|  |
1 Of the duty of servants.
3 Not to have fellowship with newfangled teachers.
6 Godliness is great gain;
10 and love of money the root of all evil.
11 What Timothy is to fly, and what to follow.
17 and whereof to admonish the rich.
20 To keep the purity of true doctrine, and to avoid profane
- servants.
* De 28:48 Isa 47:6; 58:6 Mt 11:9,30 Ac 15:10 1Co 7:21,22 Ga 5:1
- count.
* Ge 16:9; 24:2,12,27,35 *etc:
* 2Ki 5:2,3,13 Mal 1:6 Ac 10:7,22 Eph 6:5-8 Col 3:22-25 Tit 2:9
* 1Pe 2:17-20
- that the.
* 1Ti 5:14 Ge 13:7,8 2Sa 12:14 Ne 9:5 Isa 52:5 Eze 36:20,23 Lu 17:1
* Ro 2:24 1Co 10:32 Tit 2:5,8,10 1Pe 2:12; 3:16
- believing.
* Col 4:1 Phm 10 1:10-16
- let.
* Ge 16:4,5 Nu 16:3 Mt 6:24 2Pe 2:10 Jude 1:8
- because they are brethren.
* 1Ti 5:1 Mt 23:8; 25:40 Ro 8:29 Ga 3:26-29 Col 3:11
- because they are.
* Ga 5:6 Eph 1:1,15 Col 1:2,4; 3:12 2Th 1:3 Phm 5 1:5-7
- faithful. or, believing. partakers.
* Joe 2:28 Ro 11:17 Eph 3:6 Heb 3:1,14 1Pe 5:1
- These.
* 1Ti 4:11 Tit 2:1,15; 3:8
- any.
* 1Ti 1:3,6 Ro 16:17 Ga 1:6,7
- to wholesome.
* 1Ti 1:10 2Ti 1:13; 4:3 Tit 1:9; 2:1,2 *Gr:
* Pr 15:4 Tit 1:9; 3:8
- the words.
* Mt 22:21; 28:20 1Th 4:1,2,8
- the doctrine.
* 1Ti 4:7,8 Tit 1:1; 2:11-14 2Pe 1:3-7
- He.
* 1Ti 1:7; 3:6 Pr 13:7; 25:14; 26:12 Ac 8:9,21-23 Ro 12:16 1Co 3:18
* 1Co 8:1,2 Ga 6:3 Col 2:18 2Th 2:4 2Ti 3:4 2Pe 2:12,18
* Jude 1:10,16 Re 3:17
- proud. or, a fool. doting. or, sick. about.
* 1Ti 1:4 2Ti 2:23
- words.
* Isa 58:4 Ac 15:2 Ro 2:8; 13:13; 14:1 1Co 3:3; 11:16,18 2Co 11:20
* Ga 5:15,20,21,26 Php 1:15; 2:3,14 Tit 3:9 Jas 19 1:19; 2:14-18
* Jas 4:1,2,5,6 1Pe 2:1,2
- Perverse, etc. or, Gallings one of another.
* 1Ti 1:6 1Co 11:16
- men.
* Mt 7:17-20; 12:33 Joh 3:19-21 Eph 4:17-19 2Th 2:8-11 2Ti 3:8
* Tit 1:15,16 Heb 3:12,13 2Jo 1:8-10
- supposing.
* :6; 3:3,8 2Ki 5:20-27 Isa 56:11 Jer 6:13; 8:10 Eze 33:31 Mt 21:13
* Mt 23:14 Ac 8:18-20; 19:24-28 Tit 1:11 2Pe 2:3,15 Jude 1:11
* Re 18:3,13
- from.
* Ro 16:17,18 2Th 3:6 2Ti 3:5
- godliness. See on ch.
* 1Ti 4:8 Ps 37:16; 84:11 Pr 3:13-18; 8:18-21; 15:16; 16:8 Mt 6:32,33
* Lu 12:31,32 Ro 5:3-5; 8:28 2Co 4:17,18; 5:1 Php 1:21 Heb 13:5
- contentment.
* :8 Ex 2:21 Lu 3:14 Php 4:11-13
- we brought.
* Job 1:21 Pr 27:24 Ec 5:15,16
- certain.
* Ps 49:17 Lu 12:20,21; 16:22,23
* Ge 28:20; 48:15 De 2:7; 8:3,4 Pr 27:23-27; 30:8,9 Ec 2:24-26
* Ec 3:12,13 Mt 6:11,25-33 Heb 13:5,6
- they.
