From The June, 1823 Issue of The Wesleyan Methodist Magazine
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY, At The City-Road Chapel, on Monday, May 5, [1823]
[Joseph Butterworth was Adam Clarke's brother-in-law. -- DVM]
The Rev. Dr. Adam Clarke, President of the Conference, opened the meeting with prayer, immediately after which the Chair was taken. The chapel was crowded by parsons who, having been admitted by tickets as members of the Institution, appeared to take the most lively interest in the proceedings of the day, of which the following is a sketch... [This sketch is here omitted, except for the following:]
The Rev. Dr. Clarke, in moving thanks to the Treasurers, thought it might be said, that all the speakers, in proposing and seconding resolutions, could not have done better. Some motions dignified the mover; but the one which he held in his hand recommended both itself and him. He wished, however, to call the attention of the meeting to poor Ireland, his native country; where this Society had eleven missionaries, who spoke to the people in their own native tongue, in fields, in the streets, and in market places. They sometimes addressed the people on their horses; and hence they were called "Cavalry Preachers:" from which glorious effects had resulted. He read an interesting letter from a Liverpool merchant, describing the importance of missionary labors, in a mercantile point of view. He observed that the debt of the Society had been considerably reduced: but several persons had given much more than money; they had given their time, their talents, their influence, to this important business: and to them they were most indebted, next to the blessing of God on their labors. After various other observations, he concluded by energetically calling upon the Meeting, while they were careful not to neglect any part of the domestic vineyard, to give a vigorous support to the Foreign Missions...
The Chairman replied to the unanimous vote of thanks to him, by calling on the assembly to sing -
"Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."