2 De Resurrecttone Carnts, ch. 24. 3 Cat. 15. 5. 4 Algasiae, Ques. it. 5 De Civitate Dei. i., 20,19. 6 i. 6 Epis. 30. 7 In verbo CHAPTER 1
2 Lex. in loco. 3 In loco. 4 Notes on Matthew 5 Notes on Luke. CHAPTER 2
2 On Isaiah. 3 Com. on Matthew 4 Heb. Lex. in verbo. 5 On Isaiah. 6 In loco. CHAPTER 3
2 Cruden on “weeks,” CHAPTER 4
2 In loco. CHAPTER 5
2 Macaulay — Life of Lord Bacon. 3 Macaulay — Johnson. 4 Macaulay — Pitt. 5 Tusculan Questions. — Happiness. 6 Rousseau, Works, Vol. V. pp. 215-218. CHAPTER 7
2 Magee, I. 200. 3 In loco. 4 In loco. 5 In loco. 6 Chris. i. 132. 7 Chris. i. 541. 8 Notes on Isaiah. 9 Rabbi Joseph Crooll. Scott’s Works, vol. ix. 10 Chris. I. 108. CHAPTER 9
Certainly, all those who consider them at present as in any sense God’s peculiar people, must so understand this covenant. Why are they still a distinct people? Why are they to be converted as a nation? How is it, that so many believe in their literal restoration to Canaan? All these views seem to rest upon some Jewish peculiar. ity in the Abrahamic covenant. And if such a feature still exist in that covenant, why is not circumcision still a seal to Israel? The author was apprehensive that he would be almost alone in his opinion. Upon examination, however, he finds himself sustained by several judicious and eminent critics. Grotius and Michaelis, as quoted by Bloomfield, use the following language: “The Jews (i.e. in the days of the Apostles) might adopt circumcision as a national rite; but the Gentiles having no such political reason, could only use it as necessary to justification; which would make void faith and grace, and is therefore strictly forbidden:” (on Galatians 5:2.) Macknight, on the same passage, says: “As the preservation (i.e. after Christ) of Abraham’s posterity as a distinct people from the rest of mankind answered many important purposes in the Divine government, their observance of the rite of circumcision, declared by God himself to be the seal of his covenant with Abraham, was necessary to mark them as his descendants, as long as it was determined that they should be continued a distinct people.” Dr. Doddridge also expresses a similar sentiment.
Abating some of this author’s ecclesiastical technicalities, (such as holy sacrifice, penance, etc.) we may see more of the Presbyterian than of the Palpal organization in these churches. Such small dioceses remind one of parishes; such minute primeval oversight of the flock, strongly resembles the duties of a parish clergyman. Priests who do not preach, but serve as a council for the bishop, are not very unlike the eldership of Presbyterian churches. And the practice of confining the duty of preaching to bishops exclusively, would tend to multiply them so that each congregation might have one. — [Ed, of Presb. Bd. of Pub.
2 Chris. i. 124. CHAPTER 11
2 His. Flor. i. 1. 3 On Proph.568. 4 Sec Appendix, Note B. 5 On Proph. 571. 6 Barrow. 7 P. 155. 8 Theol. c. xxi,v. CHAPTER 13
2 Cyrilli Hieros Catech. 15, c. 6. 3 Observations on Daniel. 4 Gibbon’s Rome. 5 Newton on Proph., Dis. xiv. 6 On Proph. Dis. xxv. 7 Tacitus i. 1. 8 Gibb. xlix. 9 Gib. xlix. 10 Ibidem. 11 See Appendix, Note C. 12 Geneva and Rome. 13 Court of Rome,1. 14 Court of Rome. 15 Rome, ch. xlix. 16 Eccle. An. Anne 606. 17 Middle Ages, xvii. 18 Con. viii. CHAPTER 14
2 Idem. 3 Geneva and Rome. 4 Barrow. 5 Some may suppose that the former pretensions of the occupants of the chair of St. Peter, have been relinquished by his more modern successors. Such, however, is by no means the case. In a letter to his brothers, Counts Gabriel, Joseph, and Gaetano Mastai Feretti, dated Rome, June 16, 1846, the recently elected Pope, Pius IX., uses the following language — “The blessed God, who humbles and exalts, has beep pleased to raise me from insignificance to the most sublime dignity on earth.” It is evident, therefore, that however weak the more modern Popes are in reality, their opinions as to the exalted dignity of their Stations, are perfectly coincident with the views of 6 Gregory VII. or Innocent III. 7 Barrow. 8 Church of Rome compared, p. 29. 9 Supremacy, 17. 10 Le Plat. quoted by Cramp, 341. 11 Letters from Rome. 12 Theol., chap. xl. 13 Theol., ch. xxiv. CHAPTER 15