* Ge 13:10-13 Nu 22:17-19 Jos 7:11 2Ki 5:20-27 Pr 15:27; 20:21
* Pr 21:6; 22:16; 28:20-22 Isa 5:8 Ho 12:7,8 Am 8:4-6 Zec 11:5
* Mt 13:22; 19:22; 26:15 Jas 5:1-4 2Pe 2:15,16 Jude 1:11
- snare.
* 1Ti 3:7 De 7:25 Ps 11:6 Pr 1:17-19 Lu 21:35 2Ti 2:26
- many.
* Mr 4:19 Eph 4:22 1Jo 2:15-17
- which.
* 1Ti 1:9 Nu 31:8 Jos 7:24-26 Mt 27:3-5 Ac 5:4,5; 8:20 2Pe 2:3
- the love.
* Ge 34:23,24; 38:16 Ex 23:7,8 De 16:19; 23:4,5,18 Jud 17:10,11
* Jud 18:19,20,29-31 2Sa 4:10,11 Pr 1:19 Isa 1:23; 56:11 Jer 5:27
* Jer 5:28 Eze 13:19; 16:33; 22:12 Mic 3:11; 7:3,4 Mal 1:10
* Mt 23:14 Ac 1:16-19 Tit 1:11 Re 18:13
- coveted.
* :21 2Ti 4:10 Jude 1:11 Re 2:14,15
- erred. or, been seduced. and pierced.
* Ge 29:14,26,31 *etc:
* 2Ki 5:27 Ps 32:10 Pr 1:31 2Pe 2:7,8
- But.
* 2Ti 2:22
- O man.
* :20 De 33:1 1Sa 2:27; 9:6 1Ki 13:1,26; 17:18,24; 20:28 2Ki 1:9,13
* 2Ki 5:20; 23:17 1Ch 23:14 2Ch 8:14 Ne 12:24,36 Jer 35:4
* 2Ti 3:17
- flee.
* 1Co 6:18; 10:14 2Ti 2:22
- and.
* 1Ti 5:10 De 16:20 Ps 34:14; 38:20 Isa 51:1 Ro 14:19 1Co 14:1
* 2Ti 2:22 Heb 12:14 1Pe 3:11
- righteousness.
* 1Ti 4:12 Ga 5:22,23 Php 4:8,9 Tit 2:11,12 2Pe 1:5-7
- Fight.
* 1Ti 1:18 Zec 10:5 1Co 9:25,26 2Co 6:7; 10:3-5 Eph 6:10-18 1Th 5:8,9
* 2Ti 4:7
- lay.
* :19 Ps 63:8 Pr 3:18 So 3:4 Php 3:12-14 Heb 3:14; 6:18 1Jo 2:25
* Re 3:3
- whereunto.
* Ro 8:28-30; 9:23,24 Col 3:15 1Th 2:12 2Th 2:14 2Ti 1:9 1Pe 3:9
* 1Pe 5:10
- hast.
* :13 De 26:3,17-19 Isa 44:5 Lu 12:8,9 Ro 10:9,10 Heb 13:23
- give. See on ch.
* 1Ti 5:21
- who quickeneth.
* De 32:39 1Sa 2:6 Joh 5:21,26; 14:25,26; 14:6 Ac 17:25 Re 21:6
* Re 22:1
- who before.
* Mt 27:11 Joh 18:36,37; 19:11 Re 1:5; 3:14
- confession. or, profession.
- keep.
* :20; 4:11-16 1Ch 28:9,10,20 Col 4:17
- without.
* So 4:7 Eph 5:27 Heb 9:14 1Pe 1:19 2Pe 3:14
- unrebukeable.
* Php 2:15 Col 1:22 Jude 1:24
- until.
* 1Co 1:8 Php 1:6,10 1Th 3:13; 5:23 2Th 2:1 2Ti 4:1 Tit 2:13
* Heb 9:28 1Pe 1:7 1Jo 3:2 Re 1:7
- who. See on ch.
* 1Ti 1:11,17 Ps 47:2; 83:18 Jer 10:10; 46:18 Da 2:44-47; 4:34 Mt 6:13
- the King.
* Ezr 7:12 Pr 8:15 Re 17:14; 19:16
- only. See on ch.
* 1Ti 1:17 Ex 3:14 De 32:40 Ps 90:2 Isa 57:15 Joh 8:58 Heb 13:8
* Re 1:8,17,18
- dwelling.
* Ps 104:2 Hab 3:4 1Jo 1:5 Re 1:16,17; 21:3; 22:5
- whom.
* Ex 33:20 Joh 1:18; 6:46; 14:9 Col 1:15
- to whom. See on ch.
