Bad Advertisement? News / Reviews: Are you a Christian? Online Store: | WESLEY'S NOTES -PSALMS 136PREVIOUS CHAPTER - NEXT CHAPTER - HELPPS 136 We must praise God as great and good in himself, ver. 1- 3. As the Creator of the world, ver. 4-9. As Israel's God, ver. 10- 22. As our Redeemer, ver. 23, 24. As God over all, ver. 25, 26. 2. The God of gods - Who is infinitely superior to all that are called gods, whether angels, or princes, or idols. 22. Israel - He speaks of all that people as of one man, because they were united together in one body in the worship of God. 25. Food - To all living creatures. For which God deserves great praises, which the psalmist teaches us to render to God for them, because those who are most concerned, either cannot, or do not perform this duty. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - WESLEY INDEX & SEARCH |