* :1
* :17; 12:1,2; 13:4 Числ 7:1 * :6,18,19; 26:1,7,30; 27:21; 30:36; 35:11; 36:18
* :20,21; 25:10,22; 26:31,33,34; 35:12; 36:35,36; 37:1-9 Лев 16:14 * Числ 4:5 Отк 11:19
* :22,25; 25:23-30; 26:35,36; 37:10-24 * Лев 24:5,6,8 * :24,25 * Исх 25:31-39
* :26,27; 30:1-5; 35:25-28; 37:25-28 Иоан 14:6 Евр 9:24; 10:19-22 * 1Иоан 2:1,2 * :28; 26:36,37
* :29 * Исх 27:1-8; 38:1-7 Еф 1:6,7 Евр 13:10 1Иоан 2:2; 4:9,10
* :30-32 * Исх 30:18-21; 38:8 Пс 26:6 Зах 13:1 Тит 3:5 Евр 10:22 1Иоан 1:7 * Отк 1:5,6
* :33 * Исх 27:9-19; 38:9-20 Мат 16:18 1Кор 12:28 Еф 4:11,12
* Исх 30:23-33; 37:29; 39:39 Лев 8:10 Числ 7:1 Пс 45:7 Ис 11:2; 61:1 * Мат 3:16 Иоан 3:34 2Кор 1:4,22 1Иоан 2:20
* Исх 29:36,37 Лев 8:11 Ис 11:2; 61:1 Иоан 3:34; 17:19 * Лук 1:35 1Кор 1:30 2Кор 5:21 Евр 7:26
* Исх 29:1-35 Лев 8:1-13; 9:1-24 Ис 11:1-5; 61:1-3 Мат 3:16 Лук 1:35 * Иоан 3:34 Рим 8:3 Гал 4:4
* Исх 28:41 Ис 61:1 Иоан 3:34; 17:19 Евр 10:10,29 1Иоан 2:20,27
* Ис 44:3-5; 61:10 Иоан 1:16 Рим 8:30; 13:14 1Кор 1:9,30
* Исх 12:14; 30:31,33 Числ 25:13 Пс 110:4 Евр 5:1-14; 7:3,7,17-24 * Евр 8:1-39 10:39
* :17-32; 23:21,22; 39:42,43 Втор 4:1; 12:32 Ис 8:20 Мат 28:20 * 1Кор 4:2
* :1,2 Числ 7:1; 9:1
* :2; 26:15-30; 36:20-34 Лев 26:11 Иез 37:27,28 Иоан 1:14 Гал 4:4 * 1Пет 1:5 Отк 21:3 * Ис 33:24 Мат 16:18 1Тим 3:15
* Исх 26:1-14; 36:8-19
* Исх 16:34; 25:16-21; 31:18 Пс 40:8 Мат 3:15 * :3; 37:6-9 Рим 3:25; 10:4 Евр 4:16; 10:19-21 1Иоан 2:2
* :3; 26:33; 35:12 * Евр 10:19,20
* Иоан 6:53-57 Еф 3:8 * :24; 26:35
* :4; 25:30 Мат 12:4 Евр 9:2
* Исх 25:31-35; 37:17-24 Пс 105 119:105 Иоан 1:1,5,9; 8:12 Отк 1:20; 2:5
* :4; 25:37 Отк 4:5
* :5; 30:1-10 Мат 23:19 Иоан 11:42; 17:1-26 Евр 7:25; 10:1 1Иоан 2:1
* Исх 30:7
* :5; 26:36,37; 38:9-19 Иоан 14:6; 10:9 Еф 2:18 Евр 10:19,20
* :6; 27:1-8; 38:1-7 Мат 23:19 Рим 3:24-26 Евр 9:12; 13:5,6,10 * Исх 29:38-46
* :7; 30:18-21; 38:8 Иез 36:25 Евр 10:22
* Пс 26:6; 51:6,7 Иоан 13:10 1Иоан 1:7,9
* :19; 30:19,20 Пс 73:19
* :8; 27:9-16 Числ 1:50 Мат 16:8 1Кор 12:12,28 Еф 4:11-13 Евр 9:6,7 * Иоан 10:9; 14:6 Еф 2:18 Евр 4:14-16 * Исх 39:32 1Ki 6:9 Зах 4:9 Иоан 4:34; 17:4 2Тим 4:7 Евр 3:2-5
* Исх 13:21,22; 14:19,20,24; 25:8,21,22; 29:43; 33:9 Лев 16:2 * Числ 9:15-23 1Ki 8:10,11 2Пар 5:13; 7:2 Пс 18:10-12 Ис 4:5,6 * Ис 6:4 Иез 43:4-7 Агг 2:7,9 Отк 15:8; 21:3,23,24
* Лев 16:2 1Ki 8:11 2Пар 5:14; 7:2 Ис 6:4 Отк 15:8
* Исх 13:21,22 Числ 10:11-13,33-36; 19:17-22 Неем 9:19 Пс 78:14; 105:39 * 1Кор 10:1 2Кор 5:19,20
* Числ 9:19-22 Пс 31:15
* Исх 13:21 Числ 9:15 * Пс 78:14; 105:39 Ис 4:5,6 CONCLUDING REMARKS. Moses was undoubtedly the author of this Book, which forms a continuation of the preceding, and was evidently written after the promulgation of the law: it embraces the history of about 145 years. Moses, having in the Book of Genesis described the creation of the world, the origin of nations, and the peopling of the earth, details in the Book of Exodus the commencement and nature of the Jewish Church and Polity, which has very properly been termed a Theocracy, ( from [Theos <2316>,] God, and [krateo <2902>,] to rule,) in which Jehovah appears not merely as their Creator and God, but as their King. Hence this and the following books of Moses are not purely historical; but contain not only laws for the regulation of their moral conduct and the rites and ceremonies of their religious worship, but judicial and political laws relating to government and civl life. The stupendous facts connected with these events, may be clearly perceived by consulting the marginal references; and many of the circumstances are confirmed by the testimony of heathen writers. Numenius, a Pythagorean philosopher, mentioned by Eusebius, speaks of the opposition of the magicians, whom he calls Jannes and Jambres, to the miracles of Moses. Though the names of these magicians are not preserved in the Sacred Text, yet tradition had preserved them in the Jewish records, from which Paul (2 Ti 8 3:8.) undoubtedly quotes. Add to this that many of the notions of the heathen respecting the appearance of the Deity, and their religious institutions and laws, were borrowed from this book; and many of their fables were nothing more than distorted traditions of those events which are here plainly related by Moses.
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