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  • TSK - 2 TIMOTHY 2


      1  Timothy is exhorted again to constancy and perseverance, and
        to do the duty of a faithful servant of the Lord in
        dividing the word aright, and staying profane and vain
    17  Of Hymenaeus and Philetus.
    19  The foundation of the Lord is sure.
    22  He is taught whereof to beware, and what to follow after,
        and in what manner the servant of the Lord ought to behave
    VERSE 1
    - my.
       * 2Ti 1:2
    - See on
       * 1Ti 1:2,18
    - be.
       * 2Ti 1:7 Jos 1:7 Hag 2:4 1Co 16:13 2Co 12:9,10 Eph 6:10 Php 4:13
       * 2Pe 3:18
    VERSE 2 
     - the things.
       * 2Ti 1:13; 3:10,14
    - among.  or, by.  many.
       * 1Ti 4:14; 6:12
    - the same.  See on ch.
       * 2Ti 1:14 1Ti 1:18; 5:22
    - faithful.
       * Nu 12:7 1Sa 2:35 Ne 7:2 Ps 101:6 Pr 13:17 Jer 23:28 Mt 24:25
       * Lu 12:42; 16:10-12 1Co 4:2 Col 1:7 1Ti 1:12 Heb 2:17; 3:2,3
       * Re 2:10-13
    - who.
       * :24,25 Ezr 7:10,25 Mal 2:7 Mt 13:52 1Ti 3:2-9; 4:6 Tit 1:5-9
    VERSE 3 
     - endure.
       * :10; 1:8; 3:11; 4:5 1Co 13:7 2Co 1:6 Heb 6:15; 10:32; 11:27; 12:2,3
       * Jas 12 1:12
    - a good.
       * 2Co 10:3-5 Eph 6:11-18
    - See on
       * 1Ti 1:18
    VERSE 4 
     - that warreth.
       * De 20:5-7 Lu 9:59-62
    - entangleth.
       * 2Ti 4:10 Lu 8:14 1Co 9:25,26 1Ti 6:9-12 2Pe 2:20
    - that he.
       * 1Co 7:22,23 2Co 5:9 1Th 2:4
    VERSE 5 
     - strive.
       * Lu 13:24 1Co 9:24-27 Php 1:15 Col 1:29 Heb 12:4
    - is he.
       * 2Ti 4:7,8 Heb 2:7,9 Jas 12 1:12 1Pe 5:4 Re 2:10; 3:11; 4:4,10
    VERSE 6 
     - husbandman.
       * Isa 28:24-26 Mt 9:37,38; 20:1; 21:33-41 Lu 10:2 Joh 4:35-38
       * 1Co 3:6-9; 9:7-11
    - that laboreth must be first partaker of the fruits.  or,
      laboring first, must be partaker of the fruits.
       * 1Co 9:23 Heb 10:36
    VERSE 7 
     - Consider.
       * De 4:39; 32:29 Ps 64:9 Pr 24:32 Isa 1:3; 5:12 Lu 9:44 Php 4:8
       * 1Ti 4:15 Heb 3:1; 7:4; 12:3; 13:7
    - and.
       * Ge 41:38,39 Ex 36:1,2 Nu 27:16,17 1Ch 22:12; 29:19 2Ch 1:8-12
       * Ps 119:73,125,144; 143:8,9 Pr 2:3-6 Isa 28:26 Da 1:17 Lu 21:15
       * Lu 24:45 Joh 14:26; 16:13 Ac 7:10 1Co 12:8 Eph 1:17,18 Col 1:9
       * Jas 5 1:5; 3:15,17 1Jo 5:20
    VERSE 8 
     - Remember.
       * Heb 12:2,3
    - Jesus.  See on
       * Mt 1:1 Ac 2:30; 13:23 Ro 1:3,4 Re 5:5
    - raised.  See on
       * Lu 24:46 Ac 2:24 1Co 15:1,4,11-20
    - according.
       * Ro 2:16; 16:25 2Th 2:14 1Ti 1:11; 2:7
    VERSE 9 
     - I suffer.
       * 2Ti 1:8,12,16 Ac 9:16
    - as.
       * Eph 6:20 1Pe 2:12,14; 3:16; 4:15
    - even.
       * Ac 28:31 Eph 6:19,20 Php 1:12-14 2Th 3:1
    - but.
       * Eph 3:1 Php 1:7 Col 4:3,18
    VERSE 10 
     - I endure.  See on ver.
