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| Ignatius, and the brethren who are with him, to John the holy presbyter. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Ignatius, and the brethren who are with
him, to John the holy presbyter.
We are deeply grieved at thy
delay in strengthening us by thy addresses and consolations. If thy
absence be prolonged, it will disappoint many of us. Hasten then to come,
for we believe that it is expedient. There are also many of our women
here, who are desirous to see Mary [the mother] of Jesus, and wish day by
day to run off from us to you, that they may meet with her, and touch
those breasts of hers which nourished the Lord Jesus, and may inquire of
her respecting some rather secret matters. But Salome also, [the daughter
of Anna,] whom thou lovest, who stayed with her five months at Jerusalem,
and some other well-known persons, relate that she is full of all graces
and all virtues, after the manner of a virgin, fruitful in virtue and
grace. And, as they report, she is cheerful in persecutions and
afflictions, free from murmuring in the midst of penury and want,
grateful to those that injure her, and rejoices when exposed to troubles:
she sympathizes with the wretched and the afflicted as sharing in their
afflictions, and is not slow to come to their assistance. Moreover, she
shines forth gloriously as contending in the fight of faith against the
pernicious conflicts of vicious1384
1384 Literally, “of vices.” |
principles or conduct. She is the lady of our new religion and
1385 Some mss. and editions seem with
propriety to omit this word. | and the handmaid among the
faithful of all works of piety. She is indeed devoted to the humble, and
she humbles herself more devotedly than the devoted, and is wonderfully
magnified by all, while at the same time she suffers detraction from the
Scribes and Pharisees. Besides these points, many relate to us numerous
other things regarding her. We do not, however, go so far as to believe
all in every particular; nor do we mention such to thee. But, as we are
informed by those who are worthy of credit, there is in Mary the mother
of Jesus an angelic purity of nature allied with the nature of
humanity.1386 And such reports as these have greatly excited our emotions, and
urge us eagerly to desire a sight of this (if it be lawful so to speak)
heavenly prodigy and most sacred marvel. But do thou in haste comply with
this our desire; and fare thou well. Amen.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH