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    80:1 [] <> Akroasqhti, o poimainwn ton Israhl, su o odhgwn wV poimnion ton Iwshf× o kaqhmenoV epi twn ceroubeim, emfanisqhti.

    80:2 Emprosqen tou Efraim kai tou Beniamin kai tou Manassh diegeiron thn dunamin sou kai elqe eiV swthrian hmwn.

    80:3 Epistreyon hmaV, Qee, kai epilamyon to proswpon sou, kai qelomen lutrwqh.

    80:4 Kurie Qee twn dunamewn, ewV pote qeleiV orgizesqai kata thV proseuchV tou laou sou;

    80:5 TrefeiV autouV me arton dakruwn kai potizeiV autouV afqonwV me dakrua.

    80:6 EkameV hmaV erida eiV touV geitonaV hmwn× kai oi ecqroi hmwn gelwsi metaxu allhlwn.

    80:7 Epistreyon hmaV, Qee twn dunamewn, kai epilamyon to proswpon sou, kai qelomen lutrwqh.

    80:8 [] Ampelon ex Aiguptou metekomisaV× exediwxaV eqnh kai efuteusaV authn.

    80:9 HtoimasaV topon emprosqen authV kai baqewV errizwsaV authn× kai egemise thn ghn.

    80:10 Eskepasqhsan ta orh upo thV skiaV authV, kai ai anadendradeV authV hsan wV ai uyhlai kedroi.

    80:11 Exeteine ta klhmata authV ewV qalasshV kai touV blastouV authV ewV tou potamou.

    80:12 Dia ti ekrhmnisaV touV fragmouV authV, kai trugwsin authn panteV oi diabainonteV thn odon;

    80:13 Erhmonei authn o agriocoiroV ek tou dasouV, kai to qhrion tou agrou nemetai authn.

    80:14 Epistreyon, deomeqa, Qee twn dunamewn× epibleyon ex ouranou kai ide, kai episkeyai thn ampelon tauthn,

    80:15 kai to futon, to opoion efuteusen h dexia sou kai ton blaston, ton opoion ekrataiwsaV eiV seauton.

    80:16 Ekauqh en puri× ekoph× ecaqhsan apo epitimhsewV tou proswpou sou.

    80:17 AV hnai h ceir sou epi ton andra thV dexiaV sou× epi ton uion tou anqrwpou, ton opoion ekameV dunaton eiV seauton.

    80:18 Kai hmeiV den qelomen ekklinei apo sou× zwopoihson hmaV, kai to onoma sou qelomen epikaleisqai.

    80:19 Epistreyon hmaV, Kurie Qee twn dunamewn× epilamyon to proswpon sou, kai qelomen lutrwqh.


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