       * :3 Eph 3:13 Col 1:24
    - for.
       * Mt 24:22,24,31 Joh 11:52; 17:9 1Co 9:22 2Co 1:6; 4:15 Col 1:24
    - obtain.
       * Pr 8:35 Joh 17:24 1Th 5:9 1Ti 1:13,14 1Pe 2:10
    - with.
       * Ro 2:7; 9:23 2Co 4:17 Col 1:27 2Th 2:14 1Pe 5:10
    VERSE 11 
     - faithful.
       * 1Ti 1:15; 3:1 Tit 3:8
    - For.
       * Ro 6:5,8 2Co 4:10 Ga 2:19,20 Col 3:3,4
    - we shall.
       * Joh 14:19 2Co 13:4 1Th 4:17; 5:10
    VERSE 12 
     - we suffer.
       * Mt 19:28,29 Ac 14:22 Ro 8:17 Php 1:28 2Th 1:4-8 1Pe 4:13-16
       * Re 1:6,9; 5:10; 20:4,6
    - if we deny.
       * Pr 30:9 Mt 10:33; 26:35,75 Mr 8:38; 10:33 Lu 9:26; 12:9 1Jo 2:22
       * 1Jo 2:23 Jude 1:4 Re 2:13; 3:8
    VERSE 13 
     - yet.
       * Isa 25:1 Mt 24:35 Ro 3:3; 9:6 1Th 5:24 2Th 3:3
    - he cannot.
       * Nu 23:19 Tit 1:2 Heb 6:18
    VERSE 14 
     - put.
       * 2Ti 1:6 2Pe 1:13
    - charging.
       * 2Ti 4:1 Eph 4:17 1Th 4:1 2Th 3:6 1Ti 5:21; 6:13
    - that.
       * :16,23 Ro 14:1 1Ti 1:4,6; 6:4,5 Tit 3:9-11
    - to no.
       * 1Sa 12:21 Jer 2:8,11; 7:8; 16:19; 23:32 Hab 2:18 Mt 16:26 1Ti 4:8
       * Heb 13:9
    - the subverting.
       * Jer 23:36 Ac 13:10; 15:24 Ga 1:7 Tit 3:11
    VERSE 15 
     - Study.
       * Heb 4:11 2Pe 1:10,15; 3:14 *Gr:
    - approved.
       * Ac 2:22 Ro 14:18; 16:10 2Co 5:9; 10:18 Ga 1:10 1Th 2:4
    - a workman.
       * Mt 13:52 2Co 3:6; 6:3,4 1Ti 4:6,12-16
    - rightly.
       * Mt 13:52 Mr 4:33 Lu 12:42 Joh 21:15-17 Ac 20:27 1Co 2:6; 3:1,2
       * 2Co 4:2 1Th 5:14 Heb 5:11-14
    VERSE 16 
     - shun.
       * :14 1Ti 4:7; 6:20 Tit 1:14; 3:9
    - for.
       * 2Ti 3:13 Ezr 10:10 Ho 12:1 1Co 5:6; 15:33 2Th 2:7,8 Tit 1:11
       * Heb 12:15 2Pe 2:2,18 Re 13:3,14
    VERSE 17 
     - their word.
       * Na 3:15 Jas 3 5:3
    - canker.  or, gangrene.  Hymenaeus.
       * 1Ti 1:20
    VERSE 18 
     - concerning.
       * Mt 22:29 1Ti 1:19; 6:10,21 Heb 3:10 Jas 19 5:19
    - that.
       * 1Co 15:12 Col 3:1
    - overthrow.
       * :14 Mt 15:13 Lu 8:13; 22:31,32 Ac 5:39 1Co 11:19 1Jo 2:19
    VERSE 19 
     - the foundation.
       * Pr 10:25 Isa 14:32; 28:16 Mt 7:25 Lu 6:48 1Co 3:10,11 Eph 2:20
       * 1Ti 6:19 Heb 11:10 Re 21:14
    - standeth.
       * Mt 24:24 Mr 13:22 Ro 8:31-35; 9:11 Heb 6:18,19 1Jo 2:19
    - sure.  or, steady.
       * Ps 112:6; 125:1,2
    - having.
       * Hag 2:23 Zec 3:9; 4:7-9 Eph 4:30
    - The Lord.
       * Nu 16:5 Ps 1:6; 37:18,28 Na 1:7 Mt 7:23 Lu 13:27 Joh 10:14
       * Joh 10:27-30; 13:18 Ro 8:28; 11:2 1Co 8:3 Ga 4:9 Re 17:8
    - Let.
