enequmhqh o QeoV ton Nwe, kai panta ta zwa, kai panta ta kthnh, ta met' autou en th kibwtw× kai diebibasen o QeoV anemon epi thn ghn, kai ta udata estaqhsan.

    8:2 Kai ekleisqhsan ai phgai thV abussou, kai oi katarraktai tou ouranou, kai ekrathqh o uetoV apo twn ouranwn.

    8:3 Kai esuronto ta udata apo thV ghV kata suneceian× kai wligosteuon ta udata meta taV ekaton penthkonta hmeraV.

    8:4 [] Kai ekaqisen h kibwtoV thn dekathn ebdomhn tou ebdomou mhnoV epi twn orewn Ararat.

    8:5 Ta de udata wligosteuon kata suneceian ewV tou dekatou mhnoV× thn prwthn tou dekatou mhnoV efanhsan ai korufai twn orewn.

    8:6 [] Kai meta tessarakonta hmeraV hnoixen o Nwe thn qurida thV kibwtou, thn opoian eice kamei×

    8:7 kai apesteile ton koraka, ostiV exelqwn uphgaine kai hrceto, ewsou exhranqhsan ta udata apo thV ghV.

    8:8 Kai apesteile thn peristeran katopin autou, dia na idh an epausan ta udata apo proswpou thV ghV×

    8:9 kai mh euriskousa h peristera anapausin twn podwn authV, epestreye proV auton eiV thn kibwton, dioti ta udata hsan epi tou proswpou pashV thV ghV× kai ekteinaV thn ceira autou, epiasen authn kai eishgagen authn proV eauton eiV thn kibwton.

    8:10 Kai anemeinen eti allaV epta hmeraV, kai palin apesteile thn peristeran ek thV kibwtou×

    8:11 kai epestreye proV auton h peristera proV to esperaV, kai idou, hto en tw stomati authV fullon elaiaV, apespasmenon× kai egnwrisen o Nwe oti epausan ta udata apo thV ghV.

    8:12 Kai anemeinen eti allaV epta hmeraV, kai apesteile thn peristeran× kai den epanestreye pleon proV auton.

    8:13 [] Kata de to exakosioston prwton etoV tou Nwe, thn prwthn tou prwtou mhnoV, exelipon ta udata apo thV ghV× kai eshkwsen o Nwe thn steghn thV kibwtou, kai eide, kai idou, exelipe to udwr apo proswpou thV ghV.

    8:14 Kai thn eikosthn ebdomhn hmeran tou deuterou mhnoV exhranqh h gh×

    8:15 [] kai elalhsen o QeoV proV ton Nwe, legwn,

    8:16 Exelqe ek thV kibwtou, su, kai h gunh sou, kai oi uioi sou, kai ai gunaikeV twn uiwn sou meta sou×

    8:17 panta ta zwa ta meta sou, apo pashV sarkoV, kai pthna kai kthnh kai pan erpeton erpon epi thV ghV, exagage meta sou, kai aV poluplasiasqwsin epi thV ghV, kai aV auxhnqwsi kai aV plhqunqwsin epi thV ghV.

    8:18 Kai exhlqen o Nwe, kai oi uioi autou, kai h gunh autou, kai ai gunaikeV twn uiwn autou met' autou×

    8:19 panta ta zwa, panta ta erpeta kai panta ta pthna, pan o, ti kineitai epi thV ghV, kata ta eidh autwn, exhlqon ek thV kibwtou.

    8:20 [] Kai wkodomhsen o Nwe qusiasthrion eiV ton Kurion× kai elaben apo pantoV kthnouV kaqarou, kai apo pantoV pthnou kaqarou, kai proseferen olokautwmata epi tou qusiasthriou.

    8:21 Kai wsfranqh KurioV osmhn euwdiaV× kai eipe KurioV en th kardia autou, Den qelw katarasqh pleon thn ghn ex aitiaV tou anqrwpou× dioti o logismoV thV kardiaV tou anqrwpou einai kakoV ek nhpiothtoV autou× oude qelw pataxei pleon panta ta zwnta, kaqwV ekamon×

    8:22 en osw menei gh, spora kai qerismoV, kai yucoV kai kauma, kai qeroV kai ceimwn, kai hmera kai nux, den qelousi pausei.


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