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    12:1 [] Kai elalhsen h Mariam kai o Aarwn enantion tou MwusewV eneka thV AiqiopisshV thn opoian elabe× dioti gunaika Aiqiopissan elabe×

    12:2 kai eipan, MhpwV proV ton Mwushn monon elalhsen o KurioV; den elalhse kai proV emaV; Kai hkouse touto o KurioV.

    12:3 Kai o anqrwpoV o MwushV hto prauV sfodra uper pantaV touV anqrwpouV touV epi thV ghV.

    12:4 [] Kai eipe KurioV pareuquV proV ton Mwushn kai proV ton Aarwn kai proV thn Mariam, Exelqete seiV oi treiV proV thn skhnhn tou marturiou. Kai exhlqon oi treiV.

    12:5 Kai katebh o KurioV en stulw nefelhV kai estaqh eiV thn quran thV skhnhV tou marturiou, kai ekalese ton Aarwn kai thn Mariam× kai exhlqon amfoteroi.

    12:6 Kai eipen, Akousate twra touV logouV mou× Ean hnai metaxu saV profhthV, egw o KurioV di' optasiaV qelw gnwrisqh eiV auton× kaq' upnon qelw lalhsei proV auton×

    12:7 den einai outwV peri tou qerapontoV mou MwusewV× en olw tw oikw mou outoV einai pistoV×

    12:8 stoma proV stoma qelw lalei proV auton kai fanerwV kai ouci di' ainigmatwn, kai to proswpon tou Kuriou qelei blepei× dia ti loipon den efobhqhte na lalhshte enantion tou qerapontoV mou MwusewV;

    12:9 Kai exhfqh h orgh tou Kuriou kat' autwn kai anecwrhse.

    12:10 [] Kai h nefelh apemakrunqh apo thV skhnhV, kai idou, h Mariam egeine lepra wV ciwn× kai eiden o Aarwn thn Mariam kai idou, hto lepra.

    12:11 Kai eipen o Aarwn proV ton Mwushn, Deomai, kurie mou, mh epiqeshV thn amartian ef' hmaV, epeidh epraxamen anohtwV kai epeidh hmarthsamen×

    12:12 aV mh hnai auth wV ektrwma, tou opoiou einai fagwmenon to hmisu thV sarkoV, ote exercetai ek thV mhtraV thV mhtroV autou.

    12:13 Kai ebohsen o MwushV proV ton Kurion, legwn, Deomai, Qee, iatreuson authn.

    12:14 Kai eipe KurioV proV ton Mwushn, Ean o pathr authV monon eptuen eiV to proswpon authV, den hqelen eisqai kathscummenh epta hmeraV; aV apocwrisqh epta hmeraV apo tou stratopedou, kai meta tauta aV epistreyh.

    12:15 Kai apecwrisqh h Mariam apo tou stratopedou epta hmeraV× kai o laoV den eshkwqh ewsou epestreyen h Mariam.

    12:16 Kai meta tauta eshkwqh o laoV apo Ashrwq kai estratopedeusan en th erhmw Faran.


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