From The January, 1823 Issue of The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine
Millbrook, Nov. 18, 1822
My Dear Sir,
Everything that has a tendency to improve Agriculture, and to show the wisdom and bounty of God in "causing the grass to grow for cattle, and corn for the service of man," is in its place, when found in your Magazine. I am glad that what I sent you in September, relative to the tillering of wheat, soon produced another correspondent on the same subject, and now a third, in the enclosed letter from a gentleman of Plymouth, who permits me to make what use of his very sensible communication I please; and I am sure I cannot dispose of it better than by sending it to your Magazine. Many thousands of those whose only business it is to cultivate the ground, to produce food for themselves and others, and who constantly read your work, are glad to see any thing that may induce them, through the medium of their own labor, to climb from earth to heaven, and see His hand, where before they were accustomed to see nothing but a sort of blind result of their own spades and plowshares. Such experiments as those already detailed, show, according to the very instructive and elegant representation of the Prophet, (Hos. ii. 21, 22,) that it is Jehovah who causes the earth to bring forth and bud, so as to minister seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: for "He hears the heavens, -- the heavens hear the earth, -- the earth hears the corn, and the wine, and the oil; -- and these hear Jezreel." They are all furnished, through an amazing concatenation of cause and effect, by Him who is at the top of all causation, for the supply of the wants of his necessitous creatures. -- I am, my dear Sir,
Yours, Truly, Adam Clarke.