58:13 [] Ean apostreyhV ton poda sou apo tou sabbatou, apo tou na kamnhV ta qelhmata sou en th agia mou hmera, kai onomazhV to sabbaton trufhn, agian hmeran tou Kuriou, entimon, kai timaV auto, mh akolouqwn taV odouV sou mhde euriskwn en autw to qelhma sou mhde lalwn touV logouV sou,
58:14 tote qeleiV entrufa en Kuriw× kai egw qelw se ippeusei epi touV uyhlouV topouV thV ghV kai se qreyei me thn klhronomian tou patroV sou Iakwb× dioti to stoma ton Kuriou elalhse.