28:1 [] Afou de eperase to sabbaton, peri ta caragmata thV prwthV hmeraV thV ebdomadoV hlqe Maria h Magdalhnh kai h allh Maria, dia na qewrhswsi ton tafon.
28:2 Kai idou egeine seismoV megaV× dioti aggeloV Kuriou katabaV ex ouranou hlqe kai apekulise ton liqon apo thV quraV kai ekaqhto epanw autou.
28:3 Hto de h oyiV autou wV astraph kai to enduma autou leukon wV ciwn.
28:4 Kai apo tou fobou autou etaracqhsan oi fulakeV kai egeinan wV nekroi.
28:5 ApokriqeiV de o aggeloV eipe proV taV gunaikaV× mh fobeisqe seiV× dioti exeurw oti Ihsoun ton estaurwmenon zhteite×
28:6 den einai edw× dioti anesth, kaqwV eipen. Elqete, idete ton topon opou ekeito o KurioV.
28:7 Kai upagete tacewV kai eipate proV touV maqhtaV autou oti anesth ek twn nekrwn, kai idou, upagei proteron umwn eiV thn Galilaian× ekei qelete idei auton× idou, saV eipon.
28:8 Kai exelqousai tacewV apo tou mnhmeiou meta fobou kai caraV megalhV edramon na apaggeilwsi proV touV maqhtaV autou.
28:9 Enw de hrconto na apaggeilwsi proV touV maqhtaV autou, idou, o IhsouV aphnthsen autaV, legwn× Cairete. Kai ekeinai proselqousai epiasan touV podaV autou kai prosekunhsan auton.
28:10 Tote legei proV autaV o IhsouV× Mh fobeisqe× upagete, apaggeilate proV touV adelfouV mou, dia na upagwsin eiV thn Galilaian× kai ekei qelousi me idei.
28:11 [] Enw de autai aphrconto, idou, tineV twn fulakwn elqonteV eiV thn polin aphggeilan proV touV arciereiV panta ta genomena,
28:12 Kai sunacqenteV meta twn presbuterwn kai sumbouleuqenteV edwkan eiV touV stratiwtaV arguria ikana,
28:13 legonteV× Eipate oti oi maqhtai autou elqonteV dia nuktoV ekleisan auton, enw hmeiV ekoimwmeqa.
28:14 Kai ean akousqh touto enwpion tou hgemonoV, hmeiV qelomen peisei auton kai esaV qelomen kamei amerimnouV.
28:15 Ekeinoi de labonteV ta arguria, epraxan wV edidacqhsan. Kai diefhmisqh o logoV outoV para toiV IoudaioiV mecri thV shmeron.
28:16 [] Oi de endeka maqhtai uphgon eiV thn Galilaian, eiV to oroV opou parhggeilen eiV autouV o IhsouV.
28:17 Kai idonteV auton prosekunhsan auton, tineV de edistasan.
28:18 Kai proselqwn o IhsouV, elalhse proV autouV, legwn× Edoqh eiV eme pasa exousia en ouranw kai epi ghV.
28:19 PoreuqenteV loipon maqhteusate panta ta eqnh, baptizonteV autouV eiV to onoma tou PatroV kai tou Uiou kai tou Agiou PneumatoV,
28:20 didaskonteV autouV na fulattwsi panta osa parhggeila eiV esaV× kai idou, egw eimai meq' umwn pasaV taV hmeraV ewV thV sunteleiaV tou aiwnoV. Amhn.