PREVIOUS CHAPTER - HELP - GR VIDEOS - GR YOUTUBE - TWITTER - SD1 YOUTUBE ![]() INTRODUCTION 1 Guizot, Hist. de la Revolution d’Angleterre, 1. 278. 2 See a letter from Pell, English minister in Switzerland, to Secretary Thurloe, dated 8 May, 1656, in Dr. Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 402, London, 1839. 3 Saying of Erasmus on Luther. 4 Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches,1. 236; 2d edit., Lond. 1846. 5 One of the Author’s ancestors quitted Nismes a few years after Cromwell’s intervention, and found a refuge at Geneva. CHAPTER - 1 Barnabae Itinerarium, quoted by Carlyle 1. 33. 2 Carlyle’s Cromwell, 1. 39. 3 Letters and Speeches,1. 68. 4 Carlyle’s Cromwell, 116 — In the original this letter is dated, January, 1635, but the reader will bear in mind that the English year in those times did not begin until the 25th of March, which was New-year’s day; this custom obtained in England until 1752. In all cases we give the year according to the new style, to prevent confusion. Thus, the last three months of 1635, old style, will be the first three of 1636, new style. 5 Domi in occulto creverat, et ad summa quaeque tempora fiduciam Deo fretam et ingentem animum tacito pectore aluerat. Defensio Secunda. 106 Hagae, 1654. 6 Religionis cultu purioris et integritate vitae cognitus. Ibid. CHAPTER - 1 Memoirs of Sir Philip Warwick, 247, London, 1701. 2 Prynne’s New Discovery, etc. p. 57. 3 State Trials,3. 748-752. 4 Gaizot, Hist. de la Rev. d’Angleterre; Preface, p. 11. CHAPTER - 1 Les Quatre Stuards, by M. de Chateaubriand. OEuvre completes, 6. 2 Clarendon, Hist. Rebellion, book 10. 3 Letters and Speeches, Carlyle, 1. 158. 4 Gentleman’s Magazine, 1787. Carlyle’s Cromwell, 1. 269. 5 Charitas fraterna seu Christiana est omnium maxima; qua fideles, ut membra Christi, inter se diligunt atque adjuvant. J. Miltonis Doctrina Christiana, edidit R. Sumner, p. 483. 6 Ex . gr . Sir Walter Scott. 7 His own son, Oliver, who had been killed not long before. 8 Ellis, Original Letters, (First Series,) 3. 299. Carlyle, 1. 207. 9 Chateaubriand, Les Quatre Stuards. 10 In se prius imperator, sui victor, de se potissimum triumphare didicrat. Miltoni Defensio Secunda, 106, 107. 11 Rushworth, 6. 85; Carlyle, 1. 248. 12 Cited in Carlyle, 1. 258. 13 Harleian MSS. No. 6988, fol. 224; Carlyle, 1. 277. 14 Sloane MSS. 1519, fol. 79; Carlyle, 1. 324. CHAPTER - 1 Letters and Speeches,1. 289. 2 Neale, History of the Puritans, 2. 440. London, 1837. 3 Carlyle, 1. 296-300. 4 A young “Presbyterian Church in England,” professing the principles of the Free Church of Scotland, at present numbers about eighty congregations; and the good spirit by which it is animated would seem to be a warrant of its progress and duration. 5 Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches,1. 287. 6 M. Guizot seems to have placed too much confidence in Ludlow’s Memoirs. 7 Chateaubriand, Les Quatre Stuards, p. 149. 8 Clarendon, 3. 87, 88. 9 Southey, Life of Cromwell, 58. London, 1846. CHAPTER - 1 Somers’s Tracts, 6. 499-501; cited by Carlyle, 1. 337-340. 2 Commons Journals; 5. 513. Carlyle, 1. 326. 3 Chateaubriand. 4 Exact and impartial Account of the Trial, etc., of twenty-nine Regicides, p. 57. London, 1660. 5 Chateaubriand. 6 Birch, p. 101; Carlyle, 1. 432-435. 7 Birch, 3. 292. Speech 5, Sept. 17, 1656. 8 Speech 13, in Somers’s Tracts, 6. 389, etc. Carlyle, 3. 333. 9 History of Rebellion, book 15, conclusion. 10 Les Quatre Stuards. OEuvres completes, 6. 