71:13 AV aiscunqwsin, aV exaleifqwsin oi ecqroi thV yuchV mou× aV skepasqwsi apo oneidouV kai entrophV oi zhtounteV to kakon mou.
71:14 [] Egw de pantote qelw elpizei, kai qelw prosqetei epi pantaV touV epainouV sou.
71:15 To stoma mou qelei khruttei thn dikaiosunhn sou kai thn swthrian sou olhn thn hmeran× dioti den dunamai na apariqmhsw autaV.
71:16 Qelw peripatei en th dunamei Kuriou tou Qeou× qelw mnhmoneuei thn dikaiosunhn sou, sou monou.
71:17 Qee, su me edidaxaV ek neothtoV mou× kai mecri tou nun ekhrutton ta qaumasia sou.
71:18 Mh me egkataliphV mhde mecri tou ghratoV kai poliaV, Qee, ewsou khruxw ton braciona sou eiV tauthn thn genean, thn dunamin sou eiV pantaV touV metagenesterouV.