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    2:1 [] En tw ebdomw mhni, th eikosth prwth tou mhnoV, egeine logoV Kuriou di' Aggaiou tou profhtou, legwn,

    2:2 Lalhson twra proV Zorobabel ton uion tou Salaqihl, ton dioikhthn tou Iouda, kai proV Ihsoun ton uion tou Iwsedek, ton ierea ton megan, kai proV to upoloipon tou laou, legwn,

    2:3 TiV metaxu saV emeinen, ostiV eide ton oikon touton en th prwth autou doxh; kai opoion twra seiV blepete auton; den einai eiV touV ofqalmouV saV wV ouden, sugkrinomenoV proV ekeinon;

    2:4 Plhn endunamou twra, Zorobabel, legei KurioV, kai endunamou, Ihsou, uie tou Iwsedek, o iereuV o megaV, kai endunamou, paV o laoV tou topou, legei KurioV, kai ergazesqe× dioti egw eimai me saV, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn.

    2:5 Kata ton logon thV proV esaV diaqhkhV mou, ote exhlqete ex Aiguptou, to pneuma mou qelei menei metaxu saV× mh fobeisqe.

    2:6 Dioti outw legei o KurioV twn dunamewn× Eti apax met' oligon egw qelw seisei ton ouranon kai thn ghn kai thn qalassan kai thn xhran.

    2:7 Kai qelw seisei panta ta eqnh, kai qelei elqei o eklektoV pantwn twn eqnwn, kai qelw emplhsei ton oikon touton doxhV, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn.

    2:8 Emou einai to argurion kai emou to crusion, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn.

    2:9 H doxa tou escatou toutou oikou qelei eisqai megalhtera thV tou prwtou, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn× kai en tw topw toutw qelw dwsei eirhnhn, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn.

    2:10 [] En th eikosth tetarth tou ennatou mhnoV, en tw deuterw etei tou Dareiou, egeine logoV Kuriou di' Aggaiou tou profhtou, legwn,

    2:11 Outw legei o KurioV twn dunamewn× Erwthson twra touV iereiV peri tou nomou, legwn,

    2:12 Ean labh tiV kreaV agion en tw akrw tou imatiou autou kai dia tou akrou autou eggish arton h mageireuma h oinon h elaion h pan faghton, qelei agiasqh; Kai oi iereiV apekriqhsan kai eipon, Ouci.

    2:13 Kai eipen o AggaioV, Ean akaqartoV apo nekrou swmatoV eggish ti ex autwn, qelei mianqh; Kai oi iereiV apekriqhsan kai eipon, Qelei mianqh.

    2:14 Kai apekriqh o AggaioV kai eipen, OutwV einai o laoV outoV kai outw to eqnoV touto enwpion mou, legei o KurioV, kai outw pan ergon twn ceirwn autwn× kai o, ti prosferousin ekei, einai memiasmenon.

    2:15 Kai twra loipon sullogisqhte× apo thV hmeraV tauthV kai epekeina, prin teqh liqoV epi liqon en tw naw tou Kuriou,

    2:16 prin geinwsi tauta, eporeueto tiV eiV swron eikosi metrwn kai hsan deka× eporeueto eiV ton lhnon dia na exantlhsh penthkonta metra apo tou lhnou, kai hsan eikosi.

    2:17 SaV epataxa me anemofqorian kai me erusibhn kai me calazan en pasi toiV ergoiV twn ceirwn saV× plhn seiV den epestreyate proV eme, legei KurioV.

    2:18 Sullogisqhte twra× apo thV hmeraV tauthV kai epekeina, apo thV eikosthV tetarthV hmeraV tou ennatou mhnoV apo thV hmeraV kaq' hn eqemeliwqh o naoV tou Kuriou, sullogisqhte.

    2:19 Einai o sporoV eti en th apoqhkh; eti kai h ampeloV kai h sukh kai h roidia kai h elaia den ekarpoforhsan× apo thV hmeraV tauthV qelw euloghsei auta.

    2:20 [] Kai egeine palin logoV Kuriou proV ton Aggaion th eikosth tetarth tou mhnoV legwn,

    2:21 Lalhson proV Zorobabel, ton dioikhthn tou Iouda, legwn, Egw seiw ton ouranon kai thn ghn×

    2:22 kai qelw katastreyei ton qronon twn basileiwn kai qelw exoloqreusei to kratoV twn basileiwn twn eqnwn× kai qelw katastreyei amaxaV kai touV anabataV autwn, kai oi ippoi kai oi anabatai autwn qelousi pesei, ekastoV dia thV romfaiaV tou adelfou autou.

    2:23 En th hmera ekeinh, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn, qelw labei se, Zorobabel, ton doulon mou, ton uion tou Salaqihl, legei KurioV, kai qelw se qesei wV sfragida, dioti se exelexa, legei o KurioV twn dunamewn.


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