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    4. False lips - To false accusations and calumnies, which give him occasion and encouragement to do mischief.

    7. Excellent speech - Discourse of high and excellent things.

    8. A precious stone - Pleasant and acceptable; and withal dazzles his eyes. Whithersoever - To whomsoever it is presented. But this, as also many of her Proverbs, are to be understood of most men, not of all.

    9. Covereth - That conceals as far as he may, other mens faults.

    11. Rebellion - Against God. Messenger - Or, a cruel angel, the angel of death, the devil, or some bloody men employed by God to avenge his quarrel.

    12. Folly - In the heat of his lust or passion.

    14. Letteth out - By cutting the bank of a river. Leave off - Avoid the occasions, and prevent the beginning of contention.

    16. A price - Opportunities and abilities of getting it. No heart - Neither discretion to discern the worth of wisdom, nor any sincere desire to get it.

    17. Was born - Was sent into the world for this, that he might comfort and relieve his brother in adversity.

    18. Friend - Debtor, for whom being his friend, he becomes surety.

    20. No good - Shall not get that advantage which he expects.

    22. Doth good - Even to the body; it contributes much to bodily health and vigour. Drieth - Wastes the marrow of the bones, and the moisture and strength of the body.

    24. In the face - His wisdom appears even in his looks. The eyes - Minding most, those things which are remotest from him, and least concern him.

    26. To strike - Nor to smite magistrates, either with the hand or tongue, for the execution of justice.


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