2 Council of Trent, Sess. iv. 3 Theol., chap. xviii. 4 Decrees of Trent. 5 Moral Theol. 140-142. 6 On 1 Timothy 2:5. 7 De Invocatione. 8 Moral Theol. c. xxxiii. 9 Ib. page 276. 10 De Justificationc. 11 Romans 3:28,
2 Protestant, vol. ii. ch. clix. 3 Vol. i. B. V. Refer. to Diod. Sie. I. see. 11. 4 Parkhurst’s Lexicon in verbo. 5 Idem. 6 Ibidem. 7 Scssio xxv. De Invocatione, etc. 8 Papal Rome as it is, page 136. 9 Ursuline Manual, pp. 350, 351. 10 Ursuline Manual, p. 258. 11 Ib. p. 273. 12 Prot. ii., clix. CHAPTER 17
2 Mor. Theel. on Priinacy. 3 Ibidcm. 4 Voice from Rome, p. 14. 5 Dr. Sturtevant. 6 Court of Rome — Persecutions of Popery. CHAPTER 18
2 See Appendix, Note E. 3 Rev. Joseph Blanco White, 4 Preservative against Popery, p. 5. 5 Reformation in Spain,71. 6 Text-Book of Popery, p. 263. 7 Idem. p. 83. 8 Century xi. Part 2. Section 2. 9 Dens’s Theol. chapter 34, 10 De Sacramentis in genere. 11 Theol. chapter 34, 12 Ibidem. 13 Dens’ Theol. chapter 34. 14 Dens’ Theol. ibidem. 15 Dens, ibidem. 16 Dens, chapter 36. 17 Text Book, 163. 18 Idem. 19 Chapter 38. 20 Dens, chapter 39. 21 Dens, chapter 41. 22 De sacro-sancto eucharistiae Sacramento. 23 Dens’ Theol. 39. 24 Decrees of Trent, ibidem, 25 De sacrificio missae. CHAPTER 19
2 Cent. iv., chapter 3. 3 Mosheim, i. 329. 4 Contra Gaudentium, Ep. i. 5 Century v., chapter 5. 6 Rome, chapter 58. 7 Persecutions of Popery, p. 20. 8 lbidem. 9 Persecutions of Popery, p. 20. 10 Idem. 11 Court of Rome, p. 129. 12 Middle Ages, chapter 1, part 1. 13 Middle Ages, chapter 9, part 2. 14 Ecclesiastical Hist. Cent. 13. 15 Shoberl, p. 60. 16 Middle Ages, ix. 11. 17 Ibidem. 18 Shoberl, p. 60. 19 Ibidem. 20 Shoberl. 21 History of the Reformation, Book xii. 22 History of the Rcformation. 23 Grimshaw. 24 Court of Rome, p. 209. 25 Court of Rome, p. 210. 26 Shoberl. 27 Lorimer’s Protestant Church of France, p. 242. 28 Rome, chapter 16. CHAPTER 20
2 Church Hist., part 2. sect. 2. 3 Century iii. 4 Court of Rome, p. 3. 5 Rome, chapter 37. 6 Con. Cath. Priest, pages 5-7. 7 Middle Ages, chapter 7. 8 Henry II., A.D. 1163. 9 Henry III. 10 Colton’s Four Years, ii. 113. 11 Colton’s Four Years, p. 115. 12 Letters from Rome. CHAPTER 21
2 Epis. Ciera. 3 Epist. to Cor. 4 Page 305. 5 Middlo Ages, chap. vii. 6 Baronius. 7 Daunou, p. 97. 8 Court of Rome, 253. 9 Middle Ages, chapter 7. 10 Rome, xlix. 11 Daunou, p. 13. 12 Court of Rome,24. 13 Hist. France, 31. 14 Court of Rome,47. 15 Court of Rome,4. 16 Peter Damiere. 17 Court of Rome, 77. 18 Hallam. — Under Alexander III., the laity were excluded, and tho consent of the sovereign not required in the election of a Pope. Two thirds of the college of cardinals decided the choice. This is the present mode of electing the Pope. 19 Middle Ages. 20 Court of Rome, 125. 21 Court of Rome, 123. 22 Court of Rome, 130. 23 Court of Rome, 149. 24 Barrow, 19. 25 Ibid. 18. CHAPTER 22
2 See Appendix, Note F. 3 See Appendix, Note G. 4 De sacro-sancto eucharistira Sacramento. 5 Theol. chapter 18. 6 Court of Rome,3. 7 Middle Ages, chapter 7. 8 Cramp. 361. 9 Hist. Eng., chapter 31. 10 Hist. of Eng., chapter 31. 11 Cramp. 365. CHAPTER 23
2 Sessio xxv. 3 Catechism, p. 360. 4 Chapter 33. 5 Letter of Pope Plus VII. to Guesen, Primate of Poland, dated 1816. CHAPTER 24
2 Reformation. 3 Court of Rome, 254. 4 Hist. Flor. p. 33. 5 His. Flor. 35. NOTES
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