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| Chapter II.—Claim to Be Treated as Others are When Accused. PREVIOUS SECTION - NEXT SECTION - HELP
Chapter II.—Claim to Be Treated as Others are When Accused.
If, indeed, any one can convict us of a crime, be it
small or great, we do not ask to be excused from punishment, but are
prepared to undergo the sharpest and most merciless inflictions. But if
the accusation relates merely to our name—and it is undeniable, that
up to the present time the stories told about us rest on nothing better
than the common undiscriminating popular talk, nor has any Christian703 been convicted
of crime—it will devolve on you, illustrious and benevolent and
most learned sovereigns, to remove by law this despiteful treatment,
so that, as throughout the world both individuals and cities partake
of your beneficence, we also may feel grateful to you, exulting that we
are no longer the victims of false accusation. For it does not comport
with your justice, that others when charged with crimes should not be
punished till they are convicted, but that in our case the name we
bear should have more force than the evidence adduced on the trial,
when the judges, instead of inquiring whether the person arraigned
have committed any crime, vent their insults on the name, as if that
were itself a crime.704
704 [Tatian,
cap. xxvii., supra, p. 76.] | But no name in and by itself
is reckoned either good or bad; names appear bad or good according as the
actions underlying them are bad or good. You, however, have yourselves
a clear knowledge of this, since you are well instructed in philosophy
and all learning. For this reason, too, those who are brought before
you for trial, though they may be arraigned on the gravest charges,
have no fear, because they know that you will inquire respecting their
previous life, and not be influenced by names if they mean nothing,
nor by the charges contained in the indictments if they should be
false: they accept with equal satisfaction, as regards its fairness,
the sentence whether of condemnation or acquittal. What, therefore,
is conceded as the common right of all, we claim for ourselves, that
we shall not be hated and punished because we are called Christians
(for what has the name705
705 [Tatian,
cap. xxvii., supra, p. 76.] | to do with our being bad
men?), but be tried on any charges which may be brought against us,
and either be released on our disproving them, or punished if convicted
of crime—not for the name (for no Christian is a bad man unless he
falsely profess our doctrines), but for the wrong which has been done. It
is thus that we see the philosophers judged. None of them before trial
is deemed by the judge either good or bad on account of his science or
art, but if found guilty of wickedness he is punished, without thereby
affixing any stigma on philosophy (for he is a bad man for not cultivating
philosophy in a lawful manner, but science is blameless), while if he
refutes the false charges he is acquitted. Let this equal justice, then,
be done to us. Let the life of the accused persons be investigated, but
let the name stand free from all imputation. I must at the outset of my
defence entreat you, illustrious emperors, to listen to me impartially:
not to be carried away by the common irrational talk and prejudge the
case, but to apply your desire of knowledge and love of truth to the
examination of our doctrine also. Thus, while you on your part will not
err through ignorance, we also, by disproving the charges arising out of
the undiscerning rumour of the multitude, shall cease to be assailed.E.C.F. INDEX & SEARCH