147. 11 Guizot, Reval. d’Angleterre, 2. p. 180. 12 History of England. 10. Note C. London, 1839. 13 Carlyle, 2. 46. 14 Rebellion, book 6. See also end of book 11. CHAPTER - 1 Guizot, Revol. d’Anglcterre, 1. 202. 2 Sir J. Temple, Irish Rebellion, p. 109. London, 1646. 3 Carlyle, 2. pp. 59, 53. 4 Clarendon book 12. 5 Newspapers, in Parl. Hist., 19. 201. Carlyle, 2. 61. 6 Lingard, Hist. Eng. 10. Note A. Sections 4,6. 7 Newspaper in Cromwelliana, 67. Carlyle, 2. 83. 8 Virtutis etiam omnis et pietatis hortatores. Defensio Secunda 108. 9 Carlyle, 2. 120-139. 10 Memoirs of the Protector, by O. Cromwell, 1. 369. London, 1822, Carlyle 2. 160. 11 Harris, p. 513. Carlyle, 2. 177. 12 Mr. Newman and his friends. 13 In the Paris Journal, Le National . 14 The Hon. and Rev. Baptist Noel, in his Letter to the Bishop of Cashel. 15 Sir Robert Inglis, Speech at the Annual Meeting of the London Hibernian Society, 18th May, 1847. 16 Neale, History of the Puritans, 2. 554. London, 1837. CHAPTER - 1 Letters and Speeches,2. 169. 2 Hetherington, History of the Church of Scotland, 117. Edinburgh, 1843. 3 Newspapers, Parl. H. 19. 331. Carlyle, 2. 191-193. 4 Newspapers in Cromwelliana, p. 87. Carlyle, 2. 217. 5 Carlyle, 2. 209. 6 Russell’s Cromwell, vol. 47 of Constable’s Miscellany, 317. Carlyle, 2. 255. 7 The Cockpit was then and long afterwards a sumptuous royal lodging in Whitehall; Henry the Eighth’s place of cock-fighting. Cromwell’s family removed thither, by vote of the Commons, during the Irish campaign. The present Privy-council office is built on its site. 8 Carlyle, 2. 223. 9 Thurloe, 1. 159. Carlyle, 2. 232. 10 Thurloe 1. 158. Carlyle, 2. 236. 11 Newspaper Cromwelliana, p. 94. Carlyle, 2. 264. 12 De Civitate Dei, 13. 12. 13 Newsp. Cromwelliana, 101. Carlyle, 2. 302. 14 Carlyle, 2. 303. 15 Kimber’s Life of Oliver Cromwell (Lond. 1724), 201. Carlyle, 2. 315. 16 Harris’ Life of Cromwell, 513. Carlyle, 2. 323. 17 Cromwelliana, 113. Carlyle, 2. 339. 18 Hist. Church of Scotland, 120. 19 Memoirs of Colonel Hutchinson, 356. London, 1846. 20 Letter to St. John, 1st September, 1648. Carlyle, 1. 385. CHAPTER - 1 Carlyle, 2,376. 2 Milton, State Papers, 106-114. Carlyle, 2.411, etc. 3 Chateaubriand, Les Quatre Stuards 179. 4 Noble,1.330. Carlyle, 3.11. 5 Harl. MSS. No. 7502, f. 13. Carlyle, 2. 424. 6 Parl. Hist. 20. 318. Carlyle, 3. 23. 7 Parl. Hist. 20. 349. Carlyle, 3. 51, etc. 8 Neale, History of the Puritans, 2. 621. 9 Parl. Hist. 20. 404. Carlyle, 3. 103. 10 Revue Nouvelle, 1846, 399. 11 Bossuet. 12 The refusal of sites , against which some of the chiefs of the present ministry have protested in the Commons. CHAPTER - 1 Baxter’s Life, part 1. 72. 2 Somers’ Tracts, 6. 389. Carlyle, 3. 360. 3 Carlyle, 3. 136. 4 Thurloe, 1. 726. Carlyle, 3. 165. CHAPTER - 1 Parl. Hist. 20. 318. Carlyle, 3. 26, 30. 2 Southey, Book of the Church, 508. London, 1837. 3 Parl. Hist. 20. 349. Carlyle, 3. 68. 4 Derogant ita multum potestati Ecclesiae atque diffident, etc. J. Miltoni de Doctrina Christiana libri duo posthumi , edidit Carolus Ricardus Sumner, p. 371. 5 ·Pecunia Ecclesiae toxicum, veritatis angina, enuntiandi Evangelii merces. . .ejeceris ex Ecclesia nummularios illos, non columbas sed Columbam, Sanctum ipsum Spiritum, cauponantes. Milton, Defensio Secunda, p. 117. 6 Milton’s system has been expounded by M. Albert Rilliet of Geneva, in his articles in the Semeur (Paris) entitled Un Individualiste Oublie , published in the numbers of that distinguished Christian journal of the 18th and 25th of February, and the 18th of March, 1847. 7 Burton’s Diary, 1. 158. Introd. Carlyle, 3. 220-222. 8 Parl. Hist. 23. 161. Carlyle, 3.273, 274. 9 Villemain, Cromwell, 2. 200. 10 Fox’s Journal, 1. 265. Leeds, 1836. 11 Ibid. Carlyle, 3. 149. 12 Burton, 1. 370. Carlyle, 3. 265. 13 Neale, 2. 624. 14 Neale, 2. 651. 15 Book of the Church, 509. 16 Neale, 2. 651. 17 Thurloe, 5. 735. Carlyle, 3. 249. 18 Harl. Miscel. 7. 617. CHAPTER - 1 Lingard, Hist. England, 11. 244. London, 1839. 2 Les Quatre Stuards. 3 Life of Cromwell, p. 77. 4 Cromwell, it seems, did not think the Anglican reform sufficiently complete to deserve that name. 5 Burton’s Diary, 1. 158. Carlyle, 3. 196-203. 6 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 194. 7 Thurloe, 4. 633. Carlyle, 3. 157. 8 Southey’s Life of Cromwell, 81. CHAPTER - 1 Letter to the Prince of Tarente, quoted in Neale, 2. 640. 2 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 21. 3 Leger, Histoire des Vaudois. — Villemain and Victor Hugo have confounded the Vaudois of Piedmont with the inhabitants of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland. 4 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 140. 5 Vaughan’s Proctectorate, 1. 186. 6 Pell to Thurloe; Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 222. 7 Letter to Pell, ibid, 291. 8 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 333. 9 Neale, Hist. Puritans, 2. 654, 655. 10 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 214. 11 Thurloe, 4. 768. Carlyle, 3. 175. 12 Revue Nouvelle, 1846, 403. 13 See the dispatch of M. de Bordeaux, envoy of the King of France, to M. de Brienne, ibid. 14 Burnet, 89, 90. Lond. 1753. 15 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 2, 21. 16 Neale, 2. 668. See also Clarendon’s Rebellion, end of book 15. 17 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 181,182. 18 Ibid. 1. 355. 19 Tota cohors papistica veram molitur conjurationem in nostros, in nos. Omnia prudentur consideranda, penetranda. Deliberandum de modis conservationis mutuae; quia scopum adversariorum Babylonicorum scimus .... . Sit Deus Zabaoth Protector Protectoris et Ecclesiae. Vaughan’s Protectorate, 1. 114. 20 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 2. 258. 21 Burnet, 1. 109. 22 Post tenebras Lux is the motto of Geneva: on its shield is also a sun bearing in its center the name of Jesus, I. H. S. CHAPTER - 1 Neale, 2. 658. 2 Burton’s Diary, 1. 158. Letters and Speeches,3. 238. 3 Speech 6 in Carlyle, 3. 254, etc. 4 Barton’s Diary, 1. 413. Carlyle, 3. 271. 5 Somers’ Tracts, 6. 365. Carlyle, 3. 305-310. 6 Somers’ Tracts, 6. 387. Carlyle, 3. 320. 7 Southey (Life of Cromwell), who in this agrees with Clarendon. CHAPTER - 1 Burton, 2. 351. Carlyle’s Cromwell, 3. 405, 406. 2 Carlyle’s Cromwell, 3. 407. 3 Ibid. 423. 4 Ibid. 424. 5 Carlyle’s Cromwell, 3. 424. 6 Ibid. 426. 7 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 2. 8 Burton, 2. 465. Carlyle’s Cromwell, 3. 427-432. 9 Vaughan’s Protectorate, 2. 442. Parl. Hist. 21. 205. 10 Milton’s Prose Works, p. 815. Lond. 1833. 11 Ayscough MSS. 4107, f. 89; in Carlyle, 3. 446. 12 Fox, Journal, 1. 381, ed. 1656. Carlyle, 3. 452. 13 These details are taken from Carlyle, 3. 450, etc. Maidstone’s Pamphlet. 14 Letters and Speeches 3. 457. Neale, 2. 696. 15 Letter to H. Cromwell in Thurloe State Papers, 7. 372. HISTORY REFORMATION INDEX & SEARCH
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