* 1Ti 1:17 Ro 16:25-27 Eph 3:21 Php 4:20 Jude 1:25 Re 1:6; 4:11; 7:12
- Charge. See on ver.
* :13; 1:3; 5:21
- rich.
* Ge 13:2 Job 1:1-3 Mt 19:23; 27:57 Lu 19:2,9,10
- that they.
* De 6:10-12; 8:17; 33:15 2Ch 26:16; 32:25,26 Ps 10:3,4; 73:5-9
* Pr 30:9 Jer 2:31 Eze 16:49,50,56 Da 4:30; 5:19-23 Ho 13:6
* Hab 1:15,16 Ro 11:20 Jas 9 1:9,10 Re 18:6,7
- trust.
* Job 31:24,25 Ps 52:7; 62:10 Pr 11:28 Jer 9:23,24 Mr 10:24
* Lu 12:15-21 Eph 5:5
- uncertain riches. Gr. the uncertainty of riches.
* Pr 23:5; 27:24 Ec 5:13,14
- but.
* Ps 62:8; 84:11,12; 118:8,9 Jer 17:7,8
- the living. See on ch.
* 1Ti 3:15; 4:10 1Th 1:9
- who.
* Ps 104:28 Mt 6:32 Ac 14:27; 17:25
- richly.
* Ec 5:18,19 Col 3:16 Tit 3:6 *marg:
- they do.
* 2Ch 24:16 Ps 37:3 Ec 3:12 Lu 6:33-35 Ac 10:38 Ga 6:10
* Heb 13:16 1Pe 3:11 3Jo 1:11
- river.
* 1Ti 5:10 Lu 12:21 Ac 9:36 Tit 2:14; 3:8 Jas 5 2:5
- ready.
* De 15:7-11 Ps 112:9 Pr 11:24,25 Ec 11:1,2,6 Isa 32:8; 58:7
* Lu 6:35; 14:12-14 Ac 2:44,45; 4:34-37; 11:29 Ro 12:8,13 1Co 16:2
* 2Co 8:1,2,9,12; 9:6-15 Php 4:18,19 Heb 13:16 1Jo 3:17
- willing to communicate. or, sociable.
- Laying.
* Ps 17:14 Mt 6:19-21; 10:41,42; 19:21; 25:34-40 Lu 12:33; 16:9
* Lu 18:2,22 Ga 6:8,9
- foundation.
* Pr 10:25 Lu 6:48,49 Ga 5:6 Eph 3:17 2Ti 2:19
- the time.
* Pr 31:25 Lu 16:9,25
- See on ver.
* :12 Php 3:14 1Pe 1:4
- O Timothy.
* :11 2Ti 2:1
- keep.
* :14; 1:11 Ro 3:2 2Th 1:4; 2:15 2Ti 1:13,14; 3:14 Tit 1:9 Re 3:3
- avoiding.
* :4,5; 1:4,6; 4:7 2Ti 3:14-16 Tit 1:4,14; 3:9
- oppositions.
* Ac 17:18,21 Ro 1:22 1Co 1:19-23; 2:6; 3:19 Col 2:8,18
- have.
* :10; 1:6,19 2Ti 2:18 Heb 10:1-29 12:29
- Grace.
* Ro 1:7; 16:20,24 2Ti 4:22 Tit 3:15 Heb 13:25
- Amen.
* Mt 6:13
This Epistle bears the impress of its genuineness and
authenticity, which are corroborated by the most decisive
external evidence; and its Divine inspiration is attested by the
exact accomplishment of the prediction which it contains
respecting the apostasy in the latter days. This prophecy is
similar in the general subject to that in the second Epistle to
the Thessalonians, though it differs in the particular
circumstances; and exactly corresponds with that of the prophet
Daniel on the same subject, (Da. 38 11:38.) This important
prediction might be more correctly rendered, 'Now the Spirit
speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall
apostatize from the faith, giving heed to erroneous spirits, and
doctrines concerning demons, through the hypocrisy of liars,
having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbidding to
marry, and commanding to abstain from meats,' etc. How
applicable these particulars are to the corruptions of the
Church of Rome need scarcely be insisted on. The worship of
saints in that church is essentially the same with the worship
of demons among the heathen; which has been established in the
world by books forged in the name of the Apostles and saints, by
lying legends of their lives, by false miracles ascribed to
their relics, and by fabulous dreams and relations; while
celibacy was enjoined and practised under pretence of chastity,
and abstinence under pretence of devotion. None but the SPIRIT
OF GOD could foresee and foretell these remarkable events.