       * Nu 6:27 Ps 97:10 Isa 63:19; 65:15 Mt 28:19 Ac 9:14; 11:26; 15:17
       * Ro 15:9,20 1Co 1:2 Eph 3:15 Re 2:13; 3:8; 22:4
    - depart.
       * Job 28:28 Ps 34:14; 37:27 Pr 3:7 Ro 12:9 2Co 7:1 Eph 4:17-22
       * Eph 5:1-11 Col 3:5-8 Tit 2:11-14 1Pe 1:13-19 2Pe 1:4-10; 3:14
       * 1Jo 3:7-10
    VERSE 20 
     - in a.
       * 1Co 3:9,16,17 Eph 2:22 1Ti 3:15 Heb 3:2-6 1Pe 2:5
    - vessels.
       * Ex 27:3 Ezr 1:6; 6:5 La 4:2 Da 5:2 2Co 4:7
    - and some to honor.
       * Ro 9:21-23
    VERSE 21 
     - purge.
       * Ps 119:9 Isa 1:25; 52:11 Jer 15:19 Mal 3:3 1Co 5:7 2Co 7:1
       * 1Pe 1:22 1Jo 3:3
    - a vessel.
       * :20 1Pe 1:7
    - meet.
       * Ac 9:15
    - prepared.
       * 2Ti 3:17 Eph 2:10 Tit 3:1,8,14
    VERSE 22 
     - Flee.
       * Pr 6:5 1Co 6:18; 10:14 1Ti 6:11
    - youthful.
       * Ps 119:9 Ec 11:9,10 1Pe 2:11
    - follow.  See on
       * 1Ti 4:12; 6:11 Heb 12:14 3Jo 1:11
    - charity.  See on
       * 1Co 14:1
    - peace.
       * Ro 14:17,19; 15:5,6 1Co 1:10 Heb 12:14 1Pe 3:11
    - call.
       * 1Ch 29:17,18 Ps 17:1; 66:18,19 Pr 15:8
    - See on
       * Ac 9:14 1Co 1:2 1Ti 2:8
    - out.
       * 1Ti 1:5; 4:12
    VERSE 23 
     - See on ver.
       * :14,16 1Ti 1:4; 4:7; 6:4,5 Tit 3:9
    VERSE 24 
     - the servant.
       * De 34:5 Jos 1:1 2Ch 24:6 Da 6:20 1Ti 6:11 Tit 1:1; 3:2 Jas 1:1
    - must.
       * Mt 12:19 Ac 15:2 2Co 10:4 Php 2:3,14 1Ti 3:3 Tit 1:7
       * Jas 19 1:19,20 Jude 1:3
    - strive.
       * Joh 6:52 Ac 7:26; 23:9 Jas 4:2 *Gr:
    - but.
       * Isa 40:11 2Co 10:1 Ga 5:22 1Th 2:7 Tit 3:2 Jas 17 3:17 1Pe 3:8
    - apt.
       * 1Ti 3:2,3 Tit 1:9
    - patient.  or, forbearing.
       * Eph 4:2 Col 3:13
    VERSE 25 
     - In.
       * Mt 11:29 Ga 6:1 1Ti 6:11 1Pe 3:15
    - instructing.
       * Jer 13:15-17; 26:12-15 Joh 5:34 Ac 22:1-30 *etc:
    - if.
       * Jer 31:18,19,33 Eze 11:19; 36:26,31 Zec 12:10 Ac 5:21; 11:18
       * Jas 17 1:17 1Jo 5:16
    - peradventure.
       * Ac 8:22 1Ti 2:4
    - repentance.
       * 2Ti 3:7 Mt 21:32 Mr 1:3,4,15 Ac 2:38; 20:21 Tit 1:1
    VERSE 26 
     - recover.  Gr. awake.
       * Lu 15:17 1Co 15:34 Eph 5:14
    - out.
       * Ps 124:7 Isa 8:15; 28:13 Ac 26:18 2Co 2:11 Col 1:13 2Th 2:9-12
       * 1Ti 3:7; 6:9,10 Re 12:9; 20:2,3
    - who are.
       * Isa 42:6,7; 49:25,26; 53:12 Mt 12:28,29 Lu 11:21 2Pe 2:18-20
    - taken captive.  Gr. Taken alive.  at.
       * Job 1:12; 2:6 Lu 22:31,32 Joh 13:2,27 Ac 5:3 1Ti 